Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2248 Breakthrough

Among the three, Shi Zhen and Tong Tong are ruthless and want their own lives.

Only Gan Lin'er was kind-hearted, not only tipped her off, but also spared the apes and monsters around her.

In the end, he revealed the news about Ziyun Pearl to himself.

But since then, I have never seen Gan Lin'er again.

Unexpectedly, she also came to the sea area and became a banquet reward.

It's just that she is not the No.1 reward, but the No.4 reward.

Lu Chen took No.1, and boldly said: "Marshal Xu, all generals, I want to replace the first rewarded maidservant with this maidservant. I wonder if it will work?"

He pointed at Gan Lin'er and said.

Xu Daoguang smiled and said: "Why not. You can choose whichever you like. But the maids are just for fun. When you break through the void, a large number of human maids will be yours!"

"Thank you Marshal Xu!"

Lu Chen was overjoyed, and immediately bowed to thank him.

After returning to the cave, Lu Chen treated Shan Qingrou as usual, and calmed Gan Lin'er down.

Then, learned from his mouth.

Sure enough, Ziyun Pearl also came to the sea area.

But Ziyun Mingzhu failed to comprehend the supernatural power, and was still comprehending it in the general's camp.

The reason why Gan Lin'er came to the sea was not to die in Ziyun Villa.

That's because she couldn't go back after she followed Ziyun Mingzhu to the Northern Territory.

As a small servant girl, she is not yet eligible for a status jade badge.

So when Ziyun Villa exploded on the Nine Dragon Pillar, she escaped her life.

But with Ziyun Mingzhu as the master, the restraint on her still exists.

So when Ziyun Mingzhu came to the sea area, as a servant, she naturally followed.

Hearing Gan Lin'er said that she was forced to be brought up.

Lu Chen also put a sword mark on her.

After all, it was an old friend who had a predestined relationship, and if he could save her life, he would save her life.

Then, he asked Gan Lin'er and Shan Qingrou to practice together.

Another half year passed in the blink of an eye.


A blast sounded all over the body, and it suddenly sounded in the small cave.

If Lu Chen hadn't arranged the formation in advance, this shock would have spread throughout the cave.

As far as Lu Chen's formation is concerned, it has now reached the realm of a nine-star formation master.

After all, formations are very powerful.

And he has a lot of extra time to practice in the small world, so he can only use it to comprehend the formation and improve his strength in all aspects.

"It's about to break through!"

Lu Chen stood up overjoyed and looked at Shan Qingrou in the formation.

This was the first time he saw someone breaking through the Void Realm with his own eyes, and it was by his side.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I can experience the Void Realm at close range.

Even if he couldn't make himself break through to the Void Realm, it would still improve him a lot.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen sat down again and began to comprehend the changing breath of Shan Qingrou.

Half an hour passed.

Lu Chen's breath also slowly changed.

He began to try to incorporate the Phantom Breath Art into it, and a bold idea came to his mind.

Chi Chi Chi.

The aura in the sea is like a flame, burning around Shan Qingrou.

After a moment.

The spiritual energy poured into Shan Qingrou's body.

Seeing that Shan Qingrou's aura rose rapidly, she almost broke through Lu Chen's formation.

At this moment, Lu Chen hesitated.

He did not consolidate the formation, on the contrary, he released the formation.


Terrible aura soared into the sky.

The cave of the entire Pu family's army was shaken.

The Krakens exclaimed in unison.

Breakthrough, just in an instant.

The aura of the Void Realm soared into the sky, reverberating in the Pu's Legion's cave residence.

All the sea monsters looked at Lu Chen's small cave.

Pu Xiong shouted: "It's Brother Pu Chen, break through the void!"

"Oh my God, after so many years in our Pu's Legion, a Void Realm Emperor finally appeared!"

"Great, with Vice General Pu Chen here, the status of our Pu family's army will definitely rise."

The crowd cheered, one by one proud.

At the same time, in the distance to the right of Pu's army, in a small hall.

Yuan Yaqing also saw the imposing light of the Void Realm emitted from the Pu's Army's cave, she was overjoyed, immediately interrupted her cultivation, and came flying away.

On this side, Lu Chen quickly evolved the magic breath formula by virtue of the aura of Shan Qingrou in the void.

According to his thinking, since the Phantom Breath Art can be disguised as a sea monster, it can change the aura of the race.

Naturally, it can be disguised as a disguise.

It may even be simpler to pretend to be decorated.

And the fact is as he expected.

During the period from Shan Qingrou's breakthrough to the end, Lu Chen felt the extremely strong breath of the void.

He immediately used the phantom breath formula, disguising his cultivation base in the Void Realm.

From the perspective of outsiders, it is no longer a half-step Void Realm.

"Brother Lu Chen, have you also broken through the void?"

Shan Qingrou exclaimed in surprise.

Lu Chen waved his hand, his eyes narrowed, and said, "I'll give you another sword mark."

Shan Qingrou said without any hesitation, "Yes."

Then relax.

Lu Chen couldn't help feeling relieved.

He was afraid that after Shan Qingrou broke through the Void Realm, because there was no sword seal, she would shoot at herself directly, and then arrest herself and report to Xu Daoguang.

If this is the case, he will have to use the sword array to kill Shan Qingrou.

This is not the situation Lu Chen wants to see.

Fortunately, everything is going in the best direction.

Shan Qingrou is still the Shan Qingrou she once knew.

Immediately imposing the sword seal on Shan Qingrou, Lu Chen said: "Junior Sister Qingrou, take care of Gan Lin'er for now. I'll go out for a while."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the small cave and came to the entrance of the big cave.

I saw Yuan Yaqing standing there with a smile on her face.

Lu Chen immediately bowed and saluted: "I have seen the general!"

