Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2035 Pure Yang Sword Art

In the black mist forbidden land, the black cloud whispered to itself.

Lu Chen didn't know that Heiyun helped him.

At this moment, his whole body was lying on the ground, and blood oozed from the pores of his skin.

Lei Jie's blow was a hundred times more terrifying than Ziyun Mingzhu's original punch.

If it weren't for various magical weapons and spiritual weapons to block him, Lu Chen would undoubtedly die.

Although half his life was lost due to the shock, he quickly struggled to get up.

"Seven Luminaries Sword Formation!"

Lu Chen yelled loudly, blood spurted out, and sprinkled on the Patriarch Sword.

Swish swish.

One sword turned into seven, and then merged into one, condensing into thousands of streamers, blasting towards Lei Jie.


Thunder Calamity slowed down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chase Lu immediately absorbed the power of thunder and lightning in the thunder calamity.

Then he shouted again and used the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation.

In an instant, his figure became haggard.

Continuously performing Qiyao Sword Formation and Bagua Sword Formation is a kind of torture to his body.

Seeing that his whole body has become skinny.

However, Lei Jie is still manic.

Even though he had already fought for most of his life, he still couldn't deter Lei Jie.

He even failed to take this opportunity to advance to the Triangle Realm.

This time the thunder tribulation was a hundred times stronger than the last one.

"Chun Yang Sword, why don't you come out to protect the Lord?"

Seeing that Lei Jie was about to smash the gossip sword formation, Lu Chen roared wildly.


The old sword spirit of Chunyangjian sighed and emerged.

If it wasn't for Lu Chen calling, he wouldn't be willing to come out at all.

With his invisible body, he is more afraid of thunder than his physical body.

Fortunately, Lu Chen had been in a stalemate with Lei Jie for a long time, which weakened Lei Jie.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that as soon as I come out, I will be defeated and dissipated.

"Sovereign, hurry up and run the Tiangang Heart Sutra, and use the Chunyang swordsmanship."

The old man Chunyangjian urged.

Lu Chen was startled: "Chunyang swordsmanship?"

He has never learned Chunyang swordsmanship, how to use it?

But he had learned the Tiangang Heart Sutra, so he immediately started running the Tiangang Heart Sutra.


Suddenly, a golden flame ignited on the Chunyang sword.


Chunyang Sword Spirit laughed: "Finally someone can activate Chunyang Sword again.

Take care, I will teach you the Chunyang swordsmanship right now! "

As Chunyang Sword Spirit said, his figure shuttled like electricity.

Lu Chen opened his eyes slightly, tired from watching.

All the energy in his body was consumed, so he didn't have the time to watch Chunyang swordsmanship.

Is it not good to teach at another time and another place?

He really couldn't understand the excitement of this old sword spirit, and he didn't go to see any Chunyang swordsmanship.

At this moment, Lu Chen quickly took the elixir, continued to run the Tiangang Heart Sutra, and instilled strength into the Pure Yang Sword Spirit.

Lei Jie was intercepted again, and he was in a stalemate with Chunyang Sword Spirit.

But the scary thing is that Chase Lu has not been able to break through to the Triangle Realm until now.

If he continues like this, he will undoubtedly die!

"Hurry up and break through!"

Chunyang Sword Spirit also let out an eager roar.

Lu Chen anxiously focused on two tasks, while continuing to run the Tiangang Heart Sutra, while pinching the Tianxiang method.


A bang suddenly sounded overhead.

Lu Chen's face changed: "What happened?"

"Never mind what happens, this is your chance, hurry up!"

Chunyang Sword Spirit hurriedly urged.

Blood Knife Gate.

As Wan Ziyu expected, after they left, the old faction looked for opportunities to launch a mutiny.

First coaxed Tu Mingdao out, and then secretly attacked him to kill half of his life.

Then, a hundred masters of the ninth level of the Triangle Realm arranged a formation, surrounded the Tu Ming Dao, and bombarded them with thousands of moves.

