Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2184 The position of the suzerain

Duan Qingyang shook his head slightly: "After knowing, I hope you can bear it. This world is far more dangerous and hopeless than you imagined."

Tu Mingdao frowned upon hearing this.

Although he said that Duan Qingyang was playing tricks, he was indeed puzzled.

But Chase Lu didn't say anything, so let's just watch it now.

Anyway, Duan Qingyang will definitely tell the secret.

"Lu Chen."

Duan Qingyang looked at Lu Chen and called out seriously.

Lu Chen cupped his hands and said: "I have seen the suzerain."

Duan Qingyang smiled: "You are the most outstanding genius of our Yanyue Academy for thousands of years. I am very pleased to see a genius like you born when you are about to die."


Heron stared blankly at the old man under the pillar, a little absent-minded.

It was not easy to see the suzerain again, but to hear such bad news.

The suzerain is actually going to die?

how so.

He couldn't accept this blow in his heart.

Although Lu Chen was also surprised, there were not too many disturbances.

After all, he is not familiar with Duan Qingyang either.

But Helu could be said to have watched Duan Qingyang walk over step by step.

The emotion in it is beyond words.

"The suzerain is absurd."

Lu Chen clasped his hands again, and said, "Can I ask the disciple to check the injury for the suzerain. The disciple's doctor is Pang Luo."

Duan Qingyang smiled and said: "Actually, there is nothing to see, but if you want to see it, you can also see it."

Lu Chen nodded.

Then he stretched out his mental power to investigate Duan Qingyang's meridians, dantian and various acupoints.

After a while, under Heron's expectant eyes, Lu Chen shook his head and sighed: "The meridian is almost necrotic. If it came more than ten years earlier, I can still heal it. But now"

Helu shouted urgently: "Dai Suzerain, is there no other way?

The suzerain is the emperor of the Sifang Realm, and he can also transmit sound to us thousands of miles away.

His cultivation has not dropped, so it can be seen that his body can also return to its original state! "

Lu Chen said: "The cultivation base has not fallen, it's just an illusion.

In fact, as long as someone pushes it casually, the suzerain will die.

Thousand-mile sound transmission relies on mental strength.

But the suzerain's spiritual power is not optimistic, and it is estimated that it will collapse in a few years.

Moreover, the suzerain did not transmit the sound across thousands of miles, but just used the formation of the sect to transmit the sound.

If we were outside the sect, even if it was only one meter away, we would not be able to hear the voice of the suzerain. "

With such an explanation, Lu Chen secretly called out luck in his heart.

When the Asura Sword King came, the suzerain threatened him.

But if the King of Swords of Asura knew that the suzerain was only using the protective array to create a fake aura, I am afraid that he would be killed by the King of Swords of Asura at that time.

Even with the protection of the elders around him, with the strength of the Asura Sword King, he could kill himself before escaping.

It can be seen how thrilling it was at the beginning.

Fortunately, the Asura Saber King was in awe of Duan Qingyang and did not dare to risk himself.

"Zong, suzerain, is there really no cure?"

cried the heron.

Lu Chen didn't say anything, but took out the elixir, put it near Duan Qingyang's mouth, and said: "Sect Master, this is the five-star treasure pill to continue the magic pill."

Duan Qingyang's ashen eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in surprise: "How did you get such a precious pill?"

Lu Chen said: "I have a powerful alchemist as my backer."

"I see."

Duan Qingyang suddenly realized.

No wonder Lu Chen's cultivation base improved so quickly, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Suddenly, he emerged from the humble beginnings and became the first genius disciple of Yanyue Academy.

It seems that it's all because he has a treasure alchemist behind him as a backer.

But Duan Qingyang was worried, and said: "Treasurer Bao Pill has trained you like this, what do you want in return?"

Lu Chen said: "I want me to kill Danyu to avenge his father."


Tu Mingdao and Heron gasped together, and looked at Lu Chen in disbelief.

