Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2254 Great Buddha Palm

Led by the siren guards, Lu Chen and the others immediately came to another general camp.

This is still a palace.

There are at least a hundred people in the palace comprehending the gods.

Lu Chen and the others entered it and immediately filled the houses in the palace.

The siren guard said: "This is the new stronghold. Study hard in it."

After all, he turned to leave.

Lu Chen immediately found a room to occupy, and then quickly arranged the formation before entering the small world.

The transparent bead looks very mysterious, there must be a big treasure inside.

Suppressing his excitement, Lu Chen calmed down and began to comprehend.

The days passed quickly.

Lu Chen felt that he had found a way, as long as he continued to comprehend along this road, he would be able to understand the formation restriction in this little bead.

So half a year slipped away like this.

On this day, Lu Chen relaxed slightly and was a little tired.

But at this moment, a loud laugh suddenly sounded in his mind: "My boy, you can be regarded as slack."


Lu Chen turned pale with shock.


Something inexplicably exploded in his head, Lu Chen's eyes turned white, his body trembled, and he fell to the ground twitching.

"Hey, you won't die like this."

The voice was amazing.

But he was just an accident and didn't have any worries.

On the contrary, like a master, he immediately occupied Chase Lu's mental space and began to refine it.

After a while, the man's face became gloomy.

"It's already the mental power of the peak of the seventh level of distraction. It's just a Void Realm. Huh, that's not right, this kid seems to be just a fake Void Realm."

The man gasped in shock.

It never occurred to me that there would be such a heaven-defying guy.

With the Pseudo-Void Realm, one can cultivate to the peak of distraction mental power.

If he was allowed to break through the Void Realm, wouldn't he be able to directly break through to the eighth level of spiritual power?

Incredible kid!

The soul body suddenly wanted to look up to the sky and laugh.

God really treats me kindly, and actually gave me such a genius.

As long as he takes it away, he will become an even more peerless enchanting genius.

Under the whole world, who can stop it?

Even Luo Yunshu herself is not afraid, on the contrary, she can pursue her again and take her down!

Back then, Luo Yunshu's father looked down on her, but she didn't expect that she would have such an opportunity.


Sure enough, I, Song Shifeng, are the one who is most worthy of Luo Yunshu.

"It turns out that you are the scum who lost his mind and killed your sweetheart's family!"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Song Shifeng turned pale with shock, and looked around immediately.

He saw a young figure slowly appearing in front of him.

Naturally, it was Lu Chen without a doubt.

Although he was attacked by surprise, Lu Chen's mental power is so powerful.

This Song Shifeng has been dead for many years, even if he just stays in this small bead, his spiritual power will continue to be consumed.

With his mental strength, it is not enough to kill Lu Chen.

If he hadn't sneaked up on Lu Chen when he was tired, I'm afraid he wouldn't have hurt Lu Chen at all.

What's more, Chase Lu still has such a heaven-defying existence as the soul space.

As long as he puts his spiritual power into the soul space, Song Shifeng will have nothing to do with him.

Unless he also enters soul space.

But if he enters Chase Lu's soul space, he will surely die.

There is Chase Lu's biggest home field!

Seeing Lu Chen's spiritual villain condense out, Song Shifeng's expression changed drastically, and he said, "You can still condense your spiritual power."

Lu Chen sneered, "It's surprising. A trash like you doesn't even know what a genius is. You don't even have the qualifications to lick Luo Yunshu's heels."

"How do you know Luo Yunshu's name?"

Song Shifeng was even more shocked.

Lu Chen said calmly: "In my spiritual space, everything you think is under my control!"

"Impossible! You only have the mental power to distinguish gods"

Song Shifeng screamed.

Lu Chen was too lazy to explain to him.

He has such a powerful evil technique as the Yuling Heart Sutra, and he has refined and absorbed Bai Shachen's spiritual space.

Today's spiritual space is already incredibly powerful.

Much stronger than I imagined before.

If you were attacked by surprise just now, you only fell into a coma for a moment, and then slowly came back to your senses.

Not to mention that Song Shifeng, who has always been a good-for-nothing, made a sneak attack, even if it was the Sea Demon Emperor who used his spiritual power to sneak attack.

Chase Lu guessed he wasn't afraid!

"Song Shifeng, are you ready to die?"

While speaking, Lu Chen's figure grew infinitely larger, pressing down on Song Shifeng overwhelmingly.

Facing this behemoth, Song Shifeng was extremely helpless.

He shivered and shouted: "I am a senior, how dare you bully me like this!"

"Stupid, ridiculous!"

Lu Chen didn't bother to make a sound, and then operated the Yuling Heart Sutra, wrapped the person with spiritual power, and began to refine.

Chi Chi Chi.

The spirit villain of Song Shifeng seemed to be burned by flames, emitting white smoke outside.

These white smokes are his spiritual power and soul, all of which were absorbed by Lu Chen at this time.

"What a waste, you have helped me a lot!"

Lu Chen suddenly praised with joy.

It turns out that this guy has a lot of understanding of Xiaozhu's formation restriction.

Although he hasn't fully comprehended it yet, for Lu Chen, it can save him a lot of detours.

But having said that, this guy is really useless.

Beads who have stayed in the palace for tens of thousands of years and controlled them for tens of thousands of years.

In the end, he couldn't get rid of Xiaozhu's formation restriction, and there was no treasure mountain in the air.

