"Who is chatting?"

"How would I know."

Lu Chen casually gave him a perfunctory excuse.

In fact, he secretly swept out his mental power.

It just so happened that I saw someone moving quickly and rushing towards the direction of Ling Xiaobang.

This person is menacing and high-spirited, obviously with a purpose.

And the purpose of going to the top list is naturally to challenge.

Lu Chen really wanted to know what kind of combat power the geniuses in the Lingxiao Palace had.

So, taking Chang Chang to manage them, they rushed to the bottom of the top list immediately.

The Lingxiaobang is a huge stone monument.

A huge high platform in the distance of the stele is Lingxiao Terrace.

When Chase Lu and the others arrived, they saw several big golden characters projected on the Lingxiao Terrace, which were shining and eye-catching.

Wei Yijian, challenge Yan Yongfei!

Yan Yongfei is the [-]th on the Ling Xiao list.

This Wei Yijian played steadily, he didn't challenge for a higher ranking, but picked the softest persimmon on the Ling Xiao list.

"It's Wei Yijian!"

someone exclaimed.

Yuan Kuohai also said in shock: "It turned out to be Senior Brother Wei Yijian."

Lu Chen said: "From the Sword Alliance?"

But most of those named Jian are sword cultivators.

Because the name can be changed.

In order to express his loyalty to the sword and resonate with the sword, the sword repairer will change his name to Jian.

There are many such people, and they have even forgotten their real names.

And when they became famous, they also became famous in the name of the sword.

So outsiders don't know their original names.

If things go on like this, their names will simply become names with the word sword.

For example, Cui Jianfeng should be the same.

This is why Lu Chen knew that he was also practicing swords when he heard his name was Wei Yijian.

Yuan Kuohai nodded and said: "Brother Wei Yijian, he is a great genius in our Sword Dao League.

Since joining the Kendo League, Senior Brother Wei Yijian has been looking for challenges everywhere.

He became famous very fast because he never lost a single game! "

"Never defeated?"

Yu Jianfei said in surprise.

Lu Chen guessed: "If you want to be undefeated, I'm afraid that you will avoid the challenges of the strong and not fight, but the ones you challenge are all weaker than yourself."

Yuan Kuohai was astonished: "Brother, you are really amazing!

Senior brother Wei Yijian is like this.

However, he did not avoid fighting, but went out to practice immediately after each victory.

After returning, he immediately challenged again.

Repeatedly so that those who want to challenge him don't know when to challenge him.

And the people he challenged were obviously famous and strong, but they were not as good as him. "

Lu Chen praised: "This Wei Yijian's eyesight can be described as piercing. He is a master at judging strength."

Yuan Kuohai said: "Who says it's not.

This time when senior brother Wei Yijian came back, he must be sure to defeat Yan Yongfei.

Yan Yongfei was unlucky this time, and was about to retire from the top list.

After that, 22 people from our Kendo League entered the top list. "

"Occupying 22 seats on the top list, it's very strong."

Lu Chen praised, and then asked: "Who is the highest in the Kendo League on the Lingxiao list?"

Yuan Kuohai pointed to a high place.

Lu Chen read: "Ruan Palace, the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Void Realm, ninth on the Lingxiao List. It is the same as No.10 Yu Ziluo. It seems that he has no chance to enter the Lingxiao Palace to understand the inheritance of the holy way."

Yuan Kuohai shook his head, and said: "Brother, this is wrong. Ruan Gong is only 30 years old this year, and has a bright future. He is one of the most promising candidates to enter the Lingxiao Palace in the future!"

"I see."

Lu Chen said to himself.

I was amazed in my heart.

This Ruan Gong is only 30 years old, and he is already at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Void Realm.

Elder Xu Yi, the master of Deacon Wu just mentioned, is also about 30 years old, and he is already at the sixth level of the Void Realm.

Looking at his state, he is simply envious of the dead.

Although I am not very old in this world.

But in the medicine garden formation in the small world, I have lived for almost 200 years.

Compared with others, he is simply an old man with terribly poor talent.

It doesn't matter though.

After all, I went through the thunder disaster step by step.

Strictly speaking, the rules I understand are not as good as others, and the resources are not as good as others.

It is understandable to have spent more than 200 years cultivating to this level, and it is not so embarrassing.

"Wei Yijian challenges Yan Yongfei!"

"A big event."

"Go and invite Yan Yongfei."

A group of people acted immediately, watching the excitement was no big deal.

They also have curiosity with Lu Chen, and want to see the battle of the strong on the top list.

The last challenge to the top list was a few months ago.

It feels as if the top [-] on the top list must be fixed.

This is not a good sign.

The existence of the list is originally an incentive for everyone to strive for the top, to show their prestige, and to compete for honor.

But if no one challenges, this list is meaningless.

Therefore, the sudden appearance of Wei Yijian not only alarmed a large number of disciples.

It also alarmed some elders in Lingxiao Palace.

Whoosh whoosh.

I saw a few figures floating in the air, sitting on both sides of the Lingxiao Terrace.

A white-haired elder said with a smile: "Wei Yijian is a disciple with strong eyesight.

Not only can you judge who is not as strong as him, but you can also judge the opponent's weakness.

If this person is cultivated, his swordsmanship can go a step further.

In the future, he may become an elder in our Lingxiao Palace. "

"Not bad. But that's all."

Another elder said.

Several elders were chatting, and suddenly sighed: "The top ten on the Ling Xiao list, it seems that they haven't changed for a long time."