But even so, Tu Mingdao did not die. Instead, he killed more than 20 people and rushed out of the encirclement.

The domineering and mighty power of the Sifang Realm powerhouse can be seen.


Before escaping from birth, Tu Mingdao laughed loudly: "If you want to kill me, you are too young.

Old immortals, when I come back, I will slaughter your nine clans! "

"Hmph, do you think you can escape?"

A white-haired elder shouted angrily, ordering the remaining 70 people to follow closely.

If it is consumed, they will also consume Tu Mingdao to death.

Never let the tiger go back to the mountain.

First of all, they have experienced the fear of the strong in the Four Directions Realm, and they feel extremely frightened.

Secondly, there are many treasures on Tu Mingdao, and he also took a lot of benefits from the Xuedao Sect.

All must be brought back.

Otherwise, wouldn't they launch a mutiny in vain?

rub rub.

A group of people flew through the air.

Tu Mingdao was the leader, and all the others came in pursuit.

Suddenly, there was a loud thunder in the distance.

Tu Mingdao's eyes lit up, overjoyed.

God help me!

There was a thunderstorm over there.

As long as you pass by yourself, you can use the thunder to kill everyone.

The old immortals haven't cultivated to the Sifang Realm, so they don't understand the strength of the Sifang Realm at all.

In the Sifang Realm, the true energy in the body is transformed into spiritual power, which can be integrated with the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Thunder tribulation is also a kind of heaven and earth spiritual power.

As long as he stood on the edge of the thunder calamity, he could absorb the power of the thunder calamity and kill these old things.

Seeing hope, Tu Mingdao exploded with remaining power, and flew towards the place of thunder disaster in the Black Cloud Mountain Range.

The white-haired old man didn't know why, and ordered everyone to catch up.

The edge of thunder.

Tu Mingdao finally arrived and stood among them.

A powerful thunder and lightning spiritual force swept through his body, and he felt extremely refreshed.

The depression of being assassinated and hunted down before also dissipated in an instant.


The white-haired elder also led the crowd, and let out a roar that shook the world.

Boom boom boom.

Seeing more than 70 people slashing out their saber energy together, their domineering power roared in the thunder calamity, and they confronted the thunder calamity.

Tu Mingdao laughed loudly: "Idiot, unless you can interrupt Lei Jie, you won't be able to hurt me at all."

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He was smiling when suddenly, Lei Jie let out an explosion.

It seems that because of anger, it has become more irritable.

Tu Mingdao didn't pay attention, and was hit by this berserk force and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale.

But instead he beamed.

The power of thunder calamity is the orthodox power of heaven and earth.

Domineering, and can kill all evil.

I had taken elixir because of my injury before, and a large amount of erysipelas had accumulated in my body.

But just now a mouthful of blood was spurted out, and I felt much more comfortable.

Next, just continue to absorb the power of the thunder calamity on the edge of the thunder calamity, not only can he recover from his injuries, but even become stronger!

When the time comes, kill the blood knife gate and get back everything that belongs to you!

Tu Mingdao was excited.

While recovering strength, it was a little strange.

He has also been to this Black Cloud Mountain Range a few times, but he didn't find anything special.

Why would there be a thunderstorm now?

Is someone going through the thunder disaster, or is there a treasure born?

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly heard a roar coming from the ground.


Tu Mingdao's complexion changed.

The roar was obviously a person.

This person is going through the thunder disaster?


The thunder calamity dissipated suddenly, and Tu Mingdao's face became even uglier.

Obviously, the explosive roar of this person just now means that he has successfully crossed the tribulation.

Who is it that needs to cross the lightning calamity.

Is it a strong person above the Sifang Realm?

But this is impossible, I have never heard of Sifang Continent having a strong person above the Sifang Realm.

And even if there is, it is impossible to appear in the Northern Territory, let alone this remote place.

Tu Mingdao was full of doubts.