One can imagine how aggrieved this guy has been for tens of thousands of years.

I'm afraid this is God's punishment for this garbage man.

The cruel bastard who killed his sweetheart and his whole family deserved this ending.

"No, don't kill me, I can give you whatever you want"

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Song Shifeng begged for mercy.

Lu Chen turned a deaf ear.

But it is not easy to refine this guy's spiritual power.

After all, it was a strong man in ancient times, and a lean camel was bigger than a horse.

It took Lu Chen a full year of hard work with water to finally grind away the guy's mental power and soul.

Fortunately, he was in the small world's medicine garden formation, so he had enough time.

If it was outside, he should have left long ago.

Huh, not right.

Lu Chen suddenly had an idea and realized that he still had a lot of time.

Because a new palace has been changed to comprehend the gods, it means that all the previous comprehensions are invalid.

In other words, I still have four years to squander.

For at least four years, no one will doubt me even if I can't realize my supernatural powers.


Lu Chen was overjoyed.

I didn't expect that the previous broken palace would have such unexpected benefits.

Otherwise, I will also collapse this palace for him?

This idea came to Lu Chen's heart, which shocked him.

But if you want to bring down the palace, you must at least comprehend all the fetishes here first.

In Small World's medicine garden formation, another year has passed.

During this year, Lu Chen was refining and absorbing Song Shifeng's spiritual power.

There are all kinds of dross in this old boy's mind, and because he has been trapped in the palace for a long time, his brain has problems.

Absorbing this guy's mental power requires a lot of time to pick and choose.

Fortunately, his spiritual power mixed with this memory and perception also allowed him to have a deeper understanding of the formation restriction of the small beads.

Next, as long as I continue to comprehend, sooner or later, I will break the formation restriction of the little beads.

However, Chase Lu did not continue to comprehend Xiaozhuzi.

Instead, he began to work hard to improve his spiritual power.

He has just absorbed the spiritual power of Song Shifeng from the ancient times, and has a more advanced understanding of the improvement of spiritual power.

According to Lu Chen's thinking, he should be able to break through the spiritual power of manifesting God soon!

In the medicine garden formation, ten years passed by in a flash.

Outside, a year has passed.

On this day, Lu Chen suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his face changed several times.

Then, he let out a long howl, and layers of white mist appeared above his head.

After a while, the white mist above his head began to condense, and a human figure formed in his mouth.

It's exactly what he looks like, Chase Lu, a human being.

But this is not what Chase Lu wants.

In human form, he couldn't move an inch here.

It is necessary to condense the appearance of oneself as the sea monster Pu Chen.

Therefore, my spiritual realm is not enough, and I need to continue to work hard.

Originally, Chase Lu thought that he could express himself as a human being, but now he just wants to change the human appearance into a sea monster, it shouldn't be difficult.

Unexpectedly, this change took him another six years.

But he didn't know that when he first entered the realm of the eighth level of mental power, he could only condense the appearance of the deity.

Only after manifesting the spirit and reaching the realm, can it change and condense into other appearances.

In other words, when he was able to condense the appearance of Pu Chen, the sea monster, he was already a little accomplished.

And it only took six years.

If other mentally strong people knew, they would probably go crazy with jealousy.

In six years, she has made a small achievement!

This progress is ridiculously fast.

Lu Chen didn't understand, but felt that it took too much time.

Fortunately, it finally condensed successfully.

He immediately released Puchen, the sea monster who showed his god, out of the small world, and let him go out in a big way.

Not a single person had the slightest doubt about this spiritually powerful figure.

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Finally, you're done.

Next, there is no need to control other people, but just use Pu Chen, who is his own god, to comprehend.

So, Pu Chen continued to study from small objects.

But this palace is completely different from the previous palace fetish.

There are no sculptures, but a handful of different weapons.

Some small weapons were scattered on the ground, and no one dared to move them.

Anyone who touches these weapons will be bounced back and spit out blood. . .

Therefore, most people sit cross-legged next to the weapon, comprehending the will in the weapon.

The sea demon Pu Chen was also under the control of Lu Chen, walked to the weapon and sat down.

But the good seats are all occupied, so you can only sit in the distance.

Even so, when enlightenment began, the violent will in the weapon immediately blasted over.

"Good come."

Lu Chen was overjoyed instead.

He likes this kind of crispness.

If it is still the will of a mother-in-law like Song Shifeng before, how much time will it take.

On the contrary, it is this kind of violent will that makes it easier to resist and conquer.

Soon, the will of a weapon was understood by Lu Chen.

After a few hours passed, all the small weapons were comprehended by Lu Chen.

It is a hundred times faster than those small objects that comprehended Song Shifeng before.

It can be seen that the mental power has reached the strength after the small achievement of the gods.

Next, it took three months to comprehend medium weapons.

It takes a year to comprehend large weapons.

"Great Buddha Palm?"

In the small world, Lu Chen suddenly slapped out with a palm.

Then I saw a pagoda growing out of the palm, and then it was extremely huge, falling from the sky.


The earth trembled.

A phantom of a Buddhist pagoda fell on the ground and lingered for a long time.

I saw the Buddha light of the pagoda scattered in all directions.

In the emitted Buddha light, you can see that there are various weapons condensed in it.

After a while, the Buddha Light Pagoda finally dispersed.

I saw a variety of different marks on the ground just now, such as various weapons are depicted in it.

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