Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2308 Don't Miss This Opportunity

As he spoke, he looked at Chase Lu.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, shooting out a light visible to the naked eye.

Lu Chen dodged immediately and asked in surprise, "Why is this elder like this?"

The elder who brought Lu Chen was also surprised: "Old Mao, what are you doing!"

Mao Lao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "Now that you enter the core hall, you don't consider your character anymore. This kid kills like hemp, and he has no guilt. You want to recruit him?"

While talking, he has already jumped out of the counter.


The sound of the landing shook the sky and the earth.

I saw that this old Mao was tall and burly, as big as two Chase Lu.

He looked down at Lu Chen, his eyes stared like copper bells, and with the thick hair, he looked like an ancient giant beast, with a terrifying aura.

Faced with this terrifying aura, the leading elder couldn't even say a word and trembled.

It was impossible to explain one or two things, or to intercede with Chase Lu.

Lu Chen stepped back, although he was surprised, but not afraid.

The old monster Huikong himself has fought a battle, what kind of giant humanoid beast is there to be afraid of.

But he had no grievances or enmities with this person, and he didn't want to engage in a pointless fight with him, so he said, "How can you be sure that I'm killing people like hemp?"

"Hmph, there is an evil killing intent in your little eyes, you can deceive others, but not me!"

Mao Lao shouted coldly.

Lu Chen said: "It's just an inherited skill. The killing intent is also inherited. From this, it can be judged that my character is not good, and I'm afraid I can't convince others."

"Shut up, Lu Chen, don't be rude to Mao Lao!"

The elder who led the way finally took a breath at this time, and quickly stopped Chase Lu.

He knew Mao Lao's temper well.

If you admit your mistake on the spot, Mao Lao will show mercy and let you go.

If you have to argue with Mao Lao, then Mao Lao will definitely make you unable to eat.

As the oldest elder of the Lingxiao Palace, Mao Lao is extremely powerful, and has a bad temper and is extremely domineering.

Even if it is the master of the hall, he should respect him three points and not have the slightest argument with him.

You, a new disciple who entered the core hall, dare to argue with him, you are pulling out your beard from the mouth of a tiger, and you are courting death.

The elder who led the way quickly came over, grabbed Lu Chen, and scolded: "Quickly admit your mistake to Mao Lao."

"What's wrong?" Lu Chen said.

The leading elder said anxiously: "Stop talking, apologize quickly."

Lu Chen shook his head: "I'm just explaining, what's offensive, I don't understand."


Mr. Mao laughed loudly: "Get out of the way. Let me teach this wicked boy how to behave."


His momentum swelled loudly, but he didn't rush towards Chase Lu, but towards the elder who led the way.

Obviously the leading elder was standing near Lu Chen's left side, but Lu Chen didn't notice the slightest momentum bombardment, instead the elder flew out backwards.

Moreover, the elder who flew out was not injured, but was just rushed away.

"Excellent control ability."

Lu Chen was surprised.

He is meticulous, and his control ability can be said to have reached a peak.

I didn't expect to see a master with similar control ability as me now.


This old man Mao has extraordinary skills, just for this point, it is enough to see that this person is a peerless powerhouse.


Lu Chen arched his hands, then his figure flashed, and he immediately rushed outside Lingxiao Palace.

what the hell.

Lu Chen cursed inwardly.

For some reason, he was about to fight this lunatic, so he didn't do this kind of unnecessary fight.

And most importantly, his injury has not been repaired.

It would be too bad to be hurt by this lunatic.

So he counted 36, and walking is the best plan.

Don't talk nonsense with this lunatic, lest you waste your energy in vain and get nothing.


Both Mao Lao and the leading elder were taken aback for a moment, never thinking that Lu Chen would run away.

And he escaped so swiftly, without any hesitation.

this kid!

Mao Lao flashed his figure and followed.

But when he came to the entrance of the core hall, he had long since lost sight of Lu Chen.

He roared and shouted: "Boy, rubbish like you is not welcome in the core hall, go as far as you can!"

The sound was like thunder, echoing throughout the Lingxiao Palace.

No matter whether it is the people in the square or the core hall, they all heard this terrible roar.

A disciple in the core hall said in astonishment: "What happened, someone actually angered that ape."

"It's really scary. I'm afraid that kid will never be able to come to the core hall again in this life."

"But who would be so bold?"

"I guess it's a newcomer. It wasn't that there was a special guy named Lu Chen recently, and the three palace masters would personally reward him."

"By the way, it seems to be the reward today. It stands to reason that he should come to our core hall to report."

"That's right, he must have offended that ape when he was collecting the clothes."

"Tsk tsk tsk, interesting. It's the first time I've seen such a newcomer, anyone dares to provoke him. It's a pity that he will never have the chance to meet him in the inheritance of the holy way."

"Young and energetic."

Everyone laughed and talked.

This matter can be regarded as a joke in their boring cultivation days.

But that's about it.

After a while, no one talked anymore.

Everyone continued to observe a tall statue of a man in the center of the hall.

This statue looks ordinary, nothing special.

However, this is the inheritance of the holy way of the Daling Dynasty!

According to the historical records of the Great Ling Dynasty, the name of the figure in this statue is Ling Tian.

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When Mao Lao was yelling, Lu Chen had already left the core hall on the black cloud, and came to the cultivation hall again.

In fact, he was still a little upset.

After all, the aura in the core hall is richer and more advanced than that in the A-word training room, and it doesn't cost Xuanjing.

But he obviously entered the core hall, but he couldn't practice in it.

It's really infuriating.

After he recovers from his injuries, he must make that old monkey surnamed Mao look good!

"Brother Lu Chen."

In the training hall, Fang Yuru and the three saw Lu Chen and immediately bowed their hands in respect.

Mo Zidao also hurried over.

The twelve princes, Ling Zhiyun, Yu Jianfei, Manager Chang, and Yuan Kuohai also walked over together.

Lu Chen said: "Fang Yuru, Xiang Hao, Minglin, it's fate that we all met each other. I want to invite you to assist the Twelve Princes together, is it possible?"

Fang Yuru and the three were taken aback.

Immediately, they looked at each other, and they all cupped their hands together, saying: "We agree to assist the Twelve Princes together."

Ling Zhiyun looked at the three of them in shock.

He never thought that such three famous people would agree to Lu Chen's proposal so easily.

How did Lu Chen do it?

How long has it been, and how many helpers he has brought in for himself.

My current backer is probably several times more than my elder brother and the others.

Even if the eldest brother and the others plan early, and even rack their brains to win people over, I am afraid that his backer is not as good as Fang Yuru's random one of the three.

You must know that the top ten, or even the top thirty people on the Lingxiao list are not lonely.

They all have their own basic family businesses in Ling Xiao City.

For example, that Jin Zhong, who is only No. 40 on the Lingxiao list, has established a Jindizong sect in Lingxiao City, with thousands of disciples.

Fang Yuru is number one on the Lingxiao list, and the industry behind him is stronger and bigger than the Jindizong.

Just the support of this person is enough to make him proud among the prince brothers.

Chase Lu also brought in three people at once.

Not only that, but look at that Mo Zidao, the talented descendants that the Mo family focused on training are also hanging around Lu Chen.

As if afraid of being forgotten by Chase Lu.

Even after Lu Chen invited Fang Yuru and the three of them, he still showed a disappointed expression.

As if he really wanted to support himself too.

Seeing this scene, Ling Zhiyun felt as if he was dreaming, and the world was spinning.

It turns out that this is the strong one.

Turning hands is a cloud, covering hands is rain.

Pity my elder brother and they are still fighting each other, thinking about how to enter the core hall.

As a result, Lu Chen did what they dreamed of so easily.

"Okay, thank you three for your help."

Lu Chen cupped his hands at Fang Yuru and the others, then pulled the three of them to another place, and said, "When did Yu Ziluo become so strong?"

The expressions of Fang Yuru and the three of them changed suddenly, and they were still terrified when they were mentioned sad things by this sentence.

After a while, Fang Yuru said: "Brother Lu Chen killed Yu Ziluo and destroyed his spiritual imprint, saving our lives.

We should try our best to repay the brother.

Speaking of Yu Ziluo, she was indeed an honest person before.

So when the three of us learned about the ruins of the Buddhist Palace, we took him with us.

Unexpectedly, after entering the Buddhist palace, we were scattered.

When he saw Yu Ziluo again, he was so strong that he defeated all three of us.

Brother Lu Chen, this is the route map of the Buddhist palace ruins, and the places I walked in the Buddhist palace are all marked. "

Fang Yuru consciously took out a jade slip.

Xiang Hao and Ming Lin also took out their jade slips.

The jade slips are all road maps drawn by them from their own perspectives.

When the three roadmaps are combined, many routes are outlined and become more complete.

Lu Chen took the jade slip and said, "Thank you three."

"Brother Lu Chen, you are too polite."

Fang Yuru and the three quickly waved their hands.

Lu Chen said: "Okay, I won't delay your healing. I just hope that you will pay attention to the throne of the Twelve Princes in the future."


The three nodded quickly.

They are powerful and look down on the royal family.

But if they can really support Ling Zhiyun to become the king together in the future, the industry behind the three of them will definitely rise.

So it's a win-win.

After all, there is Lu Chen as the backer for the twelve prince Ling Zhiyun.

Even if Ling Zhiyun doesn't want to be king, even if Ling Zhiyun is a baby, he can sit on the throne smoothly.

The three Fang Yuru, who had seen Lu Chen and Yu Ziluo fighting, had no doubts about it.

"Brother Mo."

When Fang Yuru and the three entered the training room to practice, Lu Chen waved to Mo Zidao.

Mo Zidao walked over excitedly and apprehensively, finally he had arrived.

Lu Chen said, "Do your Mo family want to support the Twelve Princes?"

Mo Zidao didn't even think about it, and immediately said: "Of course we support it!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "It doesn't matter what you say, go to your Mo's house to discuss it. Come and tell me after the discussion."

Mo Zidao looked embarrassed and was speechless.

Because he knew what Lu Chen said was right, and he didn't have enough right to speak in the Mo family.

If he had enough power to speak, he could have directly taken Lu Chen to the Beiyuan Mine at that time, which would have become such a trouble now.

It's all because of Mo Liangming.

If Mo Liangming didn't stop him and drive Chen Lu away, their Beiyuan Mine would have returned to Mo's house now!

"I'm going back to Mo's house right now!"

Mo Zidao let out a low drink, and set off immediately.

This time, the Mo family must be obedient, and they must not miss this opportunity again.

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long night fire

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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