Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2271 Meeting the King

And since entering Lingxiao Palace, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Winemaking attainments are also getting higher and higher.

But his smile became less and less.

I think he should soon challenge the top list.

According to my estimation, he should be able to enter the top five on the high list. "

"So strong?"

Lu Chen was surprised: "Then why hasn't he challenged the Ling Xiao Bang?"

Mo Zidao laughed and said, "If it wasn't for the stagnant level of wine making, Brother Zui Xianchou would definitely not have left his hut."

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded: "But it's a pity for the rewards on the Lingxiao list."

According to the rules of the Lingxiao Palace, everyone on the Lingxiao List will receive rewards every month.

For example, the hundredth person can receive one hundred Xuanjing and one hundred Xuanming Pills a month.

99 people can receive 110 Xuanjing and Xuanming Pills.

And so on.

One person can receive 590 Xuanjing and Xuanming Pills.

And when you reach [-], you can receive [-] coins.

31, is [-] pieces.

And thirty, and directly raised to five thousand.

After that, every time one is promoted, one thousand rewards will be raised.

29, is six thousand.

When it comes to the eleventh place, it is [-] pieces.

And No.10, but soared to [-] pieces.

After that, each quota will increase by [-].

The top three are the most.

No.3, receive 50 a month.

No.2, receive 100 million.

No.1, get 300 million!

Mo Zidao said that Zuixianchou can directly enter the top five.

Then at least you can get the No.5 reward, which is a monthly income of 15 Xuanjing and Xuanming Pill.

Just hearing this number made Lu Chen excited.

If I have so many Xuan Jing and Xuan Ming Pills, my strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

But Zuixianchou didn't cherish it at all.

Really people do not know what to say.

Mo Zidao laughed, and said: "Do you think senior brother Zuixianchou is worse than Xuanjing? Xuanming pill is even more unnecessary, senior brother Zuixianchou is already at the ninth level of the Void Realm."

Lu Chen was speechless.

It can only be said that this reward from Lingxiao Palace is really speechless.

The stronger the people on the Ling Xiao list, the higher the ranking, the less need for Xuan Ming Dan.

As a result, Lingxiao Palace gave so many rewards.

Poor people like us need help.

You are of no benefit at all.

However, this phenomenon that the strong get stronger and the rich get richer is the same all over the world.

The High Heaven Palace did this to encourage everyone to compete for the High Heaven Ranking.

If the strong get weaker and the rich get poorer, who in the world wants to be the strong and the rich?

In other words, this kind of unfairness just aroused everyone's desire to win.

But it is this injustice that blocks the way forward for many people.

But Lu Chen can't control so much.

He can only take care of himself.

And his own current strength is not enough to enter the top list.

Even if he entered the top list, he might not be able to hold that spot for a month.

And less than a month, you can not get rewards.

This is the rule of Lingxiao Palace.

Chase Lu needs to become stronger himself!

Continue to chat with Mo Zidao.

From this know-it-all, Lu Chen learned about three good places in Lingxiao Palace.

Of these three good places, one is outside the square.

The other two are in the inner square.

The one in the outer square is called the Freshman Tournament Field.

In the Lingxiao Palace, all those who are in the third level or lower of the Void Realm, including the third level, are new students, and they can go to the freshman competition field to compete.

You can bet on the competition to earn a certain amount of Xuanjing and Xuanming Pill.

But because everyone is a freshman and not rich, there is not much to earn.

After a game, the most you can earn is one hundred profound crystals.

And in most cases, they can only earn less than ten profound crystals.

In addition, there is another disadvantage of the freshman competition field, that is, your combat power is known, and if it is too strong, no one will accept your competition.

So in this place, the chance to make money is only a few competitions.

After that, you are removed from the unspoken rules here.

However, after leaving the freshman competition field, you can enter the inner square and come to the old student competition field.

In the martial arts arena for old students, most of them are competitions between the fourth and third levels of the Void Realm.

Of course, there are also emperors at the third level of the Void Realm, and emperors at the seventh level of the Void Realm.

Other than that, they are not allowed to participate in the war.

The upper limit of the competition in this place is about 1000 profound crystals.

Although the old students are richer than the freshmen, there are still disadvantages of the freshman competition field.

After listening to Mo Zidao's introduction, Lu Chen decided to go to the freshman competition field first, and then go directly to the old student competition field.

Make a fortune first to improve your strength, and then talk about other things.

Mo Zidao nodded, and said: "Junior brother Lu Chen, when you have improved enough in these two places, you can go to the third place I mentioned.

It's more dangerous there, but it's also more profitable.

There, one can earn five hundred profound crystals steadily in a month.

Although no old student earns more than the martial arts field, it is not a one-time deal and can be done for a long time.

Lasts a year, plus bonuses.

If you work efficiently, you will earn more.

Someone once earned [-] yuan in a year, which can be regarded as a source of income.

Well, I wish Junior Brother Lu Chen good luck, and his strength will improve rapidly.

I still have some things to do, so I won't delay Junior Brother Lu Chen from earning Xuan Jing. "

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After saying that, Mo Zidao wanted to leave.

Lu Chen said: "Brother Mo, I have one last question for you.

Brother, do you know where the ice breath is the strongest in our Lingxiao Palace?

