You can only follow the usual steps to join the Ice Heart Sect.

Bei Xiyuan didn't want to pay attention to Lu Chen, so he said to Hou Siyu, "In this case, let me explain the steps to join the Bingxin Sect.

First, to live devoutly at the foot of Bingxinzong Mountain for a year to show your determination.

Second, when there are more people gathered, someone from Bing Xinzong will go down the mountain to start the assessment.

Third, the number of people who pass the assessment is one hundred to one.

No matter how many geniuses there are in a hundred people, the result is only one hundred to one.

If you are lucky, meeting a hundred people is not a big deal.

Then even if you are not a genius, you can still join the Ice Heart Sect. "

Hou Siyu was stunned after hearing this.

Why is this still the rule.

If it's bad luck, and meeting a hundred people is a genius, then wouldn't it be impossible to enter the Ice Heart Sect.

Why is Bingxinzong even stricter than Danyu.

"By the way, Ice Heart Sect only accepts female disciples, so don't get involved with your brother."

Bessie reminded.

Lu Chen said, "It still takes a year to live piously. Whoever has this spare time, might as well not join."

After all, I will take Hou Siyu away.

Bei Xiyuan said in surprise, "I really don't want to join.

You came all the way here, only heard that it would take a year, but you gave up.

With such a disposition, it is impossible for the Bing Xinzong to accept you.

Well, so it's good for you to go. "

While talking, he didn't want to keep him, and he was about to send Hou Siyu and Lu Chen out.

Lu Chen suddenly said, "You know a lot about Ice Heart Sect. You also know that Du Qiuhong is in retreat. You planted spies in Ice Heart Sect."


Bessie was furious, "You are insulting my personality"

"Then how did you know"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

This guy knows so much, it seems that he should have a chance to squeeze Hou Siyu in.

It's just that he doesn't want to help.

And this guy doesn't even want a premium Sifang Dan.

Oil and salt do not enter.

How to persuade him to help Hou Siyu enter the Ice Heart Sect.

"Go, go, you don't care how I know, please leave my manor, my manor will not welcome you in the future."

Bei Xiyuan drove Chen Lu out.

At this moment, there was a fragrance in the air.

A woman came with the aroma, and said in surprise, "Xi Yuan, why are you so rude to the guests?"

"Xiaomeng, why are you here?"

Bai Xiyuan immediately became serious, and his demeanor became refined.

And no longer push Lu Chen.

The woman named Xiaomeng cupped her hands to Lu Chen and Hou Siyu, and said, "My Xiyuan was just joking, please don't mind."

"I don't mind, I don't mind. Did Senior Sister Xiao Meng come down from the Bing Xin Sect?"

Lu Chen asked quickly.

Xiaomeng nodded, looked at Hou Siyu and said, "You found this place, do you want to join the Ice Heart Sect?"

"Yes, Sister."

Hou Siyu hurriedly said respectfully.

They now understood why Bai Xiyuan knew what happened to Bing Xinzong.

This guy's girlfriend is a disciple of Bingxinzong.

And it seems that the status is not low.

No wonder he knew about Elder Du Qiuhong's retreat.

Right now, if Hou Siyu can get the recommendation of Senior Sister Xiaomeng and enter the Bing Xinzong, it will be very simple.

Xiaomeng looked at Hou Siyu for a while, nodded, and said, "Sifang Realm Level [-], the realm is very stable, not bad.

You don't need to take part in the external assessment, you can enter our Bingxin Sect and be a registered disciple first.

If you do well and have no bad intentions, you will pass all the assessments.

Then you can enter the inner sect and become an official disciple of our Ice Heart Sect. "


Hou Siyu was very pleasantly surprised.

I didn't expect that everyone planned to leave, but it turned out to be a bright future, and got the approval of Senior Sister Xiaomeng.

Bei Xiyuan suddenly exclaimed, "Why is she already the first level of the Sifang Realm? If I knew she was the first level of the Sifang Realm, I would have recommended her to you."

