The young general gasped in admiration.

One Mi Zhong, I can't deal with it.

That mysterious and noble young man himself was even worse.

Don't talk about yourself, I'm afraid General Ma Shixiong is not that person's opponent.

And that person has a solid hand.

He took the initiative to provoke and fight, but the city lord Hou Beiming didn't even show up.

See its background!

The city lord should have stopped fighting at this level.

How can we let the battle develop to such a tragic situation in the end?

You must know that in the end, Lu Chen's move of Baihong Guansun chased and killed the young man.

Destroyed both streets!

The house was damaged and I don't know how much.

It was Lu Chen who was careful and put the battle situation in another place.

Otherwise, it would be their Chunyang Sword Shop that would suffer!

"General, I'm afraid the city lord will not come here, how do we deal with this mess?

So many houses were damaged, there was even a restaurant.

I'm afraid many people will sleep on the street at night. "

The young general sighed.

None of the other law enforcement teams came.

This endgame is probably their task.

While appeasing those house owners, they also need to resettle the homeless people.


In his place, seek his job!

Feeling troublesome again, Ma Shixiong also led his subordinates to evacuate the crowd quickly.

It's not a problem to be stuck here.

After everyone has finished fighting, you are still here to watch Mao?


While evacuating, Ma Shixiong saw two acquaintances.

"Master Ziyun, Miss Ziyun."

Ma Shixiong cupped his hands: "You two, everyone has dispersed, you should find a place to rest."

Ziyun Mingzhu glanced at him coldly, but did not speak.

Ziyun Minghu ignored him even more.

The two of them stood here, staring at the door of Chunyang Sword Shop.

They are regretting.

In fact, when he came here, it happened to be the time when Lu Chen used the sword formation.

Because of the loss of this sword formation, the two of them did not make a move.

Waiting to see Lu Chen and Na Lin Jian hurting both sides.

They knew Lin Jianyi.

How could one of the top talents in the Three Holy Lands not know him.

Their Purple Cloud Villa and the Three Great Sacred Lands are deadly enemies.

There are not many conflicts on the surface, but there are principled contradictions behind the scenes.

So why not be able to kill a top talent?

Plus Lu Chen, who is against the sky.

When they both lose, the brothers and sisters can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen's sword was too powerful.

It was even more terrifying than when we dealt with them back then.

Lin Jianyi was actually defeated.

And escaped in the blink of an eye.

Both of them couldn't chase after them.

And when he wanted to deal with Lu Chen again, Lu Chen quickly fled into Chunyang Sword Shop in the smoke and dust.

In addition, the Chi-eyed Gun Emperor and Tu Mingdao beside Chen Lu were not injured.

If you want to kill Chase Lu again, your chances are slim.

They are not Lin Jianyi.

With Lin Jian's back against the Three Great Sacred Lands, Hou Beiming would turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye if he didn't dare to provoke him.

Their Purple Cloud Villa does not have this privilege.

Because the Three Great Sacred Lands are considered the leaders of the entire Quartet Continent.

From the fact that Tianzhenmen will give flying boats to all sects above seven stars, we can see their energy.

Their Ziyun Villa will not be so impartial.

Naturally no one will give much face.

Just be a little apprehensive.

Hou Beiming sits in the entire Northern Territory and is the Lord of the Imperial City of the Northern Territory.

Four directions double.

Even if he was afraid of Ziyun Villa, he would not be afraid of their two brothers and sisters.

So, if the two of them dared to break through the door and rush in to kill Lu Chen.

Hou Beiming and the law enforcement team will never let it go.

Didn't you see this Ma Shixiong, just standing here?

The more Ziyun brothers and sisters thought about it, the more they regretted it.

Finally turned around and left.

If you look any further, you can't do anything.

It doesn't make sense to pestle here either.

Or continue to wait for the ruins to open.

Fortunately, both Lu Chen and Lin Jianyi were injured, and they should not be able to recover in just a few days.

