Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2234 Strength Suppression

I'm afraid that everyone will be killed by this magic light palm!


Everyone is desperate, and even closes their eyes and waits for death.

Absolute suppression of strength prevented them from having any will to resist.


Magic Light's palm finally hit the formation barrier.

I saw a dent in the formation barrier, and a series of cracks appeared, as if it was about to be broken in the blink of an eye.


Xu Daoguang flew out backwards, covered in blood.

As the person in charge of the formation here, he was seriously injured in an instant.

If it wasn't for his strong strength, he might be shocked to death this time.


The Nine-Dragon Pillar formation barrier made the sound of eggshells about to break.

But at this time, a burst of light blasted out.

The magic light palm print collapsed under the rapid light and merged into the rapid light.


General Mo Xiong flew out backwards, covered in blood, his face pale as paper.

Just as terrible as his magic light palm print was, the injury he received was as serious as it was.

Bai Peng watched in horror.

I thought General Mo Xiong could break the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation.

Who knew that this formation was so strong, not only did it not shatter, but it even counterattacked General Mo Xiong.

Seeing that General Mo Xiong was injured more seriously than himself.

It frightened him.

Worried that General Mo Xiong would get angry, he took it out on himself.

"General, are you okay?"

Bai Peng dared to ask about it.

Mo Xiong's face turned black, he took a deep breath, and said: "It's okay. This formation is almost useless, as long as it is done again, it will definitely be shattered! Immediately heal the wound, and we will use a magical power together."


Bai Peng was overjoyed and immediately sat down cross-legged.

Bi Xia continued to order the monsters to attack together.

But at this time, a terrifying dragon roar suddenly sounded in the formation.

Immediately, a phantom of a real dragon was seen, hovering upwards, appearing in front of everyone.

"Is that the little real dragon just now?"

Bai Peng was startled and suspicious.

Because no matter how you look at it, the phantom of the real dragon at this moment is not comparable to the little real dragon before.

The phantom of the real dragon in front of him is a real domineering real dragon, not a little dragon that hasn't grown up yet.

I saw the phantom of the real dragon slowly condense into shape, and the domineering eyes shot out from the eyes of the real dragon.


All the sea monsters knelt down, trembling.

As a sea monster, after all, it is also a monster.

And the real dragon can soar in the sky and the earth, and can lurk in the deep sea.

Facing such coercion, these miscellaneous fish and rotten shrimps all obeyed his orders.


An indifferent voice spit out from the real dragon's mouth.

In an instant, all the sea monsters fell to the ground in unison, dead in an instant.


Bi Xia was terrified, and shouted: "General Mo Xiong, Mr. Bai Peng, let's go back quickly, the other party has methods against the heavens."

"It's magical powers!"

Mo Xiong and Bai Peng's expressions also changed drastically, and they immediately fled against the wind.

But before they could take a few steps, a dragon claw suddenly grabbed it from midair.


The crackling sound resounded in the dragon's claws.

Mo Xiong, Bai Peng and Bi Xia were all crushed by the dragon's claws.

Three rings flew out of nowhere and entered Lu Chen's hands.

It wasn't until then that everyone realized that the phantom of the real dragon was emanating from Lu Chen.

But before that, everyone was stunned by the real dragon phantom, and their brains lost their function.

"General Lu Chen!"

Cen Han and others were pleasantly surprised.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Everyone, take a quick rest."

After all, he immediately sat down cross-legged.

The phantom of the real dragon is cast with the help of the real dragon jade talisman, which consumes a lot of body.

With my own strength, I can only use it once in a short period of time.

You must know that it is as strong as Bai Peng, who can only use his supernatural powers to lift the sky finger once a day.

And after finishing casting, you need to adjust your breath quickly.

I am not in the Void Realm, and I forcibly use foreign objects to display my supernatural powers, and it is still a real dragon supernatural power, which consumes more than Bai Peng.

If it wasn't for his spiritual power, spiritual power, and physical strength that were much higher than ordinary people, let alone using the real dragon supernatural power, he would be shocked to death by the real dragon jade talisman just after being aroused.

Fortunately, there was no accident.

Everything is analyzed exactly the same.

His own body is just enough to cast the True Dragon Jade Talisman once.

In order to be stimulated again, it takes at least three days to adjust the interest rate.

It's been a long time, but it's been a lot of luck.

It was extremely lucky to be able to kill Bai Peng and Mo Xiong just now.

If Bai Peng and Mo Xiong hadn't been seriously injured by the counterattack of the Nine Dragon Pillar, even if he used the true dragon supernatural power, he would not be able to kill them.

It seems that God has not planned to destroy our Sifang Continent!

"General Lu Chen is indeed the strongest!"

"At the seventh level of the Sifang Realm, you can use supernatural powers and kill two masters of the Void Realm at once. It's too powerful!"

"With General Lu Chen here, our Sifang Continent will definitely be victorious!"

Everyone discussed and was overjoyed.

Chase Lu ignored everyone, but practiced in the small world.

But suddenly, there was an incomparably oppressive feeling outside.

Lu Chen stretched out his mental strength, and then almost fell out of the small world in shock.

I saw that there was a lot of darkness outside.

But it's not how many sea monsters are pressing down on the land.

In fact, there was only one Kraken outside.

This is a giant octopus, beyond imagination.

The octopus slowly rises from the sea, suspended in the air.

Its size actually occupies more than half of the Quartet Continent.

The octopus sticks out, wrapping the Sifang Continent even more.

At this time, what Lu Chen saw with his mental power was only one of the eight tentacles of the octopus.

The terrifying giant sea monster is suspended above the four continents, covering the sky and the sun.

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The Sifang Continent fell into darkness for an instant.

Everyone stared blankly at the sky, motionless.

