Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2216 Are you an idiot?

"Don't mention me."

The nightmare took a peevish look at the Void Beast.

The giant snake said in astonishment: "Nightmare tapir, do you also recognize him as the master?"


The nightmare couldn't escape, and said: "I advise you to recognize Lu Chen as the master, so that you can be honored for the rest of your life in the future."

"Glory, is it just him? Hmph, I'm afraid that even the Sifang Continent will not be able to continue to be glorious."

The giant snake sneered.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "I don't want you to recognize me as the master, you are not worthy."


The giant snake cursed loudly, with disdain in its eyes.

In this natural moat, his combat power can be ranked among the top five.

This is still a ranking that everyone has not really fought, but is just ranked based on their momentum.

If there is a real fight, I might be able to rank in the top three.

After all, he has the ice scale armor cultivated by Ice Flow Crystal, and his defense power is amazing.

But a peerless powerhouse like myself was actually said to be unworthy by this kid.

What a shame!

"What exactly do you want to give me the exercises?"

The giant snake was too lazy to entangle Lu Chen on the topic of identifying the master.

Lu Chen said: "I have a request. In the future, when you fight the sea monster, you need to lead the monster beast out of the sky to help."

Hearing what Lu Chen said, the giant snake pondered for a while, and said: "I can only represent myself, and I cannot lead the monsters in the moat."

Lu Chen said: "If that's the case, then you don't want to learn this exercise."

"I'm afraid I can't help you!"

The giant snake trembled suddenly, and saw a gully suddenly appear on the ground.

Countless shards of ice spewed out from the gully, and they all rushed towards Lu Chen.

It turned out that the giant snake had been preparing to plot.

With a sarcastic smile on its snake head, it poked towards Lu Chen extremely quickly.

Two-way bombardment, to take Lu Chen down.

Lu Chen smiled coldly.

With his spiritual power, he has long seen the giant snake's plot.

The Five Emperors Sword Burst shot out with a bang.

Infinite sword energy exploded on the giant snake's head.

I saw the ice scale armor of the giant snake crumbling and shattering in the bursting sword energy.

Half of the snake's head disappeared as a result.

The giant snake turned pale in shock, and hurriedly retreated: "How could you be so strong!"

Lu Chen hung his sword in the air, instead of answering his question, he said: "If you don't agree with my conditions, today is your death day."

The giant snake said: "You are so strong, you can defeat the sea monster by yourself, why bring us along."

Lu Chen didn't argue with him, and said coldly: "I agree or disagree, one, two."

Murderous intent suddenly moved.

The giant snake hurriedly shouted: "I agree, I agree. But the monsters I can lead are limited. I am not the only one who has the final say on the entire moat."

After hearing the words, Lu Chen thought for a moment, and said, "Gather all those in the moat who are stronger than you."

The giant snake was shocked: "You want us all to obey?"

Saying that, it rolled its eyeballs.

This is also good.

He ranks fifth in Tianzhu strength.

As long as the first four are summoned, it is unbelievable that this kid can't be taken down.

This kid's cultivation base is not as good as his own, but his combat power is so tyrannical, there must be a big secret.

The ancient skills contained in his body skills must be of great importance.

As long as I get that ancient exercise, I will be satisfied.

In the future, the strength will advance by leaps and bounds!

"Okay, I'll call them here immediately."

The giant snake suddenly neighed.

Then I heard chi chi chi chi from all directions.

Lu Chen's mental power swept across.

It was discovered that the descendants of the giant snake sent messages to each other and spread the news to the entire Tianchao.

"Brother Lu Chen!"

In the distance, Geng and Rong finally caught up.

Seeing Lu Chen and the giant snake confronting each other, the three generals Zong Tiehuang said in shock: "It's actually this giant snake and monster, General Lu Chen, be careful!"

He had already put Chen Lu on the same level as himself, so he also called Chen Lu a general.

Zong Tiehuang quickly came to Lu Chen's side, staring at the giant snake vigilantly.

According to his understanding, the strength of this giant snake is astonishing. It is protected by ice scale armor, and its defense power is extremely terrifying.

Even if it is myself, it takes a lot of effort to injure it, but not to kill it.

But the giant snake in front of him lost half of its head with the ice scale armor.

Its breath is also a little weak.

Appears to be injured.

"This giant snake monster is injured, let's hurry up and kill it!"

Zong Tiehuang immediately became excited.

Unexpectedly, the giant snake monster was injured by himself. This is a good opportunity.

Without this big monster in the moat, it would be easier for him to defend himself.

"are you an idiot?"

The giant snake rolled its eyes and said, "Even if I'm injured, you can't kill me. I don't want to go to your human camp. I advise you not to mess with me."

Zong Tiehuang was furious: "The little monster, who was seriously injured, dared to be so arrogant. General Lu Chen, let's fight together!"

"What's the deal? We already have an agreement, so stop talking nonsense."

The giant snake scolded coldly.

Zong Tiehuang was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "General Lu Chen, what agreement do you have with it?"

Lu Chen said: "I will ask him to help us when we fight the Kraken in the future."

"What? Will he?"

Zong Tiehuang exclaimed.

Lu Chen nodded: "He has already agreed, and now we just wait for other top monsters to come, and we will discuss together."

Zong Tiehuang turned pale with shock: "Did you ask him to notify the other top monsters?"

Lu Chen said: "Well. I guess they are already coming."

Zong Tiehuang's face changed drastically: "Don't wait for them to come, let's go quickly."

"do not worry"

Lu Chen said calmly.

