Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1816 Entering Wuhua Pavilion

Ordinary people want to obtain the energy of the fairy stone, first of all, they must know the production process of the fairy stone, and secondly, pay for a process that is infinitely more complicated than the production, and this process is dangerous, and the fairy stone will detonate its own energy if it is a little careless. Another one is that even if you get the energy in the fairy stone, it may not be suitable for your own use. The energy contained in it is extremely violent and needs to be purified and diluted before it can be used by others, so in short, no one will be so stupid as to get the energy in it. To break the ban on the fairy stone.

Lu Chen thought for a while, and then asked: "Then how did you get the fairy stone before? And what is the relationship between the City Lord's Mansion you just mentioned and the two teams you saw on the street?"

"My fairy stone is what I got from doing handyman in Wuhua Pavilion. The manager of Wuhua Pavilion is very nice. He will always give me something to do, and then give me some fairy stones so that I can spend the sacrifice every year safely."

To say that the wealthiest power in this rich city is not the City Lord's Mansion, but Wuhua Pavilion. This Wuhua Pavilion's main drug is to deal in medicinal materials, precious workshops, auctions, etc. Half of Fucheng's income comes from Fucheng, but Wuhua Pavilion He has never participated in disputes between various forces, and has always been in a neutral state, independent, and has always maintained a very close relationship with the City Lord's Mansion.

Xiao Xu showed a rare warmth on his face, and immediately continued: "All people who step into Fucheng and the original people in Fucheng must accept the control of Fucheng, and the highest commander of Fucheng is the City Lord's Mansion. The management of things in the city has always been strict, and the law is enforced impartially, and anyone who dares to disobey will be severely punished."

"And what you just saw is Fucheng's guards. They exist to protect this city. They are all affiliated to the City Lord's Mansion and serve the City Lord's Mansion."

Everyone in the guard team belonging to the City Lord's Mansion has the cultivation base of the most immortals. It can be seen that the City Lord's Mansion is a huge monster. To the outside world, there is probably no force that can match it.

"Then why did the City Lord's Mansion dispatch so many soldiers? And I also saw that there are towers around the rich city. They are not used to guard against the people in the city, but rather to guard against things outside. " Lu Chen said.

The moment he fell from the sky, he always paid attention to the surrounding environment, which was a long-standing habit of Lu Chen.

"That's right, those towers are indeed not used to guard against the people in the city, but to resist the beast dynasty."

"Beast Dynasty?" Tianchi was puzzled.

"That's right, you may not know that when you first come here, in the rich city, there will be a huge beast war every once in a while. I have seen it once. Those fierce beasts are all extremely powerful. Birds and beasts that can cover the sky with their wings, countless strong people will die every time they get rich."

"Then how long is the cycle of this beast dynasty?" Lu Chen asked.

"I heard people say that there is no fixed cycle for this beast dynasty, because every time it is a sudden attack, so the city is very tightly controlled, just to prevent emergencies." Xiao Xu replied.

"So that's it." Lu Chen had a general understanding of Fucheng in his heart, "This Fucheng doesn't seem to be as peaceful as it seems on the surface."

Lu Chen took out twenty top-grade immortal stones and gave them to Xiao Xu. When Xiao Xu saw that there were twenty immortal stones, he declined and said, "Just give me ten as you agreed before. I can't take more than that."

"You just take it. In addition, I don't have the materials you need to repair the meridians. Where is the Zhenfang?" Lu Chen asked. He did not have the materials used for the elixir that can repair the meridians. I want to see what rare items will be available in the Zhenfang of Tianyuan Dimension. After all, there is still a single ingredient for the eight-pattern Gathering Soul Training Pill that was refined for the demon god.

"I've heard people say that the roots of the Sunburnt iron tree can be found in the Tianyuan space, and maybe the treasure workshop can be sold." Lu Chen thought in his mind.

"The place where I used to do odd jobs is a precious workshop, Wuhua Pavilion, the largest chamber of commerce in Fucheng. There are many treasures in it, but every piece in it is priceless."

"Exactly, then take me to have a look."

The rich city is very large, and extremely luxurious, with all kinds of seals. Not only are there all kinds of strange treasures here, but there are also not only all kinds of strange treasures here, but also the Enlightenment Pavilion, the training ground, etc. There are also Land of Fengyue, Drunken Tower, etc. This is a magic city that can be radical, or kill time, and decadent time.

Xiao Xu took Lu Chen and others around for half a day, but they only walked a small area, not enough to cover a corner of the rich city. , Only then did I know its majesty, from one end to the other, it is said that it is nearly ten thousand miles!What a big city this is.

In the end, Chase Lu came to Wuhua Pavilion, saying that Wuhua Pavilion is really simple and unpretentious. There are rich cities full of high-rise buildings everywhere, and a three-story small building built with green bamboo seems to stand out.

It is somewhat different from Wuhua Pavilion, which is said to be rich and invincible. The overall appearance of the small building is quaint and elegant, and the style of writing is soaring.

But even in such a small building, there are still many people of all kinds outside the door, coming and going in a staggered manner, full of people.

"This is Wuhua Pavilion, doesn't it mean that it occupies half of the income of the entire rich city?" Tianchi asked, with some doubts on his face.

