He was surprised in his heart, he never thought that his nephew, who had always looked down upon him, would actually possess such strength.

Is Lingxiao Palace really so powerful?

Can a waste be turned into a top talent?

Mo Liangming didn't believe in evil, his body was full of blood mist, he strengthened his body, and fought against the bloody mouth that swallowed mountains and rivers, regardless of the outcome.

Chase Lu didn't care at all about the battle of the Mo family.

He saw that there was still a lot of time today, so he immediately went to the teleportation array around the mine in Lingxiao Palace.

The transfer fee is not expensive, only a hundred profound crystals are needed.

Of course, this is not expensive for Lu Chen today.

If it was him back then, the price would be too expensive.

No wonder Mo Zidao first asked himself to go to the martial arts arena for freshmen and old students to earn some mysterious crystals.

If you don't earn it in advance, you can't afford it at all.

Fortunately, now, without any obstacles, he immediately entered the teleportation array.


In the blink of an eye, once closed and opened, he came to the mine.

Lu Chen felt emotional in his heart.

Even though he has sat in the teleportation array many times, he still feels amazing every time he sits.

The law of space is worthy of being one of the highest laws.

"Here comes the newcomer, over here."

A young man immediately waved to Lu Chen enthusiastically.

Lu Chen walked over, cupped his hands, and said, "This is my brother, what's going on here?"

As he spoke, his mental power had been swept away.

He found that this mine was no smaller than the Mo family's [-]-acre manor.

Even ten times bigger!

No wonder the Mo family is reluctant, if they themselves are reluctant.

For such a large mine, I am afraid that the annual profit will not only be [-] million, but even more.

Mo Zidao said that he would share 5000 to [-] million with himself, and give himself [-] million, but he was afraid that his Mo family would take a lot of it privately.

But Chase Lu was not surprised.

If it were himself, he would do the same.

Everyone has the same mentality.

No one is willing to share such a large mine with others.

Mo Zidao also had no one else to trust, and when he saw his new star was born, he pinned his hopes on himself.

It's a pity that the members of their Mo family don't give face, so don't blame me, Lu Chen, for not giving face.

Lu Chen secretly observed the ore pujing under the mine, while talking to the young man in front of him.

From the mouth of the youth, he learned that when he comes to the mine, he must first join an organization.

The organization will arrange a place for you to mine.

For newcomers, we will arrange some good digging places for you to familiarize yourself with first.

After that, it will be difficult to arrange excavation, but there will be more Pujing.

However, whether it is a newcomer or an old person, the distribution ratio is the same.

He can only get [-]% of the Pujing he dug up.For the remaining [-]%, [-]% will be handed over to the organization, and [-]% will be handed over to the mine.

"Thirty percent."

Lu Chen thought in his heart that although this was a bit cheating, it was not a lot.

If he can mine [-] Pujing a day, he can get [-] Pujing.

Earn money.

A lucrative job.

But it shouldn't be that simple.

The young man heard Lu Chen talking [-]% to himself, thinking that Lu Chen felt that there were few, and said: "You are a newcomer, you dig less at the beginning, maybe you can't even get one in a day.

However, as long as you get used to it for a few days, you can dig up more.

The ratio of [-]% is actually quite a lot.

After all, we only paid a hundred profound crystals for teleporting in.

Work hard and you can earn it back in a few days. "

The young man patted Lu Chen on the shoulder to encourage him, and said: "In the mine, there are often robberies and fights.

So join an organization, you can protect its security.

Our organization is called the Mutual Aid Association, and it is the organization with the best reputation. Everyone lives in harmony and is united and friendly.

Brothers, join our organization. "

Youth speak earnestly.

Lu Chen laughed and said, "How much is the membership fee to join our Mutual Aid Association?"

"It's not expensive, just ten profound crystals."

"Alright, I'll give you ten mysterious crystals."

Lu Chen casually took out ten of them, handed them to the young man, and said, "Ask me one more question. Do you know where Fang Yuru is?"

"Fang Yuru?"

The young man froze for a moment, and said, "Is it Fang Yuru who is number one on the Ling Xiao list?"


"I haven't seen it. If you ask him what he does, it is impossible for him to come here to mine."

The young man shook his head in confusion.

Lu Chen asked again: "Then have you met Xiang Hao, Ming Lin and Yu Ziluo?"

"I haven't seen it. The three you mentioned are all in the top ten of the Lingxiao list. What are they doing here? They don't lack Xuanjing at all."

The young man looked at Lu Chen, feeling that this person was very weird, and asked some inexplicable questions.

Lu Chen thought to himself, it seems that the people below don't know that this mine is already owned by Fang Yuru and four people.

Their access is limited.

It is estimated that only the leaders of various organizations have the opportunity to meet the four of Fang Yuru.

And it may not be possible to see.

Because Fang Yuru's four subordinates should have subordinates.

Now I either make a big fuss and directly force Fang Yuru and the four of them out.

Or you have to keep a low profile and slowly find the foothold of the four of them.

But this mine is too big.

If you search slowly, God knows how long it will take.

So Chase Lu chose the first option.

Don't waste time, just rush to the sky to make trouble, and do it.

I don't believe that Fang Yuru and the four of them won't come out.

But before Chase Lu could do anything, a voice suddenly sounded: "Hey, isn't this Senior Brother Chase Lu?"

"It seems to be true. Why did Senior Brother Lu Chen come here?"

"It's not here to mine."

One person was speechless.

Another person smiled and said, "Of course not. Brother Lu Chen is the ninth in the Ling Xiao list, and he will officially enter the core hall tomorrow, and there will be rewards from the master of the third hall. How can it be possible to come here to mine?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Then what is Senior Brother Lu Chen doing here?"

