Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2295 The fur of the law of space

It seems to have become a competition in formation.

"Hey, hey, it's impossible."

Yu Ziluo muttered non-stop while setting up the formation.

He couldn't believe it at all.

A young junior, his level of formation is no less than his own, or even stronger.

If it wasn't for his deeper understanding of the formation, I'm afraid he would have been defeated by this young man.

In other words, in the competition of formations, his formation skills have already lost, and the only support is his own experience.

But when the experience is exhausted.

In the formation competition, with this young attainment, I am afraid that he will quickly grasp more experience, so as to make up for the gap in experience.

In other words, after a while, I am afraid that I will lose.

As soon as Yu Ziluo thought of this, she immediately let out a loud roar, stopped forming a formation, and her body was tumbling.


He slaps.

I saw a world surrounded by Buddha's voice born out of thin air, covering Lu Chen's head.

If Lu Chen didn't resist and was shrouded by this world, then he would become a part of this Buddhist kingdom.

Become one of the little novice monks, sitting in meditation and chanting scriptures all day long, enjoying it forever.

In this move, there is a mental attack mixed in.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's mental strength is not low.

He was not influenced by the Buddha's voice in the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, but instead pushed out a palm.


A tall and majestic pagoda came to the world with the light of Buddha, and collided with that Buddha country.


Yu Ziluo was surprised again, with an expression of disbelief.

This kid actually has Buddhist supernatural powers.

What shocked him the most was that the supernatural power in front of him

"But the Great Buddha Palm?"

Yu Ziluo exclaimed.

Lu Chen said, "I have a little eyesight."

Before the words fell, the two supernatural powers had already collided.

I saw that the golden light of the pagoda was like a sea that contained all things, and it wanted to include the Buddha Kingdom.

Yu Ziluo yelled: "You only have one supernatural power left, and you thought you were a disciple of the Buddha! Destroy!"

The last word "kill" seems to have infinite power.

Just hearing it, Lu Chen felt as if his brain had exploded.

If I hadn't experienced many times of thunder disasters and got used to this kind of bombardment, I'm afraid I would faint in an instant.

"So strong."

Lu Chen was amazed.

The old monster is worthy of being an old monster. According to the old monster, he still knows the senior who practiced Dafutu Palm.

"It's still standing."

When the energy of the Dafutu palm and the Buddha Kingdom in the palm dissipated, Yu Ziluo's face darkened, and she glared at Lu Chen fiercely.

Lu Chen said: "Everyone has no grievances or enmities, there is no need to beat them to death, it is better to leave it alone."


Yu Ziluo laughed loudly: "No grievances or enmities? Aren't you here today just for the blood crystals here?"

Lu Chen exclaimed: "You know this, it's really impressive."

As he said that, he backed up abruptly and made a quick tactic, wanting to break through the formation and get out in an instant.

At this time, after all, he is in the formation of others, occupying a passive position.

But if he goes out, he can let go and do it.

But Yu Ziluo is not a vegetarian either.

As an old monster, he has more combat experience than Chase Lu.

With Lu Chen's eyes and small movements, Yu Ziluo can judge Lu Chen's purpose.

Lu Chen had nothing to hide in front of others.

Swish swish.

The two of them struck out together.

The formation is difficult to break, but Lu Chen is not in a hurry.

Because as long as he continues to fight against the formation, he will definitely find a way to break through the formation.

Along the way, he still has the advantage over Yu Ziluo.

Yu Ziluo obviously knew this too, he roared suddenly: "Crush me!"


I saw that the air in front of me seemed to condense into ice crystals.


The ice crystals began to shatter, and Lu Chen's figure reflected on the ice crystals also shattered.

Miraculously, when the ice crystals shattered, Lu Chen also felt as if his body was being torn apart.

It seems that every ice crystal is my own body, and it is connected with my own body, making me feel the same.

"What kind of supernatural powers are these?"

Lu Chen cursed inwardly.

Among the supernatural powers he has seen, this Yu Ziluo's supernatural power is the most terrifying.

This guy can inspire a supernatural power with a single word.

And these supernatural powers are not just simple palm magic powers, but with sonic attacks and spiritual attacks.

There is even this weird link attack now.

If it wasn't for Chase Lu's physical strength, he might have been shattered when these ice crystals shattered.

"It's still alive!"

Yu Ziluo's expression was very ugly.

Lu Chen was shocked, but he was even more shocked than Lu Chen.

With so many powerful supernatural powers, none of them could kill this kid.

Really incredible.

This kid's mental strength and physical strength are both extraordinary and powerful.

It's not at all the strength he should have at his level and age.

Yu Ziluo suddenly shouted: "Buddha, are you helping him?"

"What Buddha?"

Lu Chen spat, and then extended his palms together: "Double Buddha palms!"


The two pagodas descended from the sky accompanied by palm gestures, and the terrifying golden light shone in all directions, illuminating the entire cave brightly.

Yu Ziluo narrowed her eyes and scolded: "You idiot, the Dafutu Palm is not used like this. It seems that the Buddha's child is not entrusted to you."

As he spoke, he roared loudly.

The sonic attack swept in, smashing the two pagodas.

"Three Great Buddha Palms!"

Chase Lu continued to roll out his palm prints.

When he just broke through the Void Realm, he was able to hit double.

Now that the cultivation base has been improved, triple and quadruple levels are no problem.

Yu Ziluo yelled angrily seeing Lu Chen talking endlessly.

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He turned his head back and forth, revealing another face.

It was the handsome face that Chase Lu had scanned with his mental power before.

