After a while, two acquaintances appeared in front of them.

"Lu Chen?"

Wan Ziyu noticed Lu Chen and was taken aback.

Thinking about the collapse of the relic hall, he guessed that Lu Chen and Ziyun Mingzhu met, and it was more or less auspicious.

So when he saw Lu Tianxing being targeted before, he offered to help, not because he wanted Lu Chen to repay him, but mainly because he was influenced by Shan Qingrou and thought of love.

Unexpectedly, not only was Lu Chen fine, but he even came to the imperial city one step ahead of them.

"That's great Brother Lin!"

Wan Ziyu walked over happily and hugged Lu Chen fiercely.

"You don't think I'm dead, do you?"

Lu Chen smiled.

Wan Ziyu laughed: "Really, I never thought that you could escape from Ziyun Mingzhu."

"Yeah, I didn't think of that either."

Lu Chen sighed.

The first time he rushed into Chimu City, he really didn't expect that he would be able to escape.

But the next few times, he didn't escape.

But counterattack!

But there is no need to tell Wan Ziyu about this, lest the other party feel that he is showing off and talking big.

"Senior Sister Mo."

Chase Lu bowed his hands politely to Mo Yanbing.

Mo Yanbing nodded lightly.

She didn't expect that Lu Chen was still alive, so she kept preventing Wan Ziyu from making a move.

Seeing Chase Lu now, most of them are surprised, but at the same time feel strange.

I can't figure out how this Chase Lu escaped from Ziyun Mingzhu.

"What are you doing here, let's go to a restaurant and sit down."

Wan Ziyu held Lu Chen back.

Lu Chen waved his hand: "Someone helped me go to the restaurant to open a room, and I have to wait here for our disciples from Yanyue Academy.

I don't know if they are okay. "

"They're all right!"

Wan Ziyu said: "I have seen them, everyone is fine."

"that would be great."

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Just as he was talking, a burly figure suddenly strode towards him.

"Mo Yanbing, Wan Ziyu!"

This person looked gloomy and drank coldly.

Mo Yanbing and Wan Ziyu were taken aback, they both took a step back and exclaimed, "Famous Butcher Knife!"

"Do you know?"

Lu Chen was surprised and blurted out.

But then he realized that his question was too stupid.

Mo Yanbing and Wan Ziyu are outstanding genius disciples of the Xuedao Sect.

Tu Mingdao is the master of the Xuedao Sect.

Of course they knew each other.

"More than acquaintance!"

Tu Mingdao gritted his teeth: "If it wasn't for his grandfather's scheme, how could I have ended up in this situation!"

Lu Chen suddenly realized.

It turned out that when I cut off the beard, it was Wan Ziyu's grandfather's beard.

If Grandpa Wan Ziyu hadn't conspired against Tu Mingdao and seriously injured Tu Mingdao to the point where he lost all his strength.

It is also impossible for him to subdue Tu Mingdao.

It seems to be thanks to Wan Ziyu's grandfather.

But Tu Mingdao's words are hard to hear.

What does it mean to come to such a point.

It seems that you have been wronged by following me, right?

"Tu Mingdao, step back!

These two are my friends, don't be rude! "

Lu Chen said coldly.

Tu Mingdao's body froze, he came back to his senses, realized his identity, and immediately retreated behind Lu Chen, respectfully: "Yes, son."

Wan Ziyu and Mo Yanbing were dumbfounded!

Their master of the Blood Sword Sect, Tu Mingdao, the tyrannical Emperor of the Sifang Realm, actually obeys Lu Chen!

How is this going?

Wan Ziyu was dumbfounded: "Lin, Lu Chen, what happened? Why is he the master of our sect?"

"You still have the face to call me the sect master!

Your grandfather led the crowd to attack the emperor and betray the sect, and I will cut you to pieces! "

Tu Mingdao roared loudly, feeling overwhelmed.

Lu Chen stopped him from continuing to roar, and said, "This is the end of the matter, so there is no need to say more.

It was Wan Ziyu's grandfather who plotted against you, not Wan Ziyu.

