Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2196 Retreat Breakthrough

"Then I really want to thank him for retreat."

Lu Chen laughed.

If it wasn't for this guy's retreat and breakthrough, Jiang Yunmeng and Hou Siyu would be sent to the Cyan Wood Sect after he and Bei Xiyuan left.

He finally understood why Jiang Yunmeng asked him to take care of Bai Xiyuan in the first place.

It seems that the marriage was proposed at the beginning, and Jiang Yunmeng also knew his fate.

I don't know what she said to Bei Xiyuan, so that Bei Xiyuan followed her closely.

However, it was precisely because Bei Xiyuan followed him that he successfully entered the Southern Territory.

After that, I went through various experiences and successfully broke through the Sifang Realm.

When they came back two years later, unexpectedly Bao Yujie happened to marry Jiang Yunmeng.

All of a sudden, he gave himself an excuse and opportunity to win the Cyanwood Sect.

If not, it would not be easy for him to win the Cyanwood Sect.

After all, the Cyanwood Sect has two Triangle Realm Ninth Layer powerhouses.

Bao Cheng is a veteran and strong player, so I won't mention it. He must have all kinds of cards and means.

His son Bao Yujie, according to Gu Mingyu's introduction, is also a genius.

Definitely have the ability to leapfrog challenges.

And he has already stood at the top level of the Triangle Realm Ninth Layer.

How strong is it to challenge at this level?

His strength, I am afraid that he can surpass his father Bao Cheng.

At least in the eyes of Gu Mingyu, who was once Bao Yujie's confidant, he thought so.

"very good."

Lu Chen said: "Send the communication talisman, and call Bao Yujie here alone. This place is not far from the Cyan Wood Sect, and Bao Yujie has already broken through the ninth level of the Sifang Realm, so he will definitely not be a turtle again."


Gu Mingyu immediately responded, and took out a communication talisman: "Young Sect Master. Jiang Yunmeng said that at the gate of the Cyanwood Sect, at least let you come out to greet him, in order to comply with etiquette."


There was a shrill male voice in response: "How many maids did he bring?"

Gu Mingyu said: "Five."

Over there, Bao Yujie's voice sank: "Only five?"

Gu Mingyu hurriedly said: "Young master, Bei Xinyi is unwilling to give more, and wants to retain some dignity.

These five are all selected by us, each of which is the top beauty of the Ice Heart Sect.

Keeping the little suzerain satisfied! "

"Hmph, five, how can you be satisfied? This time you let me down!"

Bao Yujie's voice was as sharp as a sword, almost piercing a person's heart.

There was cold sweat on Gu Mingyu's forehead, and he knelt down to make amends: "Young Sect Master, this subordinate made a mistake, and this subordinate will immediately go to Bingxinzong to ask for ten more maids!"

"No need, let me take a look at these things first."

Bao Yujie said coldly.

As he spoke, he cut off the communication symbol.

Gu Mingyu wiped his cold sweat and stood up, respectfully said to Lu Chen: "Sect Master, Bao Yujie will come out soon."

Lu Chen immediately set up a sword array to ambush, and asked, "Are you so afraid of him?"

Gu Mingyu trembled and said: "Sovereign, to tell you the truth, this Bao Yujie is moody and has a very strong desire. My daughter"

"oh, I understand now."

Lu Chen nodded.

No wonder Gu Mingyu surrendered spinelessly when he saw that he was strong.

It seemed that he hated and feared Bao Yujie.

Want to borrow a knife to kill someone.

Gu Mingyu wanted to use his own knife to kill someone, so he could fulfill him by himself.

It just so happens that I also need to use Gu Mingyu to win the Qingmu sect.

In a short while, Lu Chen completed the arrangement of the sword array.

He sat in the cabin of the flying boat, waiting for Bao Yujie's arrival.


Bao Yujie stepped on the flying sword and laughed loudly: "My lady, your husband is late."

With that said, he stepped onto the deck of the flying boat.

"Young Sect Master!"

Everyone knelt down and worshiped.

But Bao Yujie didn't even look at them, and stretched out his hand to open the curtain of the cabin.


A sword energy swept over.

Bao Yujie turned pale with shock, and immediately stretched out his hand to block it.