Kill Xiang Danyu, you can say such words, you are not afraid of death!

Those are the three holy places.

One of the three most powerful places in the entire Sifang Continent.

As a holy land that has existed for tens of thousands of years, you can't imagine how deep the cards are.

He actually wanted to kill Danyu.

so horrible!

Tu Mingdao and Heron felt cold all over their bodies.

Originally, Tu Mingdao thought it was a great opportunity for him to follow Lu Chen.

Now it seems that Lu Chen is a lunatic.

If he died in Danyu, wouldn't he also die suddenly?

"My lord, think twice!"

Tu Mingdao hurriedly dissuaded him.

Lu Chen glanced at Tu Mingdao and said, "What's your opinion?"

Tu Mingdao's breath stagnated, and he didn't dare to speak any more. He took a step back and stood silently.

Helu exclaimed in surprise: "Dai Suzerain, are you really going to do this?"

Lu Chen said: "Naturally. Take people's money and eliminate disasters with others. Baodan is not free."


Heron was speechless and didn't know how to dissuade him.

But I heard Duan Qingyang say: "That's right. It's a millennium record of winning people's kindness.

If it weren't for that treasure alchemist, you wouldn't be able to improve so quickly.

So we must repay him.A scholar dies for his confidant!

But, Lu Chen, I hope you can help our Yanyue Academy cultivate the next suzerain before you kill Danyu.

Our Yanyue Academy, if there are no strong people in the Sifang Realm, we are afraid that we will fall into the Six-Star Sect.

And once it falls, it is bound to fall again and again.

Eventually, the lineage is lost.

We can't be the sinners of Yanyue Academy. "

Lu Chen nodded: "This is easy."

Then he took out a few bottles of Sifang Dan, handed it to Elder Helu, and said: "These are special Sifang Dan, which was refined by my alchemist.

After taking it, there is a great probability of breaking through to the Sifang Realm.

Starting today, there will be a large number of Sifang Realm experts appearing in our Yanyue Academy! "

Heron took the elixir dully.

After a long time, he called out: "God."

My heart was shocked to the extreme.

The Sifang Realm that I have always dreamed of is about to come true!

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I'm really not a Gescher

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I thought that if I grew up like myself, I would have no chance.

But he never thought that the suzerain would bring himself a miracle!

And it's not just me, those old friends and elders around me also have the opportunity to break through the Sifang Realm.

There are also talented disciples such as Bai Xiu and Kong Lingshu, who can also break through the Four Directions Realm.

Think about it, how many geniuses and old-fashioned powerhouses they have in Yanyue Academy who are stuck in the ninth level of the Triangle Realm.

If they all take this special Sifang Dan.

Didn't Yanyue Academy directly transform itself, surpassing the seven-star sect and becoming eight-star or nine-star.

Even as famous as Taishangdao and Hanyue Palace, he became a ten-star sect!

so horrible.

Just thinking about it makes me feel scary, excited, and trembling with excitement.

Tu Mingdao looked at the heron enviously.

Thinking about the Sifang Pill that I took at the beginning, it was given by Ziyun Tianming, a tattered and inferior Sifang Pill.

As a result, now the old guy Heron got the special Sifang Dan from Lu Chen casually.

Or bottle by bottle.


There is a treasure alchemist behind him as a backer, which is really enviable.

But when he thought that Lu Chen was going to kill Danyu for the treasure alchemist, Tu Mingdao frowned again.

On the opposite side, Duan Qingyang had a hint of joy in his expression.

Ever since he heard Lu Chen say that there was Master Bao Pill as his backer, he knew that Yanyue Academy was about to prosper.

That's why he said such a thing, let Lu Chen train the disciples of Yanyue Academy.

Sure enough, as he expected, Lu Chen took out Sifang Dan.

And there are several bottles at a time, all of which are premium square pills.


But beyond the surprise, Duan Qingyang also decided to reciprocate, saying: "Lu Chen, if you want to kill Danyu, I can't help you.

