"How brave!"

When Zheng Wuxiang and Shangguanshu heard Lu Chen's words, they both looked at him unkindly.

"Hehe, both of you, brother Lu is right. Everything depends on strength. Brother Lu can kill 120 six heavenly demons. Naturally, his strength makes people speechless." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

He seemed to be speaking for Lu Chen, but in fact he was harboring evil intentions and fanning the flames, trying to make the conflict between Zheng Wuxiang and Lu Chen more and more serious.

"Hmph, he's just lucky. If we meet a place where demons gather, let alone 120 six demons, even 220 six demons, they won't be our opponents." Zheng Wuxiang snorted coldly.

"That's right, not to mention the two of us, even Zhao Hanchuan, He Ling, and Li Lintian, who doesn't have the strength to challenge beyond the ranks? It's easy to deal with a group of golden fairy-level demons." Shangguan Shu echoed.

"Hearing what the two of you said, I kind of agree with you. Our luck is really bad." Zhou Yun pretended to be a little depressed, and then said with a look of sudden realization.

After hearing this, the three of Li Lintian all looked at Lu Chen and sneered.

Zhao Hanchuan and He Ling frowned slightly, looking at Zhou Yun with a look of disgust, this is really a villain!

"Oh, what a gossip woman, she doesn't do her own business, she only focuses on sowing discord." At this moment, a clear female voice suddenly sounded.


Li Xiaoying, Gu Xie, and Xuanhuangzi laughed out loud.

"Who, who said that?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yun's face turned blue and then pale, and he scanned the crowd angrily, and finally his eyes fell on Gao Xiaoxiao.

"My girl said, what can you do to me?" Gao Xiaoxiao stared at him and said.

"Hmph, you are a woman, I don't have the same knowledge as you." Zhou Yun snorted coldly.

"You look down on women, don't you? Don't forget that your mother is also a woman." After Gao Xiaoxiao said this, she giggled and said, "I see, you must look down on your mother, that's why you said that." '

"You, shut up, the person I like the most is my mother, why would you look down on her?" Zhou Yun said angrily.

"Oh, you have a mule fetish." Gao Xiaoxiao pointed at Zhou Yun and said seriously.

"You have a mule fetish." Zhou Yun almost twisted his nose when he heard this, and pointed at Gao Xiaoxiao angrily, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"Since you don't know, why are you rushing to explain it? Do you really have it?" Gao Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"Damn girl, you have the ability to compete with Zhou Yun." Zhou Yun stared at Gao Xiaoxiao with fire-breathing eyes.

"What kind of man is a man who only knows how to bully weak women? If you want to bully, you have to bully a bad guy like Lu Chen." Gao Xiaoxiao bared her teeth and smiled.


Zhou Yun was so angry that he wanted to slap Gao Xiaoxiao out, but he couldn't do that, otherwise he wouldn't really be a man who bullies weak women?

Seeing that Zhou Yun wanted to get angry but couldn't, Gao Xiaoxiao laughed even more happily.

Seeing this, Lu Chen smiled softly, and secretly said hello to Gao Xiaoxiao, Zhou Yun, a villain, really needs a little witch like her to torture him.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoying and the others pursed their lips and smiled.

The disdain in the eyes of Zhao Hanchuan and He Ling grew stronger.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun became even angrier, but he couldn't attack.

Zheng Wuxiang and the others frowned slightly, thinking that he couldn't even take down a woman, he was no different from a waste.

"Brother Zhou is not as knowledgeable as a girl, and he has a broad mind, which is really admirable." Li Lintian said with a smile.

"Brother Li has won the award." Zhou Yun's expression improved a lot when he heard this.

Looking at Zhou Yun and Li Lintian who were in a mess, the coldness in Lu Chen's eyes became even stronger.


At this moment, a loud bell sounded.

"Listen, the first round of killing the demons is over. Now you can use the contribution points in your hands to come to the hall and exchange them for what you want."

After a while, there was a vigorous and powerful voice, which could be heard by the top [-] contestants in terms of contribution points.


Most people were very happy when they heard this, but some people were depressed because they didn't have many contribution points.

There are not many contribution points, but how many things can be exchanged?

"Ah, Chase Lu, you have 120 contribution points, I'm afraid you can exchange them for a lot of things." Gao Xiaoxiao said enviously.


Zhao Hanchuan and the others all nodded, even they did not have so many contribution points.

Li Lintian and the others looked unhappy because they didn't even have a hundred contribution points.

"I don't know if there is anything good?" Chase Lu asked a little curiously.

Everyone is also very curious about this.


The gates of several palaces opened at this time.


"I want to exchange for Xuanling Pill, do you know if there is any?"

"Mysterious Spirit Pill?"

Everyone looked at the opened halls, talking about it, and their expressions were very excited, especially when it came to Xuanling Pill.

The Mysterious Spirit Pill is a fifth-grade elixir that breaks through the Mysterious Immortal Realm. If one can obtain this pill, the chances of breaking through the Profound Immortal Realm will increase a lot.

Although everyone present is a cultivation genius, there is no problem breaking through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm, but if there is a Mysterious Spirit Pill, it will save a lot of time, right?

The stronger the strength, the better results can be achieved in this competition?

Swish swish!Swish swish!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Ten thousand contestants entered different halls with their own goals.

"Lu Chen, everyone has gone in, let's go in too." Gao Xiaoxiao said enthusiastically.

"What do you want to exchange?" Chase Lu asked.

"I don't know, let's go and have a look first." Li Xiaoying said.

