Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1836 Trial Adjustment

"Everyone, listen to me. I think you will be more interested in this trial. Compared with the past, it is really much more interesting." The old man smiled mysteriously, looking around as if admiring the faces of the new students. expression, and then slowly said: "I think everyone knows that in the northwest of our Yanyue College, there is a large mountain called the Twilight Forest. There are many beasts in it. It is a place where many dare to die get rich. The famous Master Baifeng fell there."

Hearing the words of Twilight Forest, Lu Chen's expression changed, "Could it be that the trial site is arranged in Twilight Forest?"

"This time, the previous three-step test will be cancelled. Instead, the students' resilience will be tested in a hostile environment. The location is the Twilight Forest. I think you all know that the inner courtyard is in the Twilight Forest. The students who have succeeded in the previous trials They were all escorted into the inner courtyard, but now it is different, it depends on your personal adaptability, the real test is to see how you can successfully reach the inner courtyard through the dangerous twilight forest."

When all the students heard this, their faces changed drastically. The Twilight Forest is notoriously dangerous in the eastern region. Every year, a large number of people are buried there in search of treasures. They never expected Yanyue Academy's trials are actually so cruel.

"But everyone, don't worry. Although the trial is cruel, the college has made sufficient preparations for the safety of everyone. The college will send [-] crescent guards to maintain order. In addition, there will be various elders leading the team. This trial Not only people from the outer court will participate, but people from the inner court will also participate."

The moon supporter, above Guiyi, is the backbone of the academy.

Five thousand moon caretakers!From this aspect, we can see how rich the foundation of the college is.

When Lu Chen was yawning while listening, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes became dull like other students.

The man next to him couldn't even help but danced and said, "I, I, my goddess." The man couldn't help but talk when he saw the goddess.

"This woman looks really good." Lu Chen couldn't find words to describe it for a while, and it was too common to say perfect.

The woman's body is slender and slim, with bright eyes and white teeth, like a lotus emerging from water, she is peerless, standing in an inconspicuous place, but attracting countless eyeballs, but she ignores them, she is dressed in green clothes fluttering in the wind, as if she is about to ride the wind and go away Fairy Guanghan, extraordinary and refined.

Even if Lu Chen wanted to find any flaws in her, he couldn't find any flaws in her body. The beauty of this woman is as if she came out of a painting, giving people a very dreamy feeling. Jade bone, almost flawless.

Among all the women that Chase Lu saw, if only in terms of appearance, the woman lying in the pagoda that he saw in the illusion was slightly inferior in ability.

"Next, I invite the vice-chairman of the students from the outer court, Kong Zhilin, a disciple from the inner court, to give a speech to everyone." After finishing speaking, the old man nodded to Kong Zhilin and stepped back.

"My goddess is about to play."

Countless male compatriots below showed a look of great anticipation, as if they had been given hormones collectively.

She walked lightly on lotus steps, came to the center of the stage gracefully, and gently parted her lips, "My name is Kong Zhilin, and I am the vice-chairman of the students of the outer courtyard.

The voice is ethereal and ethereal!Like orioles singing emerald green, like water like songs, melodious and clear, clear and beautiful.

"My goddess even has such a beautiful voice." The men around Lu Chen all showed a look of fascination. Although Lu Chen admired it, it was not like this.

It's not that Lu Chen is playful. Everyone has a heart for appreciating beauty for a while.This is true for both men and women.

Afterwards, Kong Zhilin finished his speech, and the old man came back again and said some words of encouragement to the new students.

It was a pleasure to listen to the goddess's speech, but it was a pity that it didn't last long. It was just a simple self-introduction without much substantive news.

Then, before stepping down, Kong Zhilin glanced in the direction of Lu Chen inadvertently, causing a howl of wolves here.

"My God, the goddess is actually looking at me, have you noticed?" Someone with inexplicable self-confidence shouted, patting his friend next to him vigorously.

"Nonsense, that's obviously looking at me. Where did you get the confidence to say that the goddess is looking at you?"

Then, she walked down slowly, towards Lu Chen's direction, and the hearts of the people around couldn't help but thump.

Appreciating the goddess at such a close distance made the people present extremely happy and envious of others.

Seeing the arrival of the goddess, these men couldn't help straightening their waists, holding their breath as they watched the goddess pass them by.

"I'm coming."

Finally, under the attention of all the people, he stopped in front of Lu Chen.

"Aren't you going to thank me for what happened last time?" Kong Zhilin smiled playfully at Lu Chen.

This smile is enough to instantly kill more than two-thirds of the men in the scene. Kong Zhilin, who has a cold temperament, is matched with this smile, as if the ice and snow on the mountains have melted.

"But it's a pity not to smile at me."

"That kid was able to win Goddess Bingshan's smile, and it's a blessing that he has cultivated in several lifetimes."

"If the goddess could smile at me like that, I would die without regret."

"Who is that man? Why would Zhilin laugh at him?"

Not far away, a man who was admired by many women came over frowning when he saw this scene.

The man's extremely handsome face is as sharp as a knife, his eyes are like stars, and he has a slender figure. Behind him, there is a woman's nympho voice: "What a perfect man! I want to form a Taoist partner with him."

"You said him, his name is Mu Lin, and the whole outer sect does not know how many proud girls are staring at him. You should pay less attention to him."

