Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2048 King Ranking Master

When I dealt with Ziyun Minghu before, I used this style.

But at that time, it was just doing it casually, without matching specific moves, and the power was not enough.

Now that he has learned this trick, the usage of Chunyang Sword Qi has increased a hundred times.

The power has also increased a hundred times, and it can kill people invisible.

The second form, ten thousand swords return to the sect.

Lu Chen has also used this style, which is to induce all swords to fly together.

It's just that his previous Wan Jian Qi Fei was disorganized and was a messy attack.

It looks majestic, but in fact it is not powerful enough.

After learning this style, the power of Ten Thousand Swords Flying Together will naturally increase by more than a hundred times.

The third type, the sky fire flows gold.

This pose needs to activate the Tiangang Heart Sutra to the extreme, and the golden fire and sword energy will condense on the body.

At this time, holding the Pure Yang Sword, you can shoot out the golden sky fire.

The power of this sky fire is infinite, and it can flow continuously.

If he had understood this trick at that time, Lu Chen could walk leisurely in the Ziming Thunder Flame of Ziyun Ming Lake without fear of being burned by the flames.

The fourth style, Jinyang Smash Demon.

This form is another way of displaying the Heavenly Fire Flowing Metal.

Heavenly fire flows gold, when defending, it can protect the whole body.

When attacking, it can penetrate the enemy with infinite lethality.

The golden sun swayed the demons, but it condensed the golden sky fire like a scorching sun.

The scorching sun is in the sky, killing all evil spirits, making any enemy melt in an instant.

If this method is used to deal with Ziming Lake's Ziming Thunder Flame Cover, it may burn a big hole in the Ziming Thunder Flame Cover, and burn Ziyun Ming Lake to ashes!

"The latter two forms are really powerful, but it's a pity that it may not be easy to comprehend the advanced state."

Lu Chen sighed secretly.

If he can quickly comprehend these two tricks, and meet Ziyun brothers and sisters again, he can burn them into roasts.

In return Ziyun Minghu's Lei Huo BBQ.

It's a pity that this can only be my own imagination.

But it doesn't matter.

The previous two styles, Chunyang Sword Qi and Wanjian Guizong, are also quite powerful.

First comprehend them to a high level, and your own combat power will also be raised to a very strong level.

At least he can challenge the Ziyun brothers and sisters without sneak attacking!

Maybe even crush Ziyun Mingzhu!

By the time Lu Chen came out of enlightenment, five days had passed.

Tu Mingdao's strength recovered by [-]%.

The Scarlet Eyed Spear King healed most of his injuries and restored his strength to [-]%.

The emperor of the four directions needs to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and transform it into spiritual power.

Although the healing speed is fast, it is only relatively speaking.

For an injury like the Scarlet Eyed Spear Emperor, if it weren't for the healing elixir presented by Cui Yu, he might still have sequelae.

"Let's go. Next, Tu Mingdao, you come on your way."

Chase Lu ordered.


Tu Mingdao immediately walked against the wind and brought the three of Lu Chen with him.

They are the emperors of the Sifang Realm, which is different from the Triangle Realm.

The Triangle Realm has to walk on the ground pitifully, and has to stop when encountering a city to show respect and not dare to fly around.

But when they arrived at the city, they fell when they wanted to fall, and flew over if they didn't want to fall.

Very fast!

However, the boundary of the imperial city is also extremely large. With the speed of Tu Mingdao, he couldn't fly to the core of the imperial city in three days.

"Let's take a rest first."

Lu Chen looked into the distance and noticed a strong aura fluctuation.

Cui Yu said: "Let's go over there and have a look, maybe you can find a chance to break through the realm."


Lu Chen nodded.

Now the four of them belong to Lu Chen with the lowest cultivation level.

In other words, he also has the greatest room for improvement.

"Can you let me recover my strength first?"

The red-eyed spear king suddenly said weakly.

Lu Chen said: "When I have almost absorbed it, the remaining aura will be yours."


The red-eyed gun emperor sighed.

People under the low eaves have to bow their heads.

It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!


At the foot of Nanshan Mountain in Quanshan, there was a sudden tremor.


A spring suddenly emerged.

But many warriors practicing in Quanshan didn't take it seriously.

Because of the characteristics of Spring Mountain, there will be springs appearing all the time.

There will be a touch of aura flowing out of the eyes of the spring, which is helpful for spiritual practice.

However, the help is limited, and it is not such a powerful cultivation secret place.

So there are not many people.

But today, this new spring is a little different.

In the beginning, it was still small and the aura was light.

But as a day passed, the aura here became noticeably stronger.

All the martial artists in Quanshan sensed this, and immediately ran over excitedly.


A loud shout suddenly came from the spring.

When everyone looked closely, they saw a group of beautiful women.

"Female disciple who is too good!"

Someone recognized it at a glance and exclaimed.

In the Northern Territory, apart from the City Lord's Mansion of the Imperial City, the four most powerful sects are Taishang Dao, Hanyue Palace, Liangyi Dao, and Yanyang Sect.

When everyone saw these four sect disciples, they had to pay more respect.

However, there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in the imperial city.

Some people don't belong to the sect, but they are stronger than the disciples of these four sects.

For example, most of the top [-] in the imperial list are native strongmen from the imperial city.

Sects such as Taishangdao are just passers-by and cannot shake the foundation of the imperial city.

But even so, when most people see the disciples of these four sects, they still have to avoid them by three points.

For example, now, the one who occupies this spiritual spring is the female disciple of Taishangdao, and many people retreat immediately, not daring to compete with Taishangdao.

Those who did not retreat, there were six people.

