Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1794 is about to open

Lu Chen took out the second ancient book, which had not been opened yet. He wanted to know who that woman was, why she was trapped in the tower, whether she was alive or dead?Chase Lu wanted to know all this.

But he didn't open it immediately, but put it back again, got up and walked out.

"Brother Lu Chen, you're finally here." A young man rushed up to meet him. His upper body was naked, his body muscles coiled around his body like a horned dragon, and the two big black horns on his head shone with fluorescence, as if torn. The power of space lies within.

"Are you Tianchi?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"Yeah, don't you know me?" The young man rubbed the back of his head. His muscular figure and his movements made people feel that the contrast was particularly great.

"How did you become like this?"

"Hey, this, I don't know about this." He said shyly, and then seemed to think of something, and said: "By the way, Big Brother Lu Chen, maybe you don't know something, you spent 70 years in this retreat , someone looked for you not long ago."

"Huh? I have been in seclusion for 70 years? But I feel like a few hours have passed? Could it be that the time difference is so big!" Lu Chen was surprised.This mysterious ancient book still has a time difference after it is opened.

"It doesn't matter, who came to find me?" Lu Chen asked.

"It's Lord Sakyamuni, the ancestor told me to take you to see him after you leave the customs."

"Let's lead the way." The demon god called Lu Chen to go, maybe because he had gathered all the ingredients for the Eight-pattern Gathering Soul Training Pill, and wanted to ask Lu Chen to make alchemy, he followed Tianchi without hesitation, and Lu Chen originally planned to do this. Solve his hidden dangers for the demon god earlier, and ask the demon god to agree to a condition. Now that he doesn't even have the materials, Lu Chen will naturally not say this. If he cures the demon god this time, he plans to travel to the Fairy Continent to find opportunities , maybe you can find the entrance to the Tianyuan space.

"Senior, I don't know why you called me here? Is it a matter of alchemy?"

In the temple of the demon god, there were only Lu Chen and the demon god in the hall. The demon god motioned for Lu Chen to sit down. Lu Chen cupped his hands and found a random place to sit down.

"Little friend Lu Chen, I'm really sorry to invite you out this time." The demon god said kindly.

"Senior, you're being polite. If you have any difficulties, feel free to mention it, and the junior will definitely help you with all your strength." Lu Chen said politely.

"Hehe, actually, I don't want to ask you for help this time, but I have two things to tell my little friend." The demon god turned his smile and became serious.

Lu Chen's heart trembled. He knew from Tianchi that Sakyamuni had come, so he guessed that something might have happened to the human race, but his face was calm, and he said lightly: "But it's okay to say."

"That's right, this kid is really good. He doesn't panic about things, and he is calm and composed. With this disposition, his future achievements will definitely be good." The demon god rated Lu Chen in his heart, and at the same time, he felt a little regretful in his heart: "It's not my race." what!"

"A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear?" The demon god said mysteriously.

"Good news." At this time, the old guy Yaoshen is still playing tricks, and Lu Chen feels very speechless.

"The good news is that Sakyamuni came to you not long ago and brought you good news about Tianyuan space."

"The Tianyuan space is about to open?" Lu Chen's face changed.

"I don't know about that. He just mentioned it, and didn't tell me too much. At that time, you were retreating. When you leave the customs, let you go back to the Southern Wilderness Immortal State."

"So, I don't know if the ingredients for the Eight-pattern Gathering Soul Training Pill have been gathered or not?" Lu Chen has been in seclusion for 70 years, and it is time to gather all the materials. If the Tianyuan space is about to open, then before that, Lu Chen wants to cure the demon god first. It is not a bad deal to help the demon god break through the supreme ancestor god, and then let him serve Lu Chen for a thousand years.

"Little friend is concerned, I thank you here, I am about to talk about this material with you." The demon god clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Tianchi, you come in."

"Old Ancestor, Big Brother Lu Chen." Tianchi came in and saluted the demon god and Lu Chen respectively.

"Well, little friend Lu Chen, you've seen my descendant before. His aptitude is barely passable, but his character is too honest. I want him to follow me to the human race to practice and do odd jobs for him. By the way, I want to increase my knowledge, I don’t know how my little friend will like it?” The demon god said with a smile.

"What is the meaning of this? This old guy wants to send someone to watch me, afraid that I will run away?" Lu Chen slandered in his heart, but he still said politely: "The descendants of the seniors must have extraordinary qualifications. If you let me replace you Teaching, I'm afraid I will misunderstand my disciples, besides, Tianchi and I are peers, and it's not appropriate to say "the taboo of others is to be a teacher."

The old demon god blushed, and Lu Chen's unintentional polite words "each aptitude is extraordinary" made the demon god feel as if he had been slapped in the face, but he didn't care, and then said: "Little friend Lu Chen, why don't you ask my junior?" How?" He turned his head to look at Tianchi, Tianchi was a little nervous when he looked at him, his eyes turned back and forth at Lu Chen and the demon god, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hey, it seems that this old guy insists on keeping him by my side, no matter what." Lu Chen shook his head secretly, and said, "Well, Tianchi, this time I return to the human race, you will follow me "Tianchi people are not bad, on the contrary, they are relatively simple and honest. Their cultivation base is the same as that of Lu Chen, but they are definitely not at the same level as Lu Chen. The most important thing is that the power of Tianchi's blood seems to be With a unicorn, Lu Chen took him with him, and mentioned it casually in the future, which is also a good fate.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Really, I can follow Big Brother Lu Chen to the human race!" Tianchi's muscular muscles trembled a few times, and the two horns on his forehead even had not weak streamers floating, the smile on his face wanted to be suppressed but couldn't be suppressed That kind of excitement is quite funny.