Everyone's thoughts seemed to freeze at this moment.

"Congratulations to the Siren Emperor!"

In the sea area, the sea monsters bowed down and worshiped loudly.

Their momentum was mighty, and the sound waves came, shaking everyone in the Sifang Continent.

Fear took root in my heart.

Everyone is born with a feeling of powerlessness.

Under such a behemoth, who can resist?

And the other party doesn't mean to be huge, but his strength is also extraordinary.

Void realm, the pinnacle of the ninth floor!

The strongest in the sea area, Siren King!

The entire Sifang Continent is in the pocket of others.


Facing the belly of the Sifang Continent, the Siren Emperor suddenly condensed a bearded human face.

He laughed loudly and said: "After so many years, I will finally take down your Sifang Continent. Hahaha, God help me too"

Just as he was laughing loudly, there was a sudden tremor in the Sifang Continent.

The Siren Emperor was shocked, and a tentacle swung across, and slammed heavily on the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation.

Unexpectedly, the formation that was about to collapse before actually withstood this fatal blow.

On the contrary, with a bang, it returned the Sea Monster Emperor's attack.


I saw that the tentacles of the Siren Emperor were cut and broken, and fell from the sky.


The Siren Emperor let out a frenzied roar and vomited blood angrily.

I saw his remaining seven tentacles sweeping past, sending the group of sea monsters to the Nine Dragon Column formation.

Bang bang bang.

Countless sea monsters exploded with a bang.

However, the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation is getting stronger and stronger, and can even absorb the energy and blood from the sea monster's burst.


The bearded man's face on the belly of the Siren Emperor revealed an incomparably ferocious and angry face.

With a trace of regret.

He regretted that he didn't directly destroy the Nine Dragon Column formation immediately, but showed off his power there.

But after regretting, he calmed down again.

He knew that even if he took the first shot, he would not be able to break the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation.

Because, his time has not come yet.

But it's coming soon.

Although the Nine-Dragon Pillar Formation was repaired, it could not last for many years.

Hmph, sooner or later it will be in my pocket!

The Siren Emperor was right.

After all, it is an ancient sea monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years.

In fact, at the moment he appeared, the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation in Zhongzhou had already begun to repair.

The fix is ​​simple, but also brutal.

Because neither Ji Yuan nor Feng Ziyan had the ability to comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation, after all, there was not much time left for them.

Therefore, when the Nine Dragon Pillar formation was almost shattered by General Mo Xiong's attack.

The two knew that a decision had to be made.

So, they hit it off and stood together at the gap in the base of the Nine Dragon Pillar.

With the body of the two and their lifelong understanding of the battle, they are integrated into the base of the Nine Dragon Pillar.

They want to become one with the Nine Dragon Pillar.

Following the example of the ancient sages who built the Nine-Dragon Pillar with their flesh, they also want to restore the Nine-Dragon Pillar with their flesh.

Originally, the maintenance of the Nine-Dragon Pillar Formation only required sacrifices from the strong in the Sifang Realm.

And even Duan Qingyang, who is only at the first level of the Sifang Realm, can be sacrificed for a hundred years.

It can be seen from this that the Nine-Dragon Pillar Formation is a way out for the future generations by the ancient sages. There is no need to die at all, and the Nine-Dragon Pillar Formation can protect the Sifang Continent.

But now, the Zhongzhou Nine Dragon Pillar was broken, and the formation lost its integrity.

In desperation, two top formation masters, superpowers at the peak of the ninth floor of the Sifang Realm, sacrificed their flesh and blood, and merged with the Nine Dragon Pillar.

But even so, the Sifang Continent can only be kept for 100 years.

"Remember, only 100 years.

If there is no formation genius who can comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar formation within a hundred years, our Sifang Continent will be finished.

Ladies and gentlemen, please put aside the past and stop fighting each other.

Only by trying our best to cultivate a genius in formation can we succeed in all directions.

The two of us can only do this, for the rest, I hope everyone will work together. "

Ji Yuan stood at the gap of the Nine Dragon Pillar, his body had been slowly petrified and merged with the Nine Dragon Pillar.

Feng Ziyan stood beside him and said: "My apprentice Xu Daoguang can take on the important task of comprehending the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation."

After all, his body was completely petrified.

In this way, the two most powerful warriors turned into pillars, supporting the world of the Sifang Continent.

Hou Sitian, Gong Cheng and the others watched silently, sighing inwardly.

Then, he knelt down and paid the highest respect to Ji Yuan and Feng Ziyan.

After a while, Jing Chu looked at the black sky, looked at the bearded face on the belly of the octopus, and said solemnly: "It's only a hundred years, but this monster is still haunting the sky, what should we do?"

Hua Hailan said: "Master Feng Ziyan said that his apprentice Xu Daoguang can comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation. We will immediately go to the front line of the spirit protection to protect him."

Hou Sitian shook his head and said: "Xu Daoguang has the protection of the suzerain. If the suzerain cannot protect him, it is useless for us to go.

I think we should continue to stay in Zhongzhou.

Do you feel that the monster above his head has no intention of stopping.

I'm afraid there will be another bloody battle.

Even if we are guarded by the Nine Dragon Column formation.

But this monster is a giant monster that has never been seen before. "

Gong Cheng nodded in agreement, and said solemnly: "I suggest that everyone return to their respective sects immediately to protect the sects. If you have extra strength, you can assign them to protect other sects."

"Yes, act now!"

Huang Wuqi said, and flew to the temple first.

Seeing this, the others immediately returned to the sect without stopping.

At this time, the sky suddenly exploded.


Terrible coercion suddenly fell from the sky.

Rao Huang Wuqi and the others were so powerful that they almost fell from the sky under this coercion.

The crowd changed in unison.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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