They are all masters in the imperial list!

"It seems that you are still not convinced."

In the middle of Taishang Road, a woman in white took a step forward and said coldly: "You six go up together."

"Ha ha!"

The six laughed.

Of the six of them, the strongest is No. 140 on the imperial list.

The weakest one was also ranked 730th on the imperial list.

With the strength of the six of them, even just one of them can defeat the woman in white.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Is it too good to be true?

You can act wild in your outside world, but in our imperial city, you have to lower your proud head!

"Little girl, what's your name.

Young, but quite proud.

Even your senior sisters dare not stand up, but you want to be the first to die.

Are you confident? "

The middle-aged bearded man among the six sneered.

The woman in white glanced at him lightly and said, "My name is Jiang Ningyu!

Remember this name, it will be a nightmare that you will never forget in your life. "

"Oh? Hahahaha!"

"What a big breath!"

"Brother Wu, go and kill her. Let her know that Taishang Dao is just an ordinary force in our imperial city."

"Hey hey hey."

Brother Wu is a bearded man.

He walked over with a sinister smile, looked Jiang Ningyu's delicate body up and down, and said, "Little girl, let me try your depth."

"You have no chance of having a nightmare."

Jiang Ningyu's expression became extremely indifferent, and she said this out of nowhere.

The bearded man sneered: "What are you talking about, I don't understand at all. Do you want to test my length?"


Jiang Ningyu let out a snarl, and suddenly flew into the air.

In an instant, she seemed to blend into the heaven and earth, and her figure became transparent, making it hard to see clearly.


The bearded man turned pale with shock.

I didn't expect the other party to have such a body technique that could confuse my eyes.

Hmph, nothing to be afraid of.

Confused eyes, but I still have mental power.

Unearth your mysteries with spiritual power, and pierce your disguise!

The bearded man let out a loud roar, his body vibrating and vibrating.

I want to defend against the opponent's attack through this vibration.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a pain between his brows.

The whole person stood there.


fell dead.

"You five, go together, don't waste time."

Jiang Ningyu glanced around coldly.

The five people who were teasing just now immediately froze and couldn't say a word.

"What kind of swordsmanship are you?"

The handsome young man among the five asked curiously.

"You have no right to know, go away."

Jiang Ningyu said coldly and proudly.

What she meant was obvious.

Either fight or roll.

Don't talk to me, I don't bother to talk nonsense with you!

The handsome young man's face was ugly, but he held back after all and didn't make a move.

The five of them retreated together and stood in the distance.

"Master, please!"

Jiang Ningyu said respectfully to the woman in the light green dress in front.


The woman nodded and sat cross-legged beside the Lingquan.

She waved her hand, meaning to let Jiang Ningyu sit on one side.

Jiang Ningyu walked over obediently.

But she didn't sit down, but smiled slightly and said: "Master, why don't we have a competition.

Whoever wins will occupy this spiritual spring. "

"What did you say!?"

Xi Yuqing's face darkened, and he shouted loudly.

Jiang Ningyu took it easy and said with a smile: "I mean, let's have a competition.

Even though they are masters and apprentices, there is still a winner and a loser, isn't it?

The so-called forgetting love, forgetting the love between father and son, forgetting the love between men and women, and forgetting the love between master and apprentice.

Isn't this what Master taught me?

Now, I, Jiang Ningyu, ask Master to fight with me!

If Master wins, I will commit suicide on the spot.

If I win, this team belongs to me, Jiang Ningyu!

Master, dare you? "

Xi Yuqing was shocked and speechless, his body trembling with anger.

Do the apprentices you teach treat yourself like this?

Good teaching, good teaching.

Teach a white-eyed wolf!

In fact, I should have understood long ago that the woman in front of me was more ruthless than myself.

To be able to practice without eating or sleeping for three years, wandering around dangerous and secret places, without taking any rest.

This woman is a lunatic!

Compared with her, I was still a lot worse.

Moreover, this woman actually said that if she lost, she would commit suicide on the spot.

This is driving herself to a dead end, breaking the boat.

In contrast, I have no such courage.

However, as a master, I don't need to compare with her.

She made a challenge, willing to die, so die.

Just treat my efforts, Xi Yuqing, all these years as feeding the dogs!

Originally, he wanted to rely on this talented apprentice to help him avenge his hatred one day.

But now it seems that I am a little too naive.

"Master, I will avenge the revenge of your old "lover"."

The corners of Jiang Ningyu's mouth curled up slightly, and her voice pierced people's hearts.

Xi Yuqing's body shook violently.

She didn't expect that she hadn't had time to tell Jiang Ningyu about this matter, how did Jiang Ningyu know?

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Xi Yuqing drank sharply.

Jiang Ningyu said lightly: "Master, I have seen what you have done all these years.

Only by understanding your sadness can I forget about you smoothly.

Master, I would like to advise you, stop thinking about the old "qingren".

You can take it one step further.

How can it be like now, the cultivation base is imprisoned, and the combat effectiveness is declining day by day.

Poor, sad, deplorable! "

Jiang Ningyu's voice was light, but she was heartbroken!

"I kill you!"

Xi Yuqing roared furiously, and three thousand black hairs exploded behind his head.

If the head can kill, I'm afraid she will stab Jiang Ningyu to death with her head!

Jiang Ningyu smiled sarcastically.

Just a few words can make you angry from embarrassment, what a poor woman.

The more I know you, the more I feel sorry for you.

Being able to have an outstanding apprentice like me should be the most successful thing in your life.

So, let it not be so miserable for you to lose.

Jiang Ningyu retreated slightly to avoid Xi Yuqing's attack.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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