It was already the spiritual power of the peak of manifestation.

A month later, after he kept crushing and reorganizing his mental power, he finally broke through smoothly.

Mental power, advanced to the seventh floor, distracted!

If other people advance to distraction, they may still want to think about how to separate their mental power.

But when Lu Chen purified the medicinal liquid to possess the spirit, he had already divided his mental power into pieces.

Now he is very familiar with it, and can easily separate a figure with spiritual power.

The figure was exactly the same as himself.

Lu Chen controlled the figure, left the small world, and entered Chao Tian's body outside.


Chao Tian twisted his neck, stretched his body, and then used a set of sword techniques to move his muscles and bones.

"There is indeed a qualitative difference between distraction and manifestation."

Lu Chen admired.

Before he manifested at the peak, although he could control Chao Tian, ​​he could only control walking and talking.

But now, it is possible to control it to use some moves, and even control its body to continue training.

However, Chao Tian was dead, and his body had been stagnant for several months.

Even if he could control his battle, he probably wouldn't be able to exert [-]% of his skill.

But if he keeps using his mental power avatar to hone him, it is estimated that he can display [-]% or even [-]% of his strength in the future.

Ten percent is impossible.

Because the current Chao Tian is just a puppet dead.

If I had used my spiritual avatar to control him in the first place, it might have kept his strength at its peak.

It cannot be done now.

But it doesn't matter.

This Chao Tian only needs to be an empty shell to scare people.

After passing the throne to Gong Cheng in the future, there will be no need for Chao Tian to exist.

Withdrawing the spiritual avatar, Lu Chen began to comprehend the five emperors swordsmanship.

In the previous Five Emperors swordsmanship, Lu Chen had not been able to comprehend the eighth style.

I thought that I could make some progress by returning to the details.

As a result, he still failed to comprehend the eighth form.

However, not for nothing.

Because of the subtlety and unity, his seventh form has another trick.

Originally, the first form was the Five Emperors Sword Slash.

Slashing with a sword can inspire infinite flames, ice, vines, golden light, and mountains.

The range damage is extremely powerful, but it is much worse for single-person attacks.

But now it's different.

He evolved the Five Emperors Sword Explosion!

It also stimulates sword energy such as infinite flames, but uses the control power of microscopic unity to gather all the power together.

In the end, it was stimulated to form a terrifying explosive force.

Lu Chen had a feeling that if he attacked Chao Tian with the Five Emperors Sword Burst.

It is estimated that Chao Tian will definitely die, and there is no way out!

Thinking of this, he laughed excitedly.

If it is said that his combat power before was only similar to that of Gong Cheng, he was the lower level of the top combat power in the Sifang Continent.

Now, at least he has been promoted to the middle level.

But for the specifics, you have to fight with the real strong.

"You can go out for a walk, can the puppy go?"

Lu Chen stood tall and asked with a smile.

The little dog shook his head: "I will continue to make alchemy."

Lu Chen said: "Okay, the little scorpion and the little dragon will depend on you."

The little dog snorted: "Those two guys, I don't know what happened to the elixir garden we planted for us. They always eat and drink for nothing, and they can't afford it."

"Haha. Xiao Longzi still doesn't understand human language, you have to cultivate it well, I'm going out first, goodbye."

As Lu Chen said, his figure flashed and he left the small world.

domain main peak.

Lu Chen came to Gong Cheng's residence and said, "Gong Cheng is the deputy domain master."

Gong Cheng greeted him quickly, and said, "Lu Chen, you have left the customs. Hey, your cultivation has not improved by an inch"

He shook his head secretly.

Although it was a pity that Lu Chen did not break through his cultivation, Gong Cheng was not surprised.After all, Chase Lu has only retreated for a few months.

But having said that, there are so many treasures in Chao Tian's ring.

Good things are piled up together, absorbing spirit stones non-stop, and Chase Lu should be able to break through.

Seeing that there is no breakthrough, it can be seen that Lu Chen's talent is not as good as he imagined.

Just thinking about it, Gong Cheng suddenly saw a change in Lu Chen's momentum.

First it was raised high, and then the aura was retracted into Lu Chen's body.

Changes are made in an instant.

If he hadn't been paying attention to Lu Chen's cultivation, he might not have noticed it.

"Hey, I have broken through a level of realm."

Lu Chen muttered to himself in surprise, secretly delighted.

When I was retreating, I didn't deliberately cultivate.

It's just that after the exhaustion of purifying the medicinal liquid, he used spirit stones and various spiritual liquids, spirits, spirits, spirits and teas to replenish the spiritual power in the body, and took various pills to replenish the spiritual power.

As a result, in the blink of an eye after coming out, a breakthrough occurred naturally.

And as soon as he breaks through, he will be firmly firmly in the fourth level of the Sifang Realm, and there is no need to continue to replenish any spiritual power.

This breakthrough is the most natural.

The state that all martial artists dream of.

Gong Cheng looked surprised and envious.

Just now I felt that Lu Chen was not talented enough, but I saw this scene.

To be honest, this is also called lack of talent. There are no talented people in the world. "Congratulations to nephew Lu Chen for breaking through."

Gong Cheng expressed his congratulations from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Uncle Gongcheng, Danyu is thriving under your leadership."


Gong Cheng smiled, and was very proud in his heart.

Since Lu Chen took control of Chao Tian, ​​his status has gradually improved.

Although it was only a few months, under Chao Tian's power, he became the deputy domain master logically, and no one dared to say otherwise.

Moreover, Chao Tian began to delegate power and became the real power leader himself.

With a lot of power in his hand, Gong Cheng struck out with a heavy fist.

He immediately changed things that he was not used to before.

