But he, Lu Chen, came at this time, comprehended the domain of saints, and woke this guy up.

This guy probably didn't have the time or ability to wait any longer, so he planned to graft Lu Chen's mental power onto Ling Zhiyun.

After that, Ling Zhiyun's body was captured, and he was completely resurrected and reborn.

"Huh, that's not right."

Lu Chen found that he still hadn't thought clearly.

That is the blood of the witch clan.

If Ling Tian engages in such a troublesome grafting method, but forgets about the blood of the Wu clan, then he is the biggest fool in the world.

However, how can a majestic saint be so confused?

Chase Lu felt that this guy might have some other plans.

Therefore, he used spiritual arrays to disguise his own spiritual world.

"very good."

Ling Tian's holy will touched Lu Chen's disguised spiritual world, and seemed to be very satisfied with Lu Chen's cooperation, and did not doubt him, so he pulled this spiritual world and pressed it into Ling Zhiyun's body.

Ling Zhiyun remained motionless, unable to blink his eyes, and just accepted the invasion of this spiritual world indifferently.

"Cooperate with me."

A voice suddenly sounded, which lifted Ling Zhiyun's spirit.

He never thought that Lu Chen could secretly transmit voices to himself under the will of the saint.

What means is this?

No matter what the method is, Ling Zhiyun knows that there is hope for his escape.

Although he doesn't know what his ancestor Ling Tian wants to do, this ancestor is full of domineering and dangerous.

As soon as I came in, I didn't say anything, and was directly controlled.

Now he is still pinching his own head, making it clear that he wants his own life.

Ling Zhiyun is not stupid enough to be loyal to an ancestor he has never met.

So he was obedient immediately, cooperated with Lu Chen, and let Lu Chen's spiritual world completely cover him.

"very good."

Ling Tian praised again, as if he never thought it would be so smooth.

But he still didn't doubt him.

Because he is a saint!

The current juniors don't even understand their own saint domain, so they will naturally be easily dealt with by themselves.

They don't understand the greatness of the saints at all.

"Void Realm, it can be abolished, let's start training from scratch."

Ling Tian squeezed lightly with his right hand.

Ling Zhiyun spat out blood and howled miserably.

His muscles, bones and meridians were all shattered in an instant.

All the cultivation bases collapsed at this moment, and they were about to die.

"Lu Chen, Lu Chen, what should I do, I am abolished!"

Ling Zhiyun's spirit screamed.

Lu Chen's heart brightened, and he said, "Don't panic, the blood of the Wu clan will be yours soon."

At this moment, Lu Chen was completely enlightened.

Let’s just say what Ling Tian wanted to do with all this trouble, it turned out to be to completely integrate the blood of the Wu Clan.

Combining what he had seen and heard before, Chen Lu felt that he should sort out Ling Tian's plan.

Ten thousand years ago, Ling Tian seemed to be injured, or his life span was up, and he was about to die.

So he laid out the whole plan.

First, let the torture slaves carve statues as the sacred objects entrusted to the realm of saints.

Then he murdered the torture slaves, took the blood of the Wu clan, and sealed it up.

The will of the saint is hidden in the statue, falling into a deep sleep, waiting for someone who will meet a genius to wake him up one day.

It's a pity that none of his descendants inherited his talent for the holy way, and none of them became successful.

It wasn't until Lu Chen came today that he woke up.

After waking up, Ling Tian continued to complete the plan.

It's a pity that something went wrong in one part of the plan, so he had to graft Lu Chen's spiritual power onto Ling Zhiyun.

He not only needs Lu Chen's unparalleled understanding, but also Ling Zhiyun, a descendant of blood, as a medium.

The reason why Ling Zhiyun's cultivation was abolished was to integrate the blood of the witch clan more smoothly.

It can be seen from this that Ling Tian also wanted to seize the blood of the torture slave's Wu clan back then, but unfortunately he didn't have the courage to abolish his own cultivation and start over.

Just before he died, he thought of this wonderful and unparalleled plan.

Not only does it not need to abolish one's own cultivation, but it can also be resurrected and reborn, and it is also possible to obtain unparalleled understanding like Lu Chen.

Do it all!

Ling Tian had to admire himself.


He couldn't help laughing.

Then, I saw the statue collapsed, and a drop of blood rose from it and entered Ling Zhiyun's body.

The blood of the witch clan is just a drop of blood?

Don't underestimate this drop of blood.

This is the condensed blood of Xing Tian's body.

It looks like a drop, but it actually weighs a thousand catties.

If it weren't for Ling Tian's control, it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to mobilize this drop of blood.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Seeming to have seen the completion of the plan, Ling Tian let out a triumphant laugh.

"The earth fell apart, the sky collapsed, and many saints turned into loess, with no place to die. But I, Ling Tian, ​​was resurrected and reborn, blessed with the blood of the witch clan, and I am invincible in the world, hahahaha."

The entire Hall of Saints, including the entire Core Hall, was enveloped by Ling Tian's loud laughter.

Elder Mao Yuan and Shi Daoxiong were terrified.

Is this the power of a saint?

Just laughing out loud makes their hearts agitate.

If the saint roared, all of them would be shocked to death.

On this side, Chase Lu is always ready.

Just when Ling Tian was proud, Lu Chen suddenly shouted.


Supernatural powers and true dragon chant!


The Hall of the Saints shook, and the phantom of the real dragon roared and danced in the hall.


Ling Tian turned pale with shock.

Isn't this kid completely under his control? How can he still make such a powerful voice.

And it happened to be this time.


With a loud shout, Ling Tian threw Lu Chen into the distance.

