Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2263 Your Highness

"Boss, where are we going now?"

Yu Jianfei asked curiously.

Manager Chang waved his hand and said, "Stop talking and follow along."

Go all the way without stopping.

After walking for a full day, they finally arrived at the gate of the palace.

Yu Jianfei couldn't help feeling the size of Lingxiao City.

And looking at this palace again, just looking at it also feels magnificent.

Just standing at the gate of the palace, I can feel a solemn aura that makes people tremble.

"You wait outside."

The Twelve Prince said, then walked to the gate of the palace, and said, "My son, Ling Zhiyun, come to pay respects to my father!"

The sound rolled and moved, and it was actually a formation that could ignore the palace.

But the sound still failed to reach the innermost part after all, but was blocked by more formations on the periphery.

After all, it is the palace of the Daling Dynasty, and the guards and formations are extremely strict.

"Twelve princes?"

A sound of surprise suddenly sounded.

I saw a person walking in the sky and quickly came to the palace.

Manager Chang was furious when he saw this.

In the palace, flying is not allowed, but this man is so bold that he doesn't take the king seriously at all.

But seeing the person coming, Manager Chang immediately suppressed his anger, turned to trembling, and even hid behind Yu Jianfei.

Yu Jianfei was inexplicably surprised.

A person like Director Chang who pretends to be a tiger will feel so scared.

Who is this person?

"It really is the Twelve Princes."

The man said in his mouth, but he was high above, and did not fall from the sky, looking down on the twelve princes.

Ling Zhiyun didn't take it seriously, and said lightly: "Director Hong, long time no see, are you okay?"


Manager Hong laughed loudly on the palace: "Thanks to the blessing of the Twelve Princes, I am now in good health."

"That's good."

The Twelve Princes remained calm.

In the air, Director Hong's eyes were like torches, carefully looking at the Twelve Princes.

At the same time, his expression was unpredictable, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while.

A person walked out of the palace quickly, saw the twelve princes, and immediately knelt down in surprise: "Twelve princes, you are back!"

"Yes, I'm back. How is my father?"

Ling Zhiyun immediately lifted the man up and asked anxiously.

This was the first time that Yu Jianfei's tone fluctuated when he saw the Twelve Princes since he saw him.

Moreover, the twelve princes did not call their father king, but their father.

The difference of one word means that he has given up the so-called etiquette in excitement at this moment.

The man wiped away his tears and said, "Please take care of the twelve princes, your majesty is still in good health."

"Let me go in and see my father."

Ling Zhiyun pulled the man and immediately walked into the palace.

But he suddenly turned his head and said, "Uncle Ping, help me arrange for them to enter Lingxiao Palace."


Uncle Ping responded immediately, then took out five tokens, scattered them casually, and handed them to Yu Jianfei and the other five.

"Quickly report to Lingxiao Palace. Don't cause trouble."

With a reminder from Uncle Ping, he took Ling Zhiyun into the depths of the palace.

From the beginning to the end, he ignored Director Hong in the air, as if he didn't exist.

Manager Hong's eyes changed, but he didn't dare to move.

With a flash of his figure, he immediately returned to the palace, but he was not in the same direction as Ling Zhiyun.

Obviously, he did not go to see the king, but had his own plans.

On this side, Manager Chang watched Ling Zhiyun's back disappear, and said: "Let's report to the Lingxiao Palace, if we are late, we will be too late. Be careful that the man changes his mind and comes over to kill us again."

He yelled anxiously, pulled Yu Jianfei and left.

As for the other three, they immediately followed behind the two of them.

But they didn't know that at the same time, a young man in Tsing Yi came from outside Ling Xiao City.

The young man's figure is straight, like a sword.

He walked close to Lingxiao City, cupped his hands, and said, "Excuse me, has the Twelve Princes returned to Lingxiao City?"

The person who came was undoubtedly Lu Chen.

When he returned to the original place, he found that Yu Jianfei and Ling Zhiyun had long since disappeared.

Calculating the time carefully, I am afraid that it will be delayed for more than 20 days.

Far beyond the agreed ten days.

It is impossible for others to wait for themselves.

So he volunteered to rush to Lingxiao City.

After all, he accepted Ling Zhiyun's love, so he had to repay it no matter what.

Moreover, Yu Jianfei said that the holy land of practice in the Great Ling Dynasty was in Lingxiao City, called Lingxiao Palace.

If I want to improve my strength quickly, Lingxiao City is obviously a good place.

So rush over and kill two birds with one stone.

In order to catch up with Ling Zhiyun and the others, Lu Chen evolved and improved the cloud-riding method while flying at extreme speed.

He also integrated the power of the rules of the void into the black cloud.

The speed increased rapidly.

It is also because of this that he can be faster than Ling Zhiyun and the others.

But after all, it was too late to start and still failed to catch up.

When the two guards heard Lu Chen asking the Twelve Princes, they frowned slightly and looked at each other.

One person asked, "What do you want the Twelve Princes to do?"

Lu Chen explained: "I am the guard of the twelve princes. I was delayed by something before, so I came here quickly. I don't know if the twelve princes have returned."

"The Twelve Princes have arrived in Lingxiao City, and they have just arrived."

said the guard.

Lu Chen was slightly taken aback.

It's a bad luck to think in my heart.

If I was faster and caught up with Ling Zhiyun, I wouldn't have to talk nonsense with these two guards.

"Then can I go in?"

Lu Chen asked.

A guard said: "Of course you can enter. However, you need to pay the city entry tax. Six mysterious crystals."

So expensive!

Lu Chen almost cried out.

Although the twelve princes had given him hundreds of profound crystals before, they were all consumed when he broke through.

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Now there is nothing left.

