Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2115 Unworthy

He put his arms around Jiang Xinyue's slender waist with his right hand.

"Brother Lu Chen"

Jiang Xinyue's heart fluttered, she looked at Lu Chen tenderly, and groaned.

Lu Chen laughed loudly, and said to the Scarlet Eyed Spear Emperor, "When everyone is ready, go back to Chunyang Sword Shop. I'll take a step first."

"Sovereign Master, what are you going to do?"

Kong Lingshu called.

Lu Chen glared at him, and said viciously, "It's none of your business, I'm going to complete the major events in life, do I have to report to you?"

After finishing speaking, he rode the black cloud and quickly returned to Chunyang Sword Shop.


Kong Lingshu yelled "envy, jealousy"

The people around also showed envious and jealous eyes.

Such a beautiful fairy is about to fall into the clutches of this kid.

Envy others.

Furious others.

But no one can refuse.

Because of all the people present, except Lu Chen, who else is worthy of this fairy?

Among the crowd, Jiang Ningyu's eyes showed a cold light.

Fen clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth.

"Are you still not convinced, sister?"

Jiang Xinyan's voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Jiang Ningyu froze and turned her head.

"Do you want to die?"

Jiang Ningyu looked at her younger brother Jiang Xinyan, and said coldly, with cold murderous intent in her eyes.

Father himself didn't care.

How could he care about this half-brother.

If you dare to laugh at me, I will kill you

Jiang Xinyan sneered, "Sister, here, I advise you to restrain yourself."

"What's the meaning"

Jiang Ningyu's eyes became colder and colder.

Jiang Xinyan said, "I've heard Xiaoyue talk about my father.

Obviously you have the ability to save your father, but you don't care about him.

You are really chilling.

You can do this to your own biological father, is the heart of a person like you strong?"

"how do you want"

Jiang Ningyu was too lazy to listen to nonsense, she just wanted to hear the conclusion.

Jiang Xinyan said, "I want to tell you that you are not worthy to be my sister."

"You think I want to be your sister, and you don't deserve to be my brother."

Jiang Ningyu sneered, "Get out of my sight within three breaths, or I will kill you."


Jiang Xinyan sneered, "Believe it or not, if I call out, Lu Chen's men will immediately chop you into meat

You are brother Lu Chen's former fiancée, who would have thought that you are now in such a state of desperation.

Xiaoyue, on the contrary, climbed to the sky in one step.

So, what's the point of you being cruel and ruthless?

Hmph, you still dare to be arrogant in front of me.

I order you to apologize to me, to my father, and to Xiaoyue.

Otherwise, you are dead. "


Jiang Ningyu was furious, "You dare to threaten me."

"What About Threats"

Jiang Xinyan pulled the tiger's skin and pulled up the banner, and Jiang Ningyu was determined.

He has been unhappy with this sister since he was a child.

Relying on being favored by his father, the attitude towards the two brothers and sisters is extremely disgusting.

Especially for Xiaoyue.

How miserable Xiaoyue was at that time, she still had to go up and sprinkle salt on the wound.

Just for this, I can't forgive her

If it wasn't for the little bit of sibling love.

He had yelled a long time ago and told Lin Zimu and the others to chop Jiang Ningyu into mincemeat.

"Okay, my good brother, he has really become mature, brave and treacherous."

Jiang Ningyu said this sentence through her teeth.

Gritting his teeth, "Call me if you have the ability, and let them kill me."

"You don't want to apologize even if you die"

Jiang Xinyan was surprised.

I never thought there were such people in the world.

And this person is also his half-sister.

Did she never feel that she was wrong?

I don't feel at all that I have come to this step, and I have to blame myself.

"I'm not wrong, why should I apologize.

Moreover, your sister and I will not die. "

Jiang Ningyu looked at Jiang Xinyan without flinching, showing a weird smile.

"go away"

With a cold shout, she rushed Jiang Xinyan away with true energy.

Then quickly walk against the wind to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Hey, Jiang Xinyan, what the hell are you doing, come here quickly."

Kong Lingshu called.

He was always looking for someone to come out of.

Jiang Xinyan is also a member of their group. Since the suzerain is not here, he, the suzerain, will take care of everyone.

Kong Lingshu always put gold on his face.

But his cry attracted the attention of Lin Zimu and Lu Tianxing.

The two raised their eyes and saw Jiang Ningyu flying by in the wind from a distance.

"Jiang Ningyu"

Both of them exclaimed in unison, and then jumped up at the same time, chasing after Jiang Ningyu.

"Bitch, how did you run away like a dog when you held me hostage back then?"

Lin Zimu shouted loudly.

He no longer had the cowardice he had before.

He didn't even dare to curse people before, but now he scolds Jiang Ningyu bloody.

Jiang Ningyu didn't reply a word, and ran frantically for her life.

Her strength is only comparable to Lin Zimu's.

Plus a Lu Tianxing, as long as you stop, you will die

This is because the Red Eyed Spear King and other strong people in the four directions did not follow.

If they followed, I was afraid that I would have been stabbed to death by a single shot.

Lin Zimu and Lu Tianxing did not seek help from the Scarlet Eyed Spear King and the others.

They believed that their strength was enough to kill Jiang Ningyu.

This former enemy, the slut who made trouble for their Lin family.

It's up to the two brothers to deal with it.

"You guys, don't bully people too much"

Jiang Ningyu let out a gloomy roar.

She found that her speed was not as fast as Lin Zimu and Lu Tianxing.

Because Lin Zimu and Lu Tianxing have treasures given by Lu Chen.

There is also a talisman from Jiang Xinyue that can bless the flight speed.

If the pursuit continues like this, Jiang Ningyu will be caught up sooner or later.

Her face was livid and she gritted her teeth.

There is nothing to do.

"Too deceitful"

Lin Zimu sneered, "When I smash your mouth with an axe, you will know what it means to go too far."

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I'm really not a Gescher

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"Wait for me to pierce your heart with a gun, and let me see if that heart is as cold and vulgar as yours."

Lu Tianxing also sneered.

The two cousins ​​threw out the attack spirit weapon while talking.

A hammer hit Jiang Ningyu in the back of her heart.

Jiang Ningyu swayed and fell to the ground from the air, blood spraying out.

"Hahaha, where are you going to escape?"

Lin Zimu laughed loudly, and slammed down the huge axe.

He has experienced countless dangers of life and death, and knows that he cannot give the enemy time to breathe.

If you want to humiliate Jiang Ningyu, you have to get rid of Jiang Ningyu.

But at this moment, a golden light suddenly rose from Jiang Ningyu's body.

Jin Guang blocked Lin Zimu's axe.

The killing blow was easily blocked like this.

Ding Deng Deng.

Lin Zimu stepped back quickly, watching this scene in shock.

"what happened"

Lu Tianxing also exclaimed in astonishment.

I saw that another head suddenly floated out of Jiang Ningyu's shoulder.

this head

Lin Zimu and Lu Tianxing looked at each other, revealing an incomparably shocked "Ziyun Pearl"

"Finally ask me."

There was a sarcastic smile on Ziyun Mingzhu's face.

Jiang Ningyu's face turned blue and white.

As proud as she was, she finally said what she never wanted to say in her entire life, "Yes, I beg you."

"Hehe, if that's the case, give your body to me."

Ziyun Mingzhu smiled lightly.

I saw her head covering Jiang Ningyu's.

quack quack.


The two heads began to fuse.

For a while it was Jiang Ningyu's face, and for a while it was Ziyun Mingzhu's face.

No matter which face it is, it is so beautiful and delicate.

But at the same time, the eyes are full of tricky and mean hatred.

Suddenly, a fierce look appeared on the changing face.

There was light in his eyes, and he looked at Lin Zimu and Lu Tianxing, "You two are Lu Chen's younger brother.

I can't kill Chase Lu, so I'll take the two of you first. "


Lin Zimu and Lu Tianxing made a decisive decision and immediately fled against the wind.

After a while, they suddenly came back to their senses and said, "Oops, I fell for it."

I hurried back to take a look, only to find that Jiang Ningyu's figure had completely disappeared.

"Damn it, I could have helped Brother Chen get rid of that woman."

Lin Zimu struck the ground with an axe, regretting endlessly.

If it wasn't for the two of them being scared and scared away by the woman's bluff.

Then, the freak that Ziyun Mingzhu and Jiang Ningyu merged will definitely die here.

What a pity, a missed opportunity.

Pure Yang Sword Shop.

Lu Chen knocked on the door and said, "Elder Yun Xin, the door is open."

"The suzerain, you're back so soon."

Yun Xin opened the door.

Lu Chen was not in the mood to talk to him, threw out a ring, and said, "There are true energy stones and continuation pills in it.

The elder can just find a restaurant to heal his wounds.

Do not disturb us, bye. "

After finishing speaking, he closed the door of Chunyang Sword Shop.

Yun Xin was left alone in a daze outside, unable to recover for a while.

what's the situation

The Dai Sovereign hurriedly ran back alone, what about the others.

Huh, not right.

The suzerain was not alone, he was holding a girl in his arms.

Hey hey hey.

Yun Xin suddenly understood.

That's not all.

He laughed, secretly thinking that the young man is better than Huo Li, so he should not be a light bulb anymore.

As he walked, he suddenly froze.

Did the suzerain say before that he should go to a restaurant to heal his wounds?

He also said that there are true energy stones and continuation pills in the ring.

Is it really a elixir?

Yun Xin was so excited that she couldn't hold herself back, trembling, she put her mental power into the ring.

When I saw that bottle of continuation panacea.

Tears of excitement flowed from his eyes for a moment.

People who have never been abolished will never know how desperate and painful it is after being abolished.

I thought there would be no chance of recovery in this life.

As a result, the acting suzerain turned around and brought himself a continuation elixir from the ruins.

"Thank you, thank you Dai Suzerain"

Yun Xin bowed to Chunyang Sword Shop.

Then he turned around immediately, excitedly looking for the restaurant.

retreat, healing

In the secret room of Chunyang Sword Shop.

Jiang Xinyue rearranged the interior, full of girlish atmosphere.

Clean and warm, with a light fragrance.

As the aroma entered his nostrils, Lu Chen's body felt numb for a while, and the feeling came immediately.

"What kind of fragrance is this?"

he asked curiously.

Jiang Xinyue smiled slightly, "Brother Lu Chen, don't worry, I still have a jade slip here."

"What Jade Jane"

Lu Chen was even more curious.

What to say about jade slips at this juncture is really tantalizing.

Jiang Xinyue smiled sweetly, "Double x skills."

"No wonder you took the initiative as soon as you came out."

Lu Chen laughed out loud.

Put the jade slip between the eyebrows.


The exercises immediately entered his mind and were absorbed and digested by him.

Then, his eyes shot out suddenly.

Jiang Xinyue giggled coquettishly, shed a burst of true energy from her right hand, and lowered the big red hollow curtain that had been arranged.

"It's finally time to enter the bridal chamber."

Then he turned over and pressed Lu Chen down.

"The desire to control is still so strong"

Lu Chen refused to accept it.

Two people, you come and I go.

There is a cheerful atmosphere in the air.

Soon, there was a moving gasp in the room.

Day and night passed.

Jiang Xinyue leaned against Lu Chen's chest and said, "Brother Lu Chen, I feel that Sifangjing is already waving to me.

But I plan to go to Zhongzhou to break through. "

"This exercise is indeed a rare treasure in the world, do you want to do it again?"

Lu Chen chuckled.


Jiang Xinyue punched him hard, "I'm afraid that if I can't control it, I might get pregnant.

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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