Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2311 Golden Monkey

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyes involuntarily revealed a terrifying killing intent.

Mao Yuan was taken aback, and quickly called out, "Master Lu Chen?"

Lu Chen came back to his senses, cupped his hands and said, "Sorry, I thought of something."

His eyes immediately returned to clarity.

Mao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Chase Lu could control it at any time, he knew that there should be no major problems with Chase Lu.

Lu Chen asked again: "Does Elder Mao Yuan have a magic weapon?"

Mao Yuan shook his head and smiled wryly: "How can everyone have magic weapons.

It is even more difficult for a person like me with the blood of a monster to study the formula and control the magic weapon.

Unless it is the blood of the real dragon, the blood of the phoenix, the blood of Qingluan, etc., who are born to be blessed by the heavens.

The blood of the ape is much worse. "

Lu Chen said: "I heard that the blood of the ape monkey also has the blood of the golden monkey at the level of the beast. After the blood of the elder Mao Yuan is promoted, it can be greatly improved."

"Difficult, difficult, difficult."

Mao Yuan shook his head and sighed.

How could he not know the blood of the golden monkey.

The golden monkey rose to a great height, and Yuyu clarified Wan Liai.

The thousand-weight cudgel in this poem is the supreme magic weapon of Sun Dasheng, the ancestor of the golden monkey.

If he could get this inheritance, wouldn't his Mao Yuan fly into the sky?

There is no need to waste time in this small place.

It is only because it is difficult to improve the cultivation base and strength that I stay here and spend these boundless years.

Lu Chen said: "I do know where the offshoots of the golden monkey's blood are kept."

"Is this true?"

Mao Yuan's eyes widened sharply, and he shouted excitedly.

Lu Chen said: "The side bloodline I'm talking about is the inheritance of the golden giant ape.

The surname is Ziyun again, but there is only one descendant left, named Ziyun Mingzhu.

The elder Mao Yuan can take away its inheritance and become the true successor of the golden giant ape. "


Mao Yuan's eyes lit up, and he said: "Back then, Sun Dasheng's supreme supernatural power somersaulted the cloud, and the supernatural power transformed into a colorful auspicious cloud.

One of them is Ziyun.

Unexpectedly, it actually spread.

This inheritance is too important, me, what can I do?

It is still necessary to protect Ziyun's descendants, so that the seven clouds will become one in the future, and the demeanor of the first ancestor will be reproduced! "

Lu Chen snorted: "Protect Ziyun's successor? Elder Mao Yuan, the Ziyun pearl has a big enmity with me. If you don't want to seize its inheritance and protect Ziyun's inheritance, then don't blame me for interrupting this inheritance." gone."


Mao Yuan hesitated for a moment, then said: "If it is really impossible, then I can only accept it."

In fact, he was a little happy.

But also a little awkward.

After all, he himself looked down on those who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Now, for Ziyun's inheritance, he wants to kill Ziyun's successor and seize his inheritance.

This is also a bit too much.

"Elder Mao Yuan can accept it, which is a great kindness."

Lu Chen nodded.

He doesn't like Ziyun Pearl's inheritance, because he has the ability to ride clouds, which is no worse than Ziyun Pearl's Ziyun.

On the contrary faster and stronger.

Therefore, if he hadn't met Mao Yuan, what would he care about Ziyun inheritance.

But it's different now, with Mao Yuan here, he can also use Ziyun's inheritance to win Mao Yuan, and let Mao Yuan follow him to attack the sea area.

This can be regarded as the only benefit that Ziyun Mingzhu brought to herself with her life and inheritance.

"Elder Mao Yuan, I have some magical artifacts inherited from Ziyun, you can see if it is suitable, and use it to play with yourself."

Lu Chen took out a ring.

It was the Ziyun brother and sister rings that he took away at the beginning.

Among them, in addition to the ordinary magic weapon, there is a Zijin Ruyi stick, which is quite good.

This is the treasure that Ziyun Minghu used back then.

Mao Yuan picked up the Zijin Ruyi Stick, and his eyes immediately lit up: "This is the imitation of the ancestor's Ruyi Golden Cudgel. In this life, you can see the imitation of this supreme magic weapon. You will have no regrets in this life, no regrets in this life!"

Seeing Mao Yuan like this, Lu Chen shook his head and smiled lightly.

Mao Yuan regards things that he would not even use as garbage, but Mao Yuan regards them as treasures.

In the final analysis, it is not how good the Zijin Ruyi Stick is, but the significance behind it.

Seeing Mao Yuan keeping rubbing the Zijin Ruyi stick that he cherished very much, he completely forgot himself and forgot about Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Elder Mao Yuan. There must be a higher-level imitation on the Ziyun Pearl. Do you want it?"

"I want, I want. If I can see a more advanced imitation, I will die without regret, and I will die without regret!"

Mao Yuan said subconsciously.

Lu Chen was speechless.

You died without regrets just now, and now you have to die without regrets again.

Why do you want to die so much?

"Elder Mao Yuan appreciates slowly, I'm going to visit the inheritance of the holy way."

If Lu Chen doesn't disturb Maoyuan, he will move forward.

Suddenly, Mao Yuan's expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Master Lu Chen, I have something puzzled."

"What?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

Mao Yuan stepped forward and said solemnly: "I am not talented, but in the Xiongwu Empire, I am also a top figure.

With the intelligence network of the Xiongwu Empire, I know everything about what happened in the Xuanwu Continent.

However, he has never heard of the inheritance of Ziyun, nor the name of Ziyun Pearl.

Then look at the magic weapon that Mr. Lu Chen took out, it is not a top magic weapon.

It can be seen that this Ziyun inheritance place is definitely not some powerful mysterious sect.