But I can give you a little advice.

Our Yanyue Academy, in ancient times, was not an academy, but a real sect!

It is merged with the other four sects and is called the Five Emperors Sect.

It is the most powerful sect in the world.

If you can"

"I know."

Lu Chen interrupted Duan Qingyang and said, "Thank you suzerain for this suggestion.

But don't bother, I have obtained and comprehended all the five emperors' swordsmanship.

Since you want to kill Danyu, you must be safe.

Actually I have an idea.

After I destroy Chao Tian, ​​the lord of Danyu in the future, I will establish the Five Emperors Sect in Zhongzhou, and reproduce the glory of the Five Emperors Sect.

When the time comes, the Chunyang Heart Sutra and Chunyang Swordsmanship will be passed down.

I don't know what to do with the sect's idea? "

It's an inquiry, but it's not an inquiry either.

Because no matter whether Duan Qingyang agrees or not, he will pass on the Pure Yang Heart Sutra.

Otherwise, the Five Emperors would lose one sect, and they would not be able to condense the Five Elements Sword Qi and the Five Elements Ring.

How can the glory of the Five Emperors Sect be reproduced if the fighting power is greatly reduced.

Therefore, it is necessary to gather all the five major sects.

But of course, Duan Qingyang is still the suzerain of Yanyue Academy after all.

With his approval, it would be more appropriate to spread the Pure Yang Heart Sutra.

Duan Qingyang was dazed for a long time when he heard Lu Chen's words.

He couldn't imagine how Lu Chen had learned all the martial arts and swordsmanship of the Five Emperors School?

You must know that the Five Emperors Sect was separated at the beginning, and all of them were scattered to different places.

As far as he knows, there are several sects in several other domains.

Going to other regions from the Northern Territory is even more difficult than going to Zhongzhou.

Moreover, Lu Chen still had a feud with Dan Yu, how did he transfer from Zhongzhou to other domains?

"how did you do it?"

Duan Qingyang asked.

Lu Chen said: "I walked through the moat."


Duan Qingyang was dumbfounded.

He thought Chase Lu was joking.

How can someone walk through the chasm?

When I was close to the edge of the sky, I felt that there was an extremely powerful aura everywhere.

Not to mention walking through the moat, even walking into the moat is impossible.

It feels like my heart is bursting with fear.

But since Lu Chen said so, it means that he is unwilling to tell himself the truth.

Then you don't have to force yourself.

"Lu Chen, I will pass on the position of Suzerain of Yanyue Academy to you now.

From now on, you can do whatever you want.

The return of Yanyue Academy to the Five Emperors Sect was also a wish of the ancestors. "

Duan Qingyang said with emotion.

Lu Chen cupped his hands: "Thank you, suzerain."

Duan Qingyang smiled and said: "You are the suzerain now."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Thank you, old suzerain."

"The word old is very good." Duan Qingyang praised.

Lu Chen: ""

There is no way to speak.

Faced with Duan Qingyang's state, he couldn't comfort himself.

Because Duan Qingyang is sure to die.

Fortunately, Duan Qingyang was only joking.

Duan Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally, I have entrusted Yanyue Academy."

It was as if he had dropped the mountain on his shoulders.

At this moment, Duan Qingyang actually showed a happy smile.

This smile makes people trance.

The herons wept a little.

a long time passed.

Duan Qingyang said: "Lu Chen, can you let me see your Five Emperors swordsmanship."

Lu Chen said: "Yes, but the old suzerain needs to take the Continuing God Pill first to restore some mental strength. Otherwise, you will not be able to hold on."

"I see."

Duan Qingyang was obedient and obedient, and took the Continuing God Pill.

But after all, his body has been exhausted, and his mental strength is also weak.

Even with Lu Chen's help, it took three days to recover a little.


Duan Qingyang sighed suddenly, and said: "Forget it, I'm afraid I will die suddenly, so let's explain the funeral first. Aren't you curious why I became like this?"

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