Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2226 Came to the Sea

Everyone was shocked again.

"Don't play it, it's not interesting."

"This person doesn't look special at all, and is he worthy of being Moon Fairy's husband?"

"It's only at the sixth level of the Sifang Realm, and its cultivation is not as good as mine."

"It's ridiculous. Elder Shi, that's enough for the joke. Take him away."

"That's right, Moon Fairy will never meet such young people."

Everyone cursed and felt disgusted by Lu Chen's actions.

In order to meet Fairy Yue, this kid actually came up with such a shameless statement.

He also said that he was a disciple of Danyu.

Really discredit Dan Yu!

"Everyone be quiet, whether it is true or not, we will find out when Fairy Moon comes."

Elder Shi said loudly.

The crowd's discussion gradually disappeared.

Everyone is also waiting and waiting, thinking that taking this opportunity, they can see the moon fairy's haunting beauty again.

Elder Shi said loudly: "Sea Flower Peak Moon Fairy, someone who claims to be Lu Chen has come to see you."

His voice came out in a surge, and the birds in the woods were rustled to fly away.

After a while, there was no movement in Haihua Peak.

Elder Shi spread his hands to Lu Chen.

It means see, your lie is so bad that no one will believe it.


Everyone laughed: "The cowhide has been pierced."

"What Lu Chen, I don't think there is such a person at all."

"That's right, it must be an excuse made by the Moon Fairy."

"It's a pity that this guy can't understand, and he still wants to bluff."

Everyone ridiculed.

Lu Chen smiled lightly and said, "Elder Shi, your words are not convincing, let me call."

"Oh? You come, you come!"

Elder Shi took a step back, invited Lu Chen to the front, and pretended to be watching the show.

This kid didn't give up, and wanted to make a fool of himself.

Then let him lose enough.

"Xiaoyue, I'm here for your husband."

Lu Chen opened his mouth in surprise, his voice was as loud as thunder, rumbling out.

Elder Shi's face changed slightly.

Just for this voice, this person's strength is not low, no wonder he can be the protector of Danyu.

But this kid is too rude.

Haihua Peak does not allow loud noises, he violated the big taboo of Haihua Peak!

Everyone scolded: "You are too loud, disturbing the cultivation of fairies!"

"With this kind of attitude, the fairies of Haihua Peak will not spare you!"

"You still dare to call yourself the husband of Fairy Moon, Fairy Moon will never spare you!"

Amid the verbal criticism and swearing of the crowd.

Lu Chen remained motionless, quietly looking into the distance.

After a while, I saw a fairy figure floating towards me at a very fast speed.

Everyone was shocked.

It was the first time I saw Moon Fairy giving up her elegance and rushing forward regardless of her image.

"Brother Lu Chen!"

Jiang Xinyue's figure was like a sharp arrow, and she threw herself into Lu Chen's arms all at once.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

After a while, there were wailing sounds from all directions.

Some people are in pain.

It turns out that Moon Fairy is not lying, but is really married to this Danyu boy named Lu Chen.

Look at them as if no one else is intimacy, coming and going to love each other, with skillful movements, they don't pay attention to us people at all, completely immersed in their own world.


How many people's dreams were shattered at this moment.

A group of people dragged their heavy steps and scattered away.

The dream is broken, what are you still looking at here, don't you feel heartache?

Some disciples or young elders stared at Lu Chen bitterly, as if they wanted to kill Lu Chen with their eyes.

Jiang Xinyue, who was immersed in the reunion with Lu Chen, finally noticed these eyes.

She smiled slightly and said to everyone: "This is my husband, Lu Chen. You all believe it now."


Someone sighed.

Everyone has issued an order to evict guests.

No matter how unwilling you are, you have to leave.

In front of the Moon Fairy, you can't be rude.

Even if they can't get it, they can't let Moon Fairy look down on them.

So the rest of the people also dispersed.

Lu Chen laughed, and hugged Jiang Xinyue by the waist: "No one will bother you now."


Jiang Xinyue hammered him with a smile.

Elder Shi coughed.

Lu Chen looked at him and asked in surprise, "Is Elder Shi still leaving? What's the matter?"

Elder Shi: "Didn't you say that you wanted to see our Haizhu Fu Hai? You forgot the business when you saw Mei Jiao Niang."


Lu Chen smiled awkwardly and put Jiang Xinyue down.

It is true that Xiaoyue was so happy to see that she forgot about the business.

Jiang Xinyue asked strangely: "Brother Lu Chen, what do you want from us Fu Hai Haizhu?"

Lu Chen said: "I want to ask about the Zhongzhou Nine Dragon Pillar."

"What is the Nine Dragon Pillar?"

Jiang Xinyue was even more strange.

Lu Chen said: "I'll tell you later, I'll go see Fu Hai Haizhu first."

But Jiang Xinyue pulled him back and said, "Do you know who our Lord Fu Hai is?"

While speaking, Jiang Xinyue's eyes showed a different meaning.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

He understood, and his soul transmitted voice: "Is it Ye Yufan?"

Ye Yufan was the heartless man who tricked Jiang Xinyue's master, the Fuyingyu True Dragon Jade Talisman.

Previously, Lu Chen only learned in the temple that this Fu Haihai's surname is Ye, with amazing talent, extraordinary strength, and extremely mysterious.

Jing Chu also said that Ye Yufan's strength was even stronger than that of Dan Territory Master Chao Tian and the others.

It was only because there were few successors of Fu Dao that Fu Hai could not be ranked with the three holy places.

But even so, Fu Hai's ability to make the Three Great Sacred Lands fearful shows its strength.

And it is said that Fu Hai only became stronger after the surname Haizhu took office.

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It can be seen from this that this Ye Yufan was blessed with the True Dragon Jade Talisman to restore Fu Hai to its former glory.

