Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2273 The Indifferent Prince

But now that they know that their Ling family is different, they all hope to be favored by the inheritance of the Holy Way.

With such a mood, they strode like flying.

The top list, I'm afraid it's going to be turbulent!

"Father, I'm leaving too."

After everyone left, the twelve princes also took their leave.

Wang Shang said: "Ping Yuan, send Yun'er to Lingxiao Palace."


Ping Yuan sent it off immediately.

The king's mental strength detected his son's departure, and he secretly sighed in his heart.

The proposal to comprehend the divine power was put forward by the twelve son Ling Zhiyun.

It can be seen that the son cares about himself.

However, he proposed that all the princes should comprehend the holy power.

You must know that the cultivation base of the eldest prince and others is stronger than that of the twelve prince Ling Zhiyun.

If anyone could comprehend the holy supernatural power earlier, I'm afraid it would be the eldest prince, the second prince and the third prince.

In other words, he was tantamount to betraying Yun'er's good intentions.


But in order to get rid of the distress as soon as possible, of course it is better to bet on more people.

If Yun'er is only allowed to comprehend the holy supernatural power, how many years and months will it take to succeed.

And there is a great possibility that it will not be successful.

Wouldn't he be dead then?

So, that's all.

Yun'er is so considerate, she must understand her father's difficulties.

Lu Chen didn't know what difficulties Wang Shang Lingyue had.

He didn't bother to understand.

On the contrary, before Ling Zhiyun came to the Lingxiao Palace, Lu Chen had already made a fortune in the freshmen competition field.

Not many, maybe three hundred profound crystals.

With his strength, he is basically invincible in the freshmen competition field.

As long as he makes a small plan to show the enemy's weakness, and pretends to be arrogant and domineering, and provokes a few talented people in the arena, there will naturally be a lot of people betting on him to lose.

And he asked Manager Chang and Yuan Kuohai to bet on himself to win.

In addition, winning a few games in a row will also give you a reward for the freshman contest.

In this way, in less than half a day, he easily earned three hundred Xuanjing.

This is already the limit.

Seeing the resentful eyes of everyone in the freshman competition field, Lu Chen knew that he would not be able to make any more money here.

So, he walked to the old students' competition field.

"The twelve princes sent a message, asking where we are, and he is here."

Director Chang suddenly said excitedly.

Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, I finally hoped for the twelve princes.

Lu Chen said: "Let's go to the door to pick up the prince."

"Yes, that's what it should be."

Director Chang hurriedly said that he also had the same intention.

Everyone entered the Lingxiao Palace because of the Twelve Princes, and they are all subordinates of the Prince, so they naturally went to welcome the Prince.

Soon, they came to the door.

The Twelve Princes and the Commander Yuan came over and said, "Didn't you tell you to practice hard, why come to pick me up to waste time?"

Manager Chang said aggrievedly: "Prince, we are worried about you."

Lu Chen said: "Prince, we meet again, thank you for your many times of help."

Ling Zhiyun waved his hand and said: "We are all friends, it's just a matter of raising our hands. By the way, where are Cui Jianfeng, Gong Qi and Ji Chao brothers?"

Manager Chang said bitterly: "They parted ways with us!"

Yu Jianfei said: "Actually, it's not that serious. They are looking for a gang that suits them and joined."

Ling Zhiyun nodded, and said: "Yes. Uncle Ping has already told me that when we enter Lingxiao Palace, we must join various gangs in order to improve.

But before that, let's sit together first.

I have something to discuss.

Achang, you send them a message and ask them to come over. "

Director Chang immediately responded, contacted the three people, and asked them to gather at the gate of Lingxiao Palace.

But half an hour passed, and no one came.

Cui Jianfeng directly ignored the message.

Gong Qi replied that there are still some things, and we will see you later when things are stable.

Manager Chang cursed: "Prince, look, who are these people!"

Ling Zhiyun said: "It doesn't matter. Cui Jianfeng should also be busy. After all, he is new to the Lingxiao Palace, so it will definitely take time to get used to it. As Gong Qi said, after everyone gets used to this place, and the cultivation has entered a state of steady improvement , let’s meet again.”

"Prince, you still speak for them."

Manager Chang said indignantly: "You don't know, before our General Lu was bullied by someone from the Sword League, Cui Jianfeng actually joined that person directly into the Sword League.

This person has no position at all, and we are not of the same mind at all.

Now, prince, you ask him to come over, but they all push back.

They are all white-eyed wolves, prince, please don't waste any more time on them. "

Ling Zhiyun waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about these things. Did you encounter any problems when you first entered the Lingxiao Palace? If you don't understand anything, or want to know more about the Lingxiao Palace, you can ask Uncle Ping. "

"I have seen the great commander."

Manager Chang hurriedly bowed to salute.

I was too excited to see the prince before, so I ignored the commander of Pingyuan.

Ping Yuan smiled slightly, and said: "If you have any questions, just ask. I still have the introduction jade slips from the Lingxiao Palace here, and there are brief introductions in various places. You can take a look first."

Lu Chen and Manager Chang took over.

Taking a casual look, Lu Chen found that he knew almost everything from Mo Zidao.

The place to go right now is still the most suitable place for old students to compete.

Director Chang looked at it once, and said: "Thank you, Commander. We are going to the old students' competition field now."

Ping Yuan was surprised: "Why don't you go directly to the martial arts arena for old students? With your cultivation, it would be more appropriate to go to the martial arts arena for freshmen."

Director Chang smiled and said: "The commander-in-chief doesn't know.

Our General Lu has already led us to make a fortune in the freshmen competition field.

Three hundred profound crystals, no more.

has been blacklisted. "

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Pingyuan looked at Chase Lu in surprise.

