Even, the temple may still want to surpass the three holy places.

Speaking of which, the temple has gathered a lot of top-level masters from the three holy places.

Plus those people in the examination hall of the Eight Great Domains.

There are also those who left the temple and returned to the three holy places.

Taken together, it is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

I'm afraid it can compete with any Holy Land.

No wonder they have such an idea.

Who doesn't want to be the one with the highest status?

No one wants to be ridden on the head by others.

Unfortunately, before the temple officially announced its separation from the three holy places, he and Hou Sitian bumped into each other.

Bad luck!

Hit the muzzle.

They may become the trigger for the Temple to announce its separation from the Three Holy Lands.


Seeing Lu Chen's expression, Yu Mingtao laughed wildly: "Now you know you're afraid? Don't worry, Nian Zai is from Danyu, I'll leave you as a dead body."

Hou Sitian's expression was also a little ugly at this time, and he was no longer as indifferent as usual.

Obviously, he also thought of what Lu Chen thought of.

He sighed secretly.

After finally getting rid of Chao Tian, ​​he came out for a trip, wanting to do something meaningful.

As a result, he was about to be surrounded and killed before he took any action.

What a miserable life!

I have never been successful in my life.

Oh shit.

Hou Sitian cursed secretly in his heart, with unwilling anger.

Hurrah.Hou Sitian's furious breath billowed up, making a violent wind sound.

"You still dare to get angry?"

Yu Mingtao exclaimed in surprise.


Hou Sitian didn't talk nonsense with him, and suddenly pulled out a bright golden spear in his hand.


The long spear stabbed fiercely, piercing the air with a ripple.


The sound of thunder exploded.

Yu Mingtao's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately began to use the exercises, and at the same time, a mirror light lit up on his chest.


He flew upside down, blood sprayed all over the ground, a big hole was opened in his chest, his face was pale and ugly.

"kill him!"

Yu Mingtao roared angrily.

I was plotted against by this kid!

I didn't expect that this kid would dare to take the initiative to make a move in the face of so many strong men.

And as soon as he made a move, it was a thunderous blow.

This gun intent and explosive power are even stronger than his own.

I really underestimated him.

If it weren't for the mirror light defense and the inner armor blocking it, I'm afraid I can't afford to be seriously injured now, and I can't even make a sound.

"kill him!"

Yu Mingtao roared again.

Only then did everyone wake up, and Qiqi roared: "If you dare to hurt the Palace Master, kill him!"

"Shoot together and tear him into pieces!"

A group of people jumped on madly.

Hou Sitian's expression was solemn, but he didn't pay attention to the attacks of these people, but stepped forward quickly, wanting to kill Yu Mingtao first.

After all, the sneak attack was successful, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If Yu Mingtao had time to breathe, it would not be easy to kill him.It's not easy.

There are so many people in the family, plus Yu Mingtao, they are sure to die.

But before Hou Sitian approached, suddenly two strong winds came.

He quickly backed away, looking at the two who rushed out suddenly with an ugly expression.

These two, no matter which one they are, are no weaker than Yu Mingtao.

I can only deal with one.

I'm afraid I can't even deal with one.

Because he had just attacked Yu Mingtao, he had spent at least [-]% of his energy, only seeking a one-hit kill.

It failed.

Now that these two people are blocking it, it is even more impossible to kill Yu Mingtao.

"let's go!"

Hou Sitian shouted, made a decisive decision, jumped up, and wanted to escape.

"Can you leave? Our temple is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want."

One of the two in front of Yu Mingtao sneered.

He stretched out his right hand, and the spiritual power handprint was suppressed, so Hou Sitian had to deal with it solemnly.

If you go, you will definitely not be able to go.

The strength of these two people is not far from his, and they can contain him alone.

If the two are together, I can only be tired of dealing with it.

But there were four or fifty people outside, and even more coming around.

There is no solution to this battle.

"You go by yourself!"

Knowing that he was sure to die, Hou Sitian yelled and let Lu Chen escape by himself.

Lu Chen laughed: "No need to be distracted. Hold on to the two palace masters, and I will take care of the rest."


A strong man next to him happened to attack, and he laughed sarcastically when he heard Lu Chen's words: "You are very arrogant!"


Lu Chen smiled at him, defenseless against his attack.


I saw that man's long knife slashing at Lu Chen's body fiercely.

But Lu Chen remained motionless, his body collided with the long knife, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.


The man turned pale with fright, he couldn't grasp his right hand steadily, and felt that the long knife was about to fly out of the collision.

He hastened to grab it tightly, and slashed down on Lu Chen's head.


The long knife was still bounced back.

And Lu Chen didn't even leave a trace of white marks on his head.

"Are you scared?"

Lu Chen grinned at him, then grabbed his neck with a slap, and threw it on the ground.


The man's head tilted and he was paralyzed on the ground.

Although he didn't die, if he didn't heal his injuries as soon as possible, he would be useless.

But when he wanted to take out the healing elixir from the ring, he was horrified to find that his ring was missing.

After sweeping with mental power, he found that the ring was in Lu Chen's hand.

And Chase Lu threw the ring out.


A broken voice sounded.

The ring unexpectedly pierced into the neck of the person in front of him like a peerless hidden weapon.

Before the man could react, he fell to the ground.

And his ring was also grabbed by Lu Chen casually.

Bang bang bang.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen used both fists and feet, sending out spiritual coercion, and sword energy flew across the surroundings.

I saw that four or fifty people fell to the ground in unison.

No single person is dead.

