Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1813 God Level Immortal Stone

"Forget it, Brother Tianchi, they have already paid the price." You Li said softly, she was kind, seeing that several people had lost their limbs, she couldn't bear to hurt them any more.

"Miss Youli is really kind, hehe." Old Demon Chihuo laughed.

"Fortunately for you, if it wasn't for Miss Youli's kindness, I would definitely take your dog's life." Tian Chili said.

"Thank you for not killing me, my lord, thank you very much." Several people worshiped Tianchi in pain.

"Hmph, you don't have to thank me, if you want to thank, you can thank this Youli girl." Tianchi said coldly.

"Thank you, Miss, I will never forget your kindness and virtue." Several people bowed to You Li again.

Then no longer care about the life and death of these people, they will go on the road together

The team of four old men added a new young girl, which made the whole atmosphere more active, especially Tian Chi, who asked You Li all the way, and You Li blushed every time Tian Chi made her blush. endlessly.

The long trail has come to an end, and a magnificent city appears in front of Lu Chen and others. The towering city wall is densely built, and there is a "Fucheng" sign hanging on the city wall, and there is no one on it.There was a gate under the city wall, and two strange men stood in front of the gate.

They were wearing bamboo hats. They were stooped, thin, and their faces could not be seen clearly. They held a bowl in their hands, which was somewhat similar to the bowl on the paper boat.

And under the city gate, there were already a lot of people standing, all of them looked like people who came from Duan Konghai like Lu Chen.

Several people followed Chase Lu to the crowd and lined up with everyone.

"Brother, why do you jump in line?" The person who spoke was a young man in gray linen in front of Chase Lu. He patted a man in a cloak who was just in front of him to wrap his whole body tightly. In fact, that person has a weird figure, and his walking posture makes people feel a little awkward.

"Hush! Brother, if you let me jump in the queue today, you will be paid a lot in the future." The voice of the cloaked man was very low, it was a man's voice, like an old man.

"Who do you think you are? Hurry up and line up. Even if I agree, the people behind me won't agree. Everyone, do you think so?" The man was obviously not that easy to bluff, and shouted to the back.

"Yeah, this person is not a good person because he is sneaky, hurry up and queue up at the back, don't lower the quality of the Fairy Continent."

Forehead!The quality of Xianling Continent, this person pays great attention to quality, it seems that he has high requirements for himself and others.

"Fellow daoists are all from the Fairy Continent. You and I are fellow villagers. This Tianyuan space is extremely dangerous. If you make friends, you will be able to take care of you in the future." The cloaked man said in an extremely low voice.

"Don't be too close, don't lower the quality of our Fairy Continent. You are sneaky and dare not show your true face. You must have done something shady and bad. That's why you are dressed like this, take off your cloak, and see Are you a human race?"

"This..." the man in the cloak hesitated a little. This condition made him very embarrassed. He chose to withdraw and no longer cut in line, but just as he retreated, he felt a hard object knocked down behind him. He looked back and saw that standing in front of the gate. One of them appeared behind him at unknown time.

"Scared!" The man in the cloak was startled, turned around and wanted to leave.

"It's you again!" Let's call it the guard for the time being. Knowing that he wanted to leave, the guard stretched out a hand like a dead tree branch from his wide sleeve robe, and clamped the cloaked man's shoulder forcefully.

"Huh? This person is really strange." Not far away, Lu Chen checked with his spiritual sense, trying to see the real face of this person through the cloak, but found that his spiritual sense could not penetrate it at all. The magic weapon of knowledge.

"Let go of me, I've already handed over the sacred stone, why don't you let me in." The cloaked man struggled, but the hand that looked like dead wood remained motionless like iron.

"I told you a long time ago that you will no longer be accepted by the rich city. Go away. There is no place for you here. No matter how you try to get in, you will be expelled." The guard didn't look up, not knowing the cloak What kind of face is it.

"It turned out to be an ancestor!" Lu Chen was surprised. Originally, the guard didn't emit any aura, but Lu Chen used his powerful spiritual sense to investigate and found that this person turned out to be an ancestor.

And he is just a guard in the rich city. What kind of concept is this? In the entire human race, no sect has such a big hand.

You must know that an ancestor immortal can establish a sect outside and has the potential to become a first-class force. Of course, a first-rate force is not so easy to do. A sect must first have its background, such as the ancestor artifact. It is an indispensable hard indicator for every first-class sect.

But then again, it is shocking that such an existence is willing to be a guard.

According to this, I am afraid that there are many ancestors in this rich city, and there are even as many ancestor gods as possible.

Just for a while, Lu Chen thought of many things.

"Hey, let's go, there is no room for you here anymore, the city lord is already magnanimous to you." The guard sighed.

After listening to the guard's words, the cloaked man lowered his head in frustration, then turned to leave, and said as he left, "Thank you, the city lord, for me."

The back is a bit depressed, bleak, drifting away

"This is really a strange person." You Li said, her eyes fluttered with curiosity.

Tianchi smiled, and said: "I think so, maybe this person has committed some serious mistakes in this rich city, and he may not be expelled by the city lord."

