Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1792 Mirror Altar



The moment Lu Chen reached the millstone, the millstone made a loud noise, as if it touched some mechanism.

"What's going on?" Lu Chen turned his head to look at the Qiankun Soul Seal, but saw that it was also looking at the scene in front of him without moving, so Lu Chen was indifferent.

"Since this guy is so indifferent, then I can't be too cowardly." Lu Chen nodded in his heart. For some reason, Lu Chen, who has no cultivation base, has become very life-saving, even timid. I don't even know.


The millstone trembled, and a thick layer of dust was shaken off. Only then did Lu Chen see clearly that it was not a whole boulder, but made up of countless colorful small stones. Its body surface circulates.

"Boom, boom!"

The sound of booming was endless, and the millstone, which was lying on its back, was slowly about to stand up.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Chase Lu was a little timid. He felt like he was walking on the sea, and suddenly the sea was about to turn over and submerge him, making him feel very small.

Hearing the words, Qiankun Soul Seal floated not far away silently, as if deliberately keeping a distance from Lu Chen, as if disgusted, disgusted by Lu Chen's cowardice and too much talk.

"Okay, am I a little too cowardly?" Lu Chen also realized this, and simply remained silent, looking at the big millstone quietly.


The millstone kept ringing, and it had already stood up. Only then did Lu Chen fully see the whole picture of the millstone. It looked very simple, like two rainbows butt together, colorful, but not that shiny. There is only a breath of simplicity and vicissitudes, it feels like facing a long river of history, with a surging chest, which makes people awe-inspiring, but the millstone at this time does not really look like a The millstone looks like an altar!

"Is this the altar?"


There was a sound of breaking through the sky. It stands to reason that there should be no sound in the universe, but Lu Chen felt it very clearly. He frowned and looked around, but found nothing unusual.

"Did I hear it wrong?"


There was another sound, and this time Lu Chen heard it clearly. The sound did not come from the outside world, but was directly transmitted to his consciousness.


The huge altar was turning, and those steady colorful stones emitted a trace of colorful light as they turned.


After a while, the altar turned rapidly, and the stones flickered. From the multicolored light, in the rapid rotation, an oval portal was slowly formed. There was a morning light inside the door, and nothing could be seen inside.

"That's a portal!" Chase Lu wondered, wouldn't there be an epic beast coming out of it, or a creature that could crush a planet with one hand?

I saw that after the dazzling white light emerged from the light gate, a black object slowly overflowed from it.

"It really happened!" Chase Lu was a little nervous. "What should I do?" He doesn't have any magic power now, just like a mortal, even his physical body is almost the same as a mortal, not to mention such a giant, even a person with a little cultivation, Lu Chen will die. "By the way, there is also the soul seal of Qiankun." After all, it was the one that pushed Chase Lu over, there must be a way to save Chase Lu, otherwise, is it still necessary to kill Chase Lu in this way?

"Qiankun Soul Seal, push me out of here quickly, that thing is coming out!" Chen Lu shouted, he can't leave now if he wants to, in this universe, his body is completely out of his control.

Surprisingly, the Qiankun soul seal still ignored him, still looking like he was dying, and ignored Lu Chen, with two yin and yang eyes looking straight at the portal, without any hesitation. plan to leave.

"It's over, it's over! I think that I have been a soldier all my life, but today I will die tragically in the hands of my own treasures. Hey, life is full of tragedies everywhere. Life, soul seal, and death are also soul seals."


With a flick of the soul seal, a black and white light flew out, sealing Lu Chen's mouth.

"Mmmm#!" Lu Chen was gagged before he finished speaking, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart. At this time, it was like the dumb man who had eaten Coptis chinensis and could not speak of his suffering.

"Huh? What's that?" Chase Lu slandered a few words in his heart, and became honest. From his eyes, he saw that there was a cap-like thing squeezed out of the portal.

It looks like a hat, but it's not really like that. It looks like an ear?

"Ear?" Lu Chen was dumbfounded. If it was really an ear, then he was really unlucky. It can be seen from its size that the ear alone is thousands of feet long, covering the entire area. It's hard to imagine how big its body is! .

"What kind of creature is this!" Chase Lu exclaimed, and soon, the question was answered.

After the ear came out, it seemed to be stuck, and the whole portal trembled a few times. After all, the portal is so big, and such a big thing, it's strange that it doesn't get stuck.But something even more strange happened, the portal that was stuck tightly, suddenly burst into light, and the mysterious creature stuck in the middle was spit out with a sound of "Boom!"It was like a smear of thick phlegm, spat out cheaply.

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It's a head!

