Yun Fei raised his eyebrows.

What, I don't even have a challenge, so I have the nerve to pretend in front of myself.

But what the female disciple said next made Yun Feiyang stunned on the spot, feeling ashamed.

"Senior Sister once killed a master of the imperial list, and only used one move.

The other five were afraid to compete.

Among them, the strongest one, according to people's discussion, is No. 140 on the imperial list.

It seems to be a middle-aged man, what's his name, I don't remember."

Yun Feiyang didn't catch a word of what the female disciple said next.

He only heard one sentence.

The 140th and second master on the imperial list was too scared to play in front of Jiang Ningyu.

What kind of strength and power is this?

You must know that it took a lot of effort for me to beat the 240th in the imperial list.

Not to mention injuries, but at least [-]% of the means were spent.

However, Jiang Ningyu only used one move to kill the master of the imperial list.

140 Er was so frightened that he didn't dare to act rashly.

In other words, if Jiang Ningyu is determined to kill this 140 two, then it is inevitable that she will win this ranking.

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyang blushed with embarrassment.

He is only 240, and he is embarrassed in front of Jiang Ningyu.

It's so ridiculous and embarrassing!

"Jiang Ningyu's goal is to be in the top ten."

Chu Wushuang suddenly spoke.

Yun Feiyang was taken aback, and murmured and repeated: "Her goal is to be in the top ten."

He suddenly asked himself, what is his goal?

There are more than 200 people who are complacent, no wonder they are not as good as Jiang Ningyu.

The goals are all set lower than others, how can we compare with others?

"Work hard, your talent can go further."

Chu Wushuang sighed.

Yun Feiyang's talent is stronger than his, and his only shortcoming is that he is unstable.

If he has Jiang Ningyu's heart, he can definitely become a top powerhouse, and he will be able to surpass himself just around the corner.

"Let's go."

After patting Yun Feiyang on the shoulder, Chu Wushuang led the disciples of Hanyue Palace to move forward.

"Why does this person look so much like Lu Chen!"

In one side of the team, a tall, tall and handsome man suddenly spoke out with concentration.

If Chase Lu was here, he would find out.

This person is the young man among the man and woman who came to Yanyue Academy twice with Mu Lin.

Yuan Shihuang!

"Lu Chen?"

A figure in black robe suddenly appeared beside Yuan Shihuang, and said coldly, "Which one?"

Before he finished speaking, he noticed a teenager in the crowd on the other side.

With a handsome appearance, he is five or six points similar to Lu Chen.

"This person must be related to Lu Chen!"

The black robe said firmly.

This one is naturally the Asura Saber King who has been by Xu Yingxue and Yuan Shihuang's side.

However, Xu Yingxue had just given birth and recuperated during this period, so she didn't come to the imperial city.

He followed Yuan Shihuang, the son-in-law of the Daoguang Chamber of Commerce.

I didn't expect to meet someone related to Lu Chen here.

good luck!

Before in Yanyue Academy, because of the persecution of the ten elders, I had no choice but to give Lu Chen the nine-star spiritual sword inherited by the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

He also handed over a heaven-level swordsmanship, the Piercing Swordsmanship.

This is a great shame!

He Shura Sword King, when has he suffered such a loss?

Therefore, anyone related to Chase Lu must not be let go.

Capture him and use it to torture Lu Chen!

"Boy, what is your relationship with Chase Lu!"

The Asura Sword King jumped out suddenly and came to the group of people.

He stared intently at the young man among them, and the cold and ruthless coercion rushed away.

"Asura Sword King?"

The complexion of the group of artificial middle-aged people changed, and they immediately blocked the boy, shouting: "What do you want to do!?"

"Hmph, Xiong Sanyang, this is none of your business, get out of the way!"

The Asura Sword King said coldly.

They are all at the peak of the ninth level of the Triangle Realm, but he just doesn't take Xiong Sanyang seriously.

Xiong Sanyang, this is the top elder of Chilong Mountain, an eight-star sect.

A body of fierce fire is extremely domineering.

