Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2112 Recruiting Aoki

Seeing this, Taoist nun was indifferent and indifferent.

Because she believed that Lu Chen and others would surely die.

My own elder brother Xiao Xing can definitely kill Lu Chen!

On this side, Xiao Xingyi was restrained by Ma Shixiong.

Ma Shixiong, who got the shadow of the stick emperor, greatly increased his strength.

Moreover, he is the emperor of the Quartet Realm.

No matter how many tricks Xiao Xingyi used, it was impossible to deal with him easily.

At least, he needs a stick of incense time before he has a chance to get rid of or kill Ma Shixiong.

As for the Ziyun brothers and sisters, the situation is similar.

Tu Ming Dao was inherited by the Sword Emperor Xu Ying.

The figure hangs horizontally in the air, like a peerless sword.

He looked at Ziyun Pearl indifferently, without any trace of fear.


Ziyun Mingzhu shouted loudly, furious.

The person who used to be like a dog in front of him actually ran to his head with such an expression.


"God Ape Stick Technique!"

Ziyun Mingzhu roared, and the phantom of the ape on her body roared.

The enraged god ape jumped in the air with astonishing momentum.

Scarlet eyes fixed on Tu Mingdao.

Holding a big stick in his hand, he waved it like a tiger.

The air seemed to be roaring too.

There was a sound of wind, smashing towards Tu Mingdao.

The biting wind seems to be able to cut Tu Ming's knife.

If it is the famous butcher knife before.

He was already begging for mercy under this power.

Even if you don't beg for mercy, you will be smashed to death with a big stick.

But now, he has a faint sneer.

Like strolling in the courtyard, dodging easily.

The inheritance of the old monster and the improvement of combat experience made him feel extremely confident.

When it comes to who has improved the most in strength, there is no doubt that it is him.

Because he started low.

So Ziyun Mingzhu was even more angry.

It was completely unbearable that the little guy back then was jumping on his head.

She was already irritable, but her anger had almost affected her reason.

If it weren't for her fighting power being extremely against the sky, she might have been injured.

"Sister, calm down!"

Ziyun Minghu shouted coldly.

In front of him was the Scarlet Eyed Spear King.

Seeing the red-eyed gun emperor laugh ferociously: "Take care of yourself!"


The Fire Cloud Spear burst out with a tyrannical flame, and it went straight to Ziyun Minghu's throat: "I won't let you escape easily today."

"What a big breath!"

Ziyun Minghu was furious.

The fleeing trash who was once beaten by him actually dared to be arrogant in front of him.

Do you really think I can't take you down?

It only takes half a stick of incense.

Lao Tzu, I can kill you!

Ziyun Minghu had a ruler in his heart, and quickly analyzed the gap between the opponent and himself.

The only question now is, can that boy Lin Jianyi hold on to half a stick of incense under Lu Chen?

As long as he can hold on.

In this battle, the four of them won!

If you can't hold on, it's over.

We must find a way to escape.

"Lin Jianyi, can you do it?"

Ziyun Minghu shouted loudly: "At least you are a disciple of the Three Great Sacred Grounds, so show us your skills!"

"Three Holy Lands!?"

The crowd below shouted in shock.

It is actually the three holy places.

Then Lu Chen and the others are finished.

You dare to provoke people from the Three Great Sacred Grounds, and eat the bear's heart and leopard's guts?

"you shut up!"

Lin Jian shouted sharply.

I don't want to take out the sign of the Three Great Holy Lands.

If you don't take it out, you can escape in a while.

No matter how embarrassing you are, you don't have to worry about being ridiculed.

Because no one knows him.

But now, as a disciple of the Three Great Sacred Grounds, if he escapes.

That is to discredit the Three Holy Lands.

Ziyun Minghu howled so suddenly, it was like setting himself on fire.

This guy did it on purpose.

I want myself and Lu Chen to work hard.

But, how can I be such a stupid person?

This sword formation of Chase Lu is more terrifying than before.

I definitely can't confront him head-on.

You must fight in a roundabout way.

So, Lin Jianyi quickly threw out dozens of arrays.

Swish swish!

He pinched his hands and controlled the array to arrange the array, trying to lock Lu Chen.

However, seeing Lu Chen also quickly pinched his hands.

A series of handprints were printed.

It actually collided with Lin Jianyi's hand formula.

"What! Impossible!"

Lin Jian screamed in shock.

How could this Lu Chen know how to form a formation?

Although it is not as proficient as my own, but the subtlety of it makes me unable to understand.

This can only be done with the guidance of a famous teacher.

However, the inheritance of formations has always been only available in the Heavenly Formation Sect, one of the three holy places.

How can there be a formation inheritance in this northern region?

"I do not believe!"

As soon as Lin Jian speeded up, he pinched his hands.

He didn't believe that Chase Lu could still keep up with his speed.

As a result, he saw that his hand formula was still broken by Lu Chen's handprint.

What kind of formation can't be arranged at all.

I saw dozens of array disks flying outside, useless.


Lin Jianyi angrily scolded: "Who gave you the inheritance of the formation, you are desecrating the three holy places and the gate of the formation!"


Lu Chen sneered: "Who stipulated that only you can know formations.

Stop struggling, your formation is useless to me. "

In fact, if they really fight together, Lu Chen's formation is not as good as Lin Jianyi.

After all, how long has he only learned it.

Even with the inheritance of the famous teacher, Xiaogou's father, he still can't comprehend much.

And formations are something that practice makes perfect.

Lin Jianyi has been studying for a long time, so the level of formation is naturally higher than him.

However, Lin Jian panicked.

He didn't have time to think deeply, because Lu Chen's gossip sword formation kept spinning around him.

One after another sword energy, continuously spinning and shooting out.