Yuan Yaqing said: "You have broken through the Void Realm, so you don't need to be so restrained."


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Lu Chen stood up.

Yuan Yaqing said: "I just broke through, you need to rest and consolidate for a while, or just follow me to the general camp."

"Subordinates need to consolidate for a while."

Lu Chen said quickly.

Yuan Yaqing nodded: "Go quickly. I will come to you in half a month."


Lu Chen immediately returned to Xiaodongfu.

Half a month later, he sent both Shan Qing and Gan Lin'er into the small world.

But they were not allowed to enter the medicine garden formation.

After all, the speed of time in the medicine garden formation is Lu Chen's biggest secret, and it must not be revealed at will.

Being able to let them enter the small world is already extraordinarily merciful.

One must know that Mu Han is still unconscious in the animal control bag.

Everything was ready, Lu Chen left the small cave and met Yuan Yaqing.

"Let's go to the general camp."

Yuan Yaqing said.

On the way, Lu Chen asked: "General, what is the general camp for? I have only heard some rumors, but I still don't understand."

Yuan Yaqing explained: "The General's Camp is a place to assess whether the new Void Realm Emperor can become a general.

There, there are various murals and sculptures and other fetishes.

You have to feel supernatural powers there.

Only by comprehending supernatural powers can one become a general.

Pu Chen, I first wish you a smooth enlightenment.

But don't worry, it took me eight years to realize my supernatural powers.

Some people spend more time, more than ten or twenty years, or even hundreds of years of comprehension, before they can comprehend supernatural powers.

There are also people who comprehend it until they die, but they don't get supernatural powers.

Therefore, as someone who has experienced it, I suggest you to choose the mural sculpture that suits you to comprehend.

Don't just go for strength.

It is very easy to understand that there are some murals among them.

It's just that no one wants to choose him.

Because ordinary emperors can only comprehend one supernatural power in a lifetime.

Even powerful ones can only have two or three doors.

Comprehending supernatural powers is something that consumes a lot of potential.

That's why everyone pursues powerful supernatural powers and is unwilling to comprehend small supernatural powers.

But if you really can't understand it, you might as well follow my advice, choose an ordinary little supernatural power, and leave the general camp first. "

"Yes, General, I understand."

Lu Chen nodded.

There is a glimmer of expectation for the general camp in my heart.

Although he is not a real Void Realm.

But with his strength, there is no need to be afraid to deal with the real void.

Even if it is a Void Realm Emperor with supernatural powers, he can suppress it with the True Dragon Jade Talisman.

So, he has nothing to fear.

What I am looking forward to now is whether I can comprehend supernatural powers in the general camp.

Soon, Lu Chen and Yuan Yaqing came to Hai Guild Hall.

General Ying Kai waited for a long time, and immediately came up to greet him, saying: "Vice General Pu Chen, congratulations. Yaqing, congratulations."

Yuan Yaqing hurriedly cupped her hands and saluted: "We are happy together."

Ying Kai said with a smile: "But there is still one hurdle. When Deputy General Pu Chen comprehends supernatural powers, then it will be called true consummation."

As he said, he looked at Lu Chen with a smile, with a look of concern and expectation.

Lu Chen was stunned.

No wonder before Yuan Yaqing asked herself to find a small supernatural power at will and comprehend it.

This is not good advice for taking care of yourself.

Instead, I want to quickly promote myself to the general, leave the general camp, and bring benefits to them.

I think that after I became a general, the achievement of cultivating sea monsters fell to these two guys.

Lu Chen couldn't help cursing secretly.

This Yuan Yaqing is really nothing.

It really is selfish to the extreme.

If I were really a sea monster, I'm afraid I would be foolish and obedient, so I'll understand it with a little magical power.

After all, the sea monster's comprehension is low, and it's not bad to be able to comprehend small supernatural powers.

However, I chose not to comprehend the small supernatural power.

"General Ying Kai, General Yuan Yaqing, congratulations."

Xu Daoguang also popped up at some point.

These three guys congratulate each other, they are all the lucky ones who will be rewarded by Chase Lu's breakthrough in the future.

Now that the horoscope is just one stroke, the three of them are celebrating with each other.

Lu Chen was contemptuous in his heart, but remained calm on the surface.

He still foolishly followed behind the three of them.

Then, walked a path.

At the side door of the path, Chase Lu secretly swept through it with mental power, and found that there were a large number of humans in it.

It seems that this is the cultivation hall that Shan Qingrou and the others were talking about.

The material of the main hall is really extraordinary, it can isolate the spiritual energy.

If it wasn't for his strong mental power, he might not even be able to penetrate the main hall.

"Huh, Meng Xiaoman!?"

Lu Chen was startled suddenly.

Meng Xiaoman also surrendered to the sea area.

Although surprised, Lu Chen quickly reacted.

With Meng Xiaoman's personality and pursuit, there is probably only one reason.

He must have seen his sister Meng Xiaoman also come to the sea area, so she surrendered too.

But I had already told him that Meng Xiaoman was no longer his sister after her house was taken away.

But he is still so persistent.

Hey, by the way, why didn't I see Meng Xiaoman.

Wrong, it shouldn't be called Meng Xiaoman, it should be called Xiao Xingyi.

This guy is an old monster, he must have a lot of tricks, and it is absolutely impossible to die.

Maybe he has already become a general somewhere.

"Pu Chen, what's the matter?"

Seeing Lu Chen's walking slowed down, Yuan Yaqing asked.

Lu Chen smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "General, can I choose another slave to take away?"


Yuan Yaqing looked at Xu Daoguang and said, "I can't decide, Marshal Xu has to decide."

Xu Daoguang smiled and said: "It's a trivial matter. You go to the hall to choose, and take away the ones you like, and you will be rewarded!"

Lu Chen quickly thanked him.

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