However, facing the Asura Sword King, he felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy: "This is my disciple, why is it nothing to do with me?

What the hell is wrong with you, out of nowhere howling.

Step aside!

Immediately to the core of the imperial city, don't make trouble for nothing. "

"Hmph, looking for trouble?

Let me ask you, why does your disciple look so similar to Lu Chen?

Who is Lu Chen? "

Asura Saber King asked coldly.

Xiong Sanyang frowned, dissatisfied: "What Lu Chen, I don't know.

What kind of chaste Lu are you looking for, go to him, don't harass us! "

Shura Sword King suddenly laughed: "Don't know? Then I'll beat you until you know each other!"


The true energy burst out of his body.

Then he saw a beam of knife light overflowing from his body.

Dozens of saber lights condensed into a circle, quickly scrolling towards Xiong Sanyang level!

Xiong Sanyang turned pale with shock, and immediately performed the Raging Fire Divine Art, condensing a flame shield on his body to defend.

Unexpectedly, the saber circle was just a cover, it didn't roll towards him, but towards the disciples of Chilong Mountain behind him.


Asura Sword King sneered.

But at this moment, a crisp sound was suddenly heard.


The ring of the knife shattered at the sound, and the light of the knife scattered and turned into nothingness.


The Asura Sword King's eyes narrowed slightly.

But he saw the young man behind Xiong Sanyang stepping out, saying: "It's me, your grandfather."

"Good boy, the more similar he is to Lu Chen.

If I guessed correctly, you are the younger brother of that kid Lu Chen! "

The Asura Sword King said sharply.

According to Lu Chen's age and the age of the boy in front of him, it is not difficult to judge.

This person is Lu Tianxing!

"So what?"

Lu Tianxing sneered: "Being beaten by my brother can't find Bei, so you want to vent on me?

poor thing!

If you are really capable and dignified, why not go to my brother and beat him face to face.

What kind of heroes are we to sneak up on us? "

He made a run on his words.

It would be very gratifying if Lu Chen was here.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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My younger brother has also grown up, he is no longer as impulsive and irritable as before, and knows how to use words to run on him.

Right now, the disciples of Chilong Mountain are clearly not in the upper hand, and if there is a war, it will not be good.

But having said that, what Lu Tianxing said was still a bit ugly.

Who is the Asura Saber King? He has been famous for a long time and is an incomparably powerful King of the Triangle Realm.

When is it your turn to be taught a lesson by a little doll.

He laughed back angrily: "Hahaha, it really is as sharp-mouthed as Lu Chen.

After the old man pulls out your dog teeth first, let's see how you bite me! "

As he spoke, his momentum surged, and he wanted to make a move.

Xiong Sanyang shouted anxiously: "King of Asura Saber, how old are you, you are a senior, how can you be so disregarding face?

Seeing that you have reached the edge of the imperial city, and there are people watching all around, aren't you afraid of being laughed at? "

Asura Saber King's face darkened, his eyes swept away.

Sure enough, many people around stopped to watch, with a gesture of watching a good show.

Either fold your arms and smile, or nod to yourself.

Oh shit!

Shura Sword King cursed secretly.

Among these people there are a few opponents. Although their strength is not as good as their own, their ability to gossip should not be underestimated.

If they let this matter spread, I'm afraid I will be laughed out of my teeth.

"Yuan Shihuang, you are about the same age as him, take him down!"

Due to his status and face, the Asura Saber King took a step back and let Yuan Shihuang make the move.

Xiong Sanyang said: "This young master is still a little older, I think that one is fine."

He picked people himself, and he hit a young man behind Yuan Shihuang.

This boy is of medium build and looks ordinary. He looks very ordinary at first glance.

But being able to be brought to the imperial city by the Asura Sword King himself, no matter how ordinary a person is, there must be something special about him.

Seeing the boy wave his hand, he said: "I can't, I'm just an alchemist, not good at fighting."

"You will pick."

Asura Saber King sneered: "Just Yuan Shihuang, or I will take action, you choose."

"Okay, then let this young man take action."

Xiong Sanyang secretly sighed.