Not to mention six, I can't even afford one.

Seeing Lu Chen's expression, one of the guards sneered and said, "It's also the guard of the Twelve Princes anyway, don't even have six profound crystals?"

Lu Chen said: "Before there was something that consumed all of Xuan Jing, can you please go in and report to the eldest brother, the twelve princes will definitely help me pay the city tax when they hear about it."


The two guards sneered together, and said: "Go away. If you continue to make trouble here, don't blame us for being rude! Anyone who trespasses in the royal city will be shot and killed!"

Lu Chen stepped back quickly: "Okay, okay."

He felt a little helpless.

While worrying, she suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a communication talisman in the ring given by the Twelve Princes.

He stimulated immediately.

in the palace.

Ling Zhiyun was walking quickly by Uncle Heping, when suddenly he felt the ring vibrate.

He picked up the communication symbol, frowned slightly, and said, "Who is it?"

Lu Chen was overjoyed: "The Twelve Princes, it's me, Lu Chen.

I came to the gate of the royal city and wanted to enter but had to pay the city entry tax of six mysterious crystals.

But I used up the Xuanjing before.

Can I ask you to help me let the guards let me go, or help me pay the six mysterious crystals. "


Ling Zhiyun responded lightly, but his heart was shocked.

From the first time he saw Lu Chen, he felt that Lu Chen was a bit special, with a unique temperament and extraordinary charm.

And I heard from Yu Jianfei that Lu Chen came from the sea.

He was even more sure of his feelings.

Afterwards, he made a decision to give away Xuanjing and other cultivation treasures without hesitation.

However, at that time, more than 100 mysterious crystals were sent out to show his generosity and to gain Lu Chen's favor.

It's not that Lu Chen can spend all the mysterious crystals.

You must know that even if Lu Chen is eating Xuanjing, it is impossible to consume Xuanjing so quickly.

However, the reality surprised me.

This Chase Lu actually consumed more than 100 profound crystals in a short period of time.

If he didn't go somewhere to auction things at a high price, then this person's talent is probably unbelievably powerful.

The most rare thing is that after breaking his promise, he actually rushed over.

Although opening his mouth is to borrow Xuan Jing, Ling Zhiyun believes that he has read the right person.

So Ling Zhiyun said: "You let the guard talk to me."

Lu Chen quickly took the communication symbol over.

The guard took it in doubt, when he heard a voice: "I am Ling Zhiyun."

"Ling Zhiyun? Who is it?"

The two guards looked at each other.

I feel that the people over the communicator are really funny.

Is Ling Zhiyun very powerful? I've never heard of it.

"I am the twelve princes."

Ling Zhiyun didn't expect such an embarrassing situation, so he changed his words immediately.

The two guards trembled and said, "Is it really His Royal Highness the Twelve Princes?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let Lu Chen come in immediately, and let him go to Lingxiao Palace to find the other five people."

A voice yelled.

The two guards startled.

It happened that the Void Realm burned and collapsed, and the sound from there could no longer be heard.

The two guards were puzzled: "The one who spoke just now was the commander of Pingda?"

As they spoke, the two quickly fell silent, and invited Lu Chen in respectfully.

Lu Chen cupped his hands: "Thank you both. I don't know where Lingxiao Palace is, can you give me a map of the Royal City."

"Give it to you."

A guard immediately threw out a jade slip, not wanting to talk to this troublesome man again.

So as not to provoke the wrath of Commander Pingda again.

"Thank you."

Lu Chen happily took the jade slip to investigate.

He found that there were not only maps in the jade slips, but also the rules of Lingxiao City.

After casually looking at the rules and the map, Lu Chen walked quickly.

He didn't want to cause trouble, so there was no need to study the rules carefully.

Now I just want to rush to Lingxiao Palace immediately.

Originally, I came here by myself, thinking that I could enter the Lingxiao Palace that Yu Jianfei said to practice.

I didn't expect that I could go directly to Lingxiao Palace just after I came in.

This twelfth prince, Ling Zhiyun, is indeed his nobleman.

Half a day later, Lu Chen came to the entrance of Lingxiao Palace.

Taking a closer look, I found that the Lingxiao Palace is not just a main hall.

It is a huge training ground.

From the outside, you can't see the real core of Lingxiao Palace, you can only see an open field.

Lu Chen scanned secretly with his mental power, and found that there was a formation to counter mental power, so he immediately stopped his offense.

Taking a few steps forward, he cupped his hands at the guards at the outer gate of the Lingxiao Palace, and said, "The Twelve Princes and the Commander of Peace recommended me to enter the Lingxiao Palace."

Just after hearing what the two guards said, Lu Chen knew that the Twelve Princes were with the Pingda Commander.

So he immediately pulled on the tiger's skin.

Because he found that in Lingxiao City, the title of Commander Pingda seemed to be more useful.

After all, the twelve princes just came back, and for some unknown reason, the identity of the twelve princes is not well known.

Therefore, I have to mention the commander of Pingda.

"Another person recommended by the Commander of Pingda?"

The guard frowned and said, "Take out your ID card."

Naturally, Lu Chen couldn't take it out, and was about to talk to him again and make peace.

Suddenly there was a bang, and a figure flew out backwards.

Lu Chen grabbed the figure and said, "Yu Jianfei, I found you. Didn't the twelve princes come with you?"

"Brother Lu Chen?"

Yu Jianfei exclaimed in surprise.

Immediately, he stood firm and shouted anxiously, "Be careful."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a phantom shadow of a giant stick falling down from his head.

Yu Jianfei was about to pull Chen Lu to dodge immediately.

But seeing Lu Chen grabbed the phantom of the giant stick with his right hand and smashed it to pieces.

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