Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2151 Improving alchemy strength

If at this time, he volunteered to run in front of others and tell the origin of the puppy.

I'm afraid they will arrest the two of them and dedicate them to the master of Danyu.

Lu Chen thought so.

It is better not to expose the puppy.

This world is too dangerous.

A person as powerful as the puppy's father was killed by the master of Danyu.

You have to be more careful here.

If it is discovered by the master of Danyu, he can probably kill himself with just one finger.

So Chase Lu decided to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Wait three years later, after returning to the Heiyun Mountains in the Northern Territory and breaking through the Sifang Realm.

Your own strength is enough.

By the way, we also need to investigate the location of Wuji Sect and Kaishan Sect to get their inheritance.

that way you will be stronger

Thinking of this, Lu Chen planned to go to the Buddhist scripture pavilion in Danyu.

To enter the Sutra Pavilion, you need to buy time with pills.

One-star Profound Pill, you can buy it for 1 minute.

A bottle of fifteen pieces is a quarter of an hour.

Eight bottles, one time dust.

96 bottles, that is one day, twelve hours.

The value of a two-star elixir is twice that of a one-star elixir.

Three-star Xuandan, three times.

And so on.

Nine Star Profound Pill, one is 9 minutes.

As for the one-star treasure pill, one is nine 10 minutes long.

The gap is not insignificant.

But Lu Chen was reluctant to exchange the one-star treasure pill for time.

The treasure pills on his body were all obtained from the Ziyun brothers and sisters, Dai Yue, Ji Yanghong and the others.

There are also some spoils that Chi Yuanbin shared with himself for killing Wu Shuangbo and others.

Lu Chen has a lot of mysterious pills on his body, and they are useless.

Let's turn Xuan Dan into time.

So he went down the mountain and walked to the Sutra Pavilion.

The Sutra Pavilion in Danyu is huge and located on a plateau.

Lu Chen got the map from Chi Yuanbin, so he is not as rampant as before.

And he no longer walks against the wind, so as not to be noticed and cause unnecessary trouble.

In short, it took two hours.

Only then did I finally reach the Sutra Pavilion.

It can be seen how big this pill domain is.

There is no charge to enter the Sutra Pavilion.

When you come out, you will be charged according to the time.

Lu Chen strode in, no one cared.

He went to the catalog room first, and searched for the catalog in it to make it easier to find.

The Sutra Pavilion in Danyu naturally has the most alchemy books.

But Lu Chen didn't even look at it.

First of all, he doesn't like alchemy.

Secondly, there are books written by the dog’s father, so I still need to read these books

The dog's father has summed up all of them, and has his own insights and analysis theories.

far greater than the value of these books.

Therefore, what Lu Chen is looking for is some encyclopedic knowledge about the origin of Danyu, the development of Danyu, and the Sifang Continent.

What kind of pills, medicinal materials, sects, formations and so on.

Everything is here

As for the positions of Bingxin Sect, Wuji Sect, and Kaishan Sect.

There are even the development history of these sects, who are the masters among them.

All in all, Danyu's Sutra Pavilion is a huge knowledge base.

Even if a person never goes out, just read these books here.

You can understand the changes in the pattern of the entire Sifang Continent.

It has to be said that Danyu has done a really good job in this intelligence gathering.

And don't hide it for everyone to see.

worthy of praise

Lu Chen was very happy and began to read books without sleeping or eating.

He learned that the location of Bing Xinzong is in the eastern part of Zhongzhou, close to the Eastern Region.

The location of the Promise Sect is in the Southern Region, and there is no specific location.

The location of Kaishanzong is in the Northwest Region, and there is no specific location.

Although these two sects were also separated from the Five Emperors Sect, they were obviously not as lucky as the Cyanwood Sect and the Bingxin Sect.

Like Yanyue Academy, they were all abandoned in Outer Domain and could not enter Zhongzhou.

Lu Chen shook his head secretly.

The distance between the two sects is so far, it seems that after three years, I will go out on a mission, and I have to find a longer mission.

If it's the same as before, it's only one year, I'm afraid it's too late.

"If you want to find a task that takes a long time, you have to improve your alchemy strength. It's really troublesome."

Lu Chen was very helpless.

In fact, there are many sects' exercises in the Sutra Pavilion, which can be learned.

The Bing Xin Jue of the Ice Heart Sect and the Aoki Longevity Kung Fu of the Cyan Wood Sect are all here.

It's a pity that there are no exercises of Kaishanzong and Wujizong.

Neither does the Tiangang Heart Sutra.

It shows that Danyu doesn't collect exercises from other domains, so he doesn't like it.

It's a real headache.

If you have these skills, you can save yourself a trip.

With helplessness, Lu Chen began to look at the development history of Danyu.

Danyu, the current domain owner is called Chao Tian.

He is the most powerful alchemist in Danyu since ancient times.

His great deeds cannot be finished in ten days and ten nights.

Lu Chen found that there are at least 1 books, all of which are about Chao Tian's heroic deeds.

But after he watched some of it, he couldn't stand it anymore, and felt very disgusted.

Because the descriptions in these books are extremely flattering.

Not at all objective.

He praised Chao Tian as a unique alchemy wizard for thousands of years.

He also said that he proposed the eight-step alchemy method, which changed the alchemy techniques of the entire alchemy domain and improved everyone's alchemy strength.

Lu Chen was afraid that he would read it, and the book would say that Chao Tian could leave Sifang Continent and fly into the sky to stand side by side with the sun.

Bragging does not take such bragging.

Too exaggerated, but it seems too fake.

I don't know if Chao Tian knows the books here.

If you know it, don't hide these books.

Then this so-called Pill Territory Master is probably a little too narcissistic.

In short, as far as Lu Chen is concerned, he doesn't have the slightest affection for Chao Tian, ​​whom he has never met before.

First, the old boy harmed the puppy's father.

Secondly, the old boy is shameless and too narcissistic.

Thirdly, the old boy proposed the eight-step alchemy method and took it as his own, which is shameless to the extreme.

According to the dog's father's book.

The eight-step alchemy method was proposed by him.

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And very modestly said that he summed up the ancient alchemy techniques and the current alchemy techniques.

The two are fused with each other, and the essence is removed, and only then is the eight-step alchemy method sorted out.

In other words, it is not the credit of him alone, but the wisdom condensed by countless generations of alchemy that has been passed down to the present.

He just put the wisdom together.

However, when he arrived at Chao Tian's place, he thought hard and thought out this alchemy method to change the way of alchemy alone.

Claiming to be an enchanting wizard who promotes alchemy.

no shame

This kind of person can also be the master of Dan domain.

too disgusting.

Although it was disgusting, Lu Chen endured and continued to read several biographies of Chao Tian.

Then he silently vomited.

In this biographical story, at least half of the credit is done by the dog's father.

Although Lu Chen is not keen on alchemy.

However, he also learned the notes written by the puppy's father in the books from the puppy's pointers and few words.

Those notes are the puppy's father's opinion on Dan Dao.

And, why did the opportunity for such an idea suddenly appear.

When Xiaogou said at that time, he described every detail in his father's notes in great detail.

The details highlight the truth.

But in Chao Tian's biographical story, there are not many details.

All are praises like praises.

Pointless compliments.

Fake big empty.

Lu Chen now saw the true face of Chao Tian.

I am even more disgusted with Dan Yu.

Chi Yuanbin said before that Gong Cheng can't even take on the task now, he can't go out, it's the same as being in jail.

But aren't they the same as going to jail?

After receiving an outing mission, you have to come back in time.

Every day in the alchemy domain is alchemy and alchemy.

Apart from alchemy, there is not even a place to learn and fight.

The dull and boring life is extremely disgusting.

Lu Chen secretly made up his mind, after letting the puppy take shape, he would find a chance to leave Danyu by himself, and would not come back.

It's a big deal to do a casual practice.

If Danyu dares to chase and kill him, then don't blame him for being rude.

If you owe him Danyu, just give him a bunch of pills at that time.

If a sect cannot be recognized by its own disciple, then there is no need to stay any longer.

Put Chao Tian's biographical story back.

Chase Lu began to read various other books to broaden his knowledge.

After half a month passed, Lu Chen left the Sutra Pavilion.

Most of the Xuan Dan in the ring was spent.

But it's worth it.

At least I have a deeper understanding of Zhongzhou.

Even if you do a casual cultivator in the future, you won't have a miserable life.

Instead, he already had several places he wanted to go.

Just can't go out for a while.

After breaking through the Sifang Realm in the future, you can go wherever you want.

that's called freedom

Quickly leave the scripture pavilion.

Chase Lu planned not to come to this place again in the future.

In the books in the Tibetan Golden Pavilion, no matter which one it is, the existence of the dog's father cannot be seen.

It was as if the puppy father had never existed.

It can be seen how hateful Chao Tian is.

To obliterate a person, the most ruthless thing is to obliterate all traces of this person's existence.

If it weren't for the dog's father leaving books for his son.

I'm afraid that even the little dog doesn't know the existence of his father.

That's the saddest part.

"Disgusting sect, what the hell.

No wonder Hou Sitian is valued by Chao Tian, ​​he is basically the same kind of person.

Ruthless and ruthless, doing everything to the extreme”

Lu Chen cursed inwardly.

I plan to retreat for three years and don't care about anything.

As for what Transformation Pill you want.

He doesn't even dare to think about it now.

The so-called effective from top to bottom, domain lord Chao Tian is like this, how many good things can these elders have?

Master Chi Yuanbin is not bad.

But more people are probably the same as Wu Shuangbo.

And even Chi Yuanbin dared not even mention Gong Cheng's name because of Chao Tian's majesty.

How can a small man like himself trade with those elders who have Transformation Pills?

Lu Chen figured it out, and gave up his unrealistic ideas.

He speeded up and sprinted to return to his own mountain.

But suddenly, he found someone staring at him.

So the gaze shifted over.


Lu Chen felt a chill in his heart.

The person staring at him was actually Hou Sitian.

"I met Senior Brother Hou."

Lu Chen immediately bowed his hands and saluted.

Hou Sitian suddenly smiled coldly, "The last time we met, I didn't have time to teach you a lesson. This time, you kid kneel down for me."

He saw a phantom of a spear shooting out of Hou Sitian's eyes.

Lu Chen's expression changed suddenly.

this is gun intent

Hou Sitian's strength is at least the fourth level of the Sifang Realm.

And his spear intent is even more powerful.

The reason why I was able to wipe out the gun intent in Hou Siyu's medicinal materials during the assessment of Alchemy before.

Not just because his sword intent is better than Hou Sitian's spear intent.

The more important reason is that the spear intent in the medicine is dead.

But now that the opponent's spear intent was attacking directly, in a hurry, he could only use his sword intent to resist.

Instead of using sword intent to obliterate the opponent's spear intent.

Coupled with the suppression of the opponent's realm.

Ding Deng Deng.

Chase Lu took a few steps back and leaned against the tree behind him.


The big tree was broken by his back and fell to the distance.

A gust of wind blows.

The leaves spread out, a look of depression.

Lu Chen's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Hou, for your enlightenment."

After all, leave quickly.

After eating a dark loss, he vomited a mouthful of blood.

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