At this time, there was a sneer on this handsome face, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a hint of coquettishness.

Lu Chen glanced at it suddenly, and he felt his heart beat, and he yelled that something was wrong.

This guy has a mental attack in every move.

If I can't resist such a mental attack, I'm afraid I will be successfully attacked by the other party sooner or later.

So Lu Chen immediately condensed the formation net with his mental strength, and slapped it on Yu Ziluo's head.

The mental power net is invisible and invisible.

But the spiritual power of the two has already clashed invisibly.

Outsiders can only see Lu Chen and Yu Ziluo standing stupidly, not knowing that they are engaged in the most dangerous struggle.

Mental struggle!

"It is possible to use mental power to form a formation in the void, and it is also a formation net from which people cannot escape."

Yu Ziluo was beyond shocked.

Strictly speaking, he is no longer Yu Ziluo, but the old monster in Yu Ziluo's body.

Before, it was Yu Ziluo who was controlling the body, and the old monster assisted.

Right now, the old monster is controlling the body, with Yu Ziluo assisting.

Even though it was just a small change, the difference was so big that Chase Lu felt pressured.

He seemed to be facing this transcendent strong man.

Lu Chen had a feeling that if the old monster didn't reside on Yu Ziluo's body, but had his own body.

I'm afraid that I have already been killed by this guy.

In short, facing this old guy, Lu Chen could no longer be distracted.

He concentrated all his thoughts on his mental power to fight against the old monster.

He didn't believe in the spiritual power net that condensed the formation, and he still couldn't take down this old monster who had been dead for an unknown amount of time.


The old monster also felt the pressure, let out a muffled grunt, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Fine, it hurt me."

Yu Ziluo wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her jade-white fingers, and said in a gloomy and cold voice: "You have received the inheritance of the Buddha's son, and I will give you the same fate as the Buddha's son! Mahayana Buddhist scriptures!"

Yu Ziluo groaned for the last four words.

Like summoning the most pious treasure, a Buddhist scripture was condensed in his spiritual power.

At first glance, the Buddhist scriptures appear to be an extremely thick book.

On another look, the book has become thinner.

Look again, it's a piece of paper.

Looking again, the paper turned into a Buddha character.

In the end, the Buddha character was condensed into a "卍" character.

This is the seal of the Buddha's heart.

I saw the Buddha's heart seal spinning clockwise, rumbling towards Lu Chen's head with infinite power and golden light.

For a moment, Lu Chen only felt his world spinning, as if he had entered the world in that word.

Hu Hu Hu.

He suddenly heard the wind.

When he opened his eyes, he found that his body was flying clockwise.

And the place she went to was the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures that Nayu Ziluo summoned.

Lu Chen turned pale with shock, knowing that he had fallen for this guy.

The strength of the old monster is unfathomable and hard to guard against.

Fortunately, the old monster's complexion also turned pale. Obviously, this move consumed him a lot.

The reason why Lu Chen woke up was precisely because the old monster's breath was unstable, which gave Lu Chen an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"True Dragon Divine Art!"

Lu Chen suddenly roared, urging the real dragon jade talisman.

Forcibly stabilizing his body, a terrifying real dragon coercion appeared on his body.

He roared out the true dragon chant.

The sound rolled and moved, like the sound of thunder, descending on the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures.


The phantom of the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures suddenly shattered.

Yu Ziluo flew upside down, spraying blood all over the ground.

Seeing this, Lu Chen immediately rushed to follow, intending to slap this guy to death with a palm of the real dragon's giant claws.

But at this moment, a hoarse voice sounded: "Hahaha. Thanks to you, let me completely control this trash's body. Bear my anger!"


The sky and the earth suddenly changed color.

Lu Chen found himself in a golden bowl.

A big bowl of sky overhead.

Suddenly, a big face appeared in the air.

I saw Yu Ziluo's face leaning over the bowl, smiling mockingly at herself.

Lu Chen was taken aback.

This face looks handsome and coquettish from a distance, but it is distorted and ferocious when viewed up close.

Makes people vomit in horror!

The most frightening thing was that he turned into a villain and was put in this guy's bowl.

Lu Chen hurriedly let out a long whistle, the sword energy surged wildly, and he wanted to fly out of the bowl on the black cloud.

But what is frightening is that in this bowl, not only can't he mobilize the sword energy, but he can't even condense the black clouds.

There is no escape at all.

It can only crawl along the smooth bowl wall.

But how could he, who had lost all his skills, climb up this cliff-like bowl wall.


I heard Yu Ziluo laugh wildly: "Jump, brat, keep jumping."

Lu Chen said, "Why don't you run me over with one finger?"

"Hahaha, it's so boring to crush you to death. I want to watch you die in despair here." Yu Ziluo smiled triumphantly.

Lu Chen shook his head, sneered, and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to crush me to death."

Yu Ziluo's expression changed slightly: "You're quite smart, tell me why I can't run you over to death."

Lu Chen said: "You are the law of space. The immature law of space can even be said to have no fur, and can only create this ridiculous illusion."

"Hmph, the law of space that doesn't even have a fur is trapping you."

Yu Ziluo sneered, staring at Lu Chen, wishing to eat Lu Chen in one bite.

However, because his understanding of the laws of space is too shallow, it took a lot of effort just to create this illusion.

In addition, he was injured by Lu Chen before, and now he can no longer kill Lu Chen.

But as long as you give him time and let him recover some excess strength, you can tear this kid into pieces!

I, Huikong, have practiced for so many years, and this is the second time I have suffered a loss under the hands of the Buddha.

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