Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2239 Fishing in troubled waters

Lu Chen secretly rejoiced.

Everyone looked at it, and they were all excited, praying secretly.

However, at the last moment when approaching the sea, the siren general said: "Count the damage!"

Lu Chen's heart sank secretly.

To count the damage, just like their humans, they will count the number of people and name them, in case human traitors mix into humans again.

When Lu Chen was worried and thinking about how to find a chance to escape.

A voice whispered, "Hey, you're in the wrong team, go to the side with webs!"

"Go, stop rubbing our rewards here."

A group of sea monsters opened their teeth and claws, and drove Lu Chen away.

Lu Chen: ""

Monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

After entering the new team, I discovered that the hands and feet on their side were webbed.

Webbed sea monsters can walk on land, which is one more option than other purely marine sea monsters.

It is also because of their characteristic that they are not seen by pure sea monsters.

"Brother, it's okay, don't run around."

A sea monster put his palm on Lu Chen's shoulder and comforted him.

Lu Chen nodded, showing a dumbfounded expression.

He just randomly imitated the appearance of a sea monster. Who knew there were gangs in the sea monster.

But fortunately, the sea monster's inventory is not complicated.

They don't seem worried about humans getting in there.

Of course, for tens of thousands of years, there has never been a human being able to turn into a sea monster, so there is no need to worry too much.

During the counting process, the main purpose is to check the injuries of the sea monsters, and distribute rewards according to the human breath contaminated on them.

Because Lu Chen has a human breath, his breath is a little heavier.

The rewards are also very good.

But he didn't care about these, he just wanted to finish the counting quickly, and then he could enter the sea area.

"Okay, everyone continue to cultivate and fight again in another day."

The commander-in-chief of the sea area gave an order, then turned and left.

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Immediately followed the team and jumped into the sea.


The cold sea water immediately submerged Lu Chen.

A feeling that he had never encountered before emerged in Lu Chen's heart.

The regular breath of the sea area seemed to rush into Lu Chen's body along with the sea water in an instant.

Feeling this more advanced rule, Lu Chen subconsciously wanted to comprehend refining and absorbing immediately.

But he forcibly held back his desire.

Right now is not an opportunity to improve your cultivation.

If when upgrading to the Void Realm, Lei Jie was also attracted, and he would be finished.

You have to leave the sea area and find a quiet place before you can find a chance to break through the void.


At the moment when Lu Chen was affected by the sea area rules, the commander who had left before suddenly stared at him.

This commander's strength is not very good, but he is also the emperor of the void realm.

He felt something was wrong in an instant.

The strong human breath suddenly escaped, then suddenly disappeared.

How is this going?

The commander frowned and ran in this direction.

Sensing his reaction, Lu Chen cried out inwardly.

But he didn't dare to act rashly, so he followed the other webbed sea monsters and advanced in the sea water.

"Strange, it seems to have a human breath just now."

A Kraken wondered.

The other sea monster also nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, I felt it too, but it disappeared soon, and I thought it was my own illusion."

"Could it be that some humans have mixed in with us. Hahaha."

A siren joked.

The other sea monsters also laughed.

No one thinks that humans will mix in.

Sea monsters can transform into humans, but it is too difficult for humans to become sea monsters.

And after transforming into a human, the breath is still a sea monster.

It can be seen that even if humans can really become sea monsters, the breath cannot be changed.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to mix in.

Lu Chen also laughed with everyone.

But at this time, a cold light came from behind.

It was the commander's cold gaze.

"You guys, stop for me!"

The commander shouted loudly.

Lu Chen's heart sank secretly, but on the surface he remained calm, stopped with the other sea monsters, and saluted the commander respectfully.

One of the sea monsters said: "Commander, what's the matter?"

Commander-in-Chief said: "Just now a human breath suddenly emerged, do you feel it?"

"Yes, yes, Commander-in-Chief, do you feel it too?"

A Kraken was shocked.

The commander sneered: "The other sea monsters didn't feel it, but you guys did. It can be seen that the human breath is coming from you!"

"No, the Commander-in-Chief is wronged. We have participated in several battles, and we will never hide humans."

The Krakens immediately cried out in horror.

In the past, some sea monsters liked to hide humans privately, either to play with them, or to eat them as snacks.

Originally, the siren didn't care about this, and turned a blind eye.

But ever since a sea monster hid human beings, fell in love with that woman, and wanted to help the woman leave the sea, causing a storm.

The Kraken Legion will no longer allow humans to hide.

This is a great crime, the death penalty!

Once discovered, there is no reason to speak.

So these sea monsters were so frightened that their legs softened immediately, begging for mercy repeatedly.

Lu Chen also yelled, but his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He knew that he was afraid of suffering.

It's all because I couldn't hold back when I entered the sea area and was affected by the rules of the sea area.

Otherwise, they will definitely leave very smoothly.

What a pity.

But it is also impossible.

No matter who it is, entering the high-level rules for the first time, they will definitely lose their minds.

I just reacted after being absent-minded for a moment, which is already keen enough.

But it happened to be discovered by the commander.

It can only be said that it is destined to be like this, and it is my own bad luck.

