Be dragged into the room by the succubus

Chapter 151 Belonging to Shireen's Fall

"Do you know what a fall is?"

What is depravity?

This question is not so much a question to Shireen.

Rather, Ning Feng was asking himself a question.

This question has been accumulated in Ning Feng's mind for a long time.

It has always been the confusion that he deliberately wanted to avoid, but could not completely resolve.

Does Ning Feng understand everything?


Even if he is good at avoiding topics with words, even if he is used to disguising his heart with a changeable appearance, even if he is unwavering in front of Jiang Wan.

Is he really fearless about being corrupted?

Fear comes from the unknown.

And Ning Feng knew little about corruption.

His current strength, his vision, and his environment all limit him.

Ning Feng is not omniscient and omnipotent.

He is human.

is a real person.

Ning Feng is not a perfect moral model, he has various shortcomings.

He will be angry.

He is not a constant good man, he will choose to fight back when faced with blame and threats.

And it's not an equal counterattack, but a double one, trying to make the other party's heartache retaliate fiercely.

He will be greedy.

Although he understands the abyss of greed, he has been carefully walking on the edge of falling.

Who created the dilemma now between the two women?

Is it fate?

No, it was himself.

It was the ugly possessiveness in Ning Feng's heart that caused all this.

As long as you clearly cut off with one of them, the two proud and outstanding women will not be entangled any longer.

Knows the best way to do it, but he doesn't want to.

He doesn't want to let go.

He will be afraid.

There is nothing to hide, he is afraid of death, afraid of losing.

Even compared to death, he is more afraid of losing everything he has now.

He is more afraid of falling.

It's not that I'm afraid that others will fall, but I'm afraid that I will go down that path.

Was he really unaware of the changes in himself?

No, Ning Feng knew it, but he didn't bring it up.

He is changing.

He became more and more familiar with killing, and he even looked down on the death of others more and more in his heart.

It's just death.

It's just blood.

Even, began to yearn for...

Gradually, he transformed into an inhuman existence.

And he was aware of such a change, but he couldn't resist it.

He needs this strength.

Even if this power comes from the abyss.

And all he can do is resist silently and stick to his heart.

Now he is a semi-succubus, but he will not really step into that abyss.

He will always be him.

At least, Ning Feng believed so firmly.

But if one day, Ning Feng in the future makes a completely different choice from now...

So is he still him?

he does not know.

Ning Feng has been thinking.

During this period of time, he has experienced many things.

Also saw a variety of things.

But the more he saw, the more confused he became.

But what exactly is depravity?

Is it like Li Tianming, a traitor who surrenders to the gods?

He betrayed the expectations of others and selfishly chose the most despicable path.

But is there really nothing shining about him?

Will all fallen people be obsessed with resurrecting their families?

Maybe, but at least on this point, his depravity is not pure enough.

Is that physical uncleanness?

The combination with Jiang Wan allowed Ning Feng to meet the advanced conditions.

The impact on thinking can also be regarded as a kind of corruption.

But does this have to be set in stone?

Meet the surviving legendary angel in the hall of judges...

His body has long since perished, his soul has long been impure, and even existence itself can become a monster.

But has he fallen?

Ning Feng didn't think so.

Until the end, that angel still maintains himself.

He died as an angel.

The tenacious belief and the firm will in the heart made the angel never give up and kept fighting.

He never betrayed anyone, he never fell.

And with such positive examples, there are negative cases.

Also in the trial house, Ning Feng saw a completely depraved person——

Also only this soul remained, but she felt like a pure plague to Ning Feng.

Evil, corrupt, dark...

The thoroughness of her depravity made Ning Feng finally relieved.

This is what the fallen person in his impression should look like.

Behold, this is the real degenerate!

How pure!

Then why did you show such a relieved expression at the end?

Why shed tears like that?

Why should you thank me?

It seems... your depravity is not pure enough.

These things, the more they got in touch with each other, the more confused Ning Feng was.

But at least one thing is certain.

This thing is disgraceful and the opposite.

Everyone is resisting.

Then, just when he continued to suppress the doubts in his heart and planned to think slowly...

Margaret gave Ning Feng a head-on blow.

Smashed his arrogance severely.

She resisted Ning Feng's kind "help".

Margaret sees that as resisting the fall.

Could it be... am I a symbol of depravity?

Ning Feng didn't understand.

I fell into a deep confusion.

And the woman who is usually a good teacher and likes to instill some strange thinking while explaining is not around.

So in confusion, Ning Feng turned his attention to Xilin.

He doesn't mind showing her his confusion, just like what he said before, he would like to live a more real life in front of her.

But in fact Ning Feng didn't hold much hope.

He didn't feel like he had an answer.

This request for help can actually be seen as a sign of weakness.

Xilin has always given Ning Feng the feeling that she is a gentle and gentle person who is suitable to talk to.

A harbor that is good at soothing the soul.

At this moment, he didn't want to think about anything, he just wanted to seek a moment of peace with her.

No matter how depraved he is.

Whether he saves or not.

fuck it.

He didn't want to think about those things anymore.

"Fallen? This question is really sudden."

Xilin's fingers that stopped because of Ning Feng's question continued to knead after four or five seconds, pressing between his brows.

He felt the difference in Ning Feng's mood, but he didn't ask why, but spoke softly:

"The definition of this kind of thing is too broad, and I can't give you an answer."

Sure enough, Shireen couldn't explain it either.

"Really? Also..."

Not disappointed, but relieved, Ning Feng's opened eyes slowly closed after meeting Xilin's gaze.

"This question, we still have to wait until later to figure it out..."

It seems that you can only think on your own.

However, Ning Feng also miscalculated.

Because, after Shireen pondered for a while, she gave another answer.

her answer.

"However, I can talk about other things, maybe it will help your thinking."

Her face was stained a little pink, but she didn't look away, but looked down at Ning Feng who had her eyes closed.

"do you know?"

"The me now is very different from the me I used to be."

Trapped in memory, Shireen recalled the long time she had experienced for nearly 300 years.

"When I was young, I was a quiet child who didn't want to play with other people."

"After that, my relatives left me very early, and their departure made me more introverted."

He even hides and cultivates silently by himself...

Someone said: "A solitary person is either a beast or a god."

Shireen is neither.

She was just simply scared of strangers.

"Later, I felt that this was not enough, and I slowly got in touch with other people, and there were some improvements."

At least, although he is not good at it in his heart, there is no abnormality in his appearance.

It is enough to handle most occasions.

Shireen prefers an empty library to a crowd, where she can calm down more.

Having said that, she lightly poked Ning Feng's cheek with her finger.

"For me, before I met you, I never thought that I would become what I am now."

"I would care about a person like this, a man...a man who is younger than me."

A man who breaks into himself quickly, then acts recklessly, leaves a deep impression and doesn't want to leave.

Thinking of that unreliable prophecy, the expression on Shireen's face was a little weird.

Now, is it achieved?

Have you reached the point of no return?

Shireen didn't know, but she could still figure out what was going on in her heart.

She doesn't want to lose him.

Whether those precepts of the elves, or the reservedness of the longevity species, they are all false.

What is the reason?

Are there other possibilities?

Shireen told her clearly in her heart:

There is no other reason.

With a gentle smile and no confusion, Xilin's fingertips slid from Ning Feng's cheeks, caressing the tip of her nose.

With a self-deprecating smile, Shirene went on to say:

"It's not that I laugh at myself. I used to be very reluctant to contact others."

"Whether it's eyes or words, I don't like it, let alone physical contact."

"I actually hate the kind of woman who is easy to be hugged and then easily held."

No, you are not...

Ning Feng opened his eyes, but he could only see darkness.


Xilin covered Ning Feng's eyes with her hands.

"But for now, it's okay because I did become that kind of woman."

"Because I really fell in love with you."

Covering his sight, Shireen finally said that.

No more running away.

While blocking Ning Feng's sight, she raised her hand to tie the hair hanging by her ear.

"Look, if you say that this is depravity..."

Shireen doesn't have a definition of depravity, but she has an answer.

Laughing lightly, Shirene was shy, but no longer hesitated.

She bent down slowly, and gently kissed Ning Feng's lips.

"This is my downfall."

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