"Haha, I knew you would ask this question." Xiao Xu said with an expression that I had known for a long time, "This is just a small workshop in Wuhua Pavilion. It's just one of the small shops, but don't look at it as just a small shop, some things in it are said to be tempting even those big people."

"Falling flowers dance with swords,

Traveling in rivers and mountains is not easy,

The night rain in Xiaoxiang is charming,

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The eight formations of peach blossoms also kill immortals. "

Inside the small shop, an old man in gray hemp turned his back to the shop door, reciting poems and composing Fu.

"Young man, why did you come here?" The old man turned his head and looked directly at Lu Chen.

This is a very young face, but what makes people strange is that he has a young face, but also has a head of frosty white hair and vicissitudes of life, and a simple and honest voice. Tongyan Hefa is talking about this one.

Lu Chen pondered a little, and said: "The general trend is to find opportunities."

The old man turned his backhand, a package appeared in his hand and handed it to Lu Chen, and said lightly: "You go, there is nothing you want here."

"What I draw is not for myself, it is the morality of the world." Lu Chen argued.

"It's just falsehood," the old man flicked his sleeves, turned around, turned his back to Lu Chen and said, "Go out and turn right, there is what you want."

"Pavilion Master, they are just for the medicinal materials, and they have no other thoughts." Xiao Xu said at this time, but the old man didn't pay any attention to it.

The few people were all confused, not knowing why, why the old man suddenly issued an order to evict the guest, and said some inexplicable words.

Lu Chen was silent. Although what the old man said seemed inexplicable to outsiders, it was quite touching in Lu Chen's heart.

"Why is it just illusory? How did the old man with childlike face and white hair know that I would appear, as if he was waiting for me! By the way, he gave me a package." Lu Chen thought for a long time and opened the package. The material of the elixir for repairing meridians.Lu Chen was shocked.

"Why does he know what I need? Doesn't that person still have the ability to foretell?" Chase Lu was stunned.

The ability of the Unpredictable Prophet does exist, and it is extremely against the sky. This ability is intolerable to God. The script set by Heaven does not allow other people to share it with him. This ability is to some extent against God. A kind of blasphemy.

So in ancient times, people with this ability or physique were all wiped out.

There is no such person now, so Lu Chen was so surprised.

"However, there is another possibility. This kid Xiao Xu is not what he said, but colluded with others to lead me somewhere! If this is the case, then all this is likely to be a conspiracy. Just arrange it and let me enter the circle!" The more Lu Chen thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he glanced at Xiao Xu who was leading the way ahead.

"Forget it, no matter whether it's a trap or fate ahead, I'm here for all of these, and the worst is to die!"

The city is crowded with people, and there are local people setting up stalls on both sides of the road, and there are many good treasures on the stalls, but Lu Chen didn't stop because he was eager to know, where the old man said, there is Lu Chen who wants to buy it. s things.

Among the crowd, there were many human monks from the outside world. They all came to Fucheng with the idea of ​​Taobao. When they saw this kind of roadside stalls, they bought many of them without hesitation, hoping to sell them in a hurry. rich.

"Here, it's here!" Xiao Xu raised his head and pointed to the sky.

As soon as Lu Chen raised his head, he was shocked for a moment. Above Fangshi, there was a magnificent palace suspended over the Tianshan Mountain, which was majestic and extraordinary.

The colorful Qionglou is carved with rounds of half moons, and in the half moons, there is just a green lotus dotted in it, which is full of fairy charm, making the whole murals like the finishing touch.

"A suspended attic is really a luxury." Lu Chen was dumbfounded.

"Wuhua Pavilion is really a big deal. To levitate such a huge palace building, you have to use a large formation and consume endless energy. I'm afraid it can be maintained?" Che Laoyao was stunned, dumbfounded.

"That is, this is the most prosperous area of ​​our rich city, and it is my second time to come here." Although Xiao Xu had only been here once before, he was very familiar with this road,

I have always been thinking about it in my heart, and I hope that one day I can come here again, preferably if I have the opportunity to go up, and see what is in the Qionglou Yuyu that can make even the big shots linger.

"Have you ever been there?" Tian Chi asked.

"No, if only I had this opportunity to go up, to see how those big shots usually live." Xiao Xu said with a look of admiration, "It is said that there are all kinds of experiences on it."

In the rich city, most of them are monks, but who said that those who practice must cut off the world of mortals?

Each of the three thousand avenues in the world can be proved, not to say that you have to cut through the world of mortals to ascend to heaven.

"Couldn't this be a romantic place?" Lu Chen looked at Xiao Xu with a strange expression. Xiao Xu also blushed when he heard this. He was just at this age when he first learned about men and women, so he was very shy about these things.

Chihuo Laomo and Che Laomo looked at each other and smiled, with an expression we all understand, You Li also blushed, lowered her head and glanced at Tianchi, only Tianchi said with a curious expression: "What is it?" Fengyue place?"

Everyone fainted.

"What are you thinking, young people? This is the auction house of Wuhua Pavilion, one of the largest auction houses in Fucheng. There are often peerless treasures auctioned here for sky-high prices." The old man on the side said.

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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