Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2080 Control

Before he finished speaking, he saw sword weapons spraying out from the ring.

Thousands of swords hang in the air above Huan Gu's head.

From all angles above his head, all were aimed at with the tip of the sword.

It's as if the hairs on Huan's bones were blown out, and swords were blown out.

It looks quite spectacular.

"Oh my God!"

The crowd exclaimed.

Open your mouth so wide that your jaw almost falls to the ground.

To be able to see such a majestic scene.

Who is this young man?

I have never heard of it, but has such a powerful ability to control the sword.

No wonder the swords he took out were so powerful.

There is some sword intent in it.

At first I thought it was in the sword itself, but who knew it was blessed by himself.

With such a powerful swordsmanship attainment, the sword intent blessed by it is stronger than those ancient sword intents.

The ancient sword intent has been worn away by time.

His sword intent, however, can be maintained for a long time because it is new.

Think of the ten swords that were sold before.

One hundred thousand True Qi Stones.

Not expensive, really not at all.

This sword intent alone is worth the price.

"Your Majesty!"

Lu Chen ordered coldly.


No matter how hard Huan Gu's bones are, no matter how hot his temper is, no matter how strong his background is.

But at this moment, he still couldn't bear the terrifying sword pressure.

Just having a thousand long swords hanging above his head can already scare people half to death.

And on these swords, there is actually a sword pressure.

A thousand heavy swords pressed down.

No kneeling!

"One last question to you, do you want to get out?"

Lu Chen said lightly.

Huan Gu was already lying on the ground, struggling and trembling: "Get out, get out now."

"Isn't it enough to be so knowledgeable earlier?"

Lu Chen sneered.

With one move of the right hand, all the swords were retracted into the ring.

Under the eyes of everyone watching, Huan Gu got up tremblingly.

There was fear in his eyes, but also sternness.

After staggering a few steps, he turned his head and said viciously: "Today's business is not over, just wait!"

"F**k again, you will kneel here today, don't go back."

Lu Chen said coldly.

Huan Gu's heart twitched, trembling in horror.

Holding back with a cold snort, he sped up his staggering steps and left.

He has already engraved Lu Chen's appearance and the signboard of Chunyang Sword Shop deeply in his mind.

As long as there is a chance, they must pay the price!

No one who offended me has ever had a good end!

"Huan Gu was actually driven away"

Someone looked at Huan Gu's embarrassed back and murmured to himself in disbelief.

"A thousand swords hang above your head, you can't go if you don't go."

One sighed.

The other said with lingering fear: "The sword was not aimed at us, but it made people's hairs stand on end and they were terrified.

It's too scary, if it's us, I'm afraid it will be worse than Huan Gu. "

"Yeah, this young shopkeeper is too strong to be messed with."

"I didn't expect there to be such an outstanding young man in the imperial city, but we didn't even know about it."

"I don't know if we are ignorant or they are too low-key."

"Anyway, he's going to be famous today."

"Don't you all know? Yesterday, the young shopkeeper also made an appearance at the Daoguang Chamber of Commerce.

Mi Zhong, the young shop owner who has just broken through the Sifang Realm, was confused.

It is also the thousand swords, which are particularly spectacular.

With this skill alone, he can probably be called the number one swordsman in the imperial city! "

Mention the number one swordsman in the imperial city.

Someone shook his head: "The number one swordsman in the imperial city is Wu Zijian who is the second on the imperial list.

His kendo is terrifying, although he doesn't control a thousand swords exaggeratedly.

However, one person and one sword is enough to rival a thousand swords!

The way of swordsmanship is mainly sharp and indomitable, not the more the better. "

"Having said that, I still think this young shopkeeper is very powerful."

"That's right. In terms of attack alone, Wu Zijian has to admit that the young shopkeeper comes out with a thousand swords."

"Nonsense! You have never seen Wu Zijian. If you had, you wouldn't say such stupid things!"

Several people held their own opinions and argued endlessly.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Should we continue to fight, or should we continue the auction?"

"Continue the auction."

someone called.

After finally driving away the threatening Huan Gu, why wait here if he doesn't auction it off.

No matter who is more powerful, the young shopkeeper or Wu Zijian, they also want to buy the sword to improve their own strength.

"Okay, let's continue with the auction.

Start with the 300 million true energy stones just now. "

"310 million!"

"330 million!"

Soon someone started raising prices.

Lu Chen couldn't help but feel that the people in the imperial city are really not short of money.

Being in the imperial city, it has the advantage of geographical resources.

People from outside can't compare at all, they can only envy and hate.

"Damn kid, you really are fearless!"

Mi Fangzhu gritted his teeth while watching.

She didn't expect Lu Chen to be so understated, and he got rid of Huan Gu.

His strength is really unusually strong.

And the courage and courage are also unusually large.

But if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it!

You kid has offended so many people, you won't be able to laugh for long.


"590 million!"

The price of this sword was finally fixed at 590 million.

Did not rise to 600 million.

It is a great pity.

But Yun Xin and the others were already shocked from ear to ear.

The biggest deal in the history of Chunyang Sword Shop was born!

The person who created the miracle was the suzerain of Yanyue Academy.

Chase Lu!

Yuan Yaqing looked at Lu Chen with endless puzzlement.

She couldn't understand why this mediocre boy had gone on a rampage all the way and cultivated to such an extent.

Back then, he couldn't even afford a Yuan Hui Pill.

In the Outer Sect Grand Competition, he worked hard, and finally, with the kindness of Elder Xiang Qian, he was able to get Yuan Dan back.

But now, he can easily sell a sword worth 590 million!

