"Seriously injured?"

Lu Chen went over and found that it was one of the three people who attacked the cave formation before.

Only then did he hear that there are three other Fang Yuru here.

"who are you?"

Lu Chen asked.

How can that person answer.

They were originally wounded by Hui Kong with the spiritual imprint in their minds, and then half-dead by the magical powers released by Lu Chen.

It's hard to even breathe now.

If it weren't for the high strength and cultivation base itself, I'm afraid he would have died and turned into flying ashes.

Lu Chen saw that he couldn't answer, so he arranged a formation at random, saying: "Heal your wounds well, don't run around."

What he arranged was the trapping array and the guarding array.

The main purpose is to prevent this guy from escaping, and by the way, protect him with a formation.

After all, this guy is considered to be a member of the ruling Beiyuan mine.

If I want to get the Beiyuan Mine, I will definitely need to ask him to hand it over.

And he also has something to ask this person.

Fang Yuru glanced at Lu Chen gratefully.

He had been hearing Lu Chen talk about rings before, and his back was cold.

Because he wears a few rings on his hands.

With Lu Chen's temperament that loves rings like his life, he will definitely take his ring away.

Originally thinking that he would finally escape from Yu Ziluo's clutches, but who would have thought Lu Chen would snatch the ring and silence him.

Fang Yuru felt sore in his heart, and wanted to shed tears.

The result made him overjoyed.

Chase Lu didn't ask for his ring, and he didn't kill himself either.

Nice guy.

Having been bullied by Yu Ziluo for so long, Fang Yuru knew very well the horror of the strong.

And the young man in front of him was able to kill Yu Ziluo, which showed that this young man was even more terrifying.

Who is he?

Claiming to be a disciple of Lingxiao Palace, his name is Lu Chen.

But I have never heard of this name.

Although Fang Yuru was puzzled and shocked, he still focused more on repairing the injury.

The same is true for Lu Chen.

However, before the injury was repaired, Lu Chen arranged the trapping and guarding formations for the other two as quickly as possible.

After all, with the strength of the three of Meng Leshan, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the three of Fang Yuru.

Therefore, the array must be arranged in advance to avoid accidents.

After completing these tasks, Lu Chen quickly drove up the black cloud, came to a high place, and looked down.

Suddenly, he saw a figure kneeling on the ground, his buttocks pouted, trembling.

Lu Chen was slightly taken aback, and then remembered that this was the president of the mutual aid association.

I was afraid that he would run around to pass the news before, so I knocked him out.

Unexpectedly, he had woken up and was still lying here shaking.

It seems that this guy didn't suffer any injuries, and he was in much better condition than Fang Yuru and the other three.

Lu Chen beckoned, and a simple sword qi flew out, hitting the president's ass, and said, "Come here."


The president stood up in horror: "Don't kill me."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Tell me, there's a big battle here, why don't people from the mine come to see it?"

The president said: "Because this is a forbidden area.

Lord Yu Ziluo, no, when that villain Yu Ziluo controlled the Beiyuan Mine, he classified it as a forbidden area.

Anyone who dares to come here will be killed without mercy!

There have been several accidents before, and hundreds of people have come.

Everyone thinks that the law does not blame the public.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of people were all killed, and they were swept to death by a black air current, not even scum was left.

Since then, no one has dared to come.

Even if there was a shocking vibration here, no one dared to come and see what happened. "

"I see."

Lu Chen wanted to thank Huikong from the bottom of his heart.

If it weren't for this guy killing people like mahjong, everyone would be intimidated.

I'm afraid that after this battle, a large number of people in the mine will be attracted.

With his remaining strength, he would probably be torn apart by everyone.

But don't worry about it now.

Just because he was worried about this, Chase Lu flew into the air to check around.

Don't worry now, he waved to the president and said, "Follow me into the cave."


The president was so shocked that he was half dead, why did he drag himself into the cave?

Isn't it sunny outside?

What do you want to do in that dark cave?

The president was so frightened that he wanted to pee out.

In that battle just now, he just saw it for a while, and then he was terrified and wanted to get into the ground.

Now that the initiator of the battle had to accompany him, that would be terrible.

Lu Chen didn't speak any more, but just took a deep look at him.

The president was inexplicably terrified, and followed him blankly, not daring to resist in the slightest.

Come to the entrance of the cave.

Lu Chen said: "Guard the entrance of the cave, and I will credit you."

As he said that, he quickly arranged the formation and used the president as a door god.

That is to say, the formation uses the position of the president as a starting point.

If someone attacks, the president will be drawn by the formation and have to fight the opponent to protect Lu Chen.

Seeing that the president is very obedient and obedient.

Lu Chen also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If this guy is tough or bold, he will definitely attack him.

For the current self, that is a big trouble.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Lu Chen sat down cross-legged, and threw out Xuanjing to arrange the spirit-gathering array and the shielding array.

Then he flashed into the small world, sat next to the time spar, and recovered his strength.

Time passed quickly.

Suddenly I heard someone calling: "Brother Lu Chen, I found the ring."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"it is good!"

Lu Chen was overjoyed and immediately rushed out of the small world.

Grabbing with her right hand, she grabbed the ring on Shan Qingrou's hand into the cave.

