Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2242 Different Society

The general smiled and helped Yuan Yaqing up.

His name is Ying Kai, he is in the fourth level of the Void Realm, and besides Yuan Yaqing, there are three other generals under him.

Among these few people, Yuan Yaqing was considered to be the least qualified and the weakest.

But the others took good care of her and treated her like a younger sister.

Lu Chen was a little shocked.

But after observing it for a long time, I understood it.

The reason is that Yuan Yaqing's temperament has completely changed from the coldness before.

If it was her previous temperament and the way she refused to be thousands of miles away, who would take care of her as a younger sister.

But now, Yuan Yaqing has become extremely well-behaved, and has learned to pretend to be false.

I really don't know what she has been through these years.

I'm afraid that after suffering a lot, she realized the stupidity of the past, so she had no choice but to change her temperament and adapt to this sea area society.

Here, alone, she has to meet new people and rely on new strong men.

"Yaqing, you haven't been a general for long, and you only have Pu's army under your command, so it's hard to find outstanding candidates.

But it doesn't matter, this time you just come over and take a look.

After the next few battles, if you have made meritorious service, I will arrange a few good troops for you and let you train them well.

You have to remember that you need to train your army with all your heart.

Only when they are strong can you be strong.

After all, the allocation of resources in our sea area is based on the contribution of the army.

Although you are a rare genius, you should not take it lightly.

The big conscription in the Sifang Continent more than ten years ago brought a lot of geniuses.

The competition is fierce, and you have to work hard. "

General Ying Kai spoke earnestly.

It seems that he was not recruited last time, but an old fritter who has been in the sea for a long time.

"General, I understand."

Yuan Yaqing was obedient and obedient, and said obediently.

Ying Kai nodded.

What he admired most was Yuan Yaqing's attitude.

Much better than the generals I had brought before.

And this girl is very winky, well-behaved and sensible, and plays well with her own daughter, she is a good sister.

Not bad.

Continue to train her, if she has potential and drive.

Then you can consider letting your son marry her as his wife, and get closer.

Ying Kai knew that his son had a crush on Yuan Yaqing.

But the son's talent is not good, and he is very lazy, and has no higher pursuit.

If it wasn't for relying on himself, with his son's inertia, he would have been sent to the battlefield to die long ago.

Therefore, he hopes to have a strong woman to be his daughter-in-law so that he can take care of his son.

"Old Ying, it's time to start."

A person came over and called out.

Ying Kai nodded and said, "Let's go too, it won't look good if we go late."

After finishing speaking, he took four generals including Yuan Yaqing and eight lieutenants to the lobby.

Seats in the lobby are already arranged.

It spreads out in eight directions radially.

The ones closest to the center are naturally the seats of generals like Ying Kai and the others.

The next four seats were Yuan Yaqing's four generals.

The eight directions represent the eight domain directions of the Sifang Continent.

As a lieutenant, Lu Chen is only qualified to stand in the most remote position, and together with other lieutenants, forms the outermost circle.

However, the view here is quite good.

Lu Chen observed carefully.

I even saw a few people I knew.

Strictly speaking, it is not an acquaintance, but a meeting once.

That was when they were at Nine Dragon Column in Zhongzhou, the powerhouses of the Three Great Sacred Lands gathered together.

Among them, besides Feng Ziyan, Ji Yuan, Fu Rong and others, there were these few people.

These rubbish, as the top combat power in the Sifang Continent, turned in faster than anyone else.

At this moment, I saw that they had all become generals.

Moreover, her cultivation base is higher than Yuan Yaqing's, both of which are at the third level of the Void Realm.

There is even a person at the fourth level of the void realm.

It is worthy of being the strongest of the three holy places.

Lu Chen cursed inwardly.

These surrendered garbage are really happy to live.

The people in their Sifang Continent are pitiful, they can't even break through the realm, and they are dying of sorrow every day, with no hope in sight.

I swear to make these surrenders look good.

Never let the companions who stick to the Sifang Continent feel wronged!

Soon, everyone was seated.

Each line is a general, four generals, and eight lieutenants.

Xu Daoguang has not yet appeared.

Lu Chen was curious.

After a while, I saw flowers floating in the air.

Then several beauties fell down against the light, like a fairy descending.

And in the middle of the beauties, an extremely handsome young and middle-aged man came slowly through the air.

Lu Chen's eyes froze.

This person is Xu Daoguang!

Void Realm Level [-]!

Among the traitors of their class, Xu Daoguang had the highest cultivation level.

It is indeed the genius who made Lu Chen feel pressure in the Northern Territory, the genius who can speak out the law and release the restriction at will!

I saw Xu Daoguang slowly landing on the high platform in the middle.

He pressed his hands falsely to let all the beauties who were swaying flowers get out of the way.

When the scene calmed down, I heard him say: "Everyone, the marshal has something to do temporarily. I, Xu Daoguang, will preside over today's event."


There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Everyone can't sit still.

What does it mean that the marshal is temporarily busy.

What can be the matter?

If something really happened, these generals would not know about it.

Obviously, the marshal didn't have something to do, but he didn't come on purpose.

He wants to delegate power to Xu Daoguang.

I really don't know how much merit Xu Daoguang has done this time, to be so highly valued by the marshal.

Even an idiot can see that the next Marshal will be Xu Daoguang.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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One Sword Sovereign

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As for the Marshal, I'm afraid he will be promoted to Marshal because of the reward.