"Hey, how pitiful." You Li sighed.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Not long ago, he just lost his two senior brothers. He crossed Duankong Sea alone and met a robber. At that time, she was also so lonely, hesitant and helpless. Fortunately, she met Lu Chen and others and rescued her.

"It's okay, we will send you back to the Great Elder." Tianchi comforted.

"Then, Big Brother Tianchi, will we meet again in the future?" Youli mustered up the courage to raise her head and look into Tianchi's eyes.Although this journey has not been long, it can even be said to be extremely short, but the warmth brought to Youli is the most real in her life.

And Tian Chi, a simple and honest young man, gave her help when she needed it the most. The first time the two met, the seeds had already been planted.Emotion is a very subtle thing, it has nothing to do with the length of time, sometimes, it is just a moment, and it has already taken root in each other's hearts.

"Yes, yes."

At the end of Tianchi's speech, he was looked at at a loss, and didn't know where to put his hands.

Lu Chen and Che Laoyao Chihuo Laomo could only pretend not to hear, and they all had expressions of watching their noses, noses, noses, noses, noses, noses, noses, noses, noses, noses, and hearts.

This incident was just a small episode and seemed to have little connection with Chase Lu.

"Five hundred high-grade immortal stones." The guard held the black bowl and handed it over, as if begging.

The man handed over the fairy stone with a heartbroken face, and walked towards the door.

As soon as the people in front left, the people behind immediately crowded up. The guard moved his head closer, as if he was smelling something, and after a while, said: "One thousand high-grade immortal stones."

The man was a little annoyed, and said, "Why was that man just now five hundred, but I was one thousand high-grade immortal stones?"

"One thousand and five." The guard didn't talk nonsense with him, but directly raised the price by another five hundred. This kind of price increase is simply terrifying.

The man didn't expect that his words would directly increase the price by five hundred. He was so incredulous that he forgot to give the fairy stone.

The guard pushed his bowl forward and didn't speak, but the meaning was obvious.

"Damn it, you are a lion with a big mouth!" When the man reacted, he pointed at the guard and said angrily.But he didn't dare to do anything, judging from the behavior of the guard just now, he didn't have the strength to fight against him, not to mention that this is a rich city, not the Fairy Continent.

"Three thousand!" The guard directly doubled the price with his deep voice. The man was so angry that he rolled his eyes, and glared at the guard angrily. He gritted his teeth and handed over the three thousand high-grade immortal stones, and flung his sleeves away.

In the man's heart, he had already greeted the eighteen generations of the gatekeeper's ancestors, but he dared not say it out of his mouth, otherwise he would not be able to afford such unpredictable gate fees.

Everyone has seen the rules. If you want to enter the rich city, you must pay the entrance fee. This fee is not fixed, but depends on the general mood of the guards. They say as much as they want.

Finally it was the turn of Lu Chen and others. Tianchi and You Li stood at the front, followed by Chihuo Laomo and Che Laomo, and Lu Chen was at the end.

Tianchi received one hundred high-grade immortal stones, Youli directly received one thousand high-grade immortal stones, and Chihuo Laomo and Che Laoyao received two hundred high-grade immortal stones respectively.

The guard put his head on Lu Chen's body, as if he could smell how many high-grade fairy stones Lu Chen had on him.

The guard paused, as if smelling something, raised his head to look at Lu Chen, and said, "A god-level immortal stone."

God-level immortal stone!

The guard's voice was not loud, but everyone around could hear it clearly. Many people had heard of the god-level fairy stone but had never seen it. The guard actually asked this year's relatives for a god-level fairy stone!

"This person is also unlucky, to be asked to take out a god-level fairy stone."

"That's great, the guard doesn't know how to show affection, so he will probably be stopped outside the door." Someone gloated at his misfortune.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Chen couldn't get out the god-level fairy stone, at this moment, he palmed a fairy stone shining with extremely dazzling light.

"It's really a god-level fairy stone!"

Those people were dumbfounded, looking at the god-level fairy stone in Lu Chen's hand in disbelief.

"This young man is carrying a god-level immortal stone!"

Some people even became greedy. They saw that Lu Chen looked young, maybe he was a genius disciple of a certain great religion, but this was in the Tianyuan space, no one was surprised.

Greed is the source of evil. Some people have already made Lu Chen think that Lu Chen is a soft persimmon, easy to pinch.

Chase Lu didn't know all this, he just entered the rich city on his own.

The moment you step into Fucheng, the whole environment becomes different, and there is a lot of voices.Directly in front of Chase Lu is a wide street. Most of the people coming and going on the street have a half-moon mark on their foreheads.

Lu Chen also saw that not far from the street, there were two armed teams walking south from the west end of the street. Pedestrians on the street detoured one after another and lowered their heads, because the aura exuded by those soldiers was unsettling. Dare to look directly.

And everyone is wearing a pair of armor made of iron leaves; a golden animal face belt around the waist, two bronze heart mirrors on the front and back;

There are two green velvet ties hanging on the top; a pair of slanted leather air-span boots are worn underneath, which is majestic and at the same time reveals a solemn killing intent.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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