There are three other peripheral mountains, which are Dan Hall, Array Hall and Qi Hall.

The holy land of ancient legends was officially established today.

The three hall masters can order the world to let all the sects come to watch the ceremony after all the mountain halls are formed. "

Lu Chen gave orders with arrogance.

Jing Chu, Huang Wuqi and Hou Sitian all froze in shock, opened their mouths wide, dumbstruck.

Even the old marshal Ji Yuan was shocked, and said: "Brother Lu Chen, you want to establish the Five Emperors Sect, do you have the inheritance of the Five Emperors Sect?"

Lu Chen said: "Exactly. I am a disciple of Yanyue Academy. The Nine Dragon Pillar Formation I told my brother, one of the pillars is in our Yanyue Academy."

"Yanyue Academy?"

Ji Yuan whispered.

Of course he knew about the Five Emperors School.

Of course, he also knows a little about the sects in the Five Emperors' sect.

But it never occurred to him that one of the pillars of the Nine-Dragon Column Formation is actually in Yanyue Academy.

I really miscalculated.

It stands to reason that Yanyue Academy and other sects are all branches of the Five Emperors' sect after all, so they must have a certain background.

It's a pity that I always thought that they were in decline, so I didn't investigate carefully.

If he had thought of such a crop earlier, he would definitely be able to comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation earlier.

But even though it was so late, at least I had a chance to study it.

There is no need to feel sorry for yourself anymore.

So Ji Yuan became excited again, and said: "Brother Lu Chen, then you establish the Five Emperors School here, and I will immediately go to Yanyue Academy to learn about the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation."

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "They are responsible for everything here. If you have any problems, you can ask Gong Cheng from Danyu for help."

After a word of advice to Hou Sitian and the others, Lu Chen took Ji Yuan and flew to the northern region.

He didn't want Ji Yuan to go there alone.

After all, he is a stranger, just like when he met Ji Yuan in the temple, he couldn't speak clearly.

So it's easy to bring it with you.

It happened that many disciples were also taken away from Yanyue Academy and entered Chunyang Hall in Zhongzhou.

Soon, the two came to the Northern Territory Examination Hall.

Without waiting for anyone to stop him, Ji Yuan threw out a token.

The guard took it, frowned and looked at it for a while, and said: "This token seems to be a bit old, I have to ask for instructions."

"no need."

Lu Chen threw out the token and said, "Is this token good enough?"

The guard took it, then his body was shocked, and he knelt down on the ground in panic: "This subordinate has seen the palace master."

Seeing the token of the hall master is like seeing the hall master!

Although he was puzzled, he bowed down in fear.

Lu Chen put away the token and said lightly, "Open the door."


The guard listens.

Ji Yuan sighed, and said: "The replacement is too fast, no one will recognize my old man's token."

He meant something, but he actually felt that he was getting old.

Lu Chen said: "Don't worry, the old marshal. After we regroup the Sifang Continent, I will find a chance to fight out of the sea.

It is said that there is another world beyond the sea.

I believe that there must be our fellow human beings in that world.

Just contact your compatriots, ask them for help, and return to the sea.

Then our Quartet Continent will see the light of day again!

Brother, you can also break through the Void Realm and have more lifespan. "

"Kill out of the sea, ask for help, and liberate the four continents"

Ji Yuan was aroused by Lu Chen's idea.

But soon, this longing disappeared.

He sighed and said, "Brother Lu Chen, it's not easy to get out of the sea.

We also had this idea once, and sent some dead soldiers.

It's a pity that they were either instigated to rebellion, or were torn apart by the sea monster, and they died without a place to die.

Others disappeared.

As for whether they rushed out of the sea area, it is unknown.

Just know that we have never seen any human reinforcements. "

Every time it comes to the topic of defeating the sea monster and rushing out of the sea.

The atmosphere immediately becomes desperate.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Don't mention this, let's comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation first."


Ji Yuan nodded and said, his eyes shone with excitement.