The white-haired elder and others who chased him down showed great joy: "Hahaha, Tu Mingdao, let's see where you are going to escape?"

It turned out that just now, they had dispersed to the left and right, and set up formations to surround Tu Mingdao again.

Tu Mingdao's expression turned extremely ugly.

But my heart is not flustered, but pretending to be nervous.

In fact, he was just on the verge of thunder calamity, and he had already taken the opportunity to wash his meridians, and his strength had recovered by at least [-]%.

With 70% strength, what fear do you have against the remaining [-] people?

They couldn't take down themselves with a formation of 100 people at the beginning, and it is even more impossible to take down themselves now.

If you want to run, you can run anytime.

But Tu Mingdao was furious, and decided to kill another 30 people before running to relieve his depression.


The white-haired elder shouted.

The 12 people approached together, using peerless saber techniques, blasting towards Tu Ming Dao.


The corner of Tu Mingdao's mouth turned up suddenly, and his figure flashed like a ghost.

Bang bang bang.

All 12 people flew upside down, spurting blood, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.


Tu Mingdao laughed loudly and walked faster.


The white-haired elder was angry and angry, and once again ordered everyone to catch up.

Chase Lu knew nothing about what happened outside.

He only knew one thing, that at the critical moment, someone helped him contain Lei Jie.

If not, I'm afraid that I have been blasted into scum by the thunder robbery.

At this time, Lei Jie passed through smoothly, and absorbed the power of Lei Jie, and his realm jumped to the second level of the Triangle Realm.

But Chase Lu was not very happy.

Because he discovered that Lei Jie became stronger each time.

And the development of his own strength could not keep up with the enhancement of Lei Jie.

If the next time he breaks through the Sifang Realm, Lei Jie's strength is far beyond his own, I'm afraid he will really die.

Not every time he is so lucky, someone will come to help him contain Lei Jie.

Therefore, the cultivation of the Triangle Realm must be very cautious.

Even if you stay in this realm for a few years, it doesn't matter.

You must make greater progress in your own strength, and only then will you dare to break through the Sifang Realm.

While thinking, Lu Chen refined the ice treasure.

This time, it took him three full days to raise Xiaodantian by one level.

The total is three levels of the triangle.

"The level of the ice treasure is not enough, it took three days.

In the past, it only took a few hours.

It seems that we have to look for higher-level ice treasures, otherwise we won't be able to upgrade the small dantian in the future. "

Lu Chen secretly analyzed.

He stood up, changed his clothes, and left the secret place.

Wrinkling his nose slightly, he smelled a faint fishy smell.

It seems that a war broke out here.

Thinking about it, it was the battle that bought time for himself.

Lu Chen was very grateful to the uninvited guest who initiated the war, so he followed the smell and walked against the wind.

After finally being promoted to the Triangle Realm, the Sky Soaring Method is not needed for the time being, let's first experience the taste of flying with true energy.

High in the sky, the scene of more than 50 people chasing one person is still going on.

"Tu Mingdao, where else do you want to escape?"

The white-haired elder sneered.

A strong man in the Sifang Realm was able to be forced into such a situation by them. As the leader who planned this matter, he was proud enough.

Tu Mingdao felt depressed and was covered in blood.

He didn't make a sound, but aimed at one direction and flew desperately.

He is obviously a strong person in the Sifang Realm, but due to injuries and other reasons, his speed is equal to that of the white-haired elder and others, and he cannot get rid of it for a long time.

He was filled with resentment.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly sounded: "You are Tu Mingdao, the master of the Xuedao Sect?"


Including Tu Mingdao, the white-haired elder and others all turned pale with shock.

When did this person approach, why did he only hear his voice but not see him?

The visitor did not answer everyone's doubts.

I saw a black mist floating suddenly, passed the white-haired elder and others, and directly attacked Tu Mingdao.

Tu Mingdao's complexion changed drastically, he was terrified, and quickly swung the knife to chop.

However, his attack was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves.


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