Then, he pointed to Lu Chen and said, "Then what realm is he?"

"He is at the seventh level of the Triangle Realm."

Xiaomeng replied.

Bei Xiyuan exclaimed again, "It's impossible that he is only at the seventh level of the Triangle Realm, why can't I see through his realm?"

"He wears a mask, and the clothes he wears have the effect of hiding his cultivation."

Xiaomeng explained.

Lu Chen was secretly shocked.

This woman is so strong, she actually saw through her disguise all at once.

Of course, she could only see that she was wearing a mask, and she couldn't see her real appearance inside.

Bei Xiyuan snorted coldly when he heard the words, "Sure enough, he is a hide-and-seek rat. Fortunately, Junior Sister Yu'er didn't pretend to be herself."

"Actually, she also wore a mask."

Xiaomeng said again.

Bei Xiyuan's expression froze, feeling extremely distressed.

People nowadays, why have they become like this.

What about trust between people?

Xiaomeng smiled and said, "It's normal to wear a mask when walking in the rivers and lakes, so don't make a fuss about it.

This junior sister, what is your name.

If you want to join our Ice Heart Sect, you are not allowed to wear a mask anymore. "

"My name is Shi Yu'er."

Hou Siyu said quickly, and took off the mask and put it away.

Xiaomeng looked at Hou Siyu's appearance, and said with a smile, "You look much better than the mask.

If you join our Ice Heart Sect, you won't need to wear a mask in the future.

My name is Jiang Yunmeng, you can call me Senior Sister Meng. "

Hou Siyu nodded heavily, "It's Senior Sister Meng."

Jiang Yunmeng hummed, and said, "You guys rest aside, I will talk to Xi Yuan, and then I will take you back to Bingxinzong."

"Thank you, Sister Meng"

Hou Siyu said happily.

Lu Chen also smiled slightly.

Put Hou Siyu in a good place, and he will be relieved.

Next, you can go to the Wuji Sect in the Southern Region and get their Wuji Holy Law

Then go to the Kaishan Sect in the Northwest Territory, and get their secret book of opening mountains.

In that way, I can learn all the five martial arts of the Five Emperors Sect.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Strength will be greatly improved

On this side, Jiang Yunmeng pulled Bei Xiyuan aside, and said, "The suzerain said, let you get out of here quickly, so as not to be troubled by Chi Yu."

"What's wrong with Chiyu? Is there going to be a big war in our sect?"

Bessie was puzzled.

Jiang Yunmeng hesitated for a moment, then said, "En."


Bessie was even more puzzled.

Bing Xinzong has been here safely for so many years, but there has never been a big war.

How could there be a sudden war?

Never heard of the wind either.

Jiang Yunmeng said, "You don't have to worry about it, just leave.

Xiyuanzhuang, I will take care of it for you.

When you come back in the future, you will find that Xiyuanzhuang is still Xiyuanzhuang, and no one will touch it. "

Bei Xiyuan's face changed slightly, "You let me go, why don't you go?"

Jiang Yunmeng said, "I am the saint of Ice Heart Sect, and I swear to live and die with Ice Heart Sect"

Bei Xiyuan shook his head, then smiled cleverly, and said, "Don't lie to me, there must be no war.

Otherwise my mother will definitely let you go with me.

We are baby relatives who grew up naked.

My mother is still waiting for you to give birth to me.

He won't let me leave alone, you must be joking. "

"Yeah, you've seen it all."

Jiang Yunmeng suddenly smiled coquettishly.

Bai Xiyuan immediately breathed a sigh of relief and laughed, "Haha, I knew it, I knew it, and you still want to lie to me, scaring me to death."

"You have been so easy to deceive since you were a child."

Jiang Yunmeng giggled coquettishly.

But soon he put away his smile, and said seriously, "What are those two people doing? Are they really joining our Ice Heart Sect sincerely?"

Bei Xiyuan said, "That Shi Yu'er is not bad, she looks quite simple.

But that kid is very clever, and has never dared to show his true colors.

