Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1829 Elf Sister

"It's normal, there will be a very harsh trial before the official enrollment, in order to screen out those who come in by taking advantage of troubled waters." Tian Qi said, "But you don't have to worry, you just need to show your physique that you can't use mana at all. It’s fine if they look at the specialty, that is to say, you just show off your speed and make your teammates look stupid.”

"It's just a trial? Is there any gain?"

"Yes, honors, rewards, it depends on individual performance, those who perform well can get better resources." Tian Qi said proudly: "But these things are accompanied by risks, and there have been accidents in the entrance trials in previous years. Mutual blocking between teammates is also very common."

"How do you know so much, little loach." Lu Chen teased.

"I'm not a little loach!" Tian Qi's cheeks were puffed up again. "Do you still want me to fly with you?"

"Okay, okay, I will listen to your advice."

In order to prepare for the Trial of Love Breaking Cliff, Chase Lu had to go back to the forest where he was "born" to plunder resources.It's a stroke of luck,

The twilight forest, which is dangerously reborn, is daunting to many practitioners of the same age. There are not only birds and beasts in it, but also various indistinguishable medicinal materials, smells and traps. If you don't pay attention, you may die.

But Lu Chen, who knows nothing, is different. He can come and go freely in it only by speed. Unless he meets a monster that has turned into a human form, he needs to be a little bit cautious. There is a "know-it-all" guide next to him. Speaking of it, although Tianqi is arrogant and defiant, he is really a person who repays the favor of dripping water, otherwise he would not have been by the side of the useless Lu Chen.

After collecting resources for a day and a night, Chase Lu went to the pawn shop to exchange them, and got Kina 10.Under Tian Qi's suggestion, Lu Chen directly changed to an intermediate defensive armor, a ring with a huge storage space, and brought various medicines, food and energy water along the way.

"There are still two days, what to do?"

"Go around the campus and make friends." Tian Qi said impatiently, "It would be very ugly if you are an incompetent person like you who is isolated by everyone in terms of interpersonal relationships. No matter what kind of person you used to be, now It's best to put away your self-esteem, weak people don't have self-esteem."

"Weak people have no self-respect." Although it sounds very harsh, it is not without reason.Lu Chen thought deeply, maybe he has never experienced the moment when he needs to be tactful in order to gain a foothold in several lifetimes. This is indeed very easy to arouse Lu Chen's resistance. "It's better to be broken than to be whole", this is the philosophy that practitioners should have.

Chase Lu was making small calculations in his mind while walking towards the academy.On the way, I happened to meet that elf sister who was astonishingly beautiful.

For some reason, the elves all dress very sexy and revealing, not to mention that the clothes on their bodies are very easy to arouse the desire of men.Just like the teardrop outfit in front of me, the short dress made of high-quality white silk with fair skin looks like no clothes at first glance.

"Do you want men to pay attention to you so much?" For some reason, Lu Chen blurted out what was in his mind, and looked very irritable.

"You" Xu Shi has never been ridiculed so directly, Elf sister was too angry to speak, "I have no enmity with you, why do you want to belittle me over and over again!"

"Frivolous?" Lu Chen frowned.Before the Elf sister could react, she stretched out her hand to embrace her, and within ten seconds brought her to the top of the academy.

"Let me go!" Elf sister popped out of Lu Chen's arms, "You human being with no cultivation, why are you so fast and you brought me here, what do you want to do!"

"Frivolous to you." Lu Chen stuck out his tongue, pretending to be obscene.

"If you do this again, don't force me to use it!" Elf sister was so angry that her hair was flying around. "Don't blame me for not thinking of your kindness that helped me in Ice Blade."

"You still know that I saved you." Lu Chen looked helpless, "I want to tell you. If you don't want men to be frivolous with you, you should love yourself a little bit. Don't dress like a man just want to be frivolous. "

The elf sister blushed immediately, "I am the Dragon King Robe prepared by my mother. What do you mean by dressing like a man and wanting to look frivolous? It sounds like I am a man of the world, most elves wear it like this, you Look at that woman in red!" Elf sister pointed down.

Looking in the direction pointed by the elf sister, Lu Chen saw a woman who was more exaggeratedly exposed.

"Yes, I found the same kind, but you look at the eyes of the men around you."

The elves have always been rich in beauties with hot bodies, fair skin, and good looks. Coupled with cool clothes, they often attract men's emotions and restlessness. In fact, they can't be blamed for this, because the elves have always had The characteristics of strong magic power and poor body skills, the less weight you carry, the lighter your body will be. This is not the case in other races.

But the elf sister saw that the men around the girl in red were salivating, but she still looked down at the magic robe given by her mother, and couldn't help but feel ashamed.In fact, there is no need to use it on weekdays, but I have been used to it since I was a child, especially when I lived in my own mansion, no one would pay attention to this problem, even elf men are used to it.

Seeing this situation, Lu Chen put his white clothes on the shoulders of the elf sister.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"The world is dangerous, women remember to protect themselves. If you can't use the law, it's not impossible to wear more clothes and less coveted."

