Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2237 Difficult to do

But if they knew that the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation only had a lifespan of a hundred years, they might not think so.

True dragons are powerful, but they consume a lot of energy and are slow to grow.

If the resources are insufficient, the real dragon will even stop growing.

Within a hundred years, Master Zhenlong might not be able to improve much.

But they didn't know that it had become one of the most solid foundations of the Sifang Continent.

"Emperor Siren, you can leave now."

Seeing that no one was leaving anymore, Lu Chen said aloud.

The bearded beard of the Siren Emperor smiled and said: "Little guy, if you surrender, I will make you a general."

Lu Chen said: "No need. I killed one of your generals, so it can be seen that the general is not very powerful."

"Huh? You actually killed my general, who was it?"

The Siren Emperor asked suspiciously.

Lu Chen said: "General Mo Xiong, Mr. Bai Peng and Bi Xia all died at my hands."

The Siren Emperor was even more surprised: "How did you do it?"

The people around him were also shocked.

I didn't expect General Mo Xiong to be killed by this kid. How can he do it in a mere four directions?

Lu Chen said: "Sorry, no comment!"

"Ha ha."

The Siren King smiled lightly: "Little guy, you'll be jumping around in a few days.

Killing Mo Xiong is nothing more than a sneak attack.

The Nine-Dragon Pillar counterattacked, allowing you to kill Mo Xiong by chance.

But next time, you won't be so lucky. "

After all, his huge body flew towards the sea with everyone.

And after the shadow of his body left, Sifang Continent saw the light.

Everyone took a long breath and fell to the ground, sweating profusely.

The coercion of the Siren Emperor is so oppressive that it makes one want to die.

Those who surrendered before were also affected by this coercion.

And those who can persevere will naturally have stronger spiritual power and willpower than those who surrender.

If it were not restricted by the rules of the Sifang Continent, they would go further than those people in the future!

A day passed.

The entire Sifang Continent recovered a bit of vitality.

But everyone was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

At this time, someone needs to lead everyone out of the predicament.

Lu Chen, as the strongest in the Sifang Continent, naturally bears the brunt of the leader.

Because the sea is calm, there is no tendency to fight.

Therefore, Lu Chen let the front line of the guardian spirit continue to train and guard, while he set about establishing the Five Emperors Sect inland.

Because I had applied the sword seal to both Du Qiuhong and Gu Mingyu before.

So the Bingxin Sect and the Qingmu Sect are very honest, and these two suzerains appointed by themselves did not surrender.

No, it should be possible to officially call them Hall Masters now.

Bingxin Palace and Cyanwood Palace.

In the Chunyang Hall, it was Yun Xin who came to Zhongzhou and made him the Hall Master.

The others continued to stay at Yanyue Academy in the Northern Territory.

Because there are still nine dragon pillars to be guarded, Yanyue Academy cannot be moved here.

And there is its own formation, which is very safe, so there is no need to worry.

Before the Nine Dragon Pillar shook and the Siren King attacked, my own formations protected my parents, so my family members didn't have any injuries.

This made Lu Chen feel relieved and could do his own thing with peace of mind.

In the Wuji sect, Lu Chen called Song Zhi over and asked him to be the master of the hall.

Song Zhi was a disciple of the Wuji Sect that Shi Yiyi met in the city lord's mansion when he went to the Southern Region by himself. He had good strength, obtained his own Sifang Pill, and broke through the Sifang Realm.

Letting him come over now is a matter of course.

As for Kaishanzong, Lu Chen called Lu Shanzheng over.

This is also the Kaishan Sect disciple I met back then, and I also helped Lu Shanzheng rebuild the Kaishan Sect.

I have to say that I was lucky, none of the people I knew had surrendered.

Of course, this is also congenial.

Most of the people I can recognize are people like me.

People like them would not choose to surrender.

The Five Emperors School, in addition to the Five Emperors Hall, also has the Pill Hall, the Qi Hall, the Array Hall, the Talisman Hall, and the Holy Hall.

Dandian is naturally Gong Cheng, and Qidian is Fu Rong.

Fu Rong and Lu Chen only spoke one sentence, but the old man is very stubborn and can be entrusted.

Lu Chen, the main hall of the temple, appointed the main hall master of the temple, Jing Tuo, to the past.

Fudian, of course, is Jiang Xinyue.

However, Jiang Xinyue is only a name, and more things are handled by Master Hua Hailan.

As for another master, Fu Yingyu, although she wanted to help, her cultivation was too low.

At present, Fu Yingyu's primary task is to improve her cultivation.

In the temple, Lu Chen arranged for Huang Wuqi and Hou Sitian.

As for whether Hou Sitian took over his sister Hou Siyu and father Hou Beiming, Lu Chen didn't care too much.

In addition to these people, Lu Chen also arranged for Pang Luo, the medical master of Yanyue Academy, to be the master of the medical hall.

During the war, medical skills also had the opportunity to flourish.

For Chi Yuanbin, master and brother of Danyu, Lu Chen also raised their status in Danyu.

But those people are not good at fighting, so they can only continue to refine alchemy.

The younger brothers Lu Xing, Lu Zimu and others, while Lu Chen asked people to go to each nine dragon pillars to replace them.

Those who went were all old people who had no hope of breaking through.

Lu Xing, Lu Zimu and the others are all geniuses, and they have a lot of cultivation to improve, so naturally they can't delay on the Nine Dragon Column.

And their current task is just to keep practicing.

There is a practice room arranged by Lu Chen in the temple, which allows them to improve their cultivation crazily.

Among those people Chase Lu knew in the past, everyone's task now is to practice.

But there was one person who surprised Lu Chen.

That was the first Wang Chi he met in Tianfeng City.

