Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1808 Expensive Bamboo Sword

But Lu Chen believed it, no matter what his purpose was, whether it was to let him buy a sword, or whether he had good intentions, the quality of a sword is equal to his character, and if he has a good sword, his character will not be bad, this is Lu Chen. Thoughts in Dust's mind.

Lu Chen asked with a smile: "Then I wonder how much this bamboo sword is worth?"

"It's not expensive, you only need [-] high-grade immortal stones," Bai Zangfeng said with a smile.

Tianchi was surprised, thinking that there was something wrong with his ears, and said, "What! How much?"

"Here, ten thousand high-grade immortal stones, my bamboo sword cuts iron like mud, cuts through all falsehoods, and its appearance is not bad. Ten thousand high-grade immortal stones are really not a loss." Bai Zangfeng also knew that his price was indeed a bit high, But what he is selling is his own hard work. In his heart, if he knows the goods, the price is really not high.

"Ten thousand high-grade fairy stones?" Tianchi was stunned. He didn't expect that such a mere bamboo sword would be so expensive. Did he think they were stupid?

"You better go grab it." Tian Chi's tone was unceremonious, he had never seen such a black heart, a broken bamboo sword, dared to open his mouth wide, and opened his mouth for [-] yuan.

"Here, Mr. Lu Chen, look." Bai Zangfeng showed embarrassment, and looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen caressed the bamboo sword, and said slowly: "Ten thousand high-grade fairy stones are indeed a bit expensive, but compared to the Taoist rhyme contained in this bamboo sword, it is still worth the money. I will make you my friend." Lu Chen finished speaking , with a wave of his hand, ten thousand high-grade immortal stones fell to the ground.

[-] high-grade immortal stones to buy a bamboo sword, if this is known to others, I'm afraid it will be ridiculous, isn't this a brain trap, there is nowhere to spend it when there are so many immortal stones?

However, [-] top-grade immortal stones are really nothing to Lu Chen.He bought the bamboo sword because what he valued was the dao rhyme contained in this bamboo sword. He and Bai Zangfeng are both people of swordsmanship, and Lu Chen is willing to make this friend.

"Brother Lu" Tianchi wanted to persuade Lu Chen, but was stopped by Lu Chen with a wave.

"Thank you Daoist Lu for your appreciation." Bai Zangfeng was overjoyed. It wasn't because Lu Chen was willing to spend [-] top-grade immortal stones to buy his sword, but because Lu Chen appreciated him and was willing to appreciate the sword he made. These were enough to make him happy.


With the sound of a horn, some of the black spots on the sea surface have already approached the watchtower.

It turned out that the black dots were paper boats, like small boats, but they were made of paper. On the black paper boats, there was a man wearing black linen clothes, whose appearance was invisible. The man in black was paddling wooden paddles with both hands , every time it slides, the paper boat moves forward by one point. The movement looks a little mechanical and lifeless.

Looking at this paper boat, I really worry about whether it will fall.

"Is this the ferry?" Old Demon Chihuo couldn't help asking, he didn't expect this ferry to be so weird, using a paper boat to cross the chaos.

"That's right, the people who row the boat are the ferrymen. We are destined. Let me remind you one more thing. Don't talk to the ferryman casually." Bai Zangfeng said mysteriously.

"Why?" Tianchi said half of this kind of talk, feeling very uncomfortable, as if the other party was deliberately trying to appease him.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say." Bai Zangfeng shook his head, as if he had something to hide.

"Hmph! Playing tricks." Tian Chi snorted lightly.He sneered at Bai Zangfeng.

"Old Bai, get out of here!"

At this moment, a sturdy female voice came. Just by hearing the voice, one could tell that it was a master who had a particularly strict control over the family.

Hearing this sound, Bai Zangfeng felt like a mouse seeing a cat, and the frightened look in his eyes could not be concealed. He turned to Lu Chen and said, "Fellow Lu Chen, I'm going ahead. See you in Tianyuan space. Don't worry about this ferryman." Don't mess around."

Before leaving, he did not forget to give a warning, and then he rushed towards the black boat like a whirlwind, boarded the boat, bowed to the ferryman, put some fairy stones at the stern, and the black boat drove back leisurely.

"Stop, old lady!" The woman appeared, saw Bai Zangfeng's figure, and ran towards him quickly, trying to stop him.

Only then did Lu Chen and the others see the woman's full appearance. The woman wore a peacock hairpin and was tied behind her head. She had willow brows, big eyes, an oval face, and a small mouth. She looked skilled and not ugly. On the contrary, she is still a beauty.

But it was such a beautiful woman who made the dignified Sword White Sect Young Patriarch frightened.

"Who is this woman?" Someone asked.

"She, she is Hong Yingnan, the eldest lady of the Huangu sect, and the person who boarded the black boat is Bai Zangfeng, the young lord of the Sword White Sect." Someone had a look of watching.

Many people in this watchtower didn't know how to ride the black boat, and when they saw Bai Zangfeng making a move, they all followed suit.

"My lord, you can't believe everything this man says," Che Laoyao said.

Che Laoyao didn't have a good impression of Bai Zangfeng either.

Lu Chen said with a faint smile: "Everyone has his own way."

