
Lu Tianxing was stunned, and then was overjoyed.

I know my brother is not joking.

He immediately chose the strongest of the three monsters, a powerful eagle.

The eagle beast immediately released the spiritual imprint.

Lu Tianxing took it down, and he could not close his mouth happily.

Lu Chen said: "All the monsters obey the order, and the Sifang Continent will be in great trouble.

Humans and monsters should put aside previous suspicions, fight together and establish an alliance.

We all prosper and we all lose.

In the future, when everyone leaves the natural moat and enters the battlefield, their strength will not be suppressed.

At that time, I believe that everyone can raise another level, instead of guarding this one-acre three-point land for generations.

The two of you, practice the monsters immediately and integrate the monster army.

Understand? "


The other two monsters listened to the order together.

Lu Chen said to Lu Tianxing's beast pet Eagle Beast again: "Choose ten low-level monsters and set off with us."


The eagle beast didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, so it immediately selected ten from its subordinate monsters.

Under the leadership of Lu Chen, everyone continued to move forward.

Lu Chen followed the location and route given by Duan Qingyang, and quickly found the Nine Dragon Pillar in the Northeast Region.

This is also a sect.

Seven Star Sect, Gudeng Sect.

It is similar to the situation of Yanyue Academy in the Northern Territory, but it is a pity that there is no genius like Lu Chen.

But the Gudeng Sect also has new legendary disciples who can break through the Sifang Realm.

It seems that the Nine Dragon Pillar is destined for them to always have at least one strong person in the Sifang Realm.

I don't know if it is the means of the ancient sages.

In short, the existence of Gudengzong has guarded the Nine Dragon Pillar for thousands of years.

It is also from the former Nine-Star Sect to the current Seven-Star Sect.

When Lu Chen and the others came over, twenty strong men in the four directions, including eleven monsters, soared terrifyingly.

Gudengzong was half dead in horror, and the whole sect was terrified.

He didn't even activate the protective array, and just stared blankly at the sky.

They knew that in the face of so many strong men, it would be meaningless even if they activated the guards.

"The Gudeng Sect Master, the junior Yanyue Academy Lu Chen, the successor of the Duan Qingyang Sect Master, came here to seek an audience."

Lu Chen said that his voice reached the main peak of the Gudeng Sect, and no outsiders could hear it.

After a while.

A voice came from Gudengzong: "Please hurry up and invite nephew Lu Chen."

Gudengzong let go of the formation, and everyone still watched cautiously.

Lu Chen flew straight in with the crowd.

He didn't come down until he reached the Sovereign Peak, saying: "Don't be rude to Gudeng Sovereign."


Lu Tianxing and the others, together with the monsters, all agreed and behaved respectfully.

Seeing this, Gudengzong and others were secretly delighted.

It seems that the audience is so polite, it seems that they are not enemies, but friends?

If it's a real friend, that's great.

Their Gudeng sect got help from such a powerful friend, so why not worry about it?

Step by step, he walked up to Gudengzong.

Lu Chen cupped his hands in front of the passageway of the Nine Dragon Column, and said, "Sovereign Gudeng, we're coming in."

"No need to be too polite, please come in quickly!"

Gudeng Sect Master said happily: "I didn't expect what Brother Qingyang said was true. I thought he was just comforting us."

Lu Chen led everyone in, greeted Gudeng Sect Master, and said: "I, Lu Chen, thank Gudeng Sect Master for buying time for us in the Sifang Continent so that we can survive."

"Hehe, it's just a matter of raising your hands. It's just a matter of raising your hands. Hehe."

The Gudeng Sect Master was also absorbed by the Nine Dragon Pillar into an old body, and smiled kindly while waving his hands.

His state is better than Duan Qingyang.

After all, he was young, and the time to be absorbed was not as long as Duan Qingyang.

He is luckier than Duan Qingyang, and can last longer.

If Lu Chen can really find the recovered treasures in the future, it can save his life.

"Brother, is this the Nine Dragon Pillar?" Lu Tianxing asked.