I doubt he should be a good person. "

Jiang Yunmeng asked, "Did you find anything from them?"

Bei Xiyuan thought for a while, "They mentioned Elder Du Qiuhong, saying that the seniors from Youxue Cave asked them to come to Elder Du Qiuhong.

I'm a little surprised, has Elder Du Qiuhong ever been to Youxue Cave?

Isn't the place in Youxue Cave constantly changing, no one has entered it for many years.

I always feel that the kid is talking nonsense. "

Jiang Yunmeng's eyes lit up, Ji Sheng thought in his heart, "Well, I see.

They should want to cooperate with Elder Du Qiuhong internally and externally.

You don't know, after Elder Du Qiuhong came back, he retreated immediately.

What was unexpected was that her cultivation had improved by a level in a year.

One must know that she has been stuck at the seventh level of the Sifang Realm for a long time.

Now it only took one year to break through to Yae.

It must have been of great benefit.

But she did not report the treasure to the suzerain, but took it as her own.

Therefore, the suzerain decided to examine her carefully.

It just so happened that I brought that Shi Yu'er in, which also made Du Qiuhong afraid of her.

I suggest that you also establish a good relationship with that kid, and it is best to follow him closely.

He is only at the seventh level of the Triangle Realm, so you don't have to be afraid of him.

I have a treasure given to you by the suzerain here, so you keep an eye on him.

Hmph, Du Qiuhong and the others wanted to cooperate internally and externally, but we caught them by surprise this time.

If they can get the secret that can allow Du Qiuhong to improve his realm from them.

We, Bing Xin Sect, can become an existence on par with the Three Great Sacred Grounds

And if you make such a great contribution, the suzerain can betroth me to you.

No one can say anything more. "


I must keep up with that kid, I've seen him upset.

He even dared to co-operate with Du Qiuhong internally and externally to plot against our Bing Xinzong.

The big battle you mentioned before is the big battle with Du Qiuhong, right?

Don't worry, I believe my mother can definitely kill Du Qiuhong in the bud. "

Bei Xiyuan seemed to become smart all of a sudden, and comforted Jiang Yunmeng.

Jiang Yunmeng smiled softly, and leaned on Bei Xiyuan's shoulder, "Brother Xiyuan, then I'll rely on you to monitor him. I'll take Shi Yuer back to the Bing Xinzong first."

"Well, I will definitely complete the task"

Bessie grinned.

But he didn't know that when Jiang Yunmeng turned around, tears rolled down his face.

"Forgive me, brother Xiyuan. If you follow that clever ghost, you will definitely not suffer in the future.

When you walk with him for a few years, you will also forget me.

After that, I will never see you again. "

Talking to herself, she took Hou Siyu and bid farewell to Lu Chen, cupped her hands, and said via voice transmission, "Brother, please help me take care of Brother Xiyuan, he is very simple, please don't bully him."


Lu Chen watched Jiang Yunmeng and Hou Siyu leave, feeling a little puzzled.

Please what do I do, what does it have to do with me.

What the hell are you talking about.

Also told me not to bully him, I don't care who he is, so I won't take care of him.

"Don't look at it, let's go too."

Bei Xiyuan suddenly said in Lu Chen's ear.

Lu Chen gave him a strange look, and said, "Why do you say that we will go mine, and you will go yours."

"No, I have to be with you.

It's too boring to stay in the manor, I want to go out with you.

You see, we have helped you enroll your sister in the Bingxin Sect.

Even if I ask you to take me out for a walk, won't you?"

Bei Xiyuan put his arms around Lu Chen's shoulder pretending to be enthusiastic.

Lu Chen felt a chill.

What the hell is this guy doing.

Didn't you look down on yourself before, why are you so enthusiastic all of a sudden.

And what Jiang Yunmeng said, let me help take care of Bai Xiyuan.

He has nothing to look after.

"I have work to do, bye."

Lu Chen rose against the wind.

But Bai Xiyuan also followed, like a dog's skin plaster, he couldn't shake it off.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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