This Yuan Shihuang has a strong aura, and he is a genius at first glance.

And looking at the place between his brows, there was a trace of cruelty and gloom.

This person is by no means a good person.

Xiao Xing was afraid of losing money.

"Master, don't worry, I will never embarrass you."

Lu Tianxing took a step forward, and the breath of flames surged out of his body, like a fire dragon rising into the sky.

"Air of fire?"

Yuan Shihuang smiled faintly, and a manic flame erupted from his body without slowing down.


The two flames collided with each other, rubbing against each other in the air.

After a while, Lu Tianxing took a step back, his face paled slightly.

"Skyfire Holy Spear!"

Lu Tianxing grabbed it suddenly with his right hand, and a flaming spear shot out from the ring.

This is the seven-star spirit weapon.


He leaped into the air, pouring his true energy into the Holy Fire Spear.


The sky and the earth seem to change color.

The strong flame breath made everyone retreat.

Xiong Sanyang and Shura Saber King who were closest also retreated quickly.

Although with their strength, they will not be injured because of this, but there is no need to stand there and be burned in vain.


Yuan Shihuang sneered, and didn't say that Lu Tianxing was in his eyes at all.

He didn't even take out his weapon, but just grabbed the void with his right hand, and condensed a big hand of true energy.

It seemed that he wanted to grab Lu Chen's Heavenly Fire Holy Spear.

"The Flame Dragon Spear Breaks!"

Lu Tianxing's eyes were cold, and with a roar, true energy gushed out from the tip of the spear.


A flame dragon phantom roared out.

There is a little bit of fire on the phantom, all of which are condensed like spears.

Accompanied by Yanlong, a series of flaming spears rushed towards Yuan Shihuang viciously.


Yuan Shihuang drank in a low voice.

With a sudden grab with his right hand, his powerful hand pinched Yanlong seven inches in an instant.


Yanlong died at the sound.

"What a big gap!"

The onlookers and others in the distance exclaimed.

The same young man, also the Jiuzhong Triangle Realm.

But Chilongshan is far inferior to the one behind Shura Saber King.

"What kind of force is this?"

Someone asked in surprise.

A person next to him shook his head: "I don't know, isn't the Asura Sword King never joining any forces.

He was in the imperial city back then, but he was a master of No. 40 on the imperial list.

I don't know what's crazy, but I left the imperial city and went to the outside world.

After all these years, it is still only the ninth level of the Triangle Realm, unable to break through the Quartet Realm.

It's a pity for his talent. "

"There are quite a few people who are more talented than the Asura Saber King, but how many have broken through the Sifang Realm?

If you want to break through the Sifang Realm, you need a huge opportunity.

Asura Sword King is already very strong.

If he wanted to kill people, people like Chilongshan would have to die. "

One person sighed with emotion and mourned for Chilongshan and others.

It is not good for you to offend anyone, but Shura Sword King.


There was a loud noise.

Seeing that the big handprint of true energy was slapped down hard, it smashed Lu Tianxing into the soil.


Yuan Shihuang sneered disdainfully.

"This young man is amazing, where are you from?"

Someone asked curiously.

Yuan Shihuang smiled proudly: "Daoguang Chamber of Commerce!"

"Daoguang Chamber of Commerce?"

Everyone is surprised.

Someone had heard the name of this Chamber of Commerce and asked, "Is it Xu Daoguang's Daoguang Chamber of Commerce?"


Yuan Shihuang looked around, his eyes full of pride.

Someone exclaimed: "The Xu Daoguang you are talking about is Xu Daoguang who was the sixth in the imperial list?"

"What, Xu Daoguang is still sixth on the imperial list?"

The previous exclamation came from a native of the imperial city.

The last sound came from people from outside the imperial city.

Both sides were amazed.

No wonder the little-known Xu Daoguang suddenly created a Daoguang Chamber of Commerce in the outside world.

It turned out to have such a name.

Asura Knife King was No. 40 on the imperial list back then, so it was no surprise that he would join the Daoguang Chamber of Commerce.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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