Lu Chen said: "Everyone put their hands on the Nine Dragon Pillar and send in their spiritual power, and then they can perceive the situation of our Sifang Continent.

Don't be surprised, don't be afraid, because surprise and fear are useless.

Only by mustering up the courage to fight can we change our situation! "

People are puzzled.

Go up one by one to understand the Nine Dragon Columns.

After a while.

Lu Tianxing and the others said with pale faces, "We've been trapped in a cage all this time."

"I thought that after the Sifang Realm, I could get a glimpse of the new world, but I was trapped here."

"Unless we rush out of the sea, we will never see Xintiandi."

"We are like frogs in a well, we can only see the sky of Sifang Continent."

"We must fight, otherwise there is no point in being trapped here for the rest of our lives!"

Lu Zimu shouted proudly.

He and Deng Yunkui have practiced for so many years, and they are extremely bloody.

Lu Chen said with a smile: "You need to have such an idea. Fight! You can't retreat!"

"Yes, what the suzerain said is completely correct. My generation of martial arts, why not be afraid of a battle!"

"Why not be afraid of a fight!"

Everyone was excited.

Gudeng Sect Master smiled happily: "Okay, that's great. With you young people, I can rest assured. Brother Qingyang has a good successor."

Talking and laughing, he suddenly asked in surprise: "What's the matter with these monsters?"

Lu Chen said: "I am the descendant of the real dragon, and I can command the monsters in the sky. They will all help us defeat the sea monsters. The four continents will become one, and monsters and humans will fight side by side."

"It's so! Good, good!

You are a true dragon descendant, no wonder you can do this.

It seems that we have persisted for so long, waiting for you.

The Sifang Continent can survive the catastrophe of the past ten thousand years! "

The Gudeng Sect Master was very excited, as if he had seen the infinite dawn, his eyes were bright.

Lu Chen said: "Sovereign, you have persisted for so long, you can rest. The next Nine Dragon Pillar, leave it to us. I have brought so many people and monsters, and I have to pay my part."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Thank you, you are the savior of our Sifang Continent."

Gudeng Sect Master said with emotion.

After a while, Lu Tianxing, his Eagle Beast Beast, and ten monsters sat down cross-legged.

Starting today, they are in charge here.

As for the Gudeng Sect Master, after working so hard for so long, just rest well and enjoy his old age, and just wait for the good news from Chase Lu.

Lu Chen gifted him a large number of cultivation treasures.

A powerful sword formation was also rearranged outside the Gudengzong.

"Our Gudeng Sect seems to be able to restore the glory of the Nine Star Sect."

Gudeng Sect Master said happily.

Lu Chen bowed: "You deserve it."

After that, he left with the others.

Continue to the next natural moat and the next domain.

Without stopping, they arrived at the Nine Dragon Pillar of the Eastern Region, the Akabane Sect.

Pay respects to the Akabane Sect Master, just like the Gudeng Sect in the Northeast Region.

Lu Chen sent Lu Zimu and Lu Zimu's new beast pet, plus ten monsters, to guard the Nine Dragon Pillar.

Outside the Akabane Sect, a new sword formation was also arranged.

Soon, they rushed to the southeast region, Zixiaozong.

Deng Yunkui guards.

In the southern region, Xuantianzong and Xiong Sanyang guarded it.

In the southern region, Lu Chen also contacted Shi Yiyi and Shi De.

I helped them a lot back then, and it was time for them to repay them.

Fortunately, these two people are not ungrateful people, on the contrary, they are very affectionate and righteous.

So he immediately joined Xuantianzong and guarded it with Xiong Sanyang.

Next, Chase Lu came to the natural moat of the South and Southwest Territories.

When I was here, I entered Tianzhu for the first time, and met a white-eyed black sheep.

The white-eyed black sheep also took himself to the flock and treated himself as a plaything for a few days.

Seeing it again this time, the white-eyed black sheep knelt down and said in panic: "The little beast disrespected the lord, I hope the lord will forgive me."

Lu Chen waved his hand and said: "Those who don't know are innocent. As long as you lead the monsters well and protect the Sifang Continent, I will credit you for it."

