Garbage like you that has abandoned the Sifang Continent is only worthy of being the feces of a sea monster! "

Mu Han's face turned pale, and he said tremblingly, "You, did you bring me here just to humiliate me?"

Lu Chen sneered: "Wrong, you don't even have the right to be humiliated by me.

Well, I don't want to talk nonsense with you.

I suggest that you share some useful information. I need to know the current situation and the distribution of the powerful on this side of the sea. "

"I understand."

Mu Han said disappointedly.

But she was still a little rejoiced.

Thanks to the fact that I met Lu Chen in Danyu, I was selected by Lu Chen as the intelligence reporter.

As for the other nine people who made rewards with me, I am afraid that they have been ravaged by the sea monster and died.

Thinking of her poor fate, she sighed, and said, "Chase Lu, I'm just the poorest wretch, I don't know much."

"Say anything you know."

"Okay, I said. As far as I know, we are still in the sea area on the edge of the four continents.

The people who left and entered the sea with us at the beginning should all be in this sea.

I guess it should be that we have entered the sea for too short a time, and we have not gained the trust of the Siren Emperor.

Therefore, all of us can only be on the periphery of the sea area and become the main force to attack the Sifang Continent.

During this period, although Xu Daoguang and the others broke through to the Void Realm.

However, none of them were received by the Siren Emperor.

In fact, we haven't seen him since we saw the Siren Emperor in Sifang Continent.

The Siren Emperor is very mysterious, and he does not live in this sea area.

I guess he should live in the more inner sea area, and the sea area is not peaceful.

Chase Lu, if you want to defeat the Siren Emperor, I suggest you find out the factors that are not peaceful in the sea.

Then magnifying this factor can cause the sea area to be devastated, and our Sifang Continent will have time to breathe! "

Mu Han said seriously, actively making suggestions.

Lu Chen sneered: "You are a traitor, and you are also worthy of a Sifang Continent? You seem to have forgotten your identity and position."

Mu Han burst into tears when he heard the words, and said, "Lu Chen, I was wrong.

The sea monsters are completely different from us humans. They don't keep their promises, let alone benevolent as the sea monster emperor said.

They took us over as the Kraken's rations and toys.

Except for those geniuses worth cultivating, most people are like me.

Lu Chen, we are all waiting for you to save us now.

As long as you save us, we will help you fight against the Siren King together.

We break the Siren King's rule from within.

With your leadership and so many of us, we will surely succeed! "

Mu Han exclaimed excitedly.

Mu Han looked at Lu Chen expectantly as if he saw a savior.

Lu Chen wanted to give her two slaps to wake her up.

You traitor, you betrayed the Sifang Continent because you thought the Sea Territory was good, and came to the Sea Territory.

Now that I have been cheated, I want to come back.

How can it be so easy!

Once a traitor, always a traitor.

This selfish and unscrupulous nature cannot be changed in a lifetime.

This time, he met the Siren Emperor.

Then next time, if Sifang Continent is in danger again, wouldn't these guys want to run away again?

Only fools will take them back to the Sifang Continent.

But Chase Lu resisted not having an attack, but smiled and said, "Do you regret it now?"

"I regret it, I know I regret it.

We all know regret and want to turn our backs on the dark side.

Lu Chen, no, Lord Lu, you are the strongest in the Sifang Continent, the master of the Sifang Continent, please accept us again.

We will do our best to repay you. "

Mu Han hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

Lu Chen pondered: "I don't think your mind is very clear now, you can think about it again."

Mu Han hurriedly said: "Don't think about it, I just want to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and do my best for the Sifang Continent."

Lu Chen nodded slightly, and said: "But I need to think about it. You first tell me where your good sister Elaine, who is inseparable from you, has gone."

According to Lu Chen's thinking, Elaine should have been eaten by the sea monster as a reward early on.

He was just asking casually.

Unexpectedly, Mu Han's face suddenly turned ferocious, and he shouted: "That bitch! She stole my spiritual energy and made me a siren ration."


Lu Chen frowned, and said with interest: "Continue."

Mu Han said: "Lord Lu, this has to start 14 years ago.

At that time, the Siren King coaxed us to come here, and didn't directly hunt us down.

Instead, it gave us a hall for all of us to practice in the hall.

Among them, those with powerful talents and superior cultivation bases, such as Xu Daoguang and others, broke through the Void Realm in a short period of time, became upper-class people, and left the hall.

The rest, those with weak cultivation bases, will continue to practice.

Everyone wanted to break through the Void Realm as soon as possible, leave the hall and become a superior person.

However, cultivation is by no means so easy.

At the beginning, we were also amazed at the rules of the sea area and its rich aura.

But later, fewer and fewer people became breakthroughs, and many people's cultivation base began to regress.

Only then did we discover that this hall was specially made.

The spiritual energy in it is very limited, and there will be no further spiritual energy poured into it, let alone newborn spiritual energy.

After the people in front absorb the aura breakthrough, the people behind must take the aura of others if they want to break through.

And the closer the person is, the more convenient it is to seize the aura.

That bitch Elaine discovered this in advance, so she got closer to me and secretly sucked my spiritual energy.

By the time I realized it, she had already broken through to the ninth level of the Sifang Realm.

But my cultivation has dropped to the third level of the Sifang Realm.

At the ninth level of the Sifang Realm, she immediately climbed up to a genius of the Void Realm.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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When he went out that day, he took her with him and made her the head of a legion.