Secretly, Lu Chen made up the worst idea.

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The commander saw the sea monsters begging for mercy, but he was not kind, but said coldly: "Whoever hid the human beings, hand them over, and I can give you a happy ending!"

"Me, we don't."

A Sea-Monster called out hastily.

The other shouted: "Who is hiding the Kraken, come out quickly, don't implicate us!"

"I'll give you three breaths, if you don't stand up, then all of you will die. If you make a mistake, don't let it go!"

Siren Commander said coldly.

The sea monsters were terrified and pulled each other.


Siren Commander said, "Two."

"Whoever comes out by himself, don't harm us!"

A siren wept bitterly.


The leader of the sea monster spoke coldly, and the terrifying momentum rushed past.

Then, I saw the surrounding seawater begin to condense here, becoming a cage.

The cage began to shrink, trying to crush all the sea monsters including Chase Lu to death.

"No, I didn't hide human beings, I'm wronged, don't kill me."

The sea monsters let out howls one by one.

Seeing that he was bound to die, at this moment, Lu Chen suddenly activated his soul power.


Powerful soul power swept out.

Because it is not far from Sifang Continent, Jiang Xinyue's soul power can still enter Lu Chen's soul space.

The two cooperated with each other, immediately aroused supernatural powers, and imprisoned the soul.

I saw the Krakens, together with the leader of the Krakens, were all in a daze, showing a dazed expression.

Lu Chen seized the opportunity and rushed out immediately.

But the sea area is so big, he doesn't know where to go.

And this place is within the range of the Kraken Legion, and his actions are restricted.

So he had to mix with another group of sea monsters and swim to the depths.


The commander of the sea area who had just lost his mind finally came back to his senses.

He grabbed it casually, and the cage of confinement shrank, crushing all the sea monsters in front of him to pieces.

Then he turned and left.

It's just that there is always something wrong in my heart.

But where exactly is the problem, I don't know.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it so much.

On this side, Chase Lu and the sea monsters swam deeper, and found that there was actually a place on the bottom of the sea that looked like a human palace.

All the sea monsters stopped in front of the palace and worshiped the palace together.

After that, he left and went around to the side of the palace.

Chase Lu continued to follow among them.

After a while, a large sea hole appeared.

After entering, Chase Lu discovered that there was a hidden cave in this undersea cave.

At first I thought it was just a hole, but who knew that this hole was like the gate of a human compound.

There are countless holes in the cave, and these small holes are the rooms where they live.

"See you later."

A group of monsters greeted each other and said goodbye, and then returned to their respective small caves.

Lu Chen looked around.

After a while, he found that there were no sea monsters coming in from the big hole, and there were still many small holes that were empty.

It seems that the sea monsters who lived in these small caves are all dead, so they are empty.

This gave him a chance.

Immediately he slipped into a small, vacant hole.

I saw that there were some gadgets left by the former owner in the small hole.

Such as exquisite corals, sea mussels and the like.

Lu Chen picked it up and played with it casually.

He doesn't know much about the sea area, and he has never seen these things.

In the books of Sifang Continent, I have never seen these introductions.

Just feel very curious.

But now is not the time to be curious.

He put down all the gizmos, then looked around the cave, and found that there were no hidden dangers.

He just entered the small world.

In the small world, there are many corpses of sea monsters, all of which were killed by him.

However, none of the storage rings were found from the corpses of these sea monsters.

So how do these sea monsters store the excess sundries on their bodies?

Lu Chen never understood.

And what he didn't understand was that after killing Mr. Bai Peng, General Mo Xiong and Bi Xia, he didn't find the storage rings on them.

Don't they have storage rings?


After searching for a long time in the sea monster's corpse again, Lu Chen sighed again.

Still haven't found where they keep their treasures.

If he can find the things of the sea monsters, he can peel off the cocoons and learn some intelligence information about the sea area from the clues.

But now, this path is tantamount to being blocked.

Unwilling to give up, Lu Chen left the small world, stretched out his mental power, and searched around.

To my surprise, none of the monsters had shielding formations.

His mental power is very strong, and he can spy on all their privacy at will.

Suddenly, Lu Chen found a siren stroking a shell with his right hand.


Suddenly a pearl popped out of the shell.

The sea monster held the pearl in his arms and began to absorb and refine it.

Lu Chen was overjoyed: "It turns out that the shells are their storage rings."

Continue into the small world.

Lu Chen found that there were no shells in the siren's body.

Returning to the room, he saw an inconspicuous shell in the room.

Lu Chen fell into deep thought.

After a while, he figured out something.

The shells are kept in the room, not on the body.

It is because they are worried that the sea monster will die in the battlefield, and the treasures will be cheaper for humans.

In fact, when they humans enter the battlefield, they will also leave some rings behind, and only bring useful treasures on the battlefield.

It is to avoid losing the inherited skills and the like after death.

The sea monsters should also be based on this consideration, so they don't let the sea monsters who enter the battlefield bring storage shells.

As for General Mo Xiong and Young Master Bai Peng, they were also bound by this rule and did not dare to disobey it.

Lu Chen couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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