If you want revenge, go to his grandfather. "

"If you allow, then I will definitely tear his grandfather into pieces!"

Tu Mingdao said viciously, full of murderous intent.

Wan Ziyu took a step back involuntarily.

Even if he was a genius, he would be both shocked and afraid when facing the emperor of the Sifang Realm.

Not to mention that this one in front of him is also the master of their Blood Knife Sect, an existence that even grandpa fears.

"Lin, Lu Chen, we're leaving first, so we won't be with you."

Wan Ziyu said, and walked into the distance.

With the butcher's famous knife, he felt uncomfortable.

No matter how cold and indifferent the senior sister Mo Yanbing was behind him, she was just like Wan Ziyu at this time, terrified and just wanted to escape from this place as soon as possible.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Wan Ziyu?"

A hearty laugh ushered in.

Wan Ziyu took a closer look: "Blind Cui?"

"Blind Cui, blind Cui, that's too impolite. My name is Cui Yu, just call me Old Cui."

Cui Yu smiled slightly.

In fact, he was the one who asked people to call him Blind Cui, but now he made such sarcastic remarks.

Wan Ziyu was not in the mood to argue with him, but quickly looked around and said in horror: "Cui Yu, you are here, where is the Purple Cloud Pearl?"

"I don't know. Who knows where this woman is hiding.

how?Let's go so soon, don't you want to chat with Brother Lu Chen?

You too are a follower. "

Cui Yu smiled and said something inexplicable.

Wan Ziyu didn't understand, but he didn't care about what the followers said.

He waved his hand: "No more chatting, let's go first, and we will meet later."

After finishing speaking, he left with Mo Yanbing quickly.

But the moment they left, they noticed that there was another Emperor of the Sifang Realm standing beside Chen Lu.

"Oh my God"

Wan Ziyu felt that his brain was short-circuited.

Why did the emperors of the Sifang Realm surround Chen Lu?

The butcher's famous sword was also obedient to Lu Chen.

What happened?

"Senior Sister, didn't you say that Grandpa would kill Tu Mingdao? Why did you let him escape?"

Wan Ziyu asked in surprise.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Mo Yanbing frowned: "How do I know? I didn't participate in the siege.

Fortunately, Tu Mingdao obeyed Lu Chen.

Ziyu, you have a good relationship with Lu Chen, Lu Chen will definitely not let Tu Mingdao deal with us.

This can be regarded as a threat. "

"Would you mind saying that?

If I hadn't rescued Lu Chen's brother before, do you think Lu Chen would look at us like this?

We still want to let Tu Mingdao let us go through Lu Chen?

Hehe, if you don’t pay, how can you get anything in return!

This is not how you make friends. "

Wan Ziyu scolded.

Normally, he wouldn't even dare to speak loudly to Mo Yanbing.

But now, it is anger and complaint from the heart.

It was also to reprimand Mo Yanbing, telling her not to always be selfish.

Mo Yanbing was silent for a long while, then said in a low voice like a mosquito, "I only care about your health, I don't care about other people."

Because of Shan Qingrou's disobedience, Su Ran didn't give her any good looks on the road ahead.

Huan Sihui reminded her in a low voice, asking Shan Qingrou to confess to her master.

Shan Qingrou naturally refused.

Therefore, the next journey is a helpless silence.

Finally they came to the imperial city.

As soon as he entered the city gate, he saw two burly men standing on the left.

"The Scarlet Eyed Spear King?"

Su Ran was taken aback.

What is the red-eyed spear emperor standing here for no reason, is he a doorman, such a scary doorman.

"Brother Lu Chen!"

Shan Qingrou exclaimed in surprise.

Lu Chen also smiled and waved: "Junior Sister Qingrou. You have also arrived in the imperial city smoothly."

"Yes, thank you, Senior Brother Lu Chen."

Shan Qingrou walked over.

Huan Sihui nodded to Lu Chen as a greeting.

"Hey, that's not right!"

