"No, no, it's impossible. How long will it take before you can enter a deep sleep by yourself? And only relying on my superficial Sleeping Heart Sutra? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Chen Shui kept shaking his head, he didn't even believe that his Great Sleeping Heart Sutra had such an effect.

Lu Chen said seriously: "Master Chen Shui, don't underestimate yourself, your Great Sleeping Heart Sutra is a classic work on sleeping."


Chen Shui doubted.

Although he still felt that Chase Lu was a bit outrageous, he was very proud of being recognized by such a genius.

Lu Chen said: "It's absolutely true. This book alone put me into a deep sleep, which shows its classics. The only shortcoming is that I don't understand the next few chapters. I can't go into deep sleep again later. It worked."

After hearing this, Chen Shui smiled and said, "The first time I entered deep sleep was the result of adequate preparation, but there was also an element of luck.

If you want to re-enter later, you have to rely on spells.

In the next few chapters, I have the mantra for purifying the heart, mantra for nourishing the heart, formula for sleeping, etc., all of which are based on the experience of my predecessors.

It's normal if you don't understand it, because it's not the words we use, but ancient spells.

In this way, I will teach you how to recite these mantras, and you can try them later.

Not surprisingly, you should be able to enter deep sleep again. "

"Thank you Master Chen Shui!"

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Chen Shui smiled kindly: "My way, if I can have two successors from you, I will die without regret."

As he spoke, he touched Xu Mengyou's little head.

Xu Mengyou's eyes turned red slightly, and said, "Master, don't die."

Chen Shui said with a smile: "Don't worry, at least it can last for hundreds of years."

Lu Chen was surprised: "Master Chen Shui, I don't think you are very old. You should still live for tens of thousands of years. How can you say that you can only last for a few hundred years. Could it be that you were injured? I hurt you before Is it?"

He swept his mental power quickly, but did not find any trace of injury on Chen Shui.

You must know that your mental strength is at the level of breaking illusions.

He couldn't even find out, either Chen Shui was not injured, or the injury was terrible and hidden, and he could not detect it.

Chen Shui said: "It's not a serious injury, it's a trivial matter. It was when I went to the imperial palace to guide Xiong Yusheng to sleep, and was invaded by his ancient formula, which increased the speed of my body's exhaustion. But don't worry, I can live for hundreds of years. "

These words were spoken casually, but everyone could hear the desolation and grief in them.

He is obviously a strong Void Realm Emperor, and he is also an Emperor who has comprehended the Holy Way.

Living for tens of thousands of years is not a problem at all.

What's more, it is still a way to keep in good health like sleeping.

Originally, longevity should not be a concern for Chen Shui at all.

But now, this has become the greatest pain in his life.

And the person who attacked him was Xiong Yusheng.

The emperor of the mighty empire, the most powerful man in the empire, the peerless emperor who stepped into the ninth floor of Wuta No.90!

Facing such a powerful character, even if he was bullied, he could only endure it.

Lu Chen's eyes turned cold, and he said: "Sheng Xiong Yu asked you to guide him to sleep, but he still attacked you. Are you worried that you will tell his secret? But why didn't you kill him?"

Chen Shui said: "He invited me to go, but killed me, how does this make the world think of him?"

Lu Chen nodded, and pondered: "Then, can this ancient formula seal the words of Master Chen Shui? Anyone who dares to reveal half a word of Xiong Yusheng's secret will be punished by the formula?"

Chen Shui sighed: "You are right. This formula uses my flesh and blood as nourishment and seals my words. Sheng Yusheng did not kill me, but let me continue to live. Even if it is only 1000 years, it is also the mercy of the emperor."

Shit mercy.

Lu Chen cursed inwardly.

Although he had also shot at Chen Shui, it was Chen Shui's own initiative to lure him to sleep and make him angry.

But that male Yu Sheng is different.

In order to fall into a deep sleep, he called Chen Shui over.

In the end, in order to avoid revealing the secret, Chen Shui was injected with an ancient formula.

It can be described as unloading the grind and killing the donkey.

How shameless this kind of behavior is.

How can you compare yourself with yourself?

Although Lu Chen despised Xiong Yusheng's shamelessness, he would not be so stupid as to speak his mind.

Even if he understood that what Chen Shui said to himself today was to borrow his sword.

Although he didn't mind Chen Shui borrowing his knife, he wouldn't talk nonsense because of it.

Lest the walls have ears and cause trouble.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't express his opinion, Chen Shui sighed secretly.

But it soon became clear.

After all, he and Lu Chen are not very close.

Although Lu Chen kept saying that he was grateful for the Great Sleeping Heart Sutra, but most likely it was just polite words.

This person is also a selfish person.

If it wasn't for the fact that his sleep path was useful to him, how could he be respectful to himself?

It's a pity that I misjudged him after all.

Chen Shui sighed inwardly.

That being the case, it can only be passed on to you as a fake sleep formula.

Don't blame me for being dishonest.

After all, we are not relatives.

It is beyond my expectation to let you enter a deep sleep and make you gain a lot, and it is my great kindness to you.

If you want the rest, you have to pay at least something.

I don't want to pay anything, I just want to get benefits for nothing.

I, Chen Shui, am not running a charity hall!

Chen Shui didn't know anything about Chen Shui's thoughts.

What's more, he didn't expect to be deceived by Chen Shui with a fake sleep formula because of this inexplicable reason.

You said that you Chen Shui didn't even dare to ask me to avenge you, but asked me to promise.

Isn't this short-sighted?

For this reason, it is better not to teach others than to deceive people with fake sleeping formulas.