I have a cold ice exercise, but I don't know where to practice it. "

Mo Zidao thought for a while, and said, "You can go to the Extreme Cold Palace. That is also a gang, and all the disciples in it are practicing ice exercises."

"But I have already joined the Kendo League."

"No problem. You can be a member of two gangs at the same time.

When you fight with your sword, you represent the Kendo League.

When you fight with the ice technique, it represents the palace of extreme cold.

Fame battles can affect your standing with both gangs.

You decide when and what kind of combat techniques to use.

Of course, if you are unlucky, the two gangs just happened to have a conflict at a certain time.

Then you have to choose a gang to quit, otherwise both gangs will regard you as a thorn in the side and make your life worse than death! "

Mo Zidao reminded.

Lu Chen cupped his hands and thanked him: "Senior brother Mo. Today your many suggestions are of great help to me. If you need help in the future, I, Lu Chen, will die!"

Mo Zidao smiled: "I never like to fight with others, and there are very few people who come to provoke me for no reason. But I remember what my junior brother said. I wish my junior brother a speedy cultivation success."

After finishing speaking, Mo Zidao turned and left without delay.

In fact, he did have a little interest in Chase Lu.

That's why he invited Lu Chen to drink drunk fairy wine, answered Lu Chen's various questions, and gave Lu Chen some skills and methods for practicing in Lingxiao Palace.

But other than that, he will not give Chase Lu any more help.

After all, he is not Lu Chen's, and there is no need to support Lu Chen.

Meeting by chance, helping so much as a senior brother is already interesting enough.

Next, it's up to him what kind of waves Lu Chen can make.

I hope Mo Zidao will not be disappointed.

After all, it cost a hundred Xuanjing to invite Lu Chen to drink a glass of Zuixian Wine.

Although not expensive, but also hope to be able to value for money!

Lingxiao City, the royal palace.

The twelve princes, Ling Zhiyun and Grand Commander Ping Yuan, came to the depths of the palace.

This place is already a forbidden place.

The imperial doctors were afraid that the king would be stimulated by more cold wind, so they shielded the whole room with high walls.

Even the sky was blocked.

This place is like a pot lid, firmly buckling the king under it.

As soon as Ling Zhiyun entered, his face became ugly, and he said, "My father lives in this place?"

Ping Yuan sighed: "Oh, the king's illness cannot be exposed to the wind, nor can it have the slightest light.

The slightest disturbance would make the King extremely painful.

Arranging this place like this is also a helpless move. "

Ling Zhiyun slowed down, and said: "Then I have to walk slowly, lest I walk with wind."

Hearing this, Ping Yuan's eyes turned red, and he said, "Prince Twelve, you are the king's own son."

He thought of the other princes he had brought before, each of them would never have considered it so carefully.

On the contrary, it will feel that it is very dirty here, and there is not even a trace of light.

The reason why I came to see the king was just to make a show.

These guys, all they want is the throne, they want to be the highest, regardless of their father's suffering.

I even wished my father would die soon.

This saves you from getting in the way.

Ling Zhiyun walked slowly and cautiously, and said, "Uncle Ping, what's wrong with my father?"

Ping Yuan whispered: "Go in and talk."

He pulled Ling Zhiyun and walked quickly.

Ling Zhiyun said in shock: "Slow down."

Ping Yuan said: "It's okay, I have already asked someone to set up a wind-proof formation here. No matter how fast you walk, there will be no wind here."

"That's great."

Ling Zhiyun also walked quickly, unable to hold back his desire to see his father.

Soon, the two walked into the inner room.

I saw a woman with a cold expression standing at the door.

When she saw Ping Yuan, she immediately bowed: "Commander."

Plain nodded.

The woman bowed to Ling Zhiyun and said, "Qiu Lan has seen you, Young Master."

"It's you."

Ling Zhiyun was taken aback.

Before he left Peak City, he rescued a little girl on the street one day.

This little girl is called Qiu Lan.

After he rescued the little girl, he didn't have any idea, so he casually made her a maid.

Later, when he left Lingxiao City, he arranged for Qiu Lan to enter the Palace Martial Palace.

Because he felt that Qiu Lan's level of serving others was too poor to be a maid at all.

On the contrary, her martial arts talent is good.

Then give her a way out, lest when serving as a maid, the other party will be angered and executed. This is not what Ling Zhiyun wants to see.

It's just that Ling Zhiyun didn't expect that when he returned to Lingxiao City many years later, he would meet Qiu Lan here.

This is the place where my father recuperated, and no one else is allowed to enter.

Even cronies cannot enter at will.

But Qiu Lan stayed here, as if she was the most loyal guard.

"My lord, you have nothing to repay Qiu Lan for your kindness. You can only help your lord take care of the king."

Qiu Lan knelt on the ground respectfully and said very gratefully.

Ling Zhiyun quickly helped her up, and said, "You haven't been bullied in the Budokan all these years, right?"

Qiu Lan said: "Thanks to the great commander for taking care of me, I was able to make it all the way to the top and become the king's guard."

Ping Yuan waved his hand and said, "You won this by yourself. Alright, let's go in and meet the king."

The two walked down a corridor.

Only then did he officially enter the innermost room.

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