Ning Feng didn't know anything about the changes in Andrew's side or the outside world, and now all his energy was focused on dealing with Bishop Charlie in front of him.

After a period of friendly exchanges, the relationship between Ning Feng and the Undead Priest, who is "sympathetic to each other", has reached the point where they can exchange names with each other.

Not only did Ning Feng play a role in bewitching and guiding Bishop Charlie, but also because Bishop Charlie had been waiting for someone like him who could confide in him.

night, deeper.

The two returned to their original positions, but this time there was no green tea on the table that made Ning Feng ashamed.

"I'm the same as you. I don't know when I can't hear the voice of the gods."

Lowering his head, Charlie finally spoke slowly after a long silence:

"You know, I've been confused about the current situation for a long time..."

"I love my Lord, even though He neglected to abandon me, my faith never changed."

A staunch and devout believer, he said this without hesitation.

"I am a servant of the gods, and I am willing to sacrifice everything for the gods, whether it is the body or my soul."

At this time, the calm voice changed and became deeper:

"I don't know when, I discovered... I always lose the memory of the night."

Memories of the night?

Ning Feng, who was listening quietly, raised his eyebrows lightly, and asked:

"You mean, you stop dreaming?"

"No, it's not like that... what I forget is the memory of my waking life."

Charlie shook his head, raised his eyes, and let Ning Feng see the exhaustion in them.

"I'm used to praying at night because that's when my mind is at its most peaceful during the day."

The militia captain told Ning Feng the same way before, the pastor was preparing for the night prayer.

"That day was no different from usual. I took a shower and changed clothes as usual. When I started to meditate and pray, I found that I had hallucinations."

The body trembled slightly, even just recalling the feelings at that time, Charlie couldn't restrain the trembling of his body.

"I felt that my body was gradually being drained by invisible forces. I lost blood and water, and my body began to become shriveled."

"It was a hallucination so real it almost made me cry, but you know what?"

Looking at Ning Feng, Charlie's voice was full of excitement:

"On that day, my first reaction was to be touched... because only my Lord would do such a thing to me!"

"I think it's the gods punishing me! My lord finally saw me again! This hallucination is His punishment for shaking my heart!"

"He hasn't given up on me yet!"

Even though the other party's eyes had long since rotted, Ning Feng could still see the excitement he recalled when reminiscing.

It was a feeling of being willing to punish the gods.

And this kind of discovery made Ning Feng feel a little chill down his back.

This is, faith.

That's it, fanatics.

This is one of the products that the gods brought to this world.

Charlie, who was agitated by the memories, gradually calmed down, and his voice became hoarse and dark again:

"But when I woke up again, I found myself lying in bed ... I lost the memory of the moment after the prayer."

"At the beginning, I didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was part of the punishment, and I was still waiting for the oracle to guide me, but... I didn't wait."

"The Lord He didn't say anything."

After saying this, Ning Feng felt a slight chill in his body.

This is not an illusion, the temperature in the room is indeed dropping gradually, because of the breath emanating from Charlie!

"Every day that followed, I was having the same dream at night and waking up in bed the next day, but nothing changed."

"No, there are still changes, but not in me."

Charlie raised his head, leaned his tall body on the chair, and looked out of the window in a daze, looking at the quiet village at the moment.

"After that day, there seemed to be some changes, and some strange things happened in the village."

"There are always more shredded corpses of beasts outside the village. Those are huge beasts that we must be surrounded by many people to hunt."

"But the bodies of those beasts were completely torn apart, as if they were crushed, they were painted all over the road from the village to the farmland by the forest..."

"The villagers are very frightened, worried that more ferocious beasts will appear nearby, and people keep suggesting to me to seek help from the king's capital to hunt them down."

Useless, running is the best choice.

Shaking his head secretly, Ning Feng expressed regret that the villagers did not leave immediately after such a thing happened, but he also understood that it was impossible.

It is impossible to relocate. The site selection of villages in that era was determined by the efforts of several generations, and it is difficult to change easily.

The best way is to let the capital send someone to hunt down the possible beast, even if it will cost a lot of money.