Everyone is puzzled.

The young man next to Lu Chen asked strangely: "What did they say about Lu Chen, where is he? Why haven't I heard of it?"

He looked around, but didn't see any peerless powerhouse.

But when they found that the eyes of those people were all looking over, they couldn't help but wondered: "What does Lu Chen look like?"

"To tell you the truth, brother, I am Lu Chen."

Lu Chen laughed, then took the man's hand, and said: "The ten mysterious crystals just now are the consultation fee, and I will give you another ring for the travel fee. Take me to meet the leader of your organization."


The young man turned pale with fright.

Being held by Lu Chen made him feel as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

It was as if that hand, the ghost hand protruding from the ground of Jiuyou, froze his blood.

Fortunately, the temperature quickly came from that hand again, bringing him back to his senses.

How dare the young man doubt whether the person in front of him is the Chase Lu that everyone calls him, he only knows that he is definitely not his opponent.

So he hurriedly said, "I agree."

"it is good."

Lu Chen let go of him and took out a ring.

There are a thousand mysterious crystals in the ring, which can be regarded as traveling expenses.

The young man took the ring and said in surprise, "One thousand profound crystals."

Lu Chen was surprised: "A lot? How many crystals can you dig in a day?"

The young man said: "I was lucky once and dug out [-] Pujing, but only once."

Lu Chen said: "Those three achievements are three thousand, you should have a lot of mysterious crystals."

The young man smiled wryly: "How can it be so easy.

Three thousand is just Pujing. If Pujing wants to become Xuanjing, we have to pay the cutting fee, and the craftsman has to take a cut.

If it is an ordinary craftsman, although the commission is small, the damage rate of cutting Pujing is high.

Senior craftsmen and masters have high commissions and high prices. The advantage is that the cutting damage rate is low.

If there are a large number of Pujing, it must be cut by a master.

Generally, more than 1000 Pujing are found by ordinary craftsmen.

Last time I looked for that master, three thousand Pujing, and finally got it, it was only five or six hundred Xuanjing. "

"So dark."

Lu Chen was amazed.

Only then did he realize that he had thought too much.

Mining here, even if you can mine [-] Pujing in a day, you will only get five or six hundred Xuanjing.

If you are lucky, you can mine [-] a day, and only about [-] a month.

But it is certainly impossible for ordinary people to mine [-] every day.

In more cases, it is only a few thousand a day.

Calculated, there is not even [-] profound crystals in a month.

If you dig one thousand a day, the estimated monthly income is only about one thousand five mysterious crystals.

Too little.

Ask Lu Chen to do it, Lu Chen will not do it.

It is better to snatch it down and become a mine owner directly.

Knowing this, Lu Chen finally knew why the profits here were so large.

The four of Fang Yuru have occupied this place for these years, and they probably made a lot of money, so they robbed them all!

Lu Chen is not afraid of offending people, but he is afraid that he will not get any benefits after offending people.

Now this good business can be obtained as soon as possible.

Chatting with this young man all the way, they soon came to the base camp of the Mutual Aid Association.

It is said to be the base camp, but it is actually a big cave.

Deep in the cave is the leader of the Mutual Aid Society.

This person is dressed as a scholar, he looks good, and his cultivation is at the seventh level of the Void Realm, which is not bad.

"Xiao Dong, you want to see me?"

The scholar club master sat firmly and asked with a smile, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Xiao Dong is the young man who brought Lu Chen here.

He hurriedly said: "Master, this is Brother Lu Chen, who is ninth on the Ling Xiao list. He wants to see you."

"Ninth on the top list? Isn't it Ruan Gong? When did he become him?"

The scholar asked doubtfully, a little unbelievable.

The young man in front of him is only at the sixth level of the Void Realm, so how can he be ninth on the Ling Xiao list.

What a nonsense.

If he had such a powerful fighting talent, he might even be able to enter the core hall.

Lu Chen laughed and said, "The leader, I'm afraid he hasn't gone out these few days. Ruan Gong, whom I defeated three days ago, is here to discuss something with you today."

"whats the matter?"

Although he still didn't believe it, the leader still asked calmly.

Lu Chen waved his hand and asked Xiao Dong to go out.

Then he sat next to the leader and said, "Who do you report the Pujing you get from your organization? Fang Yuru, Xiang Hao, Ming Lin, and Yu Ziluo, which one of these four people?"

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

The host stood up abruptly, and shouted, "Seeing off the guests."

"Hey hey."

Lu Chen suddenly pinched the back of the leader's neck and said, "Don't yell, how much can you earn by working for them, why not work for me in the future."

The leader's voice stopped abruptly, and his expression was extremely terrified.

He finally believed what Xiao Dong said.

Lu Chen just put his hand on the back of his neck, and he knew that Lu Chen's strength was no less than that of Yu Ziluo, who was tenth on the top list.

"No, don't kill me."

The host said in horror.

He was deeply touched by how powerful the top ten people on the high list were.

In addition, he also knows how ruthless these people are.

Don't look at Lingxiao Palace, everyone looks like a friendly senior brother.

But in fact, everyone is a god of killing.

If anyone provoked them outside Lingxiao Palace, they would have to close their eyes and wait for death.

It just so happens that their Beiyuan mine is just outside Lingxiao Palace.

Even if it is teleported from the inner circle of Lingxiao Palace, this place is no longer under the jurisdiction of Lingxiao Palace.

In other words, the Lingxiao Palace will not care about killing people here.

That's why everyone has established various organizations, just to prevent others from robbing Xuanjing.

And even with an organization, there are endless murder cases here, which cannot be stopped at all.

But like Lu Chen, it was the first time that someone who went directly into the depths of the organization and restrained the president with one move appeared.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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