Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2104 Can't hold you to death

Xiao Xingyi actually activated two talismans at once.

It is enough to explain the panic in his heart.

Originally, a formation breaking talisman would be enough.

But this formation can cover such a large medicine garden, and it can inspire big trees to attack.

It can be seen that it is tyrannical.

The formation-breaking talisman is estimated to cause the formation to counterattack, so the teleportation talisman must be used together.

Facts have proved that Xiao Xingyi is worthy of being an escape expert with rich experience.

The moment he activates the formation-breaking talisman, the formation will respond.

One after another rattan rushed over like crazy.

Like a blade, like a spear, he was going to be pinned down and his body cut into pieces!

But at the same moment, Xiao Xingyi's teleportation talisman was activated.


In a flash, he disappeared in place.

Plop, gurgling.

In the passage outside, Mo Yanbing was already at the forefront.

Suddenly seeing a figure rolling backwards, she quickly dodges.

But even so, the clothes were torn apart by the strong wind.

Mo Yanbing showed a look of horror.

What the hell is that? It suddenly popped up and came rolling in.

Just downright weird.

The weirdest thing is that I actually feel that it seems to be a person.

There is a strong breath.

Is it Chase Lu?

Mo Yanbing was full of doubts and looked back.


Mi Fangzhu from behind let out a cold snort, and his spiritual power condensed into a wall to block the rolling thing.

She thought some baby flew out.

But when the thing stopped and took a closer look, it was suddenly startled.

It turned out to be a person.

I saw that this man was disheveled, with disheveled hair, and he was one-armed.

Her face turned pale, she glanced at Mi Fangzhu, and looked at it for a moment.

"Look at what?"

Mi Fangzhu's face turned cold.

Although she is middle-aged, she is still beautiful. She is the type that many middle-aged and old people and even young people like.

If it weren't for the person staring at her, she would also be a beautiful woman.

She had already slapped out her palm in anger and took care of the other party.

"I remember you, you have a grudge against Lu Chen."

The beautiful woman with a broken arm in front of her suddenly said this.

Mi Fangzhu was slightly taken aback, then snorted coldly: "So what if there is a grudge, you want to take action against me?"


Xiao Xing said together: "I want to join hands with you.

Lu Chen got great benefits from it, and his strength was turned upside down.

Each of us is definitely not Lu Chen's opponent.

Only with Lin Jianyi can we have a chance to kill Lu Chen! "

"is it?"

Mi Fangzhu sneered disdainfully: "You are in a triangular environment"

"Lu Chen is only in the Triangle Realm, and his cultivation base is even lower than mine. Do you think the Sifang Realm must be stronger than the Triangle Realm?"

Xiao Xingyi interrupted her.

And he grabbed a thunderball casually and sent it to Mi Fangzhu.

"Do you know how to do this?"

Xiao Xing looked at her seriously: "If you accept my proposal, immediately come with me.

Otherwise, when Chase Lu comes out, none of us can escape! "

Mi Fangzhu held the thunderball, feeling a violent force condensed in it.

But the thunderball didn't explode.

The other party's control ability shocked her.

Her face changed several times.

Then he handed the thunder ball back to Xiao Xingyi: "What did Lu Chen get in it?"

"do not know."

Xiao Xingyi said very quickly: "But he easily cut off my arm, and his sword skills improved again.

Do you want to go or not, I will go. "

After all, immediately rise against the wind.

He didn't want to wait for Chase Lu to come out, then he would have to consume treasures before he could leave.

Too many treasures have been consumed in it.

He didn't want to waste any more treasures.

"Okay, let's go together then."

Mi Fangzhu was affected by Xiao Xingyi's tense mood and made a decisive decision.

The two immediately flew side by side and left the passage.

In a small hut.

Lu Chen didn't know that Xiao Xingyi had already used two high-level talismans to escape.

He sat cross-legged quietly, taking advantage of the strong wind here, quickly absorbing the aura inside.

The formation began to resonate with the formation pattern on the puppy.

Wait for the little dog to refine all the patterns on its body and control it.

This medicine garden can be put away.

You can leave naturally.

I saw the little dog in the golden cauldron of Lingbao, refining the pattern with all his heart.

Finally, with a loud roar, he jumped out of the Lingbao Golden Cauldron.

"Xiao Luzi, I'll take you out first."

The little dog said, and then controlled the formation to condense a vortex, sucking Lu Chen in.



Lu Chen came out of the passage and rolled past.

Mo Yanbing looked at him in astonishment.

Another one.

The one who rolled out before has already run away, so this Lu Chen also rolled out from inside.

What's in there?

Just as she was wondering, she suddenly found that the pressure on her body dropped sharply.

Originally, the deeper you go in the passage, the greater the pressure.

As a result, the pressure is now gone.

What does this mean?

Is the treasure inside that gave birth to pressure gone?

Mo Yanbing couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Lu Chen stood up, with a wave of true energy, cleaned the dust off his body, and said, "Senior Sister Mo."

He was surprised.

When they went in before, Mo Yanbing and the others walked in this passage.

I think I stayed in that medicine garden for at least ten days.

Mo Yanbing and the others are still walking here?

It was an exaggeration to actually walk for more than ten days.

No matter how bad they are, they shouldn't be able to reach the end after walking for more than ten days.

Lu Chen was puzzled and asked, "Senior Sister Mo, how many days have you been here?"

Mo Yanbing was feeling lost, and said casually, "Two or three days."

Lu Chen was shocked!

Actually just walked for two or three days.

Why do I feel that more than ten days or even twenty days have passed.

Is the time in the formation different from the time outside?

Just as he was thinking, a figure flew out from the passage.

Lu Chen immediately grabbed him with his hands and held him in his arms: "How is it?"


The puppy laughed and fell asleep.

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It seemed that refining the pattern made him exhausted.

"This is"

Mo Yanbing looked at this cute puppy, a little surprised.

People in their realm, who would keep such a small dog, is simply inexplicable.

Lu Chen ignored her, but rushed to the end of the passage quickly.

Looking through the small hole before, I saw an empty room there.

When you touch it with your hand, the wall collapses naturally.

I saw nothing in the room.

Lu Chen was shocked again.

It's just a small house, but who would have thought that there used to be a huge medicine garden here.

That formation is really miraculous to the extreme.

The size of the space can be changed.

It can also affect the time flow rate.

What kind of person is the puppy's father? It's simply too much.

Seeing that there is nothing here.

Lu Chen left against the wind.

When passing by Xi Yuqing, he stopped and asked, "Where is Mi Fangzhu?"

Xi Yuqing said respectfully: "Back to the Sword Emperor, Mi Fangzhu left with the woman who got out."


Lu Chen nodded and left this passage.

Mi Fangzhu actually ran away with the so-called Senior Xiao.

It seems that if you want to find two more people, you can only try your luck.

The old monster has many methods, and it is not easy to kill him.

When Xiaogou controls the formation, he can run away, so what else can't he run away.

Being able to cut off his right arm can be said to have taken advantage of him.

As for Mi Fangzhu, if you meet him in the future, you can kill him easily.

She is no match for an old monster.

too far.

After leaving the passage, Lu Chen came to the ground again.

Looking up, there is still a vast land all around.

Not a single building in sight.

I can only wait and see, hoping to find the inheritance of Chunyang Sword Dao as soon as possible.

His own sword array has been promoted to a certain level.

Now as long as Chunyang swordsmanship is further improved, his strength will definitely undergo even more earth-shaking changes.

At that time, the entire ruins can be swept away.

Even if they were facing Hou Beiming, they might have a chance to fight.

Not knowing the power of the second-level powerhouse in the Sifang Realm, Lu Chen was a little confident.

move on.

But there is no destination, just flying in one direction at will.

At some point, the puppy woke up.

Lu Chen said: "The medicine garden is closed."

"Well. But it's all mine, haha.

In the future, when I take shape, I can refine any kind of medicine by myself! "

The puppy smiled happily.

"Congratulations then."

Lu Chen laughed: "It's very dangerous outside, why don't you go into my ring."

"Then I'm not suffocating?"

The puppy was startled.

Lu Chen said: "My ring is an unformed small world, it can't suffocate you to death.

You can also put the medicine garden inside and run it well.

It's so spacious inside, it's definitely for you. "

With that said, Chase Lu asked the puppy to put his mental power into the ring.


The little dog yelled, surprised and said: "I'm going, this is mine, haha.

I can practice in it, and strive to break through the Sifang Realm as soon as possible! "

"Yes. You release the medicine garden formation, which can change the speed of time, and the cultivation will be faster."

Lu Chen sent the puppy to the Five Elements Ring.

The puppy ran around excitedly.

Digging in the ground.

From time to time, some broken weapons can be dug out.

But it's all useless.

After a long while, the little dog suddenly threw out the Lingbao Jinding: "Xiao Luzi, return the Jinding to you.

Leave me alone, I'm having a great time here! "

Lu Chen put away the golden tripod, re-engraved the spiritual imprint, and laughed dumbfoundedly.

There is a whole small world for you to plan.

You are like a wild dog that has run free.

Of course happy.

The only unhappy thing is that you are alone here.

Lonely and cold.

Huh, that's right.

With an idea, Lu Chen threw the corpse king scorpion into it.

"Puppy, I'm sending you a friend."

"What friend?"

The puppy looked at the scorpion in front of him very curiously.

Corpse scorpions vary in size and are half the size of a puppy.

It is not as smart as a puppy, but it also knows that the dog in front of it is not something that it can mess with.

First of all, this dog's eyes were full of vigor, and it was not a good stubble at first glance.

Second, the dog seems to be the owner's friend.

The corpse king scorpion cowered and hid aside, motionless.

"It looks awful."

The little dog circled around him: "Ugly, can you make alchemy?"


The corpse king scorpion was a little dazed.

"Can you spark fire?"

The puppy asked again.

Corpse King Scorpion shook his head blankly.

"Nothing will work, what's the use of you!"

The puppy spat and cursed, but didn't bother to pay attention to it.

This ugly monster is still not as easy to use as Xiao Luzi.

It suddenly missed Chase Lu's kindness.

Lu Chen didn't miss him, but looked into the distance.

There is a great river that cuts off the ground.

The distance between the two sides is about ten miles.

With such a small distance, even the strong in the Triangle Realm can pass by against the wind.

However, there was no one in the air.

When Lu Chen flew closer, he saw many people standing by the river bank.

"Why don't you go there?"

He asked casually.

"Brother Lu Chen!"

I saw a person rushing up.

"Wu Zijian."

Lu Chen smiled slightly: "The strength has improved."

Wu Zijian said: "It's all thanks to the martial arts of Mu Lei given by senior brother.

I encountered a secret place before, which has wood power and thunder power.

Just absorbed by me.

If I don't have the Wood Thunder God Art, I can only absorb the power of the Wood Element and miss a lot. "

He is very grateful.

Lu Chen said: "It seems that you are destined. Tell me what's going on here."

Wu Zijian said: "The big river is not allowed to go against the wind, it will be cut down by the sword energy."

"Sword energy? Where did the sword energy come from?"

Lu Chen asked in surprise.

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