But the real dragon jade talisman belonged to Yufu Mountain, and it belonged to Fu Yingyu.

He, Ye Yufan, what virtue and ability?

An ungrateful trashy heartless man like him doesn't deserve to have the real dragon jade talisman!

"Brother Lu Chen, Ye Yufan is very powerful. If you go to him rashly, be careful."

Jiang Xinyue said with concern.

Lu Chen said: "It doesn't matter. I am stronger than him now, wait for me to suppress him, and then let Master come to take his dog's head to avenge Yufushan."


Although Jiang Xinyue has great confidence in Lu Chen.

But as a disciple of Fu Hai, she is well aware of Ye Yufan's strength.

Although Ye Yufan didn't appear often, just a casual word from him was enough to make Fu Hai's disciples die for him.

That kind of absolute prestige can only be formed with absolute strength.

Moreover, it is said that Ye Yufan has been to many secret places in Zhongzhou, and his strength is even stronger than the strongest of the three holy places.

What's more, Ye Yufan also owns the True Dragon Jade Talisman.

That is a terrifying treasure that can gather true dragons.

Master said, facing the real dragon jade talisman, one must not fight head-on, only a sneak attack can kill Ye Yufan.

Therefore, Jiang Xinyue continued to transmit the soul voice: "Brother Lu Chen, why don't I go to see him with you. Then let's find a chance to attack him! He doesn't know that we want to avenge Master."

Lu Chen shook his head: "No, I think he already knows."


Jiang Xinyue was shocked.

At this moment, I heard a loud voice from high in the sky in the distance: "Sea Lord invites Moon Fairy to Sea Lord Peak."

The sea lord summons.

Jiang Xinyue bowed quickly and said, "Disciple go immediately."

The voice said coldly: "Come with me."

After all, take the lead and walk ahead, regardless of whether Jiang Xinyue keeps up.

Jiang Xinyue's heart was heavy, and her soul transmitted her voice: "Brother Lu Chen, what should I do?

Ye Yufan must have guessed it from my talisman-making technique.

The reason why I didn't attack me is because I claimed the existence of Lu Chen's brother.

Master said that he seeks perfection in everything he does, and he definitely wants to catch you first, and then catch us all, so that you will not escape and become a hidden danger in the future.

Who knows, you delivered it to your door yourself.

I'm afraid Ye Yufan is already grinning from ear to ear. "

While talking, Jiang Xinyue walked against the wind, following behind the summoner.

Faced with Haizhu's summons, Jiang Xinyue had to go if she didn't.

Otherwise, it would be to question the prestige of the sea master, and everyone in Fuhai would capture her and kill her.

Lu Chen followed immediately, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm here. Let you see what it means to be a real strong man!"


Jiang Xinyue nodded heavily.

There are still some worries in my heart.

It was only because Ye Yufan's strength in Fu Hai had penetrated into her heart that she could hardly think of resisting.

But even if she died today, she would have nothing to regret.

Being able to die with Lu Chen's brother is also the last joy in life.

In the woods, Elder Shi watched silently, then turned and left.

He was very puzzled, he didn't understand why Haizhu wanted to summon Moon Fairy.

And it happened to be the right time for Moon Fairy's husband to come over.

Strange, people can not understand.

Elder Shi is an outsider, so he doesn't think about it if he can't figure it out.

Continue to guard in Fuhaikou and live a carefree life.

On this side, Lu Chen and Jiang Xinyue followed the summoner to the main sea peak.

The main peak of the sea is tall and magnificent.

There are also dragon-shaped carvings carved on the peak.

Lu Chen and Jiang Xinyue looked at each other, thinking that Ye Yufan really regarded the real dragon jade talisman as his natal treasure.

Everywhere shows that he is a real dragon.

Soon, they climbed to the main sea peak.

The person who summoned him knelt down and said, "Sea Lord, I have brought you here."

"Okay, you go."

A soft voice came.

Just listening to the voice almost gave the impression that the speaker was a gentle woman.


The person who summoned him stood up, then turned around and scolded Jiang Xinyue and Lu Chen angrily, and shouted: "When you come to Haizhu Peak, don't kneel down!"

"I am the Dharma Protector of Danyu, why worship him?"

Lu Chen sneered.

The man was furious and wanted to shoot.

Ye Yufan's voice came out: "Son, don't worry about them, you can go."


Nu'er bowed respectfully again, then stared at Lu Chen bitterly and left.

Lu Chen smiled at him.

Then he took Jiang Xinyue to the main hall of Haizhu.

When we came to the main hall, the gentle voice came again: "Come in, don't hesitate. We meet old friends, I think you want to see me too."

"You're so narcissistic. But I'm not interested in looking at men."

Lu Chen smiled sarcastically, took Jiang Xinyue's hand and walked in.

The gentle voice said comfortingly: "Yingyu has accepted a good apprentice, and there is also an equally strong apprentice son-in-law. I am very happy for her."

Lu Chen said: "Put away your hypocrisy."

Jiang Xinyue said angrily: "Since you know who my master is, if you want to kill or cut into pieces, it's up to you. But even if I die, I will bite off a piece of your flesh!"

"Hehe, Fairy Xiaoyue. Since you are Yingyu's apprentice, you are my apprentice. Why should I kill you?"

The gentle voice sighed: "You all misunderstood me. Please come and sit down, I just want to see Yingyu."


Lu Chen frowned: "Do you want us to be hostages?"

Ye Yufan said softly: "It's not hostages, it's just that you are here as guests. We are all one family. When Yingyu comes, our family will be reunited."

While talking, Ye Yufan finally revealed his real body.

I saw him sitting on a high position in the hall, sitting on a dragon chair carved with dragon shapes, luxurious and compelling, just like the emperor of the ages.

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