"I followed their advice and asked the militiamen with the best equestrian skills in the village to set off to the capital for help with a letter with my seal on it."

That's too late.

Ning Feng sighed slightly, he could guess the result even without continuing to listen.

In this kind of film and television work with terrifying unfolding, no matter what the background and setting are, none of the people who set out to report the news like this can die well.


"Days passed, but the rescuers didn't come back... He never came back."

"Sent someone again, but also never returned."

"The villagers have changed, they have become more and more panicked, and there have been more conflicts with each other."

Fear will magnify the darkness in people's hearts, and everyone will become different when they are nervous.

"But I have no choice but to stop it. I'm just a pastor and I can't do more."

"When I found out that things really started to get out of control, it was when villagers started disappearing..."

clack clack...

It wasn't the ringing of the chains on his feet, but the soft sound of a layer of frost slowly forming on the table in the room.

The temperature is lower.

"I questioned all the villagers angrily, but no one told the truth...they were all pointing fingers and blaming others."

"In the end, I whipped and punished all the villagers who had clashed during this period, but even so, none of them came forward to admit it."

"They just looked at me with terrified eyes, like they were looking at a monster."

Sighing wearily, Charlie's emotions leveled as the memory progressed.

"While punishing them, I understand that everything is not resolved."

"It was also that day that I found that there was blood on the corner of my mouth."


His eyes widened slightly, but Ning Feng restrained the urge to ask, and waited for Charlie to explain.

"I'm starting to get scared."

"In the end what happened!?"

"Those people, are they really in danger on the road? Why is there blood at the corner of my mouth?"

Fear not only devoured the villagers, but also tormented Charlie's soul.

"Finally, I made a difficult decision that I didn't pray that day."

A devout fanatic gave up his daily prayers in order to figure out what happened to himself and the villagers.

"That night, I waited nervously, expecting and fearing...but nothing happened."

With a deep sense of confusion and confusion in his tone, Charlie grabbed his head with both hands and tore it hard.

"Is everything really just my hallucination? They really just encountered danger on the road and failed to make it back? What happened to the beast?"

"In an impulsive move to find out what was going on outside, I left the church with a lantern and came to the entrance of the village at midnight."

A pastor who had never given birth all his life and devoted himself to praying to the gods walked into the darkness in the middle of the night.

"I saw it! I saw the hideous monsters coming with the smell of blood, and I saw them eating the rotten bones on the ground."

"I'm terrified, I'm terrified to run away, but..."

"They ran away, and the moment they spotted me, they ran away in a panic."

Turning his head, Charlie stared at Ning Feng, with an indescribably complicated tone, and said with a half-crying smile:

"At that moment, I suddenly realized the difference."

"It turns out that the person who changed was actually me..."

Terrifying pupils stared at Ning Feng, Charlie paused for a moment, raised his hand firmly in pain, and finally pressed it on the bandage.

Undoing the bandages round and round, Bishop Charlie showed his true appearance in front of Ning Feng.

Just as a little bit of him was revealed, his body was like a mummy just taken out of the coffin.

Ferocious and terrifying, looking at it makes people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

Staring at Ning Feng, he said:

"I am the real monster."

But Ning Feng didn't retreat, instead he got closer and observed carefully.

From the texture of the muscle to the degree of rot and dryness, he did not let go of every part.

I was a little surprised by Ning Feng's actions, but Charlie didn't stop him, and continued:

"Moreover, this change didn't just happen to me, even our villagers...they also changed."

The palms were clenched tightly, and the cold aura emanating from Charlie's body became stronger.

"They turned into a bunch of walking dead undead... but unlike me, they didn't know what happened to them."

"The food has not been cooked for a long time, but they are still farming."

"Every time the sun rises and the moon sets, I feel a little change in myself."

"We are dead, but we are still alive."

Ning Feng was silent.

No, he has been silent for a long time.

For Bishop Charlie in front of him, and for all the villagers in the village.

"Alive" in a daze, their state is even worse than dying.

Want to help them?

miss you.

But what about the method?

In the silence, Ning Feng heard the same announcement as before:

[The contestants found the "Prophecy Book of Merlin VI" and revealed the truth of a corner of the world. 】

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