The right hand broke and landed on the deck.

He retreated quickly, his spiritual power was running, he stood in the distance, and shouted angrily: "Who are you, where is my wife!"

Chi Chi Chi.

No one answered his words.

All he could see was the severed hand on the deck, sizzling and burning.

Lu Chen looked at Bao Yujie in surprise, and praised: "You are still the first master who can block my five emperors' sword energy."

Said it was blocking, but Bao Yujie still broke his hand after all.

To Lu Chen's surprise, his five emperors' sword energy should have penetrated into Bao Yujie's body through the wound of his severed hand.

In addition, there is the blessing of the burning fire.

Bao Yujie's arms should be ignited, and his whole body will follow the trend.

But the result was unexpected.

This Bao Yujie actually used his own spiritual power to forcefully suppress the flames of the Fenji Spiritual Fire.As expected of the talented young master of the Cyanwood Sect.

What the Cyanwood School is good at is the endless recovery of spiritual power.

The Green Wood Longevity Kungfu has been cultivated to the top, which can suppress all injuries and repair them at an extremely fast speed.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Lu Chen arranged the sword array and added a sneak attack in order to be foolproof.

It now appears that he was right to be cautious.

Bao Yujie looked gloomy.

Although he broke his hand, he immediately recovered from the shock and became extremely calm.

He glanced around and said in a cold voice, "Gu Mingyu, you dare to betray me?"

Gu Mingyu's body trembled, and he reluctantly shouted: "You harmed my daughter, what qualifications do you have for me to serve you?"


Bao Yujie laughed loudly: "Finally revealed your wolf ambition.

It's a pity, even if I lose one hand, you are definitely not my opponent.

Kneel down, I can leave your whole body and send you to reunite with your daughter. "

"You are dreaming!"

Gu Mingyu yelled: "Our Five Emperors Sect Master will definitely take your dog's head and make you plead guilty!"

The corner of Bao Yujie's mouth curled up, and he sneered, "Really?

The suzerain of the Five Emperors sect, what a great name!

Where did you find this man?

It's a bit of a skill to be able to sneak attack and hurt me.

It's a pity that it's only the second level of the Sifang Realm. "

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While talking, Bao Yujie suddenly made a move and stabbed Lu Chen's eyebrows with a sword.

Lu Chen smiled sarcastically, and the emperor sword Chunyang moved out, stabbing at Bao Yujie's long sword.laugh.

When the two swords collided, Bao Yujie's long sword immediately broke apart.

Bao Yujie turned pale with shock: "What kind of sword is that?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Emperor Jian Chunyang, you haven't seen it before."


Bao Yujie screamed.

As soon as the spiritual power is swayed, the treasure will be taken out from the ring again.

But at this moment, he felt endless murderous intent all over him.

Waves of sword energy came from the sky, covering the acupuncture points all over his body.


Bao Yujie let out a desperate roar like a trapped animal.

He couldn't move at all, and the acupuncture points all over his body were pierced by streams of sword energy.


Unable to support his body, Bao Yujie fell to his knees on the ground, and Bao Yujie took a few deep breaths.

Then he looked at Lu Chen and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"Sect Master of the Five Emperors, Lu Chen!"

Lu Chen raised his right hand, and the Fenji spirit fire blasted out, burning Bao Yujie into nothingness.

Then grabbed the storage ring and said: "Enter the Cyanwood Sect."

Gu Mingyu shouted excitedly: "Yes, suzerain!"

Finally revenge.

The strength of the young suzerain was completely beyond his expectation.

The rest of the disciples on the flying boat were also extremely shocked.

Knowing that the matter is a foregone conclusion, the Aoki Sect will become a thing of the past.

They were lucky to be able to follow the suzerain of the Five Emperors in advance.

Soon, the flying boat arrived at the Cyanwood Sect.

With the warrants of Gu Mingyu and the young suzerain Bao Yujie, the journey was unimpeded.

"Sovereign, the young Sect Master and his wife came to pay a visit."

Gu Mingyu came to Sovereign Peak and said loudly.

The suzerain Bao Cheng laughed loudly: "My good son, the saintess of the Ice Heart Sect has been captured, squeeze her dry, and we will surrender to the Bing Xin Sect."

