Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2291 Blood Crystal


Lu Chen shook his head: "Then give me a year's profit first. All the subsequent share will be deposited with you, and I will take it from you when I may need it in the future."

Lu Chen didn't worry at all that someone would occupy the Beiyuan Mine again.

Because he will let everyone understand with absolute strength that not everyone can occupy this place.

But these are the aftermath.

At present, it is still necessary to get 5000 million profound crystals, so as to improve the cultivation level.

It doesn't matter if you share or not after that.

The one who gets it is his own, and the future share is still too far away, and he may not come to this place again.

And helping Mo Zidao by himself can be regarded as repaying the previous affection.

Although Lu Chen also benefited from it, it was also forced by the situation, and a large amount of Xuanjing was necessary.

But compared to Mo Zidao, the Mo family.

The mine had already been taken by someone, and it would be merciful for Lu Chen to help him get it back, so how could he dare to blame Lu Chen for opening his mouth.

Hearing that Lu Chen only needs one year's profit now, Mo Zidao suddenly felt a lot easier physically and mentally.

He was very worried that Chase Lu would not agree to him.

Mo Zidao was overjoyed.Said: "Brother Lu Chen, you are my lucky star, with a yearly profit of 5000 million Xuanjing, I can go to our family to apply immediately. Brother Lu Chen, follow me."

With that said, he dragged Lu Chen to go.

Lu Chen followed him, and casually said as he walked: "Brother Mo, I think your strength is no less than Ruan Gong's. Even if you lose, you can at least be in the top ten in the rankings."

Mo Zidao was shocked.

I didn't expect Lu Chen to have such eyesight.

One can see his strength at a glance.

He had obviously never fought against him, not even in front of him.

You must know that I am very low-key, I have never done anything in Lingxiao Palace, and I have been hiding it very well.

But Lu Chen made it clear.

How did he do it?

"Brother Lu Chen, how can I be as strong as you say."

Lu Chen said: "Ming people don't speak dark words. Since we cooperate, we shouldn't cover it up. Instead, we lose our integrity."

Mo Zidao saw that he couldn't hide it, and worried that Lu Chen would be dissatisfied, so he simply said: "Hey, I have been hiding for so long, but I didn't expect that Brother Lu Chen would see through it at a glance."

Lu Chen said: "So, who is the one who occupies your mine?"

Mo Zidao sighed and said, "As expected, nothing can be hidden from Brother Lu Chen.

The one occupying our Beiyuan Mine is none other than No. 1 on the top list, Fang Yuru. "

In addition to Fang Yuru, there are No.3 Xiang Hao, No.6 Ming Lin, and No.10 Yu Ziluo.

They attacked together, suppressed our Mo family elders, and killed my grandfather.

At the end, Mo Zidao's eye sockets were also red and swollen, and there were faint tears in his eyes.

He seemed to be thinking of that scene at the beginning, when the big stand was over, he was also watching from below.

Strictly speaking, it was not a big war.

It was a crush and massacre.

Lu Chen said: "Fang Yuru is already number one on the Ling Xiao list, and he must be no worse than Xuan Jing, and his cultivation is probably at the top. What does he want your mine to do?"

Mo Zidao shook his head and said, "I don't know the exact reason either.

Since he got the mine, he stayed in the mine all day and rarely came out.

It should be that he wants to arrange formations in the entire large mine and practice some supernatural powers.

Moreover, someone arranged a teleportation array to connect the Lingxiao Temple and the mine, and attract the disciples of the Lingxiao Palace to go to the mine to mine.

It is estimated that he needs a larger amount of mysterious crystals to assist in his cultivation. "

Lu Chen suddenly realized.

The third money-making place that Mo Zidao told himself before was this mine.

At first, he still doubted whether this mine was in Lingxiao Palace.

Who knew that a teleportation array was arranged.

Mention the teleportation array.

Lu Chen's heart moved.

I once studied the teleportation array in Sifang Continent.

But life and death cannot repair those teleportation arrays.

Thinking about it now, there should be two issues.

On the one hand, it is a matter of rules, and on the other hand, there is a lack of natural resources and treasures in Sifang Continent.

Insufficient rules, cannot be sent.

If the treasures of heaven, material and earth are missing, the materials for arranging the teleportation array cannot be refined.

Therefore, in the Sifang Continent, it is impossible to arrange a teleportation array, nor can it be repaired.

But now it's different.

There are people in Xuanwu Continent who can arrange teleportation formations, and they are still in Lingxiao City.

It seems that there is an opportunity to communicate with this person.

It would be perfect if one could comprehend the law of space from him.

For a moment, Lu Chen's mind drifted to the law of space again.

It wasn't until Mo Zidao spoke again that he came back to his senses.

"Brother Lu Chen, the four of them teamed up, will you still help me?"

Mo Zidao asked cautiously.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Help, why not. Can the four of them be lawless? By the way, do they have anything to do with the eldest prince and others?"

Mo Zidao shook his head: "The eldest prince once asked Fang Yuru to help him, but he didn't like him at all.

In fact, none of the top ten people on the high list will participate in the royal family struggle.

Their strength and vision are at a higher level, so they will not participate in these struggles.

In fact, Gongsun You didn't even bother to help the third prince. If it wasn't for his cousin's affection, he wouldn't even look at the third prince. "

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded.

He understood the feelings of Fang Yuru and others.

Because I am the same.

He can obviously cultivate to a higher level, but he still has the heart to participate in some shit fights.

Only those who have no hope of cultivation will use these crooked brains.