Su Ran recovered from the shock of seeing the Red Eyed Gun King, and noticed the three people beside the Red Eyed Gun King.

One of them was Lu Chen, the one that disciple Shan Qingrou was talking about.

The other two.

A burly man, he is the emperor of the four directions like the red-eyed gun emperor.

The other person was blind, and the two black holes were very penetrating.

But this is not the point.

The point is how the combination of these four people is very similar to the combination that fought in Chimu City back then!

There are also two emperors in the four directions, and there is also a red-eyed spear emperor among them.

No way.

Could it be that the combination at the beginning was the combination in front of me?

One of the combination that created the shocking battle turned out to be Lu Chen, whom the disciples kept talking about?

How could it be so strong at the third level of the Triangle Realm?

Although he didn't quite believe it, Su Ran still involuntarily put the figure of that combination on Lu Chen and the others.

Perceive the breath of Tu Mingdao, and then observe Tu Mingdao's appearance.

Su Ran's heart trembled.

The master of the Blood Knife Sect, the master of the knives, is indeed one of those four people!

That silver light and blood shadow was probably cast by this person.

Look at Cui Yu again.

The black hole feels like it can sink a person's soul into it.

This person is mentally powerful.

It should have been cast by this person when the mental power exploded back then.

As for Lu Chen.

A disciple of Yanyue Academy, good at swordsmanship.

That sword array was released by him?


Thinking of this, Su Ran's heart trembled.

A boy in the third level of the Triangle Realm can actually unleash such a sword formation.

Facing this sword formation, he had no choice but to run for his life, not even a chance to run for his life.

No wonder Shan Qingrou kept showing affection to Lu Chen.

I thought there was something wrong with this disciple, whether he was bewitched by Lu Chen or something.

Now it seems that this disciple is really smart.

But why didn't she tell the truth?

What a silly disciple.

You make good friends with geniuses, this is exactly what Master wishes.

If we can successfully marry a genius like Lu Chen, we will not suffer from asking Xinzong.

Geniuses who can work with the emperors in the four directions are stronger than those in the imperial city!

Although Yanyue Academy has declined.

But a sect is a sect, and individuals are individuals.

Yanyue Academy has declined, but Lu Chen is a peerless genius.

It's worth making friends!

"Nephew Lu Chen, on the way we met your younger brother who was targeted by the Asura Saber King"

Su Ran stepped forward and said.


Lu Chen's face changed drastically: "Are you sure it's my brother? My brother is practicing in Chilong Mountain. Has he also come to the imperial city?"

Su Ran said: "Yes, it is your younger brother, in the team of Chilong Mountain. The leader of the team is Elder Xiong Sanyang."

Lu Chen was shocked.

It was really his younger brother Lu Tianxing.

Is he practicing so fast? He is already qualified to come to the imperial city.

No wonder Chu Wushuang wanted to say that the geniuses of this generation were different, everyone practiced extremely fast.

However, the issue of realm is not what Lu Chen should pay attention to. He is most concerned about whether his brother is injured or not.

"Is my brother okay?" Lu Chen was extremely nervous.

Su Ran said: "It's okay, it's just that I was backlashed by the moves, so I should be able to come here soon."

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but was surprised: "The Asura Sword King is extremely strong, my brother and the others should not be able to stop it, are you helping?"

"Well, there is also Wan Ziyu to make a move."

Su Ran didn't correct Lu Chen's words, but admitted it.

In fact, only Shan Qingrou made a move among them, and she even blocked it.

She didn't have the nerve to say that.

I just want to take advantage of Shan Qingrou to build a good relationship with Lu Chen and the others.

Sure enough, after hearing her words, Lu Chen cupped his hands and thanked: "Thank you for your generous help.

If there is something I, Lu Chen, want to help in the future, I will die. "

"Nephew Lu Chenxian is being polite. The main thing is Qingrou, the two of us didn't help much."

Su Ran smiled slightly: "Alright, we still have to find a place to live, so let's say goodbye.

Qingrou, let's go. "

Shan Qingrou followed up obediently.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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