Amidst the loud laughter, the burly Bao Cheng came to the flying boat.

His expression suddenly changed, and he was about to back away immediately.

But at this moment, he felt a phantom of a real dragon roaring in his mind.

Bao Cheng yelled in horror.

In an instant, he was riddled with holes from the sword qi.

When he came back to his senses, he showed a painful expression: "Why?"

Gu Mingyu said coldly: "You father and son have committed a lot of evil, death is not a pity."

"We treat you well."

Bao Cheng said bitterly.

Gu Mingyu said lightly: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in. What you want to do, our Five Emperors Sect Master has already done it."

"Sect Master of the Five Emperors?"

Bao Cheng looked at the young man in front of him, puzzled and asked, "Who are you?"

Lu Chen ignored him, but said loudly: "From today, the Qingmu Sect has merged into the Five Emperors Sect. As the Qingmu Palace of the Five Emperors Sect, the Qingmu Sect guards one side. Gu Mingyu is the new hall master."


The sound was like thunder, spreading in all directions.

At the same time, Lu Chen got the jade card to control the guardian array from Bao Cheng.

Urging the jade tablet to block the Qingmu sect.

Next, Gu Mingyu will be in charge.

If anyone doesn't follow, Gu Mingyu has lived for so many years and has his own way, so he doesn't have to worry about it.


He vomited blood full of anger, died with his eyes wide open, and died with regret.

It was his lifelong dream to rebuild the Five Emperors School.

Who knew that his unfinished business would be taken advantage of by this kid.

Lu Chen sent out the burning fire, turning Baocheng into fly ash.

Then he said to Gu Mingyu: "I want the Qingmu Palace to be united, can it be done?"

"You must not disappoint the suzerain!"

Gu Mingyu shouted loudly.

Lu Chen said: "Okay. Don't open the formation, wait for me to set it up for a while."

three days later.

Lu Chen arranged the green wood sword array for the green wood hall.

As for the matter in Qingmu Hall, he still left it to Gu Mingyu to deal with.

But just in case, he blessed Gu Mingyu with a sword mark between his eyebrows.

With the sword seal, Gu Mingyu dared to have a rebellious heart, and he would definitely die.

I don't have time to win people's hearts, so I can only use this thunder method.

Anyway, he has strong mental power, strong sword intent, and possesses the emperor sword Aoki.

It is effortless to apply the sword seal, which is just suitable for controlling others.

After leaving the Cyanwood Palace, Lu Chen came to the Bing Xin Sect on a dark cloud.

At this time, Bing Xinzong has strengthened the formation.

It's a pity that this formation is still like paper to Chen Lu.

He didn't even need to tear apart the formation, he just stepped in and came to the meeting hall on the Sovereign Peak.

The meeting hall of the Ice Heart Sect.These days, the hall is constantly lit.

The top powerhouses of the Ice Heart Sect, such as the suzerain Bei Xinyi, the three elders, Du Qiuhong, the saint Jiang Yunmeng, etc., are all sitting here.

Besides them, there were Bei Xiyuan and Hou Siyu, sitting at the bottom.

As a man, Bai Xiyuan was not qualified to stay here.

But he was a friend of the young senior strong man, so he had to arrange a seat.

The same goes for Hou Siyu.

It's just that the two have no right to speak.

But even if other people had the right to speak, they didn't say that they were ugly.

Everyone sat blankly, not knowing how to deal with Shi Chen'er who was going to be a guest.

One can only expect Shi Chen'er to be frustrated in the Cyanwood Sect.

In this way, he will not come to Bingxinzong to find trouble.

Bei Xinyi thought to herself, it would be better for Bao Yujie and his son and Shi Chen'er to lose both.

Then they Bingxinzong can pick up the biggest bargain.

"Sovereign, Shi Yu'er is that senior's younger sister, so she should be enshrined in the top position."

Du Qiuhong suggested.

Bei Xinyi snorted coldly: "Elder Du, you are becoming more and more spineless now!"

Du Qiuhong shook his head and sighed.

For so many days, she has been making suggestions, to be more respectful to Shi Yu'er.

In addition, you must have a better attitude towards Bai Xiyuan.

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