"Brother Lu, what do you want to exchange?" Xuanhuangzi asked.

"My sword was broken by the demon, I want to exchange it for a fairy sword first." Lu Chen said.

"Lu Chen, you have so many contribution points, besides exchanging for a fairy sword, I'm afraid you can also exchange for many things." Lu Yanran said with a smile.

"I hope so." Lu Chen nodded.

"Lu Chen, go and exchange for the fairy sword, we want to exchange for the elixir." Li Xiaoying said.

"Okay." Lu Chen nodded.

"Lu Chen, I'm not missing any fairy artifacts, so I won't go with you. I'll go to the Immortal Medicine Hall to have a look." Xuanhuangzi said.

"I'll go and see if there are any high-level immortal techniques," Gu Xie said.

"Okay, let's go to exchange what we want, and then meet outside." Lu Chen said.

Everyone nodded and entered several halls respectively.

"Li Qing, let's go to the Immortal Artifact Hall." Lu Chen said.

"Yes, master." Li Qing nodded.

Immortal Artifact Hall, on the left side of the main hall, the gate is extremely magnificent, with various patterns of immortal artifacts engraved on it, silver hooks and iron paintings, lifelike.

Lu Chen and Li Qing walked in with curiosity, and the next moment, they appeared in a space as bright as day.

In front of the space, there are clusters of light floating one by one. Within the clusters of light, there are all kinds of immortal artifacts, such as immortal swords, immortal knives, immortal cauldrons, immortal axes, etc. There are eighteen kinds of immortal artifacts, all of which should be there.

In addition, there are also special fairy treasures like the green spirit fan, which can be said to be so diverse that it is dizzying.

Every contestant who entered the Hall of Immortal Artifacts was dazzled by all these immortal artifacts, and didn't know how to choose for a while.

"Master, there are so many fairy artifacts here, much more than those in our Li Family's Arms Pavilion." Li Qing said.

"These are all immortal artifacts above rank five." Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

"Five artifacts above?" Li Qing took a breath when he heard the words, a little in disbelief, looked around, and said in a daze, "It's really all fairy artifacts above grade five." '

"let's go."

Lu Chen took a glance, walked in, and began to look for the fairy sword.

"Master, it seems that ten contribution points can be exchanged for a fifth-grade immortal artifact." Li Qing said beside him.

"It's not too expensive to exchange ten contribution points for a fifth-rank fairy artifact." Lu Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "Let's go and see the sixth-rank fairy artifact." '

"it is good."

Li Qing nodded excitedly.

The Hall of Immortal Artifacts is a huge space, the further you go inside, the higher the level of the Immortal Artifacts.

After the fifth-rank fairy weapon, it is the sixth-rank fairy weapon.

The blood-red fairy sword, the black fairy knife, the golden fairy spear, the fiery red fairy beads, and all kinds of fairy weapons made Lu Chen and Li Qing dazzled.

"Twenty contribution points are needed to exchange for a sixth-grade fairy artifact." Lu Chen said softly.

"Master, did you say that you only need [-] contribution points to exchange for a seventh-rank fairy weapon? If so, I think you can exchange for a seventh-rank fairy weapon, or even an eighth-rank fairy weapon." Li Qing said.

"Seventh-Rank Immortal Artifact, Eighth-Rank Immortal Artifact?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen became short of breath, and a strong light flashed in his eyes.

"Master, why don't we go in and have a look?" Li Qing suggested.

"Okay." Lu Chen nodded. If you exchange for a seventh-rank fairy artifact, you only need [-] contribution points, and he really doesn't mind exchanging for a seventh-rank fairy artifact.

The higher the level of the fairy artifact, the greater its power. A seventh-rank fairy artifact is enough to increase Lu Chen's strength by three points.

However, things went beyond Lu Chen's expectations. It only takes [-] contribution points to exchange a sixth-rank fairy artifact, but fifty contribution points to exchange a seventh-rank fairy artifact.

"So expensive?"

Lu Chen frowned as he looked at the seventh-rank fairy artifacts in front of him, or golden bells, or black towers, or golden sticks, or sets of armor.

He only has 120 contribution points, and a seventh-rank fairy artifact needs fifty contribution points. In this way, he can only exchange for two seventh-rank fairy artifacts at most.

"Master, do you want to exchange for one?" Li Qing asked, swallowing his saliva.

"Yes." Lu Chen looked at the fairy sword in the light group, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, he stepped up and began to choose the fairy sword.

Seeing this, Li Qing followed Lu Chen excitedly. You must know that even if he is the young patriarch of the Li family, he has never seen so many seventh-rank fairy weapons.

"Lu Chen?"

At this moment, a young man in a golden robe appeared on the left.

The golden robe on his body is extraordinary, embroidered with golden patterns. If you look carefully, you will be surprised to find that these golden patterns are shaped like golden swords, faintly exuding a sharp light. It is a fairy garment with strong defensive power.

And the young man's appearance is also very handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, fierce eyes, lion nose and wide mouth, and the most striking thing is that he has golden hair.

He just stood there, looking at Lu Chen, extremely dazzling, like a son of god, with torch-like eyes, giving Lu Chen a powerful aura.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Lu Chen looked at him, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. With the cultivation base at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, and wearing a vestment comparable to a fifth-grade fairy weapon, the other party is definitely not an unknown person.

This is a talent comparable to Hong Miaoyi, Yongzhen, Huai'an, Zhao Hanchuan, He Ling, Li Lintian, and Zheng Wuxiang.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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