It's really enviable and jealous.

This Xu Daoguang obviously entered the sea area with everyone, and even entered the sea area later than many people.

As a result, because of his outstanding attainments in formations, he was able to comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar formations, and his strength and status rose steadily.

Resources are also heavily tilted towards him.

In just 14 years, he had broken through from the ninth level of the Sifang Realm to the fifth level of the Void Realm.

If he is given more than ten years, he may be able to cultivate to the eighth or even ninth level of the Void Realm.

What a lucky boy!

Many people were secretly dissatisfied.

Especially those generals who have followed the marshal for many years, including Ying Kai.

But everyone dared not speak out, so they could only laugh and say: "General Xu, you are a celebrity who is highly valued by the marshal, and it is just right for you to host it!"

"That's right, General Xu is the most outstanding genius in our sea area for thousands of years."

"With General Xu around, I'm afraid the Sifang Continent will be conquered in a few decades."

"General Xu has contributed a lot. We are able to gather here in advance because of General Xu's credit."

A group of people go along with the flattery.

Xu Daoguang accepted it safely, and said with a smile: "You are welcome. The vigorous development of our sea area is inseparable from everyone's credit.

But all of this is thanks to the kindness of our Siren Emperor.

If it weren't for the Sea Monster Emperor who gave us the possibility of peaceful coexistence between humans and sea monsters, how could we break through the Void Realm?

Thank you Siren King!

Long live the Siren Emperor, long live! "

Xu Daoguang paid homage loudly.

Everyone also worshiped together.

Lu Chen immediately worshiped with everyone, thinking to himself, except for their lieutenants, all the people sitting here are human beings.

This sea monster emperor is really kind to human beings, so kind that he takes it very seriously.

Instead of using their siren clan, they will use it for human beings and cultivate them wantonly.

It is really touching, and people have to praise and worship.

But is this really the case?

Lu Chen didn't think so.

The sea area is so big that he doesn't even have a clue in his mind now.

What I have seen and heard is still wandering around the edge of the Sifang Continent.

And these human beings are all used by the Siren Emperor to counterattack the Sifang Continent.

Use traitors to attack the traitor's hometown.

This is his purpose.

If it leaves the range of the sea area on the edge of Sifang Continent, God knows what is inside.

I'm afraid there will be a larger number of sea monsters, and they are all extremely powerful sea monsters.

As for Xu Daoguang and his ordinary Void Realm, I'm afraid they are not the all-in-one enemy of other high-class sea monsters.

After all, the Siren Emperor is not a fool.

Cultivate people of other races instead of people of their own race, no one, no matter how stupid, would do this.

Therefore, Xu Daoguang and the others worshiped the Siren Emperor here, purely as a slave, abandoning all dignity.

Really disgusting!

But Xu Daoguang and the others didn't seem to feel it, but got used to it.

Everyone worshiped.

Xu Daoguang asked the beauty to send all kinds of delicacies, all of which were unprecedented undersea delicacies that Lu Chen had never seen before.

But he didn't have much interest, he just sat down cross-legged, ate and drank with Pu Xiong, waiting for the next big show.

At the banquet, toasts were mixed.

Everyone talked and laughed at Yan Yan, and each exchanged their cultivation experience.

But the friendly exchange finally came to an end.

Xu Daoguang said: "Generals, I'm very glad that everyone gathered here. Next, we will start our tradition, the martial arts competition that everyone has been waiting for for a long time."

After finishing speaking, Xu Daoguang clapped his hands.

He saw three graceful beauties in tulle coming out with three plates in their hands.

On the plate, there is a shell on each.

But shells vary in size.

The woman with the prettiest body and the best figure had the smallest shells on her plate.

Small is big, which means it is easy to carry, and the space size is also the largest.

Therefore, this must be the No.1 reward.

By analogy, the remaining two are the rewards for the second and third place.

There are currently 64 lieutenants here.

But only the top three have such women and shells as rewards.

The remaining 61 people seem to be just running with them.

Just as Lu Chen was thinking about it, he saw another seven people with different postures coming up with plates.

Among them were men, also wearing tulle.

Some hot eyes.

Lu Chen looked a little nauseous.

But he found that the sea monsters around him were very excited, and even secretly swallowed their saliva.

Pu Xiong said with emotion: "If you can get the top ten, you can have a great meal."

Lu Chen also quickly showed an excited expression, and said, "Which one does Brother Pu Xiong like?"

Pu Xiong said: "See if that man has bulging muscles. He must be very chewy. I like this one."

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized.

It seems that the krakens focus on something different from themselves.

For them, whether they are male or female, they are all delicious or fun.

Humans can be kept in cages and played like teasing toys.

You can also tear off his arm at will, tearing and devouring it happily.

Lu Chen cooperated with Pu Xiong and said, "I like that girl, her meat is tender."

"Haha, then you have to strive to be in the top ten. I'm afraid I won't have a chance. I'm very lucky to be here for the banquet."

Pu Xiong said with emotion.

Lu Chen said: "Brother Pu Xiong, don't worry, if I have a chance to enter the top ten, I will definitely let Brother Pu Xiong enjoy it too."

"Hahaha, well, I am already very happy with your words."

Pu Xiong patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and laughed.

I feel that this powerful younger brother is really innocent and cute, a good boy.

Lu Chen smiled innocently, and his eyes fell on one of the women.

This woman, he knew.

When I first entered Danyu, I didn't know the way, so I asked two women.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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