In fact, Chen Shui's mood is also understandable, after all, no one runs a charity hall.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But the key problem now is that even if Chen Shui wanted to pay Chen Shui, he didn't have any gifts that he could offer.

Or it can be taken out, too precious and mysterious, no one can tell.

In short, no matter what, Lu Chen had no idea that what Chen Shui taught was a fake sleep formula.

He memorized the sleep formula, bowed to thank him, returned to the other courtyard, and entered the small world.

I can only guarantee that I will thank Chen Shui heavily in the future.

But Chen Shui didn't care about Lu Chen's guarantee.

He is only interested in the death of Xiong Yusheng, no matter how much other rewards are, it is meaningless to him.

On this side, Chase Lu got a fake sleep formula, so naturally he couldn't enter deep sleep again.

A year in the small world was wasted like this.

Lu Chen couldn't find a reason, he could only say that he might not have the opportunity, or that he might not be able to practice.

So for the time being, I don't want to go into deep sleep.

So he began to study the blood-colored agate, and went out from time to time to discuss the assassination method with Chu Zhong.

In addition, Lu Chen also discussed the way of drinking with Zuixianchou, and discussed the way of fusion with Ji Sunying.

These three doors, the way of assassination contains the rules of darkness, which can be regarded as a great way.

The wine path is a side path.

But trails can also be transformed into avenues. For example, wine roads contain water system rules, which can also evolve ice system rules. Among them, the hot wine taste can evolve into fire system rules.

The fusion of wine and fire rules is expected to produce a wonderful reaction.

In other words, as long as Zuixianchou is a little flexible, his strength can be greatly improved.

In the final analysis, the small road is actually a kind of avenue.

For example, the rules of the metal system also contain the rules of killing intent, metal rules, sword qi rules, and sword qi rules.

There is a saying that there is no small way, and it depends on how you understand and adapt.

A wise man who knows everything he knows can turn a small path into a great way.

Even if some stupid people are fortunate enough to comprehend the Dao by chance, they will probably cultivate it into the Xiaodao.

Lu Chen felt that Chu Zhong, Zui Xianchou and Ji Sunying were not stupid.

Shi Yuhong is the only one who is stupid, or has some obsessions that cannot be seen through.

After such a long time, Shi Yuhong still knows everything, but she doesn't listen to advice.

It seems to always have to compete with people.

Lu Chen naturally ignored her.

He was just thinking that when he returned to the sea in the future, he would definitely bring Chu Zhong and the others with him.

The three of them grew up, and their fighting power was definitely not weak.

And the most talented among them, Lu Chen thinks it belongs to Ji Sunying.

Ji Sunying's way of fusion is actually the epitome of the realm of saints.

The domain of saints is to integrate all the rules that one has comprehended.

So as long as Ji Sunying doesn't go astray and concentrates on comprehending the way of fusion, he will be able to comprehend his own realm of saints.

And this person has a good temper.

Lu Chen estimated that this person would be a good helper, because this person is better at communicating than Zui Xianchou who is obsessed with drinking, and is more peaceful than Chu Zhong, who is more murderous.

In the future, Ji Sunying can be the commander of the fǎngong sea area.

Lu Chen thought very well, and passed on his experience to the three of them without cherishing it.

Of course, it was also taught to the three hall masters and Shi Yuhong.

There is only one hope, that they will be able to follow themselves in the future.

Even if you don't follow yourself, you should say good things for yourself.

Time passed in this practice exchange.

During this period, Chase Lu also listened to many lecture courses in the seminary.

Including Bing Xuanji's courses.

Of course, everyone noticed Chase Lu.

This man who caused a big disturbance when he went to the monastery on the first day.

But this guy is really powerful, and he has comprehended many fields.

From what he showed at the beginning, there are several kinds.

Now he went to various places to listen to lectures. If he didn't intend to show off, then he also understood other rules?

It's a little too much.

Everyone paid attention to Lu Chen, and found that apart from metal, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind, thunder, light and darkness, Lu Chen also went to many miscellaneous rule classes.

Is this trying to understand all the rules of the monastery?

In fact, these are all.

The most outrageous thing is that this guy actually went to the lecture hall of time rules and space rules.

Could it be that he has comprehended these two supreme rules?

"It's probably just to listen and learn about these two rules."

Some people commented: "That's right, many people will choose to go to lectures with these two rules. What if they comprehend while listening to the lectures?"

"However, the cost of these two rules is very expensive. One class costs more than 100 billion Xuanjing."

"That is, the person who understands these two rules, which one is not a peerless powerhouse? If someone spends time teaching, the asking price will naturally be high."

"Speaking of which, the Ice Mystery Lectures can study the rules of the ice system to a value of 80 billion profound crystals. That is really profound research."

"That's right, that's why I said that the Ice Mystery Lecture Chair is a rare ice-genius."

"Unfortunately, she was defeated by Lu Chen."

"That's because Chase Lu broke out other rules, cheating! In terms of the ice element alone, he can't even catch up with the Ice Mystery Instructor. Besides, the Ice Mystery Lecture is only at the seventh level of the Void Realm."

"But winning is winning. I'm afraid this will be an unforgettable memory of the Ice Mystery Lecture."

"what are you saying?"

A voice suddenly rang coldly in these people's ears.

They were waiting here for the time to start the lecture, chatting by the way, but they didn't expect someone to interrupt suddenly.

"nothing dealing with you."

One said casually.

Obviously, their small group doesn't like others to blend in at will.

But the other person turned his head and saw the person who spoke, his expression changed immediately, and he quickly bowed to salute: "I have seen Miao's lecture hall."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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