After all, Lu Chen jumped down.The voice of the elf sister came from above, "Luzheng".

Luzheng stood on the highest point of the academy's roof, staring at Lu Chen in a daze.Because she grew up in the clan since she was a child, she rarely had contact with other people and races. When she first entered other territories, in order to become independent and stronger, Luzheng refused the protection of her family and wanted to enter the territory alone. God, but things backfired.

She is born beautiful and ignorant of the world, and she has seen all the sinister people all the way, and even if others treat her well, it is still profitable. Although Lu Chen looks like a fool, he never really takes advantage of it. Cheaper than her.

Luzheng gently said her name to Lu Chen below, but saw him waving the lotus flower bun in his hand in the distance - it turned out that Lu Chen stole her hair ornament again inadvertently, but it didn't happen. The same thing is, this lotus flower bun is a magic weapon that the mother puts on her head, which will double her own speed!Luzheng watched Lu Chen go away angrily, but didn't ask him to stay.

"He's pretty good at picking up girls." Tian Qi joked.

"What kind of girl, I have a family." Thinking of his wife and daughter, Lu Chen couldn't help asking, "Do you know how to return to the lower realm?"

Tianqi's expression became unnatural for a moment, but he quickly turned back, "Since ancient times, there have been very few people who have returned to the lower realm. Since the gods were abandoned by all races, and the passage of the gods was closed, it is difficult for anyone to break through the boundary and go to the lower realm. Another world. But it is not impossible. It is said that some powerful people can forcibly separate the passage, or cast spells to create cracks in the passage, so it is possible for you to return to the lower realm, not to mention that you came from that place in the first place. "

Lu Chen thought deeply, secretly thinking that he must become stronger.

"Fellow Daoist, I can meet you here." Suddenly someone patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, and Lu Chen turned around and saw a man in Tsing Yi.

Taking a closer look, Lu Chen recalled that this was the very friendly man who was selected with him back then.

"My name is Qin Feng! Do you have any impression?" This way of posting self-introduction really made Lu Chen feel unfavorable, but he did not reach out to hit the smiling face, but Lu Chen still responded with a polite and elegant smile.

"My name is Lu Chen, and you are also one of the newly selected students."

"Yes, I am a wind mage, how about you?" Qin Feng said with a smile.

Can't he see that I'm a person with no cultivation? Lu Chen was deeply disgusted, "I'm unfortunate, I swallowed a poisonous weed when I was a child, and lost all my mana, and I can't practice in the later stage."

Qin Feng was surprised, "I thought you were hiding your Taoism. After all, those who can enter this academy are not just for nothing."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"No, I didn't mean that." Qin Feng felt that his behavior was very rude, "I did deliberately get close to you, because during the ice and fire battle that day, I observed your extremely fast movement and concluded that you are an extraordinary person. But I was surprised that I couldn't see your cultivation, so I deliberately approached you later. Just like today, I have been observing you since you carried the elf woman to the top of the tower."

Lu Chen saw that Qin Feng's eyes were full of sincerity, and he didn't want to worry too much, "I understand, but now you also know that I am not a superior person, and I am usually called a waste by others."

Qin Feng smiled heartily and said, "Impossible. Although this is a world where mana is prevalent, if you can be spotted by the elders of the academy, it must mean that your advantages are extraordinary, and there is no unparalleled road , There are various cultivation methods, just like the demons, the cultivation methods are very mysterious, as long as you work hard and don't give up, I believe you will find your own cultivation method."

Lu Chen smiled. After listening to Qin Feng's words, he felt that Qin Feng did not seem like a person who said polite words on his mouth but secretly laughed at him behind his back. Because of his identity, there is no need for others to do the same thing in person. Lu Chen changed his view of Qin Feng greatly, took the initiative to say his name, and brought up the matter of Duanqingya. The two talked happily for a while and finally said goodbye to each other.

"What do you think of this man?" Chase Lu released the Vernon, because he didn't want to attract too much attention, Chen Lu usually put the Vernon in the storage ring.

"What's the matter? People who take the initiative to show kindness to you should be the most guarded." Tian Qi was very disdainful, "Because you are worthless now, and it is very strange to be polite from others."

Lu Chen felt that his words were reasonable, but he didn't want to follow suit.

"What should we do now?"

"I think you should try to cultivate." Tianqi thought for a long time, and suddenly he seemed to be inspired, "Because everyone, including me, thinks it's very strange that you don't have a cultivation level, because people in this world are born with You have mana, so everyone defaults you as a person who can't cultivate at all. But in fact, we all ignore the fact that you are not from this world at all, how can you have mana in this world? But these can't prove that you You are a person who cannot cultivate. Because you have never tried."

Lu Chen suddenly realized that when people stay in a certain environment for a long time, when everyone adds a label for themselves, over time, he really thinks that he is the person under that label.The two made a decisive decision and decided to step into the library of the college to look up the training materials.

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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