Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2265 The Land of the Great Hall

The study of pathology is not very in-depth.

Now that he heard Manager Chang's words, he recalled the books Master Pang Luo asked him to memorize.

Lu Chen felt deeply.

Director Chang continued: "Typhoid fever is like this, and it is difficult to heal from trauma, and it is also because the wound is infected with toxins in the air, causing festering.

In addition, some of the wounds cut by the sword qi contained toxins left by the sword qi.

Various weapons have toxins from various weapons, so many people have difficulty recovering from injuries because these toxins cannot be excreted from the body.

At this time, we need the help of a doctor.

As far as I know, the worst thing for a first-level doctor is the ability to bandage wounds and treat trauma.

The most basic thing for a fourth-level doctor is the ability to treat typhoid fever.

Don't underestimate typhoid fever.

Sometimes the toxins in the air mutated, and the typhoid fever became uncontrollable. In our Daling Dynasty alone, there were cases of destroying cities.

Of course, those are small towns, and there are no powerful martial artists in them.

Wuxiu's ability to resist injuries far exceeds that of ordinary people, so he will not be so easy to get sick.

But also because of this, once Wu Xiu fell ill, his injuries would be horrific.

The more powerful a martial artist is, the harder it is to treat him when he gets sick.

At this time, a doctor of level seven or above must act to save lives.

Therefore, the assessment of doctors above the seventh level is the treatment for martial arts.

If you are really capable, you can go directly to the seventh-level doctor assessment.

However, the seventh-level doctor assessment needs someone to recommend.

And if the assessment fails, the Wuxiu who was rescued by you during the assessment will die immediately.

At that time, you are a sinner, you will be punished, and the person who recommended you will be implicated.

So I don't recommend you to test the seventh-level doctor.

And it is impossible for someone to be your recommender.

The recommender must have a certain identity and status. It is not just a random person who can be a recommender. "

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Then I can ask the twelve princes to be my recommender."


Yu Jianfei and the others didn't know what to say.

It is said that being a recommender has to bear responsibility and risk, but you just said that.

Are you here to help the twelve princes, or to cheat the twelve princes?

From the first time you met the Twelve Princes, I have never seen you repay the Twelve Princes.

On the contrary, all of them took the benefits of the Twelve Princes.

The twelve princes gave you two rings and a lot of benefits of Xuanjing, but you didn't repay them.

Now I'm still thinking about getting Twelve Princes to be your recommender.

Who gave you confidence?

Director Chang laughed angrily, and said: "Don't even think about it, the Twelve Princes can't be your recommender.

"How to get on the top list?"

Lu Chen asked again.

He estimated that the twelve princes did not know the specific location of the inheritance of the holy way.

Besides, even if the Twelve Princes knew about it, it would be impossible for them to enter the core area of ​​Lingxiao Palace at will.

Therefore, one must follow other people's rules and be on the top list.

Yuan Kuohai said: "The top list is the list of all the geniuses in our High Palace. If you challenge them, you can be on the top list.

But even if you are on the High Heaven List, you may not be able to enter the High Heaven Palace.

You must be approved by the elders and feel that your talent and potential are good enough before you can be admitted into the Lingxiao Palace.

For example, Yu Ziluo, who is tenth on the Lingxiao list.

He is very strong, but because he is older and has already reached the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Void Realm, he is not recognized.

Only those young geniuses who leapfrog challenges have the most hope of entering the Lingxiao Palace. "

Hearing the words, Lu Chen expressed his understanding, and asked again: "How to challenge the masters of the top list, and where can I see the top list."

Yuan Kuohai said: "Challenge the masters of the top list, you can go to their residences by yourself, or directly challenge them on the top platform, and specify a time limit.

If within this time limit, none of the challenged come, then you will win without a fight and take their place.

As for the top list, I'll take you there.

Big brother, can you take your hand away, I feel like my body is going to be numb, and I can't move. "

Yuan Kuohai begged.

Lu Chen said: "Sending you a sword energy seed is a reward for answering so many questions."

After all, Lu Chen put away his right hand.

Yuan Kuohai's heart sank.

The sword qi seed that was rewarded was completely a trick to harm him.

It is estimated that if he disobeyed even a little bit, the sword energy seed would explode and kill himself.

"Big Brother"

Yuan Kuohai smiled obsequiously at Chen Lu.

He regretted it too late.

If I had known that this newcomer was such a ruthless person, I would not have volunteered to come here.

All of a sudden he became a servant of others.

If time could be restarted, he would run away the moment he saw Lu Chen, and never meet this person again.

"Let's go."

Lu Chen patted Yuan Kuohai's shoulder and said earnestly.

Yuan Kuohai trembled and immediately led the way.

Director Chang and Yu Jianfei also hurriedly followed.

They didn't understand why Yuan Kuohai was so obedient.

Is it a kind person who is willing to help others?

Only Cui Jianfeng, who was also good at using swords, saw some ways and looked at Lu Chen's back with a trace of dignity.

Go straight past the outer square of Lingxiao Palace.

It took half an hour to enter the inner square.

In the inner square, there are various training facilities, martial arts arena, competition stage and so on.

But everything that a sect should have, is here.

There are dozens of sects in this inner square alone.

You can see how big the outer square you just walked by is.

Walk into the inner square and keep going.

Finally, I saw a huge stone tablet with a hundred names on it.

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Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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From the highest to the lowest, you can see three characters written on the tenth line: Yu Ziluo, the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Void Realm.

