Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2257 Spiritual Training

Lu Chen was silent for a moment, and suddenly said decisively: "The island must be put into my small world immediately."

"Ah? How can this be done, you don't even understand it"

The villain in the eyes shouted anxiously.

Lu Chen's expression was serious: "I have almost comprehended it, and now I am urging the spirit gathering formation, you cooperate with me."

"No, if you fail, I will also be backlashed by this formation."

The villain burst into tears.

Lu Chen scolded: "Stop talking nonsense!"


The villain in Zhenyan was weeping and crying, but he didn't dare to speak any more.

Swish swish.

Lu Chen immediately made a formula, threw out the formation flag, and urged the spirit-gathering formation.

In the blink of an eye, rich aura swept across from all directions.

The fog in the entire island is even thicker, and outsiders can't see clearly at all.

It can only be seen that the mist and the sea mist are contained together, floating thousands of miles away.

The busy sea fog made the Krakens dare not approach.

This gave Chase Lu a great opportunity.

He shouted loudly: "Control, pull the island into the small world with me!"

"Do not"

The villain shouted no, but he still moved the three pillars obediently.

I saw that the three pillars immediately penetrated into Chase Lu's small world, and then plunged their heads hard into the soil of the small world, spreading downward continuously, like taking root.

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

With these three pillars as traction, the small world is linked with the entire island formation.

And the villain in the formation eye is also a whole with these three pillars, and can continue to control the island formation.

With him as the middleman, Lu Chen immediately mobilized his mental power.

He mobilized all his spiritual power and enveloped the entire island overwhelmingly.

The spiritual power penetrated into the island formation, driving each formation base together with the island.

But even so, it took a full day and night to uproot the island from the sea.

And at the moment of pulling it up, the three pillars and the villain in the formation all exerted their strength together.


The island immediately smashed into the small world and sank into the mud.

Puff puff puff!

In the small world, Lu Chen spurted blood from his mouth.

And the god-appearing sea monster condensed outside him collapsed and dispersed the moment he pulled up the island.

Mental strength has been greatly traumatized.

Lu Chen hurriedly took the various spirit-restoring pills that the puppy had prepared for him.

Soon, another day passed.

Most of his mental strength has recovered.

It has to be said that Xiaogou's alchemy level is the best in the world.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't leave the Sifang Continent, he might be able to refine a more powerful elixir for restoring spiritual power.

That way you will reply faster.

such a pity.

Thinking of this made Lu Chen even more determined to save Sifang Continent.

But right now he has no choice but to leave immediately and fly to the Eastern Sea.

In order to buy some more time, he didn't enter the sea area, but flew outside.

This is faster.

Moreover, there are very few sea monsters in the sea area.

Even if someone came out to explore, their status and status were similar to their own, and they could not be contacted.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

So, when Chase Lu rushed to the Eastern Sea, he found that there were still three days left.

Taking this opportunity, he stayed on a small island again.

After finding that there was no one on the island, and there were no ruins, Chase Lu immediately entered the small world.

His mental strength has not fully recovered.

In the sea area, mental power is one's biggest hole card, and one must ensure that the mental power is sufficient to play a role.

Therefore, in the remaining three days, in addition to recovering his mental strength, he had to continue to condense the sea monster.

There is no need to mention how powerful the god-appearing sea monster is.

This thing can keep my real body in the small world all the time, allowing me to have ten times the time.

How can not give up.


When recovering his mental power again, Lu Chen suddenly found something strange in his mental power.

In the past, my spiritual power was like threads.

But now, mental power seems to be able to condense the threads into a net.

Even if I had the heart before, I could still condense the threads into a net.

However, the previous net did not have a blessing effect.

Today's spiritual power net has the effect of blessing the formation.

Each net can be condensed into formation power by itself.

And what's interesting is that the power of this formation is still the power of the formation on the island before.

In other words, if you stick out the mental power net and add the power to hold the spirit gathering array on the mental power net.

Then, spiritual energy from all directions will surge.

The speed of absorbing spiritual energy by oneself is dozens of times faster than ordinary people.

If you have an attack formation with your mental power net, then just protruding out of your mental power is enough to kill thousands of people.

Of course, these are powerful effects that can only be possessed in the future.

Now I have only just realized it, and I still need a long time to study before I can become stronger.

But even so, Chase Lu was already shocked by this ability.

Too strong!

Such mental attacks and auxiliary methods have already surpassed Cui Yu, a genius with spiritual power, by a lot.

If Cui Yu knew, she would definitely fall to the ground in fright.

It seems that what I did before to move the island to the small world and spend all my energy on the sea monster was extremely correct.

Of course, at that time, I never thought that there would be such benefits.

"My spiritual power, I'm afraid it has been raised to another level."

Lu Chen was secretly happy.

He felt that he just didn't get the guidance of spiritual power cultivation. If he had the guidance, he should improve faster.

But even though there is no guidance, now he has realized a way to improve his spiritual power.

That is to forcibly use mental power to make one's mental power haggard.

Then restore your mental power and make your mental power stronger.