"Yeah, the geniuses in our Lingxiao Palace are not energetic enough, and have fallen into a pool of stagnant water."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"The top [-] sits firmly on the throne, no one can move them. But it's disappointing that they don't challenge each other themselves."

"Yu Ziluo is actually pretty good. If he can muster up the courage to challenge the first few, it is estimated that the hall master will make an exception and let him enter the treasure hall to understand the inheritance of the holy way."

"It's a pity. He is swayed by outsiders' ideas and has no pursuit of his own. Should he be timid when he is older?"

"I hope that one day he can figure it out, and he can also change the position of the top ten and give birth to a little vitality."

The elders see the disciples differently.

What they were watching was not the excitement, but the current situation of the entire Lingxiao Palace.

The top list seems to be glorious, but in fact it restricts these disciples.

Everyone does not seek to make progress, but only to maintain their own rankings.

This situation is not what the elders are happy to see.

It's a pity that they can't forcefully intervene.

"I heard that the daughter of the third palace master in Lingxiao City has grown up and is extremely talented. Do you want to enter our Lingxiao Palace?"

"Hehe, if that little witch comes in, it will probably make Ling Xiaobang more lively."

"Yeah. I can't wait to see this scene."

"I hope that the little witch will come in and let those in the royal family know what a real king is."

"In the face of absolute strength, what is kingship?"

The elders were discussing.

They talked about various topics with great interest, and casually looked at the scene below.

I saw more and more people gathered under the Ling Xiao stage.

Wei Yijian stood proudly on the Lingxiaotai, looking into the distance with tiger eyes.

I saw a group of people coming in mighty form.

"It's Yan Yongfei!"

Everyone exclaimed and exclaimed with great joy.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing the battle of the top fighters at last.

Lu Chen said: "Who are the people behind Yan Yongfei?"

Yuan Kuohai said: "Yan Yongfei is a genius of the Qingtian Sect, and the people around him are all from the Qingtian Sect. The Qingtian Sect is a gang of stick practitioners."

Manager Chang heard the words and looked intently.

He just uses the stick method.

Now I can't help but want to see how good this Yan Yongfei's stick technique will be.

Can I learn something from this battle?

"Wei Yijian, you chose the wrong person this time."

Before Yan Yongfei arrived, his voice came first.

A faint voice, full of absolute confidence!

Wei Yijian smiled faintly, and said, "Brother Yan, you've been on the top of the list long enough, it's time to come down."

Before the two made a move, their words were tit for tat!

Everyone shouted with excitement, knowing that this battle would not disappoint.


Yan Yongfei jumped up and jumped onto the Lingxiaotai.

Wei Yijian cupped his hands and said, "Please."


Yan Yongfei also surrendered.

There was no need for anyone to say start, the moment their hands fell, the battle began immediately.

Cang Lang.

He heard the sound of the long sword unsheathing, singing between heaven and earth.

The sword erupted from Wei Yijian's back, rose to the position of three feet, and suddenly emitted a blue brilliance.

Sword Qi spilled from the air, trying to cover Yan Yongfei.

Yan Yongfei hastily threw out a short black stick.

The short stick grew in the air against the wind, exuding black radiance, colliding with the opponent's sword energy.


In the blink of an eye, both of them took half a step back.

With just one move, they knew that the opponent's strength was no less than their own.

This battle, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

Although Yan Yongfei is confident that he is a strong man in the top rankings, he also knows Wei Yijian's name well.

This guy suddenly came out to challenge himself, he must have researched a certain weakness in himself.

You must know that the reason why this guy can never lose is because he chooses his opponent first and studies his opponent's weaknesses every time.

Then suddenly challenged, caught the opponent by surprise.

Therefore, if you want to break Wei Yijian's invincible myth, you must restrain your own weaknesses.

Absolutely can't let this kid find a flaw.

Thinking of this, Yan Yongfei felt a little bit restrained in his actions.

On the contrary, Wei Yijian seemed to have seen through Yan Yongfei's thoughts, and his sword energy became more and more fierce.

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "This Yan Yongfei is going to lose."

"Brother, how did you see it?"

Yuan Kuohai asked suspiciously.

Lu Chen said: "Just talking casually."

A person next to him suddenly interrupted with a sneer: "Don't look at Wei Yijian's fierce attack now, it seems that he has the upper hand.

But in fact, he has been attacking, consuming a lot.

When Yan Yongfei consumes almost all of his spiritual power, Yan Yongfei can win with one blow! "

Instead of arguing with him, Lu Chen nodded and said, "That's right. So in the end, it's just the magical powers. Why don't you start using the magical powers directly?"

The man looked at Lu Chen like a fool: "You are joking. Who uses supernatural powers at the beginning of the battle?

Do you think it's easy to cast a supernatural power once?Supernatural powers are not omnipotent.

You must launch a normal attack first to understand the strength of the opponent, so that you can judge how to use your own magical powers.

Simply displaying supernatural powers, but unable to understand the opponent's weaknesses.

That will only consume a lot of money and lose faster! "

"I see."

Lu Chen cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, brother, for your advice."

The man waved his hand: "It's very simple, you should rarely fight, so I don't understand.

Find someone to discuss with others a few times, and you will understand.

My name is Wei Hong.If you want to find someone to learn from in the future, you can find me.

I think you still listen to the teachings, so I can give you a little bit cheaper, and only charge you a piece of Xuanjing for one session. "


Lu Chen nodded.

He secretly thought in his heart, he needs a piece of Xuanjing to find someone to compete with, what a fucking cheat.

I will not go to others to discuss.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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