Before Chao Tian, ​​Dan Yu was originally different.

Gong Cheng also began to pull Danyu to the previous path, allowing this holy place that had gone astray to slowly return.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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When Lu Chen came out just now, he swept it casually with mental power.

I found that there were smiling disciples everywhere, walking on the road of Danyu.

There are no more boring dead faces before.

It can be seen that Gong Cheng's change has been approved by his disciples.

And this approach is also approved by Lu Chen.

The former holy land had no human touch, everyone was an alchemy machine, lifeless.

But now everyone seems to be happier.

It seems that it is because Gong Cheng let go of the acceptance of going out missions.

"Sovereign, the above are a series of changes I have made to our Alchemy Hall. I have also begun to quietly spread the word about the existence of the Five Emperors Sect in the Alchemy Hall.

If Danyu is merged into the Five Emperors Sect in the future, everyone will not find it so abrupt. "

Gong Cheng changed his title.

It was a private matter before, calling Lu Chen his nephew Lu Chen.

Now that we are talking about business, we have to use a formal address.

Lu Chen nodded and praised: "Gong Cheng, deputy domain master, did a good job. It seems that you will be the domain master soon."

"Don't dare to dare, you have to proceed step by step, so as not to be picked on by some guardian elders and others."

Gong Cheng waved his hand.

Lu Chen said: "That's right, then everything should be done according to your own steps. By the way, I came here this time to ask Elder Gongcheng if he has come up with a countermeasure against the temple."

Gong Cheng obviously thought about it a long time ago, and immediately replied: "There are two options.

The first is to control Chao Tian to appoint the suzerain to be the master of the temple.

There are three masters in the temple, and the master of our Danyu in the temple is called Yu Mingtao.

Before he became the palace master, he was a Dharma protector, and his strength was at the top of the alchemy domain, and he was at the peak of the ninth level of the Sifang Realm.

But suzerain, you have defeated Guardian Yan and obtained his Burning Spirit Fire.

So, the suzerain doesn't have to worry about that Yu Mingtao.

If he is not convinced, you can use Chao Tian's order to suppress him, and then defeat him.

In this way, the master of the temple will be replaced by the suzerain.

After becoming the master of the temple, the suzerain can operate by himself.

Even if it couldn't be stopped in the end, it was still found out that the suzerain destroyed the examination hall in the southern region.

But at that time, the suzerain was already an important figure in the temple, so how could they dare to attack you at will? "


Lu Chen praised it.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

He hit the nail on the head right away, and came up with such a countermeasure for himself.

But Chase Lu was very curious and asked, "What is another plan?"

Gong Cheng said: "The second plan is more dangerous, but it is of great benefit to the Sovereign's strength training.

That is, the suzerain can go to the front line to protect the spirit.

Just like when we made great contributions to the front line of protecting the spirits, we were rewarded, which is the same as being the master of the Dan domain.

The suzerain can also make great contributions and atone for his sins.

As long as there are top figures on the front line of protecting the spirit who value the suzerain and protect the suzerain.

The people in Nadan Hall were helpless.

After all, as long as a person is willing to work hard for the Sifang Continent, he will be more respected than those guys who sit on their own.

Even if it is a heinous person, as long as a large number of sea monsters are killed on the front line of the spirit protection.

Then this person has the qualifications to be protected and cultivated! "


Lu Chen pondered.

Both approaches are fine.

How do you choose?

In fact, he is more inclined to the second.

The first one is not dangerous, but a bit too troublesome.

I need to operate in the temple, get acquainted with the people in the temple, and win over the people in the temple.

These things take a lot of time.

And he prefers to spend his time improving his cultivation.

After all, in this world, fists are the biggest.

As long as you are strong enough, even if you are a bastard, others will have to bow down to you.

But if you are not strong enough, no matter how popular you are, everyone will praise you.But when someone strong wants to kill you, no one will show you.

It's so realistic.

Lu Chen said: "I choose the second method. But I don't want to miss the first one. I need someone I can trust to help me be the master of the temple and perform internal operations for me."


Gong Cheng thought for a while, and said: "We have been in power in Danyu for too short a time, and we haven't cultivated a confidant. Who can carry out this task?"

Of course he couldn't go, and he didn't want to.

Although the temple is good, how can it be better to be the master of Danyu.

Lu Chen actually didn't want Gong Cheng to go, after all, he wanted Gong Cheng to take over the power.

He thought for a while and said, "Why don't you let my master go?"

"Your master?"

Gong Cheng was taken aback, then remembered, and said, "Chi Yuanbin? Although he can be trusted, his strength is too weak to convince the public, and his character is not smooth enough."

"How about that?"

Lu Chen said, and suddenly looked at the door.

A voice said: "I'll come."


Gong Cheng was shocked, and immediately took a step forward, intending to attack directly.Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute, deputy domain master."

Then he looked towards the door and said, "Hou Sitian, you are very brave to overhear us."

Hou Sitian walked in without panic, and said: "Ever since I saw Chao Tian talking to me like that, I feel something is wrong.

It's just that I didn't expect that you could actually control Chao Tian and become the real master of Dan domain.

And Gong Cheng was also arranged by you to be the deputy domain master.

Really great!

Once upon a time, you were just an ordinary disciple, ready to be manipulated by others.

Unexpectedly, it only took a few years to grow to such a level.

People have to admire. "

Lu Chen said with a smile: "Have said so much, what else do you want to say, you won't just come here to flatter me."

"of course not."

Hou Sitian shook his head: "I want to ask you, where is my sister now?"

Lu Chen said: "Xiao Yu is in the Bing Xin Palace of my Five Emperors Sect, which is also the location of Bing Xin Sect. If you want to see her, I can let her come here."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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