"The little beast will never hesitate to die!"

The white-eyed black sheep leads the flock respectfully and obediently.

Lu Chen continued to order the other big monsters and asked Wu Zijian to choose a big monster as a beast pet.

Crossed the moat and came to the southwest region.

Zhenyuanzong, guarded by Wu Zijian.

Next is the Western Regions.

In the natural moat between the Southwest Region and the West Region.

When Lu Chen summoned the big demon, he naturally also summoned the little dog's Lou Jingou clan.

"Meet Master Zhenlong."

Grandpa Lou Sheng, Uncle Lou Jinwu, Uncle Lou Jinxing, and Sister-in-law Lou Jinling all respectfully bowed down.

They were extremely shocked and filled with disbelief.

It never occurred to me that Xiaogou, a half-demon, could actually call Master Zhenlong a brother.

This is not reasonable!

A little half-demon, not a monster or a human being, he is not welcomed by any side.

Why can he call Master Zhenlong brother and brother.

Lu Chen first told the big monsters about the Sifang Continent's situation, and continued to let the big monsters train their troops.

Afterwards, he said coldly to Lou Sheng, "Why did you ask me to destroy the Nine Dragon Pillar?"

Lou Sheng panicked: "The little beast is wrong, it's just a temporary obsession."

Lu Chen sneered: "You have been obsessed with ghosts for a long time, not bad for a while.

Since you want to get rid of the shackles of the Nine-Dragon Pillar so much, I will take you outside the Nine-Dragon Pillar formation on the front line of the spirit protection.

Being there will surely cheer you up. "

"No, no, the little beast is wrong, the little beast is wrong. Master Zhenlong, please forgive me, but the little beast is too old to fight."

Lou Sheng was terrified.

"Can't fight?"

Lu Chen smiled sarcastically: "When you bullied the little dog before, I don't remember you being so timid."

Lou Sheng's face turned pale, it was extremely difficult to see.

Knowing that he missed the opportunity to befriend Lu Chen and the puppy, and now being targeted by Lu Chen, there is nothing he can do.

The eldest son, Lou Jinwu, immediately took a step forward and said, "Master Zhenlong, please forgive our ignorance before. We are also the family of Xiaogou after all."

Lu Chen sneered: "Hehehe, don't you find it ridiculous to mention the word family now?"

Lou Jinwu sighed, and said again: "Master Zhenlong, my father is old, let me go to the front line of spirit protection."

Lu Chen laughed: "Do you think anyone else can avoid fighting now?

Not just you, everyone, all monsters, must enter the training state to prepare for the moment of battle.

So stop talking nonsense and start taking action immediately.

Considering that you and Xiaogou are still related, I will give you Loujingou clan a general.

Arrange your troops well and contribute to the Sifang Continent.

Don't eat and wait for death to escape, eat and wait for the dead, kill without mercy! "

Speaking of the latter, Lu Chen's voice turned sharp, extremely serious.

All the monsters bowed down in unison, knowing that Master Zhenlong is definitely not lying.

Next, Chase Lu continued to instruct some things, without paying too much attention to the Lou Jingou clan.

Then he left Tianchao and came to the Tianlei Sect of the Western Regions, guarded by Ma Shixiong.

Continue to the direction of the Northwest Territory.

cross the moat.

Lu Chen met Senior Python.

The giant python continued to let Lu Chen ride on his back, and said with a smile: "Little Lu Chen, you have learned a lot. You can already confuse the fake with the real."

Lu Chen said: "I made senior Python laugh."

The giant python smiled and said: "The stronger you are, the happier I am. We all have a duty to protect the Sifang Continent. You go ahead, I will help you train soldiers in this moat."

"Thank you!"

Lu Chen handed over.

Continue to move forward and enter the Beidou Sect in the Northwest Territory, guarded by the Scarlet Eyed Spear Emperor.

After walking around like this, the eight Nine Dragon Pillars are completely under control.

Cui Yu said: "It's only the last pillar, it should be in Zhongzhou, how do we find it?"

Lu Chen pondered: "Did your master's hexagram indicate the specific direction?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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