Who is the backer behind this kid?

Thinking of her, Yuan Yaqing, she followed Elder Wei Tian to get to this point.

She didn't believe that there was no one behind Chase Lu.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Seeing that everyone is so enthusiastic about the thunder and lightning swords, then I, Lu Chen, have no choice but to give up.

In fact, I still have an eight-star spiritual weapon sword of the lightning system.

The starting price starts from the transaction price just now, which is 590 million True Qi Stones.

Let's make an offer if everyone is willing to buy.

If you don't want to buy it, I will take it back. "

Lu Chen put on a look of reluctance.

It seemed that this sword was really his lifeblood.

Selling it is reluctant to give up, and he seems to be secretly happy if he can't sell it.

However, everyone is not a fool, how can they believe his performance.

What kind of reluctance to give up love, go to the ghosts!

This guy is simply too cheating.

It was said before that there was only one lightning-type eight-star spirit weapon sword, but another one appeared in the blink of an eye.


And the price is so high.


Everyone scolded Lu Chen hundreds of times in their hearts.

However, someone still called out: "600 million True Qi Stones."


Someone really bought it.

Some people couldn't help complaining in their hearts, they couldn't believe it.

Wei Tian and Yun Xin were also sluggish.

It was just said that Chase Lu sold their Chunyang Sword Shop, the highest price ever.

Who knew that the record would be broken by himself in an instant.

"600 million true energy stones, is there a higher price?

600 million True Qi Stones for the first time.

600 million true energy stones for the second time.

600 million true energy stones for the third time.

Alas, a deal! "

Lu Chen sighed.

Everyone scolds their mothers.

You are still sighing at 600 million, so please show some face.

"To tell you the truth, in fact, I still have an eight-star spirit weapon sword of the lightning system."

Lu Chen took out a sword bitterly again.

Reluctant to part with one another.


Someone yelled.

Simply unbearable.

He said it twice in a row, saying that there was only one lightning-type eight-star spiritual weapon sword.

It turned out to be another one.


How come you kid is so lucky to get so many rare swords.

Could it be that they looted the relics of a thunderbolt swordsman?

"The starting price is 600 million True Qi Stones"

Regardless of everyone's complaints, Lu Chen said quietly to himself.

He is an old god, and he is not at all afraid that he will not be sold.

This kind of thing is priceless.

There are many people who want to buy it.

If you don't buy it, just stand aside, let alone expensive.

No matter how expensive you are in another place, you can't buy this sword.

Didn't see the two get the sword just now, the whole mouth is happy and quickly grinned.

The expressions of these two people are living signs.

Any fool can see that this sword is worth buying.

Otherwise, after spending such a large price, the two of them would not be able to smile so happily.


someone shouted immediately.

Then everything was silent.

Everyone seemed to think that Lu Chen still had a thunderbolt sword in his hand, so they didn't raise the price.

Seeing this, Lu Chen sighed: "To tell you the truth, I do still have a thunderbolt sword."

"I'll just say it!"

"This guy."

"We have seen through the routine, ahaha."

Everyone laughed, feeling that they had finally tricked this treacherous boy.

But Lu Chen said again: "But all I have left is Qixing's lightning sword."

As he spoke, he made a move with his right hand.

A seven-star spiritual weapon sword fell into his hand, emitting a faint light of thunder and lightning.

"It's just Seven Stars."

The crowd shook their heads and sighed.

With their strength and wealth, they want to use the eight-star.

Qixing really doesn't like it.

"620 million!"

Someone couldn't help shouting.

If all that's left is the Seven Star Spiritual Weapon Sword, then it's better to grab this one as soon as possible.

"630 million!"

Someone raised the price again.

They are all wealthy families.

Lu Chen was filled with emotion.

But these guys didn't dare to say a word in the face of the threat of Huan Gu.

It can be seen that Huan Gu's Huan family must be richer and more prestigious.

But he, Lu Chen, was not afraid either.

Smiling and watching everyone raise the price to 800 million.

This should already be the bottleneck.

"make a deal!"

Lu Chen sent the sword to the man.

The man sent the True Qi Stone over, with a pain in his face.

But when he got the sword, his expression immediately became pleasantly surprised.

800 million, in exchange for improving the realm and deepening the understanding of the sword.

Worth it!

If strength can be bought with money, which rich man is not willing?

Next, as Chase Lu said.

The eight-star spiritual weapon sword is gone.

Only the seven-star spirit weapon sword of the thunder and lightning system remained.

Everyone sighed, but did not leave.

Because even if it is a Seven Star, as long as it belongs to the Lightning Department, it will be useful to them.

Not to mention that every sword has the sword intent blessed by this young shopkeeper.

"The starting price is 30 million."

Lu Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense this time.

Soon, the price was raised to 100 million.

The final transaction price was 210 million.

"Everyone, the lightning department is here for the time being.

I also have fire and ice swords.

But for the time being, I will not be in charge.

To tell you the truth, I still have a lightning-type sword on hand."

"Depend on!"

The crowd shouted.

I knew this guy was dishonest.

But I guessed the beginning, but still didn't guess the ending.

This guy is so bad.

"But this sword hasn't blessed my sword intent yet, so I'm sorry to show it out to make everyone laugh."

Lu Chen said, but put the sword in the air.

Chi Chi Chi.

A dense lightning net escaped from the tip of the sword.

"Eight-star spirit weapon sword!"

Someone shouted excitedly.

I thought it was gone, but it popped up again.

"Shopkeeper Lin, isn't this sword going to be auctioned off?"

One asked excitedly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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