Those of us who can no longer break through will be ordered by the Kraken.

Whoever is unlucky and caught by the fancy will be reduced to rewards and rations. "

The more Mu Han talked, the angrier he became, he wished he could peel Yi Lian and suck her blood.

Lu Chen suddenly said: "So this is the reason why you can live here for 14 years. It seems that your luck is also good."

"Not bad! With my talent, if I am not suppressed in that hall, I will definitely be able to break through the ninth level of the Sifang Realm and become the head of the regiment!"

Mu Han lost his mind.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Chen's half-smile expression.

Immediately panicked, kowtowed: "Lord Lu, I was wrong, the villain made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me, Lord Lu."

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, I am not a bloodthirsty person. I just feel sorry for you.

With your talent, if you stay in our Sifang Continent, you should be at the peak of the ninth level of the Sifang Realm by now.

In particular, I let go of the pill supply in Danyu, and many people's cultivation bases have risen in a straight line.

It's a pity, if you hadn't turned to the Sea-Monster, you would still be a powerful force in our Sifang Continent now. "

"Lord Lu, I was wrong. I was obsessed with ghosts for a while, so I took refuge in the sea monster, and I was punished in the end."

Mu Han wept and cried, bowing to the ground with five bodies: "The villain now understands, he is born as a person from Sifang Continent, and when he dies, he is a ghost from Sifang Continent!"

Lu Chen nodded and said in relief: "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it. Let's rest. I'll ask you what I think of."


Mu Han immediately ran to the corner of the cave, and obediently sat down cross-legged.

Lu Chen threw out the mental shield and bound her there.

Then, secretly thinking.

Mu Han said that Yi Lian followed a genius to become the team leader.

This regiment leader must be the Bi Xia who he killed back then.

Lu Chen asked: "Mu Han, besides generals, generals, and captains, what other assignments do the humans in this sea have?"

Mu Han said: "If you go back to Lord Lu, the villain has been staying in that hall all the time, and I don't know much about it.

But from everyone's few words, as well as the hearing after being caught out of the hall, I learned something.

A genius among humans, after breaking through to the Void Realm, he entered the general camp.

In the general camp, you can learn to perceive supernatural powers.

However, supernatural powers are not easy to comprehend, and many Void Realm geniuses died while comprehending supernatural powers.

It seems to be a magical backlash.

It is said that after their death, their spiritual power and physical body will all be fed back into the general camp.

I guess that the general camp, just like the hall where we were trapped, is also a place to raise Gu.

Only those who came out of the general camp, those geniuses who have realized supernatural powers.

Only then will he officially become a general and become a master.

At that time, they had a certain amount of power.

For example, those generals at the banquet have all successfully come out step by step and become the talkers of this sea area.

Xu Daoguang is one of the best! "

The more Mu Han talked, the more envious he became.

I hope that I can become the same outstanding person as Xu Daoguang.

After all, in her eyes, although Lu Chen is very strong, he can also transform into a sea monster.

But Chase Lu is only in the Sifang Realm after all.

He didn't break through to the Void Realm, let alone supernatural powers.

He is in the sea area, not even a fart.

They can only hide in this Pu's army, the poor ones dare not leave the cave.

This kind of person can only scare himself.

A person like him can become the strongest in the Sifang Continent.

It can be seen how pitiful the Sifang Continent is.

If there is a chance, Mu Han still hopes to stay in the sea area.

She wants to break through the void, comprehend supernatural powers, and become a master!

Lu Chen didn't bother to know what Mu Han thought.

Anyway, I will definitely kill it in the end.

In fact, he asked so many questions, but none of them were what he wanted to know urgently.

What he wants to know most now is not the distribution of personnel in this sea area, nor how to become a general.

He just wanted to find a remote and uninhabited place as soon as possible, and break through the Void Realm early.

If you don't enter the Void Realm, no matter how you practice, you will be stuck in the Sifang Realm.

If you can't break the upper limit, your strength will be very limited.

So Lu Chen asked again: "Do you know if there is any hidden place in this sea area?"

Mu Han thought for a while, and said, "I don't have the right to move freely. I have to be taken to all places. Fortunately, I will remember them after I have been there. Master Lu, I can draw them for you."

"it is good."

Lu Chen took out a blank jade slip and gave it to her.

After a while, he took the jade slip back and checked the map inside.

As Mu Han said, the places she has been to are only a small part of this sea area.

Starting from their cave of the Pu's Legion, go to the left and you will find the Hai Guild Hall.

Where is the past to the right, I don't know.

But Lu Chen guessed that the right side should be where Yuan Yaqing lived.

Behind the Hai Guild Hall is a huge hall.

This hall is what Mu Han called the cultivation hall.

There are a large number of traitors from the Sifang Continent there, and they are all raised there like Gu.

Well, the map ends here.

The useless Mu Han has no effect, and has been under house arrest ever since he came to the sea area and entered the hall.

Coming to Pu's Army was the furthest place she had traveled.

Lu Chen sighed, looked at Mu Han and said seriously: "What do you want?"

"Lord Lu, please spare me!"

Mu Han kowtowed vigorously.

She also knows that she is incompetent, and the role she can play is very limited.

However, she doesn't want to die.

Even if I am useless, I want to live.

You can see Lu Chen shaking his head, making it clear that he doesn't like himself.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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