Passing by the examination hall, neither Lu Chen nor Ji Yuan was interested in going in.

Entering the imperial city, Lu Chen swept it casually with his mental strength, and then left the imperial city with Ji Yuan.

Everyone is safe and sound, so I won't bother you for the time being.

When I return to Zhongzhou in the future, I will call everyone.

So, the two flew to Yanyue Academy at the fastest speed.

As the strongest two in the entire Sifang Continent, they came to the sky above Yanyue Academy in less than half a day.

Looking at the mighty sword formation, Ji Yuan exclaimed: "Brother Lu Chen, did you arrange this sword formation? So you are also a master of formation."

Lu Chen said with a smile: "What I have learned is only superficial. Except for arranging sword formations, ordinary formations are not worth mentioning. My brother laughed at me."

Ji Yuan said: "Brother, don't underestimate yourself.

You are able to arrange this large formation with your own strength, which can be described as extraordinary talent.

Moreover, in this sword array, there is an extremely strong sword intent.

It can be seen that my brother's swordsmanship is absolutely superb.

However, this formation does have some flaws, do you need me to repair it for my brother? "

"Then thank you very much, brother."

Lu Chen hurriedly cupped his hands.

Ji Yuan smiled, and led by Lu Chen, entered the formation and began to perfect the formation.

He wanted to follow Chen Lu to comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation, so he naturally wanted to reciprocate and give Chen Lu a little help first.

Perfecting the formation is obviously a good way to get closer.

About four or five hours passed.

Ji Yuan put away the array and hand formulas, and said, "It's fine. How does Brother Lu Chen feel?"

"very perfect!"

Lu Chen applauded, and then brought Ji Yuan to Yanyue Academy.

The suzerain returned, all the way unimpeded.

Soon came to the Sovereign Peak.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Ji Yuan asked strangely: "Is the pillar of the Nine Dragon Pillar formation here? Why can't I feel any breath of the formation until now?"

Lu Chen said: "There is a secret room seal outside the pillar, and the methods of ancient sages must have their own uniqueness."


Ji Yuan was even more moved and excited.

He quickly walked into the secret room, touched the lines on the inner wall, and exclaimed: "It really is the formation method of the ancient sages, and the mystery is endless."

As he said that, he immersed himself in it and began to comprehend the lines on the inner wall.

Lu Chen shook his head helplessly.

It was agreed to let him comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar formation, but he walked into the door, but was attracted by the formation pattern on the inner wall.

The Nine Dragon Pillar was right in front of my eyes, but I didn't bother to look at it.

This person is really obsessed with formations, as long as he sees a profound formation that he doesn't understand, he will study it with all his heart.

No wonder he was able to become No.1 in the Sifang Continental Formation.

I also hope that he can understand the way, so that the Sifang Continent can be protected for a longer time.

Without disturbing Ji Yuan, Lu Chen asked Kong Lingshu, the guard, to help Ji Yuan protect the law.

Then came to the depths of the secret room, in front of the Nine Dragon Pillar.

"Old Sovereign."

Lu Chen half-bowed and said respectfully to Duan Qingyang.

Duan Qingyang opened his eyes slightly, nodded, and said, "Chen'er, you're back."

Lu Chen said: "Old Sovereign, I brought Marshal Ji Yuan, the commander of the front line of the spirit protection, and asked him to comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation.

I hope he can comprehend the profound meaning of the formation, so that he can protect the Sifang Continent for a longer period of time.

In this way, our persistence for so many years was not in vain.

One day, I will rush out of the Sifang Continent and find human reinforcements. "

Duan Qingyang's eyes lit up, and he said: "Chen'er, you finally did it, and invited the commander of the frontline of the spirit protection.

A man of his status will surely allow countless powerful people in the Sifang Realm to join the team guarding the Nine Dragon Pillar.

For our Yanyue Academy, there is no need for one person to guard silently. "

Lu Chen said again: "Don't worry, the old suzerain, I am now the main hall master of the Zhongzhou Temple, and I have established the ancient holy land of the Five Emperors.