On the calm sea, one after another black paper boats approached the watchtower continuously. Everyone stood at the watchtower and waited for the choice of the black boat. you.

Most of the people were lucky enough to get on the boat, and Chase Lu and others had been waiting patiently in the observation deck.

"Why does this man always turn his back to us, preventing me from seeing his face?"

On a boat that can seat five people, there are three young people, two men and three women.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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They stood on the boat and looked around. They didn't pay the fairy stone, and the black boat still docked on the shore without moving, and seemed very interested in the ferryman at the bow.

"Hey, old man, why isn't this boat sailing!" The young man laughed and shouted at the ferryman at the bow.

Of course he knew why the black boat didn't sail, it was because he didn't pay the fairy stone himself, so the boat didn't move, and he did this just to tease the ferryman on the boat, and wanted to see his appearance.

Regarding the young man's words, the ferryman still sat cross-legged on the bow, motionless.

"Is this man deaf?" Another man said with a sneer on his face.

"Let's go, stop making trouble. I don't think that person is a kind person. The Great Elder is still waiting for us. We should avoid troubles, as the Elder ordered." The woman said weakly, and she said to the ferryman There was a natural fear in that pitch-black body, and she didn't want to cause trouble, so she persuaded the two to leave.

Judging from their uniform attire, they should be members of a certain sect and have some status, otherwise they would not have been brought to Tianyuan Dimension.

"Hey, don't worry, little junior sister, can't your senior brother Chen's ability protect you?" The young man who claimed to be surnamed Chen patted his chest and said confidently.

"That's right, Junior Sister, with the two of us here, you don't have to worry, just put your heart in your stomach and watch how we play, haha." Another young man echoed, with ignorance between the lines. breath, but they didn't know it, they only cared about exuding an unpleasant smell of playboys.

Men are like this, they like to show their strong side in front of women and show off.But these two people didn't know that they were playing with fire and setting themselves on fire, beckoning to death.

"Okay, then hurry up." Seeing that her persuasion was useless, the woman could only pray secretly.

"Don't worry, Junior Sister." The man surnamed Chen comforted him, and then shouted to the ferryman, "Hey, what did I ask you? Don't pretend to be deaf and dumb to labor and management."

"That's right, I'm asking you something! Don't be ignorant." Seeing the ferryman at the bow, the other man still ignored their intentions, and took out his weapon, which was a double-leaf knife.

"Isn't he really deaf?"

Seeing that the ferryman was still motionless, the man surnamed Chen suggested, "Why don't you go and see what kind of thing this man is? It's a man or a ghost."

"Why didn't you go?" Another man asked, he was also a little timid.

"Okay, that's what you said. In the future, you'd better give me all the chances to show off to my junior sister. You are so cowardly. I don't think my junior sister will fall in love with you." The man surnamed Chen also took out his His weapon is a golden broadsword, majestic and majestic, it seems that he is going to go by himself.

"Wait, I'll go, don't fight me, junior sister must belong to me." The man glanced at his junior sister's delicate body, and felt affection for him, a force of love suddenly rose from the man's lower abdomen, Turn into courage and let him go forward.

It turns out that the three of them are in a love triangle relationship, and the two of them often show off in various ways in order to please the weak junior sister. This kind of thing is also very common for the two of them.

The man surnamed Chen turned his face to the side and smiled slyly, very cryptically, no one saw it.

The man cleared his throat and shouted: "Damn old man! Are you trying to force me to take action?" The voice was very loud, but it was only to cover up the cowardice in his heart.

The man slowly approached the ferryman step by step. The boat was only a few steps away, but the man still walked for a long time.

"Are you okay? No, let me come. Look at your shyness, you look like a girl." The man surnamed Chen said impatiently.

"I can!" The man finally came behind the ferryman. His palm holding the double-leaf knife was already covered with sweat. It was sweating, and he was indeed a little scared.

This is how people are full of fear and unbearable curiosity about the unknown.Nature's tendencies, their consequences, are all left behind.

"Hey, can't you hear me?" The man's Shuangye Dao pointed at the ferryman, and his tone was not as tough as before.

"Strange, why can't I feel the breath of life at such a close distance." The man frowned.

Whether you are a cultivator or an ordinary person, you have your own breath of life. This breath means that you are still alive. This breath will be released. Ordinary people may not be able to feel it, but practitioners can clearly feel this breath. When a person dies, this breath will slowly pass away until it is gone.

At this moment, the ferryman gave the man such a feeling, as if the person sitting in front of him was a dead person.

"Is it really a dead person?" The man was puzzled, but he denied it. There are countless ships here, and each ship has a ferryman, and the ferryman on each ship is the same. It is impossible for each ship to be the same. Is it dead? "

"I see, this must be an unconscious puppet, with only a simple way of thinking, 'You give the fairy stone, I will row the boat' That's right, it must be like this." The man finally thought of a puppet that could prove his argument. Focus on it, thinking of this, the corners of his mouth turned up, a little smug, deeply admiring his ingenuity.

"Don't be afraid, he's just a puppet." The man thoughtfully waved his hands to the two people behind him.

Then, he casually put his hands on the ferryman. The junior sisters on the boat didn't dare to look at them anymore. They covered their eyes with their delicate hands, while the man surnamed Chen had an expression of success. .

Actually, nothing terrible happened

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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