"Well, don't be arrogant, you have to listen to your big brother Lu Chen in everything you do." The demon god pretended to have a straight face, and said: "You go out first, I have something important to discuss with your big brother Lu Chen."

"I sent someone to collect the materials for the Eight Patterns Gathering Soul Training Pill. I have already returned ten years ago. At that time, my little friend was in seclusion, so I didn't disturb it rashly."

"Oh? What materials are missing?" Lu Chen asked.

"Earth Yang Soul Intestines and Star Soul Grass, the rest of the materials have been found, including the essence and blood of the Ancestral God." The demon god said expressionlessly.

"Well, as I expected, these two are really hard to find, but I have Star Soul Grass." Lu Chen rolled his eyes.

"Little friend, it's okay to say." The demon god was very calm, but he didn't know what card Lu Chen was going to play.

"It's like this, the junior's strength is low, and it's hard to survive in this troubled world, so the junior dared to ask the senior to protect the way for the junior for a thousand years. Of course, this is on the premise of curing the senior. If it fails, the junior will refine it for the senior for free. A life-sustaining pill can last ten thousand years." Every condition of Lu Chen can be said to be very fertile, and a thousand years is just a blink of an eye to the demon god. "Shaping Pill" is not something everyone can practice. Many alchemists have never even heard of it. Otherwise, the demon god would not have waited until now. With the status of the demon god, I am afraid that he would have invited a top alchemist to refine it for him.

Secondly, if it fails, not only will Lu Chen not make a request, but he will refine a ten-thousand-year life extension pill for the demon god for free. This kind of life extension pill can be said to be priceless, or even a priceless treasure. In the eyes of many old guys, that It is the existence of the miraculous medicine that can prolong their lifespan, which is more important than anything else.

The demon god thought for a while, this question is actually very simple, in fact, he does not suffer a loss, but it is a business that can make a profit without losing money, but there is an important problem, that is, the strength of the demon clan and the human race is very different. , attacking the human race, the human race must be invincible, and he is bound with Lu Chen, and he will definitely be affected at that time, and suffer the disaster of Yuchi.

"Hey, that's all, there are eggs under the overturned nest? It's really going to be that time, and I'm afraid my family will avoid it." The demon god sighed, and said: "Then follow what the little friend said." The demon god He didn't say much, he looked like he was old for many years, as if he was very helpless, not for Lu Chen, but for the current situation.

"Okay." Lu Chen nodded and heaved a sigh of relief secretly. He was also worried that the demon god would not agree, afraid that the demon god would reject his request in order to protect himself. Now he received a positive answer from the demon god, saying that it was a lie that Lu Chen was unhappy Yes, the energy of a supreme ancestor god cannot be underestimated, and he continued: "Senior, what else is there?"

"The earth-yang soul intestines were not found, but the people I sent came back with news that the earth-yang soul intestines had appeared in the Tianyuan space. Now, many people in the outside world are spreading the news that the Tianyuan space will be opened, even ordinary people. Everyone here knows about it, so they don't know whether the news is true or not."

"It seems that this Tianyuan space is more mysterious than I imagined. Why do I always feel that there is a force in the dark that guides me to move forward. What is the Tianyuan space?" Lu Chen sighed in his heart, he felt Sometimes I am like a marionette, controlled by a mysterious person, ups and downs, ups and downs in this troubled world, and finally towards death, an ordinary drama ended like this.

"No! A cultivator fights against people, against heaven, against immortals, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. If there is any obstacle in front of you, I will kill them all with one sword. No one can control me!"

Lu Chen's heart twitched, and his expression remained unchanged: "I'm afraid it's not groundless, the outside world has spread it like this, and it seems that some news has leaked."

"Well, it makes sense, but there is one more thing." The demon god hesitated when he said this.

"what's up?"

"When Fellow Daoist Sakyamuni came to our clan, he was wounded. I heard that he was injured by a demon."

When Lu Chen heard the words, his pupils shrank, his breath was like needles, and his pupils seemed to spew out flames. He said, "What's going on? Could it be that the Heavenly Demons didn't keep their promise and attacked the human race again?" Sakyamuni treated Lu Chen He has always been very good. He took good care of Lu Chen as early as in the lower realm. Now, he has created the Tian Geng Sword for Lu Chen. It can be said that the grace is finally on the mountain.

"Don't worry, little friend. Fellow Daoist Sakyamuni only suffered a slight injury, and it's not a serious problem. You'll know exactly what happened when you go back." A breath of energy flew out of the demon god to appease Lu Chen.

"Well, then I might as well start now." Lu Chen felt guilty, and he couldn't wait to know what happened.

Immediately, Lu Chen set off with Tianchi. The Wanyao Cave is at the end of the Arctic Immortal State of the Fairy Continent, and Sakyamuni is in the Southern Desolation Immortal State. It's only a month, not to mention that they are still taking Tianchi at this time, so they choose to take the spaceship.

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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