Lu Chen couldn't see what kind of creature's head it was, and he didn't have time to see it clearly. At this moment, the head seemed to be sprayed out, and was flying towards Lu Chen's direction. If he couldn't avoid it, he would definitely die.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm!" Lu Chen groaned, and with his mouth sealed, Lu Chen called on Qiankun Soul Seal to move him away quickly, before the head flew over, or he would die.

It can be seen that Lu Chen is very anxious at this time. If he dies on the battlefield, he has nothing to fear, but he is so unknown that he doesn't even know how he died. Lu Chen is very unwilling.

He wasn't joking, and looked at the Qiankun Soul Seal very seriously. He didn't know why the Qian Kun Soul Seal did this. He wanted to hear an explanation from it, but the Soul Seal couldn't speak.

"Hey! That's it!" Lu Chen sighed, expressing his helplessness.From the very beginning of cultivation, the Qiankun soul seal has been by his side. Until now, Lu Chen has not fully understood what this soul seal is. What can I do, everything is brought by it, and now it's just time to pay back.

"But!" Lu Chen's dejected eyes flashed hot like the scorching sun again, it can be said that his eyes were like torches.He clenched his fists tightly, and the bones were crunched by him.

"Even if you are an ant! You have the right to resist!" At this time, his mortal body with naked eyes showed a fearless aura, as if the front was God!And even if he is a mortal body, he still wants to pierce it!crush it!

"Come on! Hahahaha" Lu Chen looked up to the sky and smiled.

The huge head slammed into Lu Chen almost instantly, forming a sharp contrast with Lu Chen at this time.At the same time, Lu Chen waved his arms in vain, and a pair of ordinary fists hit the head

After a long time, Lu Chen opened his eyes, the altar in front of him was still turning, but the big head was gone.Lu Chen looked back, and saw that the big head had already flown into the distance, and he didn't know where it was going.

"Is it fake?" Lu Chen was stunned, and immediately understood that all of this was just a rubbing of the altar, just a phantom, although it existed, but it was only a long time ago, or it didn't belong to this place at all. creature.And the altar was activated for some reason, so these horrible scenes flew out, or in other words, the altar was not opened at all, it just rubbed these ancient mirror images, and the opportunity to open it was the arrival of Lu Chen, so He said that all of this is just an illusion brought to Lu Chen by the mysterious ancient book, and it is not real.

"It's a terrible illusion. It feels more terrifying than the real world!" Chase Lu was afraid for a while. It can be said that the illusion was false, and he suddenly felt like an ant. Everything here could smash him to pieces.

Lu Chen turned his head to look, and found that the Qiankun Soul Seal had disappeared, and he didn't know where it went.

"Could it be back to my consciousness? No way, I can't open my consciousness here, I don't have cultivation, and I can't perceive where it went. Forget it, I'll just wait and see. Since I'm here, then There must be a reason for coming here."


The altar began to rotate rapidly again, and Chase Lu turned his gaze back to the altar. It was obvious that something was about to come out of it.

"I don't know what big guy will come out this time."

Just as Lu Chen was thinking, light emerged from the altar, and a broken cauldron quietly appeared, with three legs and two ears, and wisps of Dao rhyme, which was so wonderful that one life was two, two begets three, and three begets all things. , This kind of Dao rhyme is astonishing in the past and the present, and Lu Chen was very surprised. This is no longer a weapon that ordinary people can use. This is the rule, this is the way of heaven, and no one can match it.

But what surprised Lu Chen even more was that the three-legged tripod had been destroyed by someone. It was penetrated from front to back, and the surface was dull, leaving only a decayed smell.

Lu Chen looked closely at the two holes pierced through the tripod, and suddenly felt that the hairs on his body were standing on end. The big empty hole looked like a fist mark from the outside!

"It turned out to be a fist mark!" Lu Chen could hardly conceal his surprise and even shock in his heart.

"What kind of person can punch through this cauldron." This is beyond Lu Chen's imagination, such a punch is unimaginable!This must be a punch that shakes the past and shines today, a punch that will rule the ages!


The tattered fairy tripod passed through Lu Chen's body. This time, Lu Chen didn't panic. Instead, he looked at the ancient tripod carefully. There were some cranes, phoenixes, and even real dragons on it. There were also some that Lu Chen couldn't name. The creatures are carved so lifelike that they are like living things, and what is missing is only the soul.


The sound of the five-color altar interrupted Lu Chen's thoughts. Lu Chen took a deep breath and calmed his emotions. All this shocked him too much. It simply overturned Lu Chen's three views. Shen You stared at the colorful altar, and immediately, a murderous intent shot up from the light gate, and the space became extremely cold and sharp.The killing intent seemed to be able to pierce the sky and hit Lu Chen's throat, making him feel suffocated for a while, as if someone had strangled his throat and couldn't breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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