Just like what Yuan Kuohai said just now, this Yu Ziluo is No. 10 on the top list.

Look at the last one, which is the hundredth.

Yan Yongfei, the peak of the Seventh Layer of the Void Realm.

Only at the seventh level, he has already entered the top list.

Lu Chen asked: "Has this person passed the approval and entered the Lingxiao Palace?"

Yuan Kuohai shook his head: "No, it's still far away. Look at the one above, Leng Xuan, the fifth level of the Void Realm, and became No.90 second. This is the seed that can enter the Lingxiao Palace."


Lu Chen frowned: "In other words, he didn't enter Lingxiao Palace either."

Yuan Kuohai nodded: "Lingxiao Palace selects the most outstanding geniuses.

Leng Xuan has enough talent and potential, but he needs to continue to work hard to prove himself.

But he has much more chances than Yan Yongfei.

As long as you continue to practice, strive to enter the top ten of the Lingxiao list before you break through the ninth level of the void realm.

Then he will be sure to enter Lingxiao Palace. "

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, and said: "In this way, if you want to enter the Lingxiao Palace to understand the inheritance of the holy way, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

But since most people have no chance, what's the point of staying here?

I think there must be a place for rapid improvement of strength on the periphery of Lingxiao Palace.

I need to know about other cultivation treasures here. "

"Brother, please spare me, let me rest and lead you the way."

Yuan Kuohai sat down on the ground, begging.

He was not tired, but frightened by the sword energy seeds in his body.

No matter who has a foreign object placed in his body, he will be frightened and in a trance.

Yuan Kuohai has reached his limit if he can persist until now.

Lu Chen also sat down cross-legged, and said, "Rest for a quarter of an hour. Then take me to a place where I can comprehend the supernatural powers of swordsmanship."

"Ah, thank you, brother."

Yuan Kuohai immediately began to adjust his breath.

After just adjusting his breath for a while, he was in despair.

The sword qi seed is very profound and mysterious, and I can't get rid of it no matter what.

It seems that I have to take good care of this master.

In case this master gets mad, he will be finished.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Yuan Kuohai took Lu Chen and the others to the entrance of a main hall.

The hall is located in the inner square, obviously its status is not low.

Because the gang forces with low status are only qualified to occupy places in the outer square.

"Sword Alliance."

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, and he smiled and said, "Going around in circles, you finally led us here."

Yuan Kuohai said with a bitter face: "I'm wronged. You asked me to take you to the place where you can understand the supernatural power of the sword. This is the place where you can comprehend the supernatural power of the sword."

Lu Chen said: "Besides here, where else?"

Yuan Kuohai said: "There are also some other places, but the level is very low, and it can't compare with the gods in our Kendo League.

A genius like the eldest brother must want to comprehend great supernatural powers.

Ordinary supernatural powers and small supernatural powers, the big brother definitely doesn't like them.

So, big brother, you can only come to our Kendo League to comprehend. "

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Then can I go in and comprehend casually?"

Yuan Kuohai snorted: "I can't. We must exchange the contribution value of our Kendo League for the opportunity to comprehend."

"Oh? Then who allowed your Kendo League to occupy the fetish here?"

"I don't know. Anyway, this has always been the rule, and it was like this when I came."

Yuan Kuohai was also helpless.

If there is no Kendo League, I can comprehend the high-level fetishes in it at will.

But the rules of the Sword League have been established, and the fetish is still controlled by the Sword League.

The people in the entire Lingxiao Palace didn't care, so what right did I have to protest.

"You seem to have a lot of opinions?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Yuan Kuohai quickly bowed and saluted: "I have met Deacon Wu."

Deacon Wu is a middle-aged man who looks thin.

He ignored Yuan Kuohai, but looked at Lu Chen coldly.

Lu Chen looked into Deacon Wu's eyes without hesitation, and said with a smile, "I dare not. I'm just curious."

Deacon Wu sneered: "Curiosity is a good thing, but don't use it in the wrong place."

"That is."

Lu Chen nodded with a smile.


Deacon Wu looked at Yuan Kuohai and said, "Why haven't you seen these people before? They are all newcomers you introduced?"

Yuan Kuohai hurriedly said: "No, they just came to see, they haven't decided whether to join or not."

"Hehe. If you haven't made a decision, then don't make a decision. Our Kendo League doesn't accept these hesitant waste!"

Deacon Wu smiled disdainfully.

Cui Jianfeng, who had been silent behind Chen Lu, suddenly took a step forward and said, "I have decided to join the Sword League."

"Brother Cui, you"

Chief Chang let out a cry.

He felt that a group should discuss it first, so why did they just agree suddenly.

Didn't I see Lu Chen did so much, all of which were to understand Lingxiao Palace?

We must at least understand first, then discuss and analyze, and then make a decision.

Cui Jianfeng glanced casually at Manager Chang, but ignored him.

Deacon Wu sized up Cui Jianfeng, nodded and said, "That's right. Void realm fifth level. You can join our Sword Alliance. Pay five Xuanjing, and I'll take you to apply for an identity card for our Sword Alliance."

"it is good."

Cui Jianfeng nodded and wanted to follow Deacon Wu into the room.

Deacon Wu flicked his sleeve and said, "Waiters, please don't stay in front of our Kendo League!"

A powerful vigor swept over.

Both Gong Qi and Ji Chao trembled, unable to hold back, they took a few steps back.

Yu Jianfei and Manager Chang were blown away.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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