He is not in the mood to deal with Lu Chen now, all he wants to do is quickly put the will of the saint into Ling Zhiyun's body.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Right now, Ling Zhiyun's body has begun to merge with the blood of the witch clan to regenerate.

This time is the only time I invaded.

If this opportunity is missed, it will be too late for Ling Zhiyun's body to be completely reborn.

But when Ling Tian's holy will projected down, he suddenly found that he was actually trapped in a formation.

And the master of the formation is precisely the kid Lu Chen who sneaked up on him just now.

"Shuzi is so brave!"

Ling Tian nearly spat out a mouthful of blood.

He is a majestic saint, strategizing, but he will be bullied by this young boy.

"Destroy me!"

The will of the saint poured down, and Ling Tian condensed a phantom figure, bursting into anger.

Lu Chen sneered: "The dead should not be rampant!"

Supernatural powers!

Lu Chen slashed out with a sword, cutting off the terrifying murderous intent of the will of the saint.

Originally very will crushing, only one point of coercion was left in an instant.

Ling Tian roared angrily: "Thousands of insects bite!"

He activated the imprint in Lu Chen's body before.

With another sword strike, Lu Chen smashed the previously sealed mark into pieces.

Ling Tian went mad: "I'm too angry!"

He wanted to smash Lu Chen's body into thousands of pieces, but found that his methods were useless.

The will of the saint is locked and controlled by Chase Lu's spiritual formation.

When the statue sent out the blood of the witch clan, it was shattered, and its own entity was shattered, unable to launch a physical attack.

As for the realm of saints, it is of no great use in front of Lu Chen, a guy who also comprehended the realm of saints.

After all, I have been dead for many years.

If it's his peak moment, no, it should be said that if he still has a body that can be used, he will definitely not fall into such a fate.

I still have countless means of saints that I haven't used.

Ling Tian was not reconciled, and with a roar, the will of the saint emitted a terrifying cold light, stabbing at Lu Chen's mental formation.

Lu Chen made a quick tactic, but a gap was still broken by the desperate will of the saint.


Ling Tian laughed loudly, and the moment he got out of trouble, he burrowed into Tianjiao who was lying on the ground.

He is not in the mood to find out which Tianjiao is better now, he just wants to occupy a body as soon as possible and smash Lu Chen into thousands of pieces.

"Stop him!"

Lu Chen yelled, and at the same time quickly threw out the formation flag.

His spiritual power is at least in the realm of the gods, and it is not difficult to capture the will of a wounded saint.

As long as he observed where Ling Tian was going to drill, Lu Chen's formation flag would be thrown there.

The array flag thrown out can not only be used as an array, but can also be used as a sword.

The sword light and sword energy shot out, Ling Tian had to dodge.

"Impossible, how could you be so fast."

Ling Tian screamed in horror.

But only Lu Chen could hear this sound.

Lu Chen sneered: "Don't think that you are the only one who understands the law of time."

"Impossible, even if you understand the law of time, you can't be so fast."

Ling Tian exclaimed in disbelief.

Lu Chen said: "So I also comprehended the law of space."

Ling Tian despaired instantly.

None of his saint domains have integrated the laws of space.

How can I fight this young kid?

"Impossible, impossible, I am resurrected and reborn, how can I die at the hands of a kid like you, who are you?"

Ling Tian asked in pain.

Lu Chen didn't bother to care about him, and when he was fighting against Ling Tian's will of the saint, he arranged the formation by the way.

It went very smoothly, trapping Ling Tian in it.

But he left a gap.

Ling Tian was overjoyed, thinking that Chase Lu had made a mistake, he immediately rushed towards the gap frantically.

Just in time, there was a Tianjiao lying on the gap and he laughed loudly: "Heaven will not kill me, Heaven will not kill me!"

The will of the saint immediately drilled into it.

Ling Tian suddenly froze and let out a whimper.

He found himself unable to move, and his mouth was even torn open.

"What's going on, what's wrong with me?"

Ling Tian was terrified and roared in his heart.

At this time, he saw a human face appearing in front of him.

It was that nasty kid Lu Chen!

"What kind of magic did you use?"

Ling Tian wanted to roar so that he could not make a sound, but he found that his spirit had become very exhausted.

With a swipe of Lu Chen's right hand, an ice mirror condensed in the air.

Ling Tian whimpered in despair when he saw himself in the ice.

The body I entered was actually a fragmented dying body.

In fact, there is no difference between this body and death.

But when I saw it just now, it wasn't like that.

"That's right, I just used Illusion. I learned this from you, Time Illusion."

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Ling Tian's body trembled again and again, as if he couldn't be more angry, and wanted to swallow Lu Chen alive.

Lu Chen said: "Do you know who this body of yours is? This is Ji Xiao, the first day of our core hall.

He persisted for decades, and was finally able to touch your statue, thinking that he could inherit it.

As a result, you conspired to look like this.

Now that you are trapped in his body, it is karma.

I think if Ji Xiao still has perception in spirit, he will bite your spirit into pieces. "

Before he finished speaking, Ling Tian already felt the pain in his mental strength.


He let out a miserable howl, but unfortunately no one could hear it.

Swish swish.

Lu Chen quickly arranged the formation, wrapping himself and Ling Tian in it.

Then, while Ji Xiao was biting Ling Tian with the last remaining consciousness, he also sent his spiritual power into it, and operated the Heart Sutra of Yuling.

Anyway, it is also the will of the saints.

Even if it was the will of the saint who was seriously injured ten thousand years ago, it is also the will of the saint, isn't it?

By absorbing its spiritual power, one's own spiritual power will definitely rise to another level.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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