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However, Lu Chen didn't know how stupid the spiritual power improvement method he had comprehended was.

If he does this often, he is afraid that his mental power will collapse one day.

Fortunately, he is still in the sea area now, and he has fear in his heart, so he has to preserve his mental strength.

Therefore, he put aside the excitement he had just realized, and continued to restore his mental power.

In the medicine garden formation, more than 20 days passed immediately.

During this period, Lu Chen not only restored his mental power, but also successfully raised his formation skills to the level of a formation king.

After all, at the cost of manifesting the sea monster, the entire island was moved to the small world.

In this way, if you can't comprehend the island formation, it will be too bad.

Fortunately, the result did not disappoint him.

The only problem is that the realm of his formation king is his own.

He doesn't know exactly what state he is in.

I only know that today's formation skills are much stronger than before.

If you return to the Sifang Continent, you can make the Nine Dragon Column Formation last for hundreds of years.

Even, as long as he doesn't die, he can keep the Nine Dragon Column Formation going on.

But that doesn't make much sense either.

Because Chase Lu suspects that under the rules of the Sifang Continent, his own formation king realm will also be restricted.

Even if they can arrange a powerful formation, they can't exert their full strength.

Therefore, I must get out of the sea!

"It's a pity that the Sea-Monster has not condensed yet, and we can only wait for a chance in the future."

Lu Chen sighed secretly.

The time is still too short.

Seeing that there was only half a day left before the deadline, he hurriedly set off for the eastern battlefield.

After about two hours, he finally arrived.

There, there are a series of submarine fences, towering out of the sea level.

Every fence is a checkpoint.

Lu Chen quickly took out the badge of the quasi-general respectfully, and said: "I am Pu Chen, the quasi-general under the command of Marshal Xu Daoguang."


The siren guard took the token, then frowned, and said, "Why are you here now? Among this group of people, you are the slowest!"

"Sorry General, my subordinate was delayed halfway"

"Stop talking nonsense and make excuses. It's in your interest to be the latest. Report to the general camp immediately!"

The guard said impatiently.

With a simple push, a wave pushed Chase Lu in.

Lu Chen didn't resist, and moved with the waves.

Soon, I saw the three strange characters of General Camp.

It is also called the general camp.

But the general camp here is different from that of Xu Daoguang.

The general's camp there is a place to learn about supernatural powers, and all of them are quasi-generals from the Void Realm.

And the general camps here are all genuine emperors with supernatural powers.

Lu Chen was rushed to this side by the waves, and was immediately grabbed by the sea monster at the gate of the general camp, and said, "Come to report?"


"Go in!"

The sea monster threw it away and sent Lu Chen to the general's camp again.

Lu Chen didn't move all the way, relying on others to push him away, he entered the general's camp in a daze.

At this time, I saw rows of sea monsters standing upright, obeying the orders of the sea monsters on the opposite side.

This sea monster is obviously the leader of this team of sea monsters.

He saw Lu Chen coming over, and said, "The last one to come. According to the rules, you go to the front line immediately."


A sea monster suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Lu Chen, "Thank you, brother."

Lu Chen was still a little stunned and didn't react.

After a while, he realized that if he hadn't rushed over at this juncture, the talking siren would probably be the last one to go straight to the front line.

After all, he still saved him.

"Keep practicing, don't be lazy!"

The siren leader shouted loudly.

Then he took Lu Chen to a checkpoint to register, and said: "From today onwards, you are a member of the front line, set off immediately."


Lu Chen saluted quickly, and was led by another group of people, and rushed to the front line together.

It has been less than a stick of incense since he arrived here, and now he is going directly to the front line.

Until now, Chase Lu felt that it was too fast, like a dream.

If he was really an ordinary sea monster, he was afraid that the punishment of going to the front line would directly kill him.

But he is not a sea monster, so he is a little lucky at this moment.

Because he really wanted to see what the enemies on the front line of the eastern battlefield were like.

Is it a monster of another race, or is it a human?

If it's a human being, then I've come to the right place this time!

Among the unlucky ones who went to the front line, Chase Lu performed relatively well.

Because the other monsters were very nervous, or showed painful expressions.

Apparently, they knew that there would be ten deaths and nine lives out of this trip.

"A bunch of trash!"

The leading siren scolded.

Lu Chen and other sea monsters did not dare to respond, so they could only put away their emotions.

Fortunately, such humiliation lasted less than three days, and they came to the frontline battlefield.

"Trash like you are slower than others!

But we still give you one last chance.

Train for ten days, and then immediately set out to attack Jinyang City! "

The leader Sea-Monster yelled, and sent Lu Chen and the others to the training camp.

"I am the majestic Void Realm Emperor"

A siren was dissatisfied in a low voice.

You must know that his state, placed on the battlefield of the Sifang Continent, is a top sea monster.

However, when you come here, you still have to be a recruit.

What a shame!

Lu Chen glanced around, feeling inexplicably shocked.

Because he saw Void Realm Emperors everywhere.

They are at the first level of the Void Realm, so they really don't even count as farts.

Too ordinary.

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