Wang Chi also cheated himself once at Heiyun Store, but he didn't kill him.

This person is proficient in mechanics.

Lu Chen made a special trip to open up a hall of organs for him to study.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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At the beginning, Wang Chi used the mechanism technique to install the hind limbs of a horse so that the horse could run freely.

Right now, the soldiers and monsters on the front line of protecting the spirits are more or less physically mutilated by beatings.

Just use mechanism technique to install mechanism prosthetics for them.

Some monsters that have lost their wings and cannot fly can also soar into the sky again under the wings of the mechanism.

This is the power of mechanism art.

In the absence of natural treasures to restore limbs, organ surgery is an excellent help for people to restore mobility.

However, Wang Chi didn't get much inheritance.

Fortunately, he has his own research on mechanism art, and he is considered a natural genius of mechanism art.

I believe that under his research and development, mechanism art will definitely be able to reappear its glory.

Three years passed quickly.

Since the Five Emperors Sect was formally established, it has already started to operate normally.

As the number one sect in the Sifang Continent, the Five Emperors' sect is growing on a larger scale.

The mountains of the three holy lands spread to this point, directly merging with the Five Emperors Sect.

The entire Zhongzhou is already under the control of the Five Emperors Sect.

The other top sects of the year, because all kinds of characters surrendered to the sea area, leaving behind nothing good, naturally merged into the Five Emperors sect.

With such an orderly development, Chase Lu has long since stopped doing things.

He entered his own small world to practice with peace of mind.

One year outside, ten years inside!

However, Chase Lu still did not disclose the small world, let alone the existence of the time formation in the medicine garden.

This layer of secrets is of great importance, even if the Sifang Continent is destroyed, it cannot be easily spit out.

But he brought Jiang Xinyue in.

The soul spaces of the two of them are more and more closely connected, and they have become one, not afraid of any accidents.

And in the small world, Lu Chen and Jiang Xinyue also carefully studied the soul space.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed by the outside world.

Lu Chen and Jiang Xinyue have cultivated in the small world for 100 years.

In these 100 years, Jiang Xinyue's strength has been raised to the peak of the ninth level of the Sifang Realm.

Lu Chen is naturally the same.

In addition to his small dantian's sixth level of the Four Directions Realm, he is the only strong person at the fifteenth level of the Four Directions Realm.

If each level above the ninth level of the Sifang Realm can correspond to the first level of the Void Realm.

That Lu Chen is now equivalent to the sixth level of the Void Realm.

But he is obviously not so strong, far from it.

At least relying on his own strength alone, he cannot display supernatural powers.

Still have to rely on the real dragon jade talisman.

It's just that before he activated the real dragon jade talisman, he needed three days of cultivation.

Now you only need to cultivate for one day.

In addition, Lu Chen and Jiang Xinyue jointly realized another magical power, called soul imprisonment.

It's a pity that this supernatural power is only a prototype now.

Unless they can break through to the Void Realm, the spiritual power of the Sifang Realm is simply not enough to support them to use Soul Imprisonment.

But if two people use it together, it can be stimulated within a certain range and have unexpected effects.

"It's time to leave."

On this day, Lu Chen stood tall.

Thirteen years and nine months have passed since the day when the Siren Emperor descended.

The 100-year lifespan of the Kowloon Pillar is not far away.

Because there are really too few geniuses in Tianzhenmen, Lu Chen can't place his hopes on them.

So, something must be done!

Five Emperors Sect, meeting hall.

Lu Chen summoned the masters of all the halls and said: "Everyone knows that it is only 86 years since the Nine Dragon Pillar was broken, almost in the blink of an eye.

Over the years, the Kraken still attacks, but only for training.

And Xu Daoguang and others who defected before have also improved by leaps and bounds in strength, breaking through the void realm, and killing the soldiers on the front line of our spirit protection.

We have now retreated helplessly within the Nine Dragon Column formation, and dare not go out again.

The first line of defense has completely fallen.

As far as I know, Xu Daoguang was entrusted with an important task by the Siren Emperor to study the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation all day long.

With Xu Daoguang's formation talent, even if he couldn't break the formation, he might be able to shorten the lifespan of the Nine Dragon Column formation.

After all, he is a genius favored by Master Feng Ziyan.

In other words, we don't have much time left, maybe within 50 years, the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation will be broken.

Let's talk about it, what should we do now to get a chance? "

After Lu Chen finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

Nobody knew what to do.

Sifang Continent is almost in a deadlock.

According to the rules, no one can break through the void.

The Nine-Dragon Pillar Formation, which is the foundation of the body, cannot be repaired, and will be broken in a few decades.

Apart from waiting to die in the Sifang Continent, everyone is going out to die.

The ending is death.

What does this tell you?

Can only be silent, speechless.

Lu Chen looked around and said in a deep voice, "It's better to take the initiative to attack than to sit and wait."

The crowd was astonished.

Hou Sitian was surprised and said: "Sovereign, we will die if we go out. With Xu Daoguang's promotion, even if the Siren King doesn't take action, it will be difficult for us to get out of their defense line."

Jing Chu said: "Xu Daoguang is extremely talented in formations. In addition to studying the Nine Dragon Pillar formation, he also established a new formation for Hai Yu.

I watched him specifically from a distance.

It was found that his array level had improved again.

It is estimated that he was cultivated by the Siren Emperor, who made him study a large number of jade slips of the sea formation.

With him, we are now even more difficult. "

Hearing this, Lu Chen thought to himself that he should have killed Xu Daoguang directly in the first place.

It is better not to have his help than to let him be the host of the sea monster.

It's just that I was worried about Feng Ziyan before, and I didn't take Xu Daoguang seriously, so I wasn't afraid that he would attack me.

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