This young man actually has such abilities.

You have to know how long it took for him to arrange for them to enter the Lingxiao Palace.

From leading the prince to meet the king, to leading the prince out afterwards, it took only four or five hours.

As a result, Chase Lu had already led everyone to make a fortune in the freshman competition field, and was also blacklisted.

This shows that this young man is very strong.

Moreover, he earned three hundred profound crystals at once, and his scheming was not uncommon.

What's even more surprising is that they only came here for less than half a day before they knew about the freshman competition field?

The efficiency is too fast.

Twelve Prince Ling Zhiyun's eyes lit up, he looked at Lu Chen, and thought to himself that he was right.

This young man indeed possesses an alluring charm.

How much Director Chang likes a person who complains and mutters, but he is full of praise for Lu Chen, and he is proud of it.

It can be seen that he has been convinced by Chase Lu.

Compared to Cui Jianfeng, Gong Qi and Ji Chao whom he recruited before.

Manager Chang obviously agrees with Chase Lu more.

"Then let's go to the old students' competition field now."

Pingyuan took a look at Ling Zhiyun and found that Ling Zhiyun had no objection, so he knew that the prince had the same idea as himself.

They were all interested in Chase Lu and wanted to see how he could earn Xuanjing in the martial arts arena.

In Lingxiao Palace, there is a competition field for old students.

This place is located in the inner square.

Along the way, not many people paid attention to them.

Even the commander of Pingyuan is directly under the management of Xiongwu Empire.

Commander Pingyuan's hand could only reach the outer layer of Lingxiao Palace.

He can send a few people into the Lingxiao Palace, but that's all.

To put it more realistically, in fact, his status is probably not as good as those in the top [-] on the Lingxiao list.

So, who would know him?

There is no one blocking the entrance of the old students' martial arts competition, anyone can enter, because this is also a casino, inviting guests from all over the world.

Lu Chen and the others stepped into it.

After walking a few steps, a person came to meet him.

The person at the front door immediately looked uncomfortable.

Manager Chang yelled: "Gong Qi, didn't you say you have something to be busy with? What are you busy with?"

Gong Qi faltered and hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

He just bowed to the twelve princes and said, "I have seen the prince."

Ling Yunzhi nodded and said: "You are at the fourth level of the Void Realm, so it is just right for you to compete here to earn Xuanjing. With your current strength, you should be able to earn a lot."

Gong Qi said in shame: "Thank you for your cultivation, Prince."

Ling Yunzhi waved his hand: "I will help you, you have already paid for it by escorting me to Lingxiao City. After that, you don't need to report to me for anything you want to do."

Manager Chang hurriedly said: "Prince, it is all thanks to your recommendation that they can enter the Lingxiao Palace, and the favor has not been repaid."

Ling Yunzhi said: "There is no need to pay back. When I escorted me back then, I said that there would be such a reward."

"Thank you, Prince."

Gong Qi bowed deeply, and then left immediately.

Facing the prince's generosity, he only felt ashamed.

But it would be really stupid to continue to hate this powerless prince because of shame.

So when he left, just pretend he didn't know the prince.

You must know that in the Lingxiao Palace, with your own talent, sooner or later you will be on the Lingxiao list.

At that time, he reached the sky in one step, so he didn't need to be the prince's subordinate.

What's more, from beginning to end, I never thought about being a subordinate.

Which genius does not have his own arrogance.

The moment Gong Qi left, Lu Chen noticed Ji Chao who was inseparable from Gong Qi.

The two hid in a corner, not knowing what to say.

Lu Chen was not in the mood to pay attention.

Twelve Prince Ling Yunzhi also seemed to be very open and didn't pay attention to them.

Manager Chang was anxious and angry.

But other people spoke lightly, and the twelve princes didn't care about it, so he had no choice but to sigh secretly.

"Hey, that's Cui Jianfeng."

Yu Jianfei pointed to the competition platform above.

It turned out that it was Cui Jianfeng on the stage, and he was competing with others.

The other party is a good swordsman and seems to have some reputation.

However, under the blow of Cui Jianfeng's sword energy, this man was powerless to fight back, and he couldn't even display his supernatural powers.

Had to hastily parry.

"I surrender."

In the end, the disciple really had no strength to fight back, so he backed up immediately and surrendered.

Cui Jianfeng smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Accept!"

"Cui Jianfeng wins!"

The referee announced loudly.

Cui Jianfeng stepped off the stage and joined Deacon Wu of the Kendo League.

The two whispered to each other with smiles on their faces, as if they were very satisfied with the results of this battle.

Director Chang said bitterly: "Cui Jianfeng really got along with that guy."

Just as he was talking, he saw Deacon Wu leading Cui Jianfeng towards the distance, meeting a young man whom he thought was a young man.

This young man was wearing a fine attire, and his cultivation had reached the sixth level of the Void Realm.

There is a small sword hanging on his left chest, which is the identity mark of the Kendo League, which means that this young man is already an elder.

Yuan Kuohai said: "Brother Lu Chen, that person is the Elder Xu Yi I mentioned earlier, the master of Deacon Wu."

"Xu Yi is the most outstanding genius of the Xu family, and the Xu family is already attached to the eldest prince."

Datong Pingyuan said suddenly.

Twelve Prince Ling Yunzhi nodded: "I see."

He understood Uncle Ping's reminder.

If the eldest brother thinks he is not pleasing to the eye, he insists on dealing with him.

Then this Xu Yi can be the eldest brother's gun.

And the Cui Jianfeng he recruited was Xu Yi's gun.

Ling Yunzhi suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

He treats others with sincerity, but others do not treat him with sincerity.

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