I am very puzzled, does this Ziyun inheritance place exist in our Xuanwu Continent? "

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Lu Chen laughed and said: "Of course it doesn't exist.

I never said that Ziyun Villa is in the Xuanwu Continent, so you don't have to make insinuations.

To tell you the truth, Elder Mao Yuan, the mainland where Ziyun Villa and I are located is at the other end of the sea. "


Mao Yuan almost jumped up in shock.

How could it be at the other end of the ocean!

"There is the Siren Emperor sitting in the sea area, and there are hundreds of millions of sea monsters in charge. No one has ever passed through the sea area, Mr. Lu Chen, you are kidding"

Mao Yuan shook his head questioningly.

Lu Chen interrupted him, and said sternly: "It's definitely not a joke. To be honest, I came to Xuanwu Continent to improve my strength, break through the sea area, and kill back to our mainland."

"Impossible, impossible"

Mao Yuan was stunned for a while, and couldn't believe this outrageous statement.

Having lived for thousands of years, Mao Yuan thought he had heard countless nonsense.

But today's nonsense still opened his eyes.

It actually said that it came across the sea from another continent.

This statement is too outrageous.

You must know that there were also strong people in their Xuanwu Continent who planned to explore the sea area and seek a breakthrough at a higher level.

As a result, before he went too far, he was eaten alive by some sea monster powerhouses.

That scene made everyone in the Xuanwu Continent understand that if they want to defeat the sea monster, they must be on land.

If they enter the sea area, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Even if a strong emperor enters, he will be killed by ordinary sea-monsters at the seventh or eighth level of the Void Realm.

Moreover, some sea monsters have extremely strong physical recovery ability.

Even if you decapitate someone, they can be reborn with only one claw and one fin.

How can we fight?

Even the Siren Emperor didn't need to make a move, and all the powerhouses in the Xuanwu Continent were killed or injured.

It is impossible to cross the sea area at all.

Elder Mao Yuan was preconceived, and he didn't believe that Chase Lu could cross the sea.

According to his understanding, unless someone can break the shackles of the Void Realm, they will be trapped in the Xuanwu Continent for a lifetime and cannot leave.

Lu Chen didn't intend to explain so much to Elder Mao Yuan, just let him watch it when the time comes.

So Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about this. The elder took me to see the inheritance of the holy way."


Mao Yuan nodded, and led Lu Chen to the core hall.

There are many side halls in the core hall. Although there is no inheritance of the holy way, there are also many inheritances of basic supernatural powers.


Lu Chen suddenly saw a familiar inheritance of basic supernatural powers.

He thought back a little, and remembered that this supernatural power was one of the supernatural powers imprisoned in the pagoda when he first comprehended the Great Buddha Palm.

It's a very common supernatural power, and I didn't pay much attention to it.

I didn't expect to see the inheritance of this supernatural power here.

Mao Yuan noticed Lu Chen's gaze, looked over, and explained: "This supernatural power, although it is a very common little supernatural power, but I can't comprehend it. I don't know why. Huh"

Just as he was speaking, he focused his attention on this inheritance of supernatural powers.

This is a bell, hanging in the air.

In the past, the bell was dusty, and everyone knew that it was impossible to comprehend, and no one took a second look at it.

But today, the dust on the bell has disappeared and it looks brand new.

There was a lot of expression on the bell instantly.

Elder Mao Yuan looked at it for a moment, and said in surprise: "Why is the bell different today? It seems to have woken up. I feel that I can comprehend the magic power in it."

Lu Chen wondered: "There is nothing special about it, why did you say you couldn't comprehend it before?"

Mao Yuan said: "I suspect that this supernatural power has been sealed, but today I can comprehend it again. Is it someone who unlocked the seal?"

As he said that, his eyes narrowed, he looked at Lu Chen, and said, "I remember you mentioned the Big Buddha Palm just now."

"Well. What's the matter?" Lu Chen asked.

Mao Yuan said: "The Palm of the Great Buddha is a sealing supernatural power.

All the supernatural powers that were once defeated by the Dafutu Palm were absorbed and sealed by the Dafutu Palm.

As a result, the former users can no longer use their magical powers.

Mr. Lu Chen, do you know the Great Buddha Palm, where did you see it? "

Mao Yuan suspected that someone had broken the inheritance of the Dafutu Palm, and this magical power of the bell naturally lifted the seal.

When Lu Chen heard Mao Yuan's words, he immediately understood.

He was very puzzled before, although the Dafutu Palm can absorb supernatural powers, how can it stop supernatural powers from killing?

Now he understands that this is a seal.

If the Dafutu Palm could seal all the supernatural powers in the world, then no one in the Xuanwu Continent could use supernatural powers, the lethality would be greatly reduced, and the killings would naturally decrease.

This is the ultimate goal of the Buddha.

But now the pagoda in the palm of the Great Buddha has been destroyed, and all the supernatural powers have escaped.

The magical power of the bell in front of him also ran out, and he could be enlightened again.

This is all my own fault.

"To tell you the truth, Elder Maoyuan, I saw with my own eyes that the palm of the Great Buddha was broken, and I'm afraid that all the seals will be lifted because of this."

Lu Chen said.

Mao Yuan was overjoyed: "Yes, yes, the seal is touched, and the supernatural powers of the Xuanwu Continent will flourish again, and a prosperous age will usher in. Mr. Lu Chen, do you know who broke the palm of the big Buddha, this is the grand master of our Xuanwu Continent." Benefactor."

Lu Chen was speechless.

It can be said that it was the credit of three people who broke the palm of the Great Buddha.

Hui Kong, Buddha and himself.

Three people are indispensable.

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