Zong Tiehuang grabbed him and said, "Above the giant snake and big monster, there are four big monsters, all of whom are strong enough to fight me head-on.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The reason why they didn't come to our human resident is because the five monsters restrain each other.

But now that you let them come together, they will definitely seize this opportunity and wipe out the four of us.

At that time, the entire Eastern Territory garrison would be completely undefended.

Our Eastern Territory is about to be breached by Heavenly Moat monsters!

We shall be sinners!

go!As long as we don't give them a chance to join forces to attack us, they will attack each other once they meet. "

Zong Tiehuang was in a hurry, and knew the habits of these monsters well.

Lu Chen still wanted to say something, but seeing his nervous appearance, he also felt that he might be a little hasty.

If this is the case, it is better to retreat first, wait for the five monsters to attack each other, and then come back to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Seeing that Lu Chen and Zong Tiehuang were about to escape, the giant snake swished forward.

The huge body stood in front of the four of them, and said with a smile: "Lu Chen, didn't you tell me to call them over, why did you want to run away instead. Look, they are already here."

Zong Tiehuang's face changed in shock, and he looked at the dust billowing in the distance.

I saw a giant ape running wildly, making a whistling sound as it ran: "Long worm, what are you calling me for, wasting my time, looking for a fight!"

"Oops, this is the golden giant ape with the most combat power in Tianchao. Its combat power is brutal and terrifying. Run!"

Zong Tiehuang gave Lu Chen a push, while he himself held a huge ax and went forward.


The golden giant ape sneered, paying no attention to Zong Tiehuang's attack.

But at this moment, he was suddenly attracted by a person's movements.


The golden giant ape was startled slightly, looking at the man's movement, he felt an urge to worship him.

Seeing this, the giant snake quickly shouted: "Brother ape, be careful!"

The golden giant ape came back to his senses, but it was already a step slower.

He saw the giant ax covering his head, slamming down from the air.

The gigantic ax that was only ten feet long turned into a hundred feet long in an instant.

Terrifying killing intent and majestic power roared out from the giant axe.

The body of the golden giant ape was blasted thousands of miles away.

A terrifying gash was torn out between his head and eyebrows.

Instantly injured!

At least [-]% of the combat power has disappeared.


The golden giant ape vomited blood angrily and roared frantically.

If I hadn't been attracted by that kid's body skills, I wouldn't have been injured by that little human being.


Lu Chen laughed loudly, and drove the cloud to the giant bear.

Bang bang bang.

One person, one beast, punching to the flesh.

The golden giant ape was dumbfounded.

He originally hoped that Chase Lu would take down the arrogant giant bear with the method he had just dealt with the giant snake.

But he didn't expect that Lu Chen, a little human body, could be so tyrannical.

He was able to collide with the old bear with pure physicality, and the fight was comparable.

Who the hell is this guy?

Is it the shape of a monster?

Otherwise, how could he have such a powerful body, and also possess various body skills in the form of a monster.

In any case, this King Lu Chen must have an inseparable relationship with the monster.

It's not a violation of the rules to obey him.

The golden giant ape comforted himself in this way.

Don't look at him being very obedient to Lu Chen before, but it was just a stopgap measure, just for the ancient body method.

But now, he has a different kind of respect for Chase Lu.

Geng and Rong on this side were numb from shock.

"General Lu Chen is so terrifying!"

"General Lu Chen is only at the fifth level of the Sifang Realm. If he breaks through to the peak of the Sifang Realm, how strong will he be?"

"Physical strength is probably the best in the world!"

"No wonder you can ride the clouds under the pressure of the pressure whale."

"Speaking of this method of riding the clouds, I suddenly thought of Ziyun Villa."

"That's right. Ziyun Villa has an ancient formula, which allows you to ride the clouds. General Lu Chen probably also has an ancient formula."

"It's a pity that those are all untold secrets. I don't know if General Lu Chen has anything to do with Ziyun Villa."

"Probably not. No one from Ziyun Villa will come to the front line to protect the spirits."

The three were discussing.

Zong Tiehuang made no secret of his envy for Lu Chen.

He is also famous for his physical strength, but compared with General Lu Chen, he is far behind.

"How can mere human beings compete with me?"

The giant bear roared angrily.

But no matter how fierce and powerful his attack was, it was blocked by Lu Chen with his thin body.

There seems to be infinite energy in this small body.

"I still don't believe it!"

The giant bear howled unconvinced, the muscles and bones of its body suddenly turned outwards, and the white bones protruded out, forming sharp steel spikes.

Bang bang bang.

He punched out punch after punch, and the steel thorns were like a peerless sword, piercing towards Lu Chen, with extremely astonishing lethality.

Lu Chen was also unambiguous, and immediately activated the sword energy field.

Invisible sword stabs also protruded from the whole body.

The two collided with each other, and neither of them took half a step back.

It can be seen that, at least from the physical level, Lu Chen is not much different from the giant bear who is born with rough skin and thick flesh.

This is the body that has been baptized by Lei Jie, which has transformed a person into a humanoid monster.

In fact, Chase Lu has not fully exerted the power of his body.

But even so, it made the giant bear extremely aggrieved.


The giant bear roared up to the sky, feeling powerless.

Lu Chen said: "Obey, or destroy."

"In your dreams!"

The giant bear was furious, and made a thunderous sound at Lu Chen, then turned and fled.

But at this time, the Garuda and the Tiger, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted them.


The two hind limbs of the giant bear were cut apart by the sharp wings and tiger claws, and the bright red blood dripped down, staining the entire ground red.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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