In the ruins, the siblings still have a chance to defeat them one by one!

As expected by the two siblings.

Hou Beiming has been staring at this place.

He hides in the dark.

Watching the battle between Lu Chen and Lin Jianyi.

Originally thought that Lin Jianyi was enough to crush Lu Chen.

But I didn't expect that it would cause a lose-lose situation.

And the commotion was so loud that both streets were destroyed.

If he had known this earlier, he should have stopped Lin Jianyi from making a move.

But now is also good.

I gave Lin Jian a face, and Lu Chen was not arrested.

If Chase Lu was caught, he would still feel a little guilty.

After all, it was not easy for Yanyue Academy to have such a genius and a chance to rise again.

But if it is because of his inaction, the genius will die on this day.

Presumably the old 6 will scold himself when he dies.

so far so good.

Hou Beiming secretly called it a fluke.

For the next time, he promised to protect Chase Lu well.

until entering the ruins.

During this period, no matter whether it is Lin Jianyi or anyone else, if they want to attack Lu Chen, they have to ask him Hou Beiming!

Lu Chen didn't know what Hou Beiming was thinking.

Lu Chen didn't even know what Lao Lu Hou Beiming thought of.

He didn't understand the relationship between Hou Beiming and Yanyue Academy.

At this moment, in a daze, he suddenly stopped using the icy air to reduce the pain of the flames on his body.

Instead, start running the Tiangang Heart Sutra.

The spiritual power sneaked into the ring and communicated with the little jade man.

Chi Chi Chi.

Layers of flames suddenly appeared on his body.

Everyone turned pale with shock, quickly put away their true energy, and all retreated.

"what happened?"

"Why did the acting suzerain stop the icy air?"

"Brother Chen's body is getting stronger and stronger, will he be burned to death?"

Everyone shouted excitedly.

Cui Yu hurriedly stopped: "Don't mess around!

I will try to communicate with Chase Lu first. "

With that said, mental power quickly penetrated into Lu Chen's mind.

"Old Lin, are you okay?"

Cui Yu asked nervously.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen regained his energy in a daze: "Old Cui, you are here.

Just right, I need your mental help.

I feel that Tiangang Heart Sutra is going to be further improved. "


Cui Yu was overjoyed.

If the Tiangang Heart Sutra is advanced to a higher level, it will be a heaven-level exercise.

Lu Chen's strength will definitely become stronger.

"Okay, everyone can protect us, Chase Lu is about to break through."

Cui Yu said to everyone.

Everyone cheered.

Unexpectedly, in this battle, although Lu Chen was seriously injured, it was a blessing in disguise.

Very good!

Brother Lu Chen has such a strong combat power without breaking through.

Is it okay after breaking through?

The guy who came to provoke before, if we meet again in the future, it is impossible to be Brother Lu Chen's opponent.

"This kid, life is too tough."

The Scarlet Eyed Gun Emperor and Tu Mingdao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Their soul beads are in Lu Chen's soul space.

If Lu Chen dies, they will die with him.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's life is hard.

And it was a blessing in disguise, with a chance to break through.

Sure enough, he is a man against the sky, a genius among geniuses.

Following him, it seems that, as Cui Yu said, there is a chance to leave the Sifang Continent and see a wider world?

Chi Chi Chi.

Unknowingly, the flames on Lu Chen's body became more and more intense.

Everyone retreated in unison.

When there was no way to retreat, he began to mobilize his true energy to resist.

The Scarlet-Eyed Spear Emperor said: "Let's condense an infuriating shield together and seal this place.

Otherwise, the power of the flame will burn the entire sword shop. "


The crowd responded.

Put the weaker ones such as Yun Xin and Yuan Ling Zhi behind, and everyone else will condense a shield of true energy.

Inside, Tu Mingdao and the Chi-eyed Gun Emperor condensed a spiritual shield.


A more intense flame power escaped from Lu Chen's body.

Both the scarlet-eyed gun emperor and Tu Mingdao's spiritual shields began to tremble.