Whether it's the original five sects of our Five Emperors Sect, or the three holy places, or the semi-holy place Fuhai.

I want them all to join our Five Emperors Sect.

Be a part of protecting the Sifang Continent!

Everyone has to contribute.

The Sifang Continent can no longer be silent, we are going to war!

Succeed or benevolent! "

When Duan Qingyang heard these bold words, he was so excited that his old body almost jumped up.

He calmed down for a moment, and said, "Chen'er, are you sure that the Five Emperors Sect can be established? How can it be so easy for you to make the Three Great Sacred Lands surrender."

Lu Chen said: "With me and Marshal Ji Yuan here, they have to submit if they don't."

Absolute strength, with absolute confidence.

How many strong people there are in the entire Zhongzhou, Lu Chen already has a care in his heart.

And his strength, even if it is still not as good as the giant python in Hidden Dragon Valley, it is not far behind.

When his cultivation breaks through to the ninth level of the Sifang Realm, Xiao Dantian reaches the sixth level of the Sifang Realm.

The total is the fifteen levels of the Four Directions Realm.

At that time, it was the most invincible existence in the entire Sifang Continent.

Even the giant python senior from Hidden Dragon Valley can only fight against himself.

However, the giant python still wanted something from himself.

In other words, the three strongest people in the entire Sifang Continent, myself, Ji Yuan and Giant Python, are all in the same camp.

Let Ji Yuan and Ju Mang be the two great elders of his Five Emperors Sect.

Who in the world can be the enemy?

Since the Five Emperors Sect is to be established, it is natural to restore the glory of the ancient holy land.

If you don't call it, it's a blockbuster!

"Okay, okay, Chen'er, you have extraordinary talent and strength, and you have invited Marshal Ji Yuan, so you can definitely accomplish great things."

Duan Qingyang appreciated it, but still reminded him with concern: "Chen'er.

You are the master of the temple, so you must be sure of conquering the three holy places.

But Fu Hai, a semi-sacred land, although not as powerful as the three holy lands, is very mysterious, so be careful of any accidents.

In addition, Zhongzhou also has Ziyun Villa, which can compete with the three holy places.

Ziyun Villa is even more mysterious. It is said that no one has ever known where they are.

Moreover, they would come out to make trouble from time to time, against the people of the Three Great Sacred Grounds.

As far as I know, none of them have ever gone to the front line to protect the spirits.

This Ziyun Villa is selfish, powerful and mysterious, not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Chen'er, you must be careful.

We can't give everything for the Sifang Continent, but let these shameless people reap the benefits of the fisherman.

They must be found first! "

"Purple Cloud Villa"

Lu Chen pondered.

I really forgot about the rubbish.

Ziyun Villa has always been very low-key, and I rarely meet their children in Zhongzhou.

Apart from encountering Ziyu Pearl and Ziyun Ming Lake in the Northern Territory, I have never even seen the famous Ziyun Tianming in Zhongzhou.

It's rarely even mentioned.

It can be seen that the low-key and mysterious Ziyun Villa has almost faded out of people's field of vision.

However, it would be a big mistake to ignore them because of this.

"Old Sect Master, I understand. When I return to Zhongzhou this time, the first thing I need to do is to destroy Ziyun Villa."

Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

"Well, I really hope to see the scene where you return with reinforcements and kill the Kraken."

Duan Qingyang said with emotion.

Lu Chen said: "The old suzerain doesn't need to sacrifice now, so he can rest with peace of mind. Maybe in the future I can get the treasures of heaven and earth from the outside world to restore the old suzerain's blood and spirit."

"Hehe, then I will accept your good words."

Duan Qingyang laughed.

In fact, there is no hope.

The outside world may really have such a treasure.

But, can I live to that time?

What's more, can Chase Lu really break out of the sea and bring back reinforcements?

Everything is unknown.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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