But they couldn't heal their injuries, because all the rings were confiscated by Chase Lu.

"How? Are we qualified to be the master of the temple?"

Lu Chen looked at the two palace masters in front of Yu Mingtao, and said with a smile.

The expressions of the two palace masters were dull.

When I came back to my senses, my body was trembling, and I felt as if I was dreaming.

You must know that the forty or fifty strong men are almost the mainstay of their temple.

However, it only took a few breaths to be beaten by this person without any power to fight back.

This is because they didn't intend to kill people.

If you want to kill people, I'm afraid these people are not enough to kill them.

He really guessed right.

If Lu Chen wants to kill these people, he only needs to slash with the Five Emperors Sword.

If that move falls, let alone these people, the entire hall of the temple will be destroyed.

"You, you want to be the hall master, I agree."

The eagle-eyed middle-aged man on the left said hastily.

Another middle-aged hall master immediately echoed, "I agree too."

"Where's Yu Mingtao?"

Lu Chen looked at Yu Mingtao who was lying on the ground.

Yu Mingtao's face was so pale that it was almost transparent.

"I, I obey Dan Yu's assignment."

How dare he have any dissatisfaction.

If he had known that he was so powerful, he would never have been looking for trouble.

"very good."

Lu Chen nodded lightly.

I ignored them, but said to the 47 people lying on the ground: "If you want to heal your wounds, you need to join my Five Emperors Sect.

As long as you swear an oath, you will never be betrayed.

I will return all your rings.

Of course, vows can sometimes be useless.

So your oath is not an oath to heaven and earth, but an oath to me.

Lu Chen, the suzerain of the Five Emperors, can stab you to death with one finger.

If you betray me, I will kill your nine clans! "


Yu Mingtao and the two hall masters gasped together.

The 47 people lying on the ground also showed terrified eyes.

They knew that this man was definitely not joking.

They had to obey if they wanted to survive.

Otherwise, if they miss the opportunity to heal their wounds, they will become useless.

They have all cultivated to the middle and late stages of the Sifang Realm, who wants to be a useless person.

"I, I swear to be loyal to Lu Chen, the suzerain of the Five Emperors, for the rest of my life. If I violate this oath, my nine clans will be wiped out by the suzerain."

One person hastily called out.

He felt the blood on his back was flowing all the time, and he didn't dare to delay any longer.


Lu Chen threw out the ring and put it in his mouth, letting him heal himself.

As soon as this person started, there were voices one after another immediately.

Hou Sitian looked blankly.

How the development of things is completely different from what I imagined.

How could Lu Chen be so strong?

Originally Hou Sitian was very confident.He felt that his hidden strength was definitely at the top of the Sifang Continent.

No weaker than any strong person in the ninth level of the Sifang Realm.

If he exploded his hole cards, he could even kill Gong Cheng.

He just got ready.

Even if he died, he would kill Yu Mingtao, and even kill a few more people, plus another Palace Master.

This is his confidence.

So he dared to secretly use his mental power to investigate and eavesdrop when Lu Chen was talking to Gong Cheng.

He believed that Lu Chen was not as good as him, and Gong Cheng was not as good as him.

Although Lu Chen and Gong Cheng controlled Chao Tian.

But the two of them must have hidden secrets.

Moreover, Lu Chen can control Chao Tian, ​​which shows that Lu Chen's advantage is his strong mental power.

But when it comes to real strength, Lu Chen is definitely not as good as himself.

Hou Sitian never thought that there would be such a big gap between himself and Lu Chen.

When he felt that he was going to die, Lu Chen only took a few breaths to reverse the situation.

No, it should be said that the situation has always been one-sided.

For Lu Chen, the people in the temple are just chickens and dogs.

Hou Sitian suddenly remembered the conversation between Lu Chen and Gong Cheng.

He finally understood that the reason why Lu Chen didn't plan to resist the temple was not because he was afraid of the temple here.

It's the temple that is on the front line of the guardian spirit.

But the strong man there actually made Lu Chen feel afraid.

How strong will the people there be?

Hou Sitian was startled and suspicious.

He suddenly realized that his own strength was not at the upper reaches of Sifang Continent.I should only be in the middle.

The so-called people outside the front line of spirit protection, no matter how strong they are, they can only be in the middle.

He suddenly wanted to go to the front line of spirit protection and see the real strong.

Swish swish.

Chase Lu handed out the rings one by one.

47 people, all swore.

But the function of these oaths is not to restrict them, because the restriction is limited.

Swearing, it is a weakening of their spiritual power.

They will always remember what happened today.

The seeds of spiritual power were planted, and fear of Lu Chen naturally arose.

But that's not enough.

To control so many people, relying on these oaths alone is not enough.

So Lu Chen took advantage of these people's healing, sent out his spiritual power, and the real dragon roared and moved.

Puff puff!

Everyone spurted blood.

Originally, they were all healing their injuries with their hearts, so the protection of their mental power was weak.

Suppressed by Chase Lu's distracted mental power, they all felt extremely weak immediately.

I feel very painful in the brain.

It seems that I have returned to the past cultivation path all of a sudden, the sense of despair brought about by the crisis encountered before breaking through the Sifang Realm.

This kind of pain made them involuntarily feel extremely afraid.

And at this moment, Chase Lu projected his phantom into everyone's minds.

"I am the suzerain of the Five Emperors Sect, why don't you kneel when you see me?"

Hong Wei's voice was like Hong Zhong Da Lu, shaking in everyone's minds. 47 people knelt down in unison: "Meet the Suzerain!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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