Or if you can't improve your practice, you have to find something to pass the time.

But the people in the top list have a bright future, so naturally they won't waste time messing around.

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Here comes the question.

Since the future is promising, why did Fang Yuru and the others waste their time bullying Mo Zidao's family.

And only to occupy the Beiyuan Mine.

I'm afraid that there are treasures in the Beiyuan mine, and they are treasures that make Fang Yuru and the four of them tempted!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help but smile.

Mo Zidao is not a fool, on the contrary he is extremely shrewd and very tolerant.

Presumably he also guessed the real purpose of Fang Yuru and the other four occupying Beiyuan Mine.

And Mo Zidao asked himself, what he was asking for was probably not the Beiyuan mine, but the treasures in it.

"Brother Mo, why don't you tell the truth? What treasures are there in the mine? Since I want to get involved, and I'm facing four top ten players on the high list, I have the right to know."

Lu Chen said with a half-smile.

He thanked Mo Zidao for answering his doubts at the beginning, and even treated himself to a glass of drunken wine.

But even so, he would not be fooled by Mo Zidao.

What's more, even without Mo Zidao's help, he could find other ways to break through and find ways to make money.

In other words, Mo Zidao's help was extremely limited.

I thank him and am willing to make him a friend, but it doesn't mean that I want to be his thug foolishly.

Mo Zidao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then sighed: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from Brother Lu Chen."

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "If you are still hiding it, don't call me a brother. My brother, there is no such person."

Mo Zidao showed embarrassment, and quickly said: "No, I will tell the truth, and I will never hide anything.

In fact, in the Beiyuan Mine, in addition to digging Pujing, there will also be some special fine stones.

Those fine stones were red, like fresh blood.

The cultivation of our Mo family relies on those blood spars.

Blood spar can greatly improve our physical strength.

But outsiders can't refine blood crystals, so we don't worry about letting others mine them. "

Lu Chen suddenly asked: "If other people dig out blood crystals, what rewards will you give?"

Mo Zidao shook his head: "If we don't give rewards, we still count the value of Pujing."

"It's very smart. This way, you don't notice your blood crystals. You thought they were just ordinary Pujings with changing colors."

Lu Chen sighed in admiration, and asked again: "What is Pujing?"


Mo Zidao was taken aback by the question, but he still explained seriously: "Pu Jing is the Xuan Jing before it is carved. Only after being carved by a special craftsman can Xuan Jing become a Xuan Jing that can be cultivated or paid for."

Mo Zidao gave Lu Chen popular science.

He has a deep understanding of Lu Chen's ignorance.

At the beginning, Lu Chen found himself because of ignorance, and asked himself to answer his doubts.

It's just that people can't figure out how this stunned young man who doesn't know anything is so tyrannical.

Where the hell did he come from.


Although Mo Zidao couldn't see through Lu Chen, he knew that he was extremely lucky to be able to find Lu Chen.

With Lu Chen's quick-talking and quick-talking character, he can't rub the sand in his eyes.

Since he said he would help himself, he would definitely help.

The only question is how many blood crystals Lu Chen will want in the mine in the future.

"So, what Fang Yuru and the others want is these blood crystals, and use them to refine their bodies?"

Lu Chen pondered: "But you just said again that outsiders cannot refine blood crystals."

Mo Zidao sighed: "I think they have mastered the method of refining blood crystals from somewhere. The problem probably lies in our Mo family."

He suspected that they had each other's undercover in Mo's house.

In fact, being an undercover agent is just flattery, maybe it's an unappreciated idiot who wanted to climb up to Shang Yuru and the others, so he told them about the methods of the Mo family.

But the problem is that the Mo family can refine blood crystals only with a very small number of cores.

They are already the core, so why betray the Mo family.

This person is really a sinner of the Mo family!

Suspecting Mo Zidao, Lu Chen didn't have the heart to know.

He just became interested in blood crystals, and said: "Since Fang Yuru and the others occupy it for blood crystals, then I want a share of this thing. Same as before, [-]-[-] split."

Mo Zidao immediately said: "I think it's okay. But we need to go back and discuss it with our family."

"Let's discuss."

Lu Chen said casually, not afraid of any troubles.

You must know that if the Mo family does not rely on themselves, the blood crystal will not even be able to touch a single hair.

But if they help them take back the mine, they will not only get half of the blood crystals, but also half of the mine's profits.

Any fool knows how to choose.

So, let them negotiate, whatever.

If he disagrees, then Chase Lu will go and occupy the mine by himself.

Anyway, he is a dragon in the river, and he will withdraw immediately after taking the benefits.

Fang Yuru and the others can occupy it, so why can't they occupy it?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen hoped that the Mo family would reject his kindness.

So he calmly walked with Mo Zidao to Mo's house.

The Mo family is a wealthy Wangmen family in Lingxiao City, owning a ten thousand mu manor.

When idlers want to enter, they have to go through heavy screening.

But Mo Zidao is the young master of the Mo family, and the most promising young master, a mainstay.

More than half of the older generation were killed or injured in the previous battle to guard the mine, and now it is relying on an outstanding descendant like Mo Zidao to support the Mo family.

So, unimpeded along the way.

Soon came to the center of the Mo family manor.

There is a meeting hall here.

Next to the hall is a ringing bell tower.

Ring the bell, and the central figures of the Mo family will gather here.

Mo Zidao didn't ask anyone for instructions, so he went up to the bell tower on his own initiative and rang the bell.

Boom, boom, boom!

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