"I don't know how many people in the entire outer court confessed to him, but he rejected them all."

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Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Why? Maybe he doesn't like those things, what if I fall in love with him?"

"Go ahead and dream your dreams. Many people in the outer court know that Mu Lin only has Kong Zhilin in his heart."

Mu Lin, this name is like a god-like existence in the minds of the students of the Outer Sect. He was only nineteen years old and he was a late-stage Guiyi Realm expert. When he first stepped into Guiyi, he went deep into the Twilight Forest and brought back The head of the monster-Rainbow Wolf.

The strength of the rainbow wolf is equivalent to the Tuoyue realm of the human race.Killing the rainbow wolf was the task of the inner sect of Yanyue Academy, but as a top disciple of the outer sect, he wanted to challenge, so he took the task with several other top disciples.

But there were only two people who came back, and Mullin was one of them.

In terms of relationship, Mullin loves single-mindedness.The first time I saw Kong Zhilin, I was deeply attracted by her glamorous temperament and couldn't help myself.

There is a gap between the inner court and the outer court, otherwise how could there be an inner court and an outer court?

Those who can enter the inner courtyard are all the arrogance of each class, such as Kong Zhilin, who not only ranks in the top three of the beauty list for a long time, unshakable, but also unmatched in terms of cultivation.

How could she like a celestial arrogance from the outer courtyard?

The people around her were almost everywhere, but fortunately, Kong Zhilin, as the vice chairman, did not refuse very cruelly, but deliberately kept a distance to make him discouraged.Kong Zhilin, who has also received countless pursuits, naturally has a way of rejecting others.

However, the more this happened, the more it aroused Mu Lin's desire to conquer, as if he would not give up until he got Kong Zhilin.

"Zhilin, just now your speech was very exciting, I couldn't help but applaud you."

Mu Lin's tone was extremely gentle, and his deep pupils contained endless tenderness, as if even the snow-capped mountains of ten thousand years could melt.

None of the friends around him could hear Mu Lin's tone, and only Kong Zhilin in the whole courtyard had this kind of treatment.

Mu Lin nodded politely to the people around him, acting very gentlemanly, except that he skipped directly over Chase Lu. At this moment, this behavior did not seem to violate the slightest sense of disobedience, as if it was only natural to skip Chase Lu generally.

But that's true, the two are the focus of all parties, and naturally no one will notice such a small person like Lu Chen.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I think Mr. Mu may not have heard what I said to you last time. I don't really like people calling me Zhilin. But I am still very grateful for Mr. Mu's compliment."

Although Kong Zhilin was smiling, in truth, he was already a little bit dissatisfied.

When Mu Lin called her by her name directly in front of so many people, people who didn't know would think how close their relationship was. This was a misunderstanding that Kong Zhilin didn't want to see.

"When I get you, see how I deal with you."

There was no trace of embarrassment on Mu Lin's handsome face, and everyone present could hear it, and from this aspect, Mu Lin's extraordinaryness could be seen. "I was too abrupt." Then, he glanced at Lu Chen and said, "Hey, I've never seen this junior. Is Zhilin your friend?"

After coming over from Mu Lin, Chase Lu has never spoken, just watching his nose, nose and heart, not paying attention to these things, including Mu Lin's impolite treatment.

"Yes, he is my friend."

Before Lu Chen could speak, Kong Zhilin spoke out first.

Mu Lin called Zhi Lin and Kong Zhilin couldn't help feeling a little impatient.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"This is obviously using me as a shield."

Lu Chen thought for a while, and then felt relieved.

After all, it's a beauty asking for help, so I'm doing you a favor.

"My name is Mu Lin. Are you a newly recruited student this year? Since you are Zhilin's friend, you are my friend. The people in the outer courtyard are messy and most of them are impetuous. Don't follow the crowd. If there is something wrong with you on the road of cultivation If you don't understand, you can come to me at any time." Mu Lin said to Lu Chen with a smile, seemingly very friendly.

It doesn't matter if these words stop in the ears of outsiders, instead they praise Mu Lin for his generosity.

But Mu Lin educated Lu Chen in the tone of an elder, which made Lu Chen frown a little.

"Hearing what you said, in the eyes of the outer sect, you have a lot of influence."

"Is this kid really stupid or fake? Even Senior Brother Mu Lin, No.1 in the outer court, doesn't know."

"I think it's not that he doesn't know, but that he wants to be brave in front of the goddess, and he doesn't want to lose face, and he wants to win the favor of the goddess. He doesn't know that he has caused a lot of trouble. Brother Mu Lin must have a lot of adults, but there are always people who will Teach him a lesson, after all, Senior Brother Mu Lin is so high in the Outer Sect." Someone made an analysis and thought it was just that Lu Chen couldn't get rid of his face.

"Not necessarily, Senior Brother Mu Lin won't say anything else, but the Goddess won't give her up, and He Kuang is still such a waste."

"It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. It even dares to snatch the woman of Senior Brother Mu Lin."

The crowd of onlookers had different opinions, and they all agreed that Chase Lu was dazzled by hormones and made such an unwise move.

"It doesn't have any influence, that is, I entered school a few years before you. My name is Mullin. I think you should have heard of it."

Mu Lin really didn't care about Chase Lu's rudeness, because a freshman's rude behavior, when he really didn't know who he was, was Mu Lin's generosity.

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