But the president still didn't realize it.

"You practice outside by yourself."

Lu Chen asked Shanqing softly, and then entered the small world to heal her wounds.

At the same time, open Huikong's ring.


He really deserves to be an old monster. There are as many as [-] million mysterious crystals alone.

Huh, not right.

These mysterious crystals should not be carried by the old monster itself, but the mysterious crystals produced by Beiyuan Mine.

It's a lucrative business.

Worth the trip.

Without mentioning other things, Xuan Jing has already satisfied Lu Chen.

He continued to examine the ring.

I saw that there were all kinds of treasures inside, as well as various exercise books, jade slips and so on.

Among them, there are the most Buddhist and Taoist classics.

For example, there are several recorded copies of the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures that Huikong used to attack Lu Chen.

There are also the Hinayana Buddhist scriptures, the Secret Vehicle Buddhist scriptures, the Lankavatara Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, and so on.

Chase Lu is not interested in these.

Just as he was about to throw it aside, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw something interesting.

This is a notebook wrapped in leather, the skin is very rough, and there is even a trace of warmth.

Lu Chen held it in his hand and observed it carefully, feeling extremely surprised.

It's live! ?

Vaguely, I saw the letter slightly opening and closing in Lu Chen's hand, as if breathing.

Depend on!It's perfect!

Startled, Lu Chen quickly threw the object out, took a few steps back, and looked at it vigilantly.

Often, things that become refined have given birth to spiritual wisdom, and that thing must have been attached by a spirit body or conceived spiritual wisdom.

There is only one requirement for attachment, that is, the object to be attached must be a living body.

Just like the relationship between Yu Ziluo and the old monster Hui Kong just now, although the two are independent souls, they share the same body.

This kind of situation also exists in Buddhism, which is called reincarnation.

When some children grow up to be teenagers, they suddenly become proficient in various Buddhist scriptures, as if they have changed into a different person, that is reincarnation.

To breed wisdom, more conditions are needed, and not everything can breed wisdom.

Some are man-made conditions, materials, time, and luck are all necessary.

However, the natural growth of wisdom requires not only harsh conditions, but once such a thing is produced, it is often a terrible thing.

Known as the spirit of heaven and earth, it is a kind of treasure, but it is also a disaster.

This kind of thing is blessed by nature. Although it is not as intelligent as ordinary people at birth, it has very terrifying power.

Because of the lack of spiritual intelligence, she only learned the law of the jungle when she was born, and the jungle preyed on the weak.

He was born bloodthirsty, and would be slaughtered by it within a radius of a hundred miles.

Lu Chen once read a certain secret history, and there was such a case in ancient times.

That day, the spirit of the earth was born in the deep mountains and old forests, a land of no man's land, and few people stepped into it.

One day, it suddenly broke out of its shell and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, an eagle skipped by, and its sharp claws tore apart a baby rabbit that was waiting to be fed.

A pure creature, having learned its first lesson in life, has been out of control ever since.

Kill all the creatures in the surrounding area.Until one day, the lonely it finally walked out of the mountains.

It came to the realm of human beings, and it was deeply puzzled to see that the human race was full of traffic, prosperous and harmonious.It thinks that human beings are wrong, and it wants to correct their thinking.

Therefore, it carried out the massacre without hesitation.

The entire city was destroyed, like a catastrophe.

It's a pity that it was a fragmented book, and the story ended here, and Lu Chen didn't know how the human race dealt with the creature.

Only one thing is certain, the human being must have defeated the creature, otherwise there would be no Chase Lu.

It is precisely because Lu Chen knows these things that he feels like facing a big enemy.

I am very afraid of that handbook.

This shouldn't be the legendary spirit of heaven and earth, otherwise it should have attacked me just now.

Not to mention that I directly threw him on the ground. If it is really the spirit of heaven and earth, then the temper of this spirit of heaven and earth is simply not too good.

After making up his mind, Lu Chen put on the defensive hat, armor and defensive jade beads very carefully.

Then he quietly walked to the side of the letter, made sure that he was all right, and took it in his hand again.

It's still hot.

Not particularly hot, about the same temperature as the human body.

Turning to the first page of the book, Chase Lu only knew a little about the very old characters.

From the physical point of view, it is a word "I".

stick to me?No, it’s the other way around, it’s the ego.

Another word is the self.

What's the meaning?Lu Chen was puzzled, and flipped through it casually. The text inside was ancient and obscure, and he couldn't understand it at all.

Forget it, I will think about it later when I have time.

He put all these books in his own small world.

He rummaged through and found some elixir, and after identifying the elixir that could restore mental power, he swallowed it immediately.

At the same time, tens of millions of profound crystals were thrown out to arrange the spirit gathering array.

Anyway, rich and willful.

Before 50 mysterious crystals, Lu Chen felt a bit extravagant when he practiced in the A-word practice room.

Now it's crazy spending.

Anyway, my gourd dantian can grind up all spiritual energy and absorb it extremely fast, so I don't worry about wasting spiritual energy.

What's more, these auras are all in the small world.

Even if it is wasted, it can nourish the small world.

Lu Chen is also very yearning for the secrets in the small world.

If spiritual energy can clear up the fog in the small world, it would be a pleasure.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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