"So strong!"

The two were terrified.

If this kind of flame power directly bombarded the two of them.

I'm afraid it will burn them to serious injury.

Especially Tu Mingdao, whose strength is weaker than the Scarlet Eyed Gun King.

What he felt was an extremely terrifying destructive force.

It's like burning yourself to ashes.

"I can't hold on anymore."

Tu Mingdao let out a low snort.

"Persevere, and you will succeed in no time!"

Cui Yu cheered him up and at the same time sent part of his mental power to help him resist.


The scorching heat, as if magma erupted, echoed throughout the room.

Even with a protective shield of true energy and a protective shield of spiritual energy, they couldn't completely seal off the scorching heat.

Yun Xin, who was outside the shield, even fainted due to suffocation from the heat.

If it weren't for the original Lexus to help him, he wouldn't be able to persevere at all.

"I'm really going to die."

Tu Mingdao's face was pale and sweat was dripping from his body.

At this time, the scorching breath suddenly withdrew.

The room was still hot and dry.

But there is no steaming breath.


An explosion sounded suddenly.

I saw the scorching breath surrounding Lu Chen's body, with traces of white light glowing.

The white light is getting stronger and stronger.

Until people dare not look at it, it flourishes and declines.

The white light slowly disappeared and entered Lu Chen's body.


Lu Chen suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood.

The black blood fell on the ground, making a hissing sound.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was corroded by black blood to a depth of one foot.

Fiery breath came from the black blood.

Those who approached could feel their hairs being burned.

Qi Qi retreated.

Everyone was surprised and delighted.

The suzerain successfully broke through, and his injuries improved greatly, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds!

Originally, I was worried that the suzerain would not be able to recover from his injuries when the ruins were opened.

It now appears that they were unfounded.

"Everyone go to rest.

In the next few days, the auction will not continue.

Just wait for the ruins to open, and then take their chances. "

Cui Yu ordered.

Everyone responded and retreated.

In fact, there is no need for Cui Yu to say that there will be no auction in the next few days.

Both streets were destroyed.

That battle made countless people tremble with fear.

How dare you come to this place of right and wrong.

Now it is estimated that everyone is starting to prepare for the upcoming ruins, and there is no need to wander around anymore.

Although the Chunyang Sword Shop is not big, it is still possible for everyone to find a small place to sit cross-legged.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone also confirmed what they had learned.

As for Cui Yu, he is still helping Lu Chen, blessing his spiritual power, and making the final stabilization for him.

Chi Chi Chi.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

White flames burst out from Lu Chen's body.

His body shook, and he stood up suddenly: "The Tiangang Heart Sutra has broken through, it's heavenly!"

Then he laughed excitedly.

The heaven-level Tiangang Heart Sutra means that he can practice the fourth form of Chunyang swordsmanship, Jinyang Destroying Demons.

But before that, it is better to consolidate the realm first.

It took another day.

His realm was completely stabilized at the fourth level of the Triangle Realm.

Plus the second level of the small dantian, together it is the sixth level of the Triangle Realm.

"Old Lin, how is it? The ruins should be opened in three days. How is your recovery?"

Cui Yu asked with concern.

Lu Chen's state affects the harvest of the ruins.

Can not but worry.

After all, the prophecy has already come out.

There is nowhere to be found in Chunyang swordsmanship, but there is a true spirit deep in the imperial city.

It shows that there is the inheritance of Chunyang Kendo in the ruins.

Lu Chen has cultivated to this point, and he needs this inheritance.

If the state is affected because the injury has not recovered, it will be troublesome.

Lu Chen smiled slightly: "The condition is quite good, even better than before.

That guy literally came to do me a favour, lol.

Not only did it stimulate me to break through, but it also allowed me to take advantage of the opportunity to kill Mi Zhong, that trash, saving me a lot of trouble.

By the way, no one has come to trouble us these days?

The city lord Hou Beiming never showed up? "

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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