Very scary.

On the one hand, he wanted to block the sword energy, and on the other hand, he had to form an array.

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painstaking effort.

Therefore, it is better to break the sword array first.

Let you Lu Chen see my true strength.

"Aoki sword, come out!"

Lin Jian nodded his head.

The quaint wooden sword spewed out from the ring and came to Lin Jianyi's hand.

His face suddenly became calm.

It seems that if you get the green wood sword, you get another life of your own.

"Lu Chen."

Lin Jian looked at him indifferently, and ordered lightly, "Take out the Chunyang sword.

Let me see that your Tiangang Heart Sutra is powerful.

Or my Aoki Longevity Art is even better. "

"as you wish"

With a long whistle, Lu Chen grabbed the Chunyang Sword with his right hand.


The rich flame breath immediately rippled out in the air.

Seeing that the pure Yang sword was covered with golden flames, it made a chi chi chi chi sound.

Lin Jian's eyes froze.

Such a rich pure Yang fire.

This kid is strong and sophisticated.

But he is not standing still.

In this relic, his Aoki Longevity Kungfu has also made a breakthrough.

Finally, comprehended the seventh form of the Aoki swordsmanship.

This formula is called endless life

Not only can you use the green wood sword technique to feed yourself endlessly and heal your injuries.

It can also condense endless attacking sword energy.

This move can be said to be the only attacking sword method of Qingmu swordsmanship.

Although not a pure attack.

However, it is already strong enough.

More than enough to deal with this kid

"Let's make a move"

Lin Jianyi shouted loudly, his eyes full of provocation.

Lu Chen looked at him, wondering what confidence this guy had.

So, with a swipe, he sent the Chunyang sword into the air.

"White Rainbow"

Hu Hu Hu.

The sound of the wind urges the flames.

The pure yang fire on the pure yang sword burns in the large eight trigrams sword formation.


I saw the two 510 swords in the sword array, burning together with flames.

Then, in the innermost small eight-diagram sword array, the eight swords merged into one.


The flames intensified.

Then, the medium-sized gossip sword array merged into one

Large Eight Diagrams Sword Array, all in one

A total of 510 two swords, in the blink of an eye, Qi Qi merged into one sword.

This sword is like a shocking peerless sword.

Stand up in the air.

The Chunyang sword is located in front of this sword, just like the main body.

This sword is like the flame phantom of the Pure Yang Sword.

boom boom boom

The air made the sound of burning and cracking.

I saw the Chunyang sword rushing straight down, with a phantom of flames, falling from the sky like a scorching sun.

Burn the air to produce white smoke.

It was as if the flame and sword energy stretched a line.

Lin Jian showed extreme horror.

He didn't expect Lu Chen's move of Baihong Guanri to become stronger.

It's not the same as when he attacked himself outside the Chunyang Sword Shop.

The most frightening thing is that after this kid used this trick, he suffered a lot of backlash.

But at this moment, the kid just spit out a mouthful of blood lightly.

It can be seen that his understanding of this move has deepened, and the consumption has been reduced by at least half.

The power has increased by more than ten times.

"So strong, is this the real strength of Chase Lu?"

The surrounding audience exclaimed.

Those who bought fire-type swords from Lu Chen once held their swords tightly.

A person who can perform such powerful fire-type sword moves.

How strong will the fire-type sword he blessed be?

They must have not exerted the power of this fire-type sword.

"People from the three holy lands should stay away from Chen Lu."

"He is only in the Triangle Realm."

"We can actually have such a strong man in the Northern Territory, a peerless genius, a monster"

"After leaving the ruins, Lu Chen will definitely be able to enter Zhongzhou."

"Zhongzhou. I went to Zhongzhou. I don't know how much storm Lu Chen can cause."

"With such a talent, no matter where he goes, even in the Three Great Sacred Grounds, he has a place."

"That being said, if he kills the disciples of the Three Great Sacred Lands, will the Three Great Sacred Lands accept him?"

"That's right, then Lu Chen must keep his hand."

Everyone discussed and analyzed.

To be able to witness such a big battle in a lifetime can be said to be worthwhile in this lifetime.

After this battle, no matter how poor their comprehension is, they will definitely understand something.

What's more, the people who can come here are not too bad.

This battle can be described as an opportunity for everyone.

"I don't know where the city lord is."

A marshal of the imperial city in the crowd said with emotion, "If the city lord is here, he will be greatly surprised.

This battle, even at the level of the city lord, may not be able to see it. "


The other marshals or generals of the imperial city were all amazed.

The lord of the city is naturally Hou Beiming.

It's a pity that Hou Beiming is not here.

I don't know where to drill.

If Hou Beiming was here, he should still be able to say a few words.

But he couldn't stop the fight either.

The battle between Lu Chen and Lin Jianyi was beyond ordinary.

Now no one can stop it.

Of the two, one must die.

"Wanteng Divine Sword Slashes, Lives Endlessly"

Lin Jianyi was terrified, but not flustered.

His rich combat experience let him know that if he panics, he will definitely die.

Don't panic, you can still fight.

The seventh form of Aoki swordsmanship, the auxiliary sword form is endlessly powerful, it should give himself a pleasant surprise.

Lin Jian thought right.

When he slashed with the Endless Life and Blessing Wanteng Excalibur.

I saw that the Aoki sword seemed to be alive, giving birth to endless vines that covered the sky and covered the sun.

Rattan ignites when exposed to fire.

But the instant it burns, it turns to ashes.

It can be said to die with the flame.

In the blink of an eye, you can see that the aura of the flame has been reduced by a small half.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Lin Jian laughed loudly.